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    War Diary: 1st Battalion Buckinghamshire Regiment

    Month and year: May 1944

    The 1st Battalion Buckinghamshire Regiment May 1944 including inspections by General Dwight Eisenhower, H.M. KING GEORGE VI, G.O.C., Gen RENNIE and Col. E.J. MONTGOMERY

    The May 1944 war diary starts on the 20th the pages for the days before are missing from the original document.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1269

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    201500Gen DWIGHT EISENHOWER, Supreme Comd of the Allied Forces, inspected dets of
    Units in PETWORTH III CAMP. Before he left, he gave a short talk on the
    forth coming invasion which created great confidence and enthusiasm.
    211100Conference of Coy Comds to discuss possible promotions, as a result of which
    30 men were appointed ULC, and 4 ULCs promoted to A/Cpls.
    221530Representatives of all units in 6 Beach Gp, including the whole Bn which was
    formed up 6 deep, were inspected by H.M. KING GEORGE VI, who was accompanied
    by the G.O.C., Gen RENNIE and Col. E.J. MONTGOMERY, MBE and the Gp Comd.
    The following Officers and W. Os were introduced to His Majesty:- Maj. CARSE,
    Capt. J.D.BICKNELL, Staff Captain, R.S.M. ROBEY, DCM and R.S.M. STEVENS, 245
    HQ Pro Coy., CMP. His Majesty also spoke to several others. His Majesty
    was very impressed with the smartness of the turnout considering the conditions
    in which the men were living, and the Sub-Area Comd added that he had never
    seen such a smart ceremonial parade since the beginning of the war.
    23The C.O. sent the following message to the Mayor when AYLESBURY passed its
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    23 (cont'd)target in 'SALUTE the SOLDIER' week in honour of this Bn, with the object of
    paying for its equipment and transport to BERLIN. "Heartiest Congratulations
    on passing your target. Will be able to travel Pullman now. Well done AYLESBURY!"
    24Normal trg.
    25Normal trg.
    260001All camps were sealed, and none allowed out except with a permit from U.S.O.
    0700A memorial service in remembrance of the Battle of HAZEBROUKE 1940 was held
    in the Cinema.
    0900Gp Comd, Staff and unit Comds attended briefing conference by Sub-Area Comd,
    which lasted all day. Naval & RAF Senior Officers spoke on the air and sea
    power to be used.
    270900Gp Comd briefed all officers in the Gp on Operation "OVERLORD".
    1530Gp Comd briefed all officers of 5 Beach Gp who came under comd.
    280800Sub - Units commenced briefing, which lasted all day.
    290800Sub - Units continued briefing.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    300800Sub - Units continued briefing.
    1730A det of A/TK Pl left to proceed to 'J' Marshalling Area.
    2030Gp Comd held conference of all Os.C. units in which all last minute
    discrepancies were fixed, and the movement of the Gp to Marshalling Areas
    was ordered.
    310800All papers and documents except those of operations necessity were destroyed.

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