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    War Diary: 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment - A Squadron

    Month and year: July 1944

    During the 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment July A Squadron 1944 war diary Glider L.H. 222 piloted by S/Sjt Johnstone ran into Glider L.H.552 piloted S/Sjt Jenkins on the ground resulting no injuries

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1234

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Base1No Flying.
    "2" "
    "3" "
    "4Normal Routine - 295 Squadron 14 lifts, 570 Squadron 23. Total time 20hrs 35 mins.
    "51 Glider retrieved from DOWNHAM Market by 295 Squadron.
    "6Normal Routine - 295 Squadron 16 lifts, 570 Squndron 26. Total time - 20hrs 25 mins.
    "7No Day Flying. Night Flying 9 lifts by 295 Squadron. Total time 6 hrs.
    0230Glider L.H. 222 Pilot S/Sjt Johnstone ran into Glider L.H.552 Pilot S/Sjt
    Jenkins, on the ground, no injuries.
    "8No Flying.
    1200Lt. General F.A.M. Browing, D.S.O., Commander Airborne Forces, spoke to
    Pilots of "A" Squadron. - No Flying.
    "9No Flying.
    "1016 Crews under Captain J.N.G. Hardie proceeded to SHREWTON for Tiger Moth
    Refresher Flying. 5 Gliders retrieved from NETHERAVON.
    Page 2 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Base11Normal Routine - 570 Squadron 10 lifts, 295 Squadron 6 lifts. Total
    3 hrs. 35 rins.
    "12Normal Routine. 570 Squadron 10 lifts. Total 5 hrs. 45 mins.
    "13Normal Routine
    "14Normal Routine
    "15No Flying.
    "16Normal Routine.
    "17Normal Routine.
    "18Main Runway up. - No Flying.
    "19" " " " "
    "20" " " " "
    "21" " " " "
    "22Flying resumed. SHREWTON party proceeded to R.A.F. Station, HAMPSTEAD
    "23SLEAP party returned, - Normal Routine.
    Page 3 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Base243 Crews to HAMESTEAD NORRIS and 4 Crews to SLEAP.
    9 Lifts. Total Flying 3 hrs.
    "25No Flying
    "26No Flying
    "27No Flying.
    "28No Flying.
    "29No Flying.
    "306 Lifts: Total Flying 1 hour - 295 Squadron.
    "314 Lifts - Total Flying 2 hrs 5 mins - 570 Squadron. - 1 Lift - 35 mins
    295 Squadron.

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    By me a coffee