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    War Diary: 1st Assault Brigade HQ

    Month and year: June 1944

    The 1st Assault Brigade HQ June 1944 war diary covers the units time in Aldeburgh and the Comd embarking on to LCTs for Normandy

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1797

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    ALDEBURGH1Capt EW BAKER (LOI) appointed SC wef 20 Apr
    2Bde Comd watches loading of 26 80 81 and 82 Sqns
    3Bde Comd embarks on LCT 1314A of 80 Sqn
    1600Maj RW EWBANK and GS 03 (Capt LONNON) return from 42 Aslt Regt
    40830Maj EWBANK leaves to visit Adv Sqns
    51900Maj EWBANK returns Bde Comd sails
    62000IO Lt JV COWEN returns. 'D' day Bde Comd lands with 80 Sqn as observer
    7Issue of trg pamphlet Breaching of ObstaclesAppx A
    8Issue of pamphlet Aslt RE Eqpt and TrgAppx B
    IO (Lt JV COWEN) promoted A/Capt wef 10 May to implement new WE
    9Comd sails from France Capt EW BAKER (SC) appointed DAA & QMG
    to implement new WE wef 10 May
    10Instrs received to move to conc area
    12Move of Bde HQ incl Pk Sqn Ord Fd Pk and Wksp to EASTBOURNE
    EASTBOURNEReturn of Comd from units in France * Comd and BM to Div HQ (Main)*Appx C
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    14Maj WALKER appointed 2IC 5 Regt in France
    15Comd to WO and 42 Regt
    16Half of A tp less Lt WIDDUP and 4 ORs returns from Adv Dump
    Sat17Remainder A tp incl Lt WIDDUP returns from Adv Dump
    Adv Dump handed over to 42 Regt
    19Gen Sir Percy Hobart Comd Armd Div visits 79 this HQ Receipt of Op O from 5 Regt Appx D
    21Comd lectures to all Bde Offrs and ORs on Aslt activities in France
    22Bde Comd and DAA & QMC to War Office and 2 Ech
    24-25Bde Comd and BM visit Residues and 42 Regt
    27-282130Bde HQ, Sigs, Pk Wksp and Ord Fd Pk on Ex Return of Bde Comd
    29Visit of ADMS

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