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    War Diary: 12th Devonshire Regiment

    Month and year: March 1944

    During the 12th Bn Devonshire Regiment March 1944 war diary the unit took part in exercise BIZZ2, during the exercise D Coys glider crashed into the sea killing one.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1279

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    4th.Field return of Officers for w.e. 4 MAR rendered to G.H.Q. 2nd Ech."A"
    Field return of O.Rs. for w.e. 4 MAR rendered to G.H.Q. 2nd. Ech."B"
    8th.Bn paraded at BULFORD for visit to 6 Airborne Div of General Sir
    Bernard L. Montgomery KCB DSO., C in C., 21st. Army Group.
    9/10th.Bn Exercise "LEADERSHIP".
    11th.Field return of officers for w.e. 11 MAR rendered to GHQ. 2nd Ech."C"
    Field return of O.Rs for w.e. 11 MAR rendered to GHQ. 2nd Ech."D"
    14/16th.Bn took part in 6 Airldg Bde Exercise "PRANG" . (Field firing at
    DUNSTER, Somerset).
    18th.Field return of Offiers for w.e. 18 MAR rendered to GHQ 2nd Ech."E"
    Field return of O.Rs for w.e. 18 MAR rendered to GHQ 2nd Ech."F"
    20/24th.Preparations for Bn move to WOODHALL SPA, Lincs.
    24th.Gliders loaded at ALDERMASTON aerodrome for Exercise "BIZZ 2"
    25th.Field return of Officers for w.e. 25 MAR rendered to GHQ 2nd Ech."G"
    Field return of O.Rs for w.e. 25 MAR rendered to GHQ 2nd Ech."H" (Cont'd)
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    25/27th.Bn took part in 6 Airborne Div airborne Exercise" BIZZ2". One
    glider carrying 22 Pl, D Coy crashed into sea 12 miles off
    PORTLAND BILL. One O.R. drowned. Remainder of pl and pilots
    rescued by Air-Sea Rescue Service within 60 minutes and landed at
    LYME REGIS. Nine detained in hospital for treatment of injuries.
    29th.Advance party under command Major P. Gleadell left BULFORD for
    WOODHALL SPA, Lincs to take over Kirkby Moor Camp from 7 KOSB.
    Advance party of 7 KOSB arrived BULFORD to take over Bulford
    Fields Camp from 12 DEVON.
    31st.Main body of Bn, less Rear Party, moved by road and rail from
    BULFORD to WOODHALL SPA under comd 6 Airldg Bde.
    1 - 31stNormal Coy and Pl Training.

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