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    War Diary: 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment - D Squadron

    Month and year: October 1944

    During October 1944 D Squadron, 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment are based in the UK taking part in exercise "Essex" and ferry gliders to Italy

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1234

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    KEEVIL1st.Advance Party to new Station - R.A.F. Station WETHERSFIELD, Essex.
    2nd.Packing commenced for move. Ferrying of Gliders commenced.
    3rd.Normal Training.
    4thNormal Routine.
    5th.Move commenced - Stores etc: ferried to WETHERSFIELD by road.
    6th.Normal Routine.
    7th.Normal Routine.
    8th.Normal Routine.
    9th.Main Party proceeded by road to WETHERSFIELD. Rear Party - S.Q.M.S. & 3
    remained at KEEVIL until 12th. October. 5 Crews, plus Major, Lyne left
    FAIRFORD ferrying Gliders to ITALY.
    10th.Normal Routine.
    11th.Normal Routine.
    12th.Normal Routine,
    13th.Normal Routine.
    14th.Squadron returned from leave. Wing location MARKS HALL with H.O. C.G.P.
    15th.Normal Routine.
    16th.Normal Routine.
    17th.5 Crews returned from ITALY.
    18th.Major. Lyne returned from ITALY.
    19th.Major. Lyne & Capt. Barclay. MC. to Conference at H.Q. No.1. Wing by Col.
    Chatterton & Lt-Col. Murray. Subject - Re-Organisation of Squadrons and
    Future Policies. 'D'. Squadron to be 3 Flights of 18 Crews plus Squadron
    H.Q. of 4 Crews. 8 Flight Commander: Lieut. Strathern, 13 Flight: Capt.
    Cairns & 21 Flight: Capt. Barclay. MC.
    20th.Squadron Conference of Officers. Flights re-organised. Conversion Courses
    1st. Pilots from 2nd. Pilots commenced in Squadron.
    21st.Major, J. F. Lyne awarded the Military Cross for gallantry on 'D' Day Operations.
    Heartiest congratulations from Squadron. Lt-Col. I. A. Murray awarded DSO
    Heartiest congratuations from the Squadron.
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    WETHERSFIELD22nd.S/Sgt. Helme. E. Sgt. Dow. A.R. & Sgt. Shannon. V. returned to Squadron.
    escaped P.O.W. from NORMANDY Operations.
    23rd.Preliminary instructions for Exercise 'ESSEX'.
    24th.Normal Routine.
    25th.1st. Pilot to 'C'. Squadron. (S/Sgt. Morgan. W). 'ESSEX' postponed.
    26th.6. 1st. Pliots to 'G' Squadron. Lieuts. J.P.F.R. de Mey is H.J.W. White
    attached pending posting.
    27th.Lieut. K F. Strathern promoted A/Capt. on taking over the commend of 8 Flight.
    'ESSEX' postponed until 28th.
    28th.'ESSEX' postponed 24 hours. General. Browning & Col. Chatterton visited
    Station. 14623984. Sgt. Haig. L. awarded Military Medal for conspicious
    gallentry during Airborne Operations over HOLLAND
    29th.131330 Crews on Exercise 'ESSEX'. 28 Crews took off. 2 Forced landed near
    READING. 1 Forced landed at KEEVIL No. damage or Injuries.
    30th.2250Glider on night flying crashed on edge of Airfield. S/Sgt. Sharpe 21 Flight
    Broken Ankle.
    31st.Lit-Col. I. A. Murray. DSO visited Squadron,

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