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    War Diary: 1st Bn Royal Tank Regiment

    Month and year: January 1944

    The 1st Battalion Royal Tank Regiment February 1944 war diary starts with the unit arriving in Scotland by sea and traveling to a camp at Didlington

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/865

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    By me a coffee

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    Page 1 of 1
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Map ref. 1"1.1.44 - 3.1.44At sea.
    Ordnance Survey4.1.44Arrived at a Scottish port.
    of England &5.1.44Preparing to disembark.
    Wales Sheet unit was disembarked and transported by rail to BRANDON Norfolk.
    The camp was situated at Didlington 2415.
    0900Morning Parade.
    1800Guard Mounting Parade.
    This constituted a normal day's routine.
    8.1.44) Normal Routine
    10.1.44) Normal Routine.
    11.1.44) A portion of the regiment went on leave each day, leaving only a small number
    12.1.44) for the purpose of guarding the camp. Scale of leave:-
    Men who had served less than two years abroad - 2 weeks.
    " " " " over two & less than four years abroad - 3 weeks.
    " " " " over four years abroad - 4 weeks.
    13.1.44 to 31.1.44Normal Routine.
    Major CRISP DSO MC commanded the unit during the transit period.
    Lt Col CARVER DSO MC commanded the unit from 22.1.44.

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    By me a coffee