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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion Devonshire Regiment

    Month and year: December 1944

    The 2nd Battalion Devonshire Regiment December 1944 covers the units fighting in Belgium and Holland

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1278

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    Page 1 of 16
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    DILSON.Dec 1st.After a good fast moonlight drive via GRAVE, EINDHOVEN, and WEERT
    we arrived in our new conc area DILSEN 5972 situated WEST of the MAAS, about
    midway between MAESEYCK and MAASTRICHT. The Bn was billetted in
    houses around the village, and we immediately came under command of
    131 Lorried Infantry Brigade. This reborn Bde now consisted of 1/5 QUEENS,
    9 DLI, and ourselves. Our new Bde Comd was Brig T.G. Spurling late of
    69 Bde.
    1000At 1000 hrs we were visited by our Div Comd Maj Gen, L.O.Lyne, DSO.,
    Later in the morning Officers from 131 Lorried Inf Bde came to introduce
    themselves to us.
    Dec 2nd.The next few days were spent in reorganisation. Maj G.B.Browne,
    left us and took over 2 IC 1 Hamps Regt. Maj G.B.Drewitt assumed 2 IC
    this Bn.
    Dec 3rd.Comd Offr attended a Conference at Div H2 at 1000hrs.
    Padre held a Church Service in 'SP' Coys' Lines. More rain fell
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    DILSEN.Dec 3rd.this afternoon and it continued throughout the night.
    Dec 4th.The Bn attended a lecture at BREE given by the Div Comd. He
    welcomed us to 7th Arm'd Div and disclosed that 'Privilege Leave' to the
    U.K. would commence on Jan 1st, 1945.
    1015At 1015 hrs the Comd Offr and IO left to visit the Welsh Gds in
    OVERHOVEN, near SITTARD 6968. We are due to relieve the Guard Armd Div
    later in the week.
    1500A Bn Sig exercise was held during the afternoon. At 1500 hrs a
    Fd Security Offr visited us regarding some documents and photographs which
    one of our Snipers had discovered in a house in the village. The F.S.O.
    informed us that it had lead to the discovery of an ex German S.S. Man, who
    was now acting as interpreter to a Unit in the British Second Army.
    In the evening the Comd Offr attended a conference at Bde HQ
    Dec 5thA quiet day. Bn 'O' Group was held in the morning and Lieut Gen
    B.G.HORROCKS, CB., DSO., MC., Comd 30 Corps visited us during the afternoon
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    DILSEN.Dec 5th.In the evening, Offrs of the Bde and 1st R. Tks were invited to the
    mess for drinks.
    Dec 6th.An uneventful morning except for the ceaseless hum of 4 engined bombers
    flying towards Germany. At midday Bn Recce party left for Overhoven.
    Dec 7th.0800At 0800 hrs the Bn formed up to move into Holland to relieve the
    2nd Bn Welsh Gds. Bn conc in Ophoven at 1000 hrs and Coys began to move into
    the fwd areas shortly after 1500 hrs Bn. HQ, moved to St Josef's School
    OVERHOVENat 1515 hrs and the Bn was in posn by 1830 hrs. 'A' and 'SP' Coys were in
    and DISTRICT.TUDDERN 7071. 'C' and 'D' Coys in MILLEN 6971. 'B' Coy were in reserve
    in Overhoven just in the rear of Bn. HQ. Thus we found ourselves in
    the novel posn of working in 3 countries at the same time. The fwd Coys
    were in Germany, Bn HQ., and the reserve Coy in Holland and 'B' Ech was
    still operating in Belgium.
    During the relief 'A Coy were shelled and 'C' Coy mortared four
    casualties were sustained.
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    OVERHOVEN.Dec 7th.Rain began to fall again and became heavy as the night drew on.
    Dec 8th.A very quiet day. Div Comd called during the morning. We sent out
    Mine Recce Patrols from 'C' and 'D' Coys during the evening and early morning.
    Both Patrols returned safely with N.T.R.
    Dec 9th.To-day we had the first taste of snow on the Continent, and apart from
    this had nothing to report. During the early evening a Recce Patrol of
    A' Coy which included 2 Assault Pioneers went out along the main road
    TUDDERN - HONGEN 7370 to search for mines. About 400 yds from HONGEN they
    discovered TELLERMINES on the road. Patrol took up protective posn whilst
    the Pioneers swept the road. Almost immediately they were fired on by the
    Boche from posns about 100 yds away. The enemy began to come fwd and our
    Patrol rapidly withdrew.
    Dec 10th.To-day the Germans began leaflet shoots. They fired leaflet shells
    into 'D' Coys' area. All leaflets had the same basic principle, i.e.
    attempting to encourage desertion. Our standing patrols reported
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    OVERHOVEN.Dec 10thcontinuous enemy movement from the direction of German held HAVERT 7172
    throughout the night.
    Dec. 11th.During the morning enemy were seen moving about in front of 'C' Coy.
    Our Gunners livened up their movement with a sharp stonk of 100 shells.
    The remainder of the daylight hours passed quietly.
    Shortly after dark, aircraft dropped flares over 'A' Coy posns but
    nothing materialised. Another quiet night and our standing Patrols did
    not report anything.
    Dec 12th.An uneventful morning and after the mid-day meal 'B' Coy relieved
    C' Coy in MILLEN.
    After dark 'D' Coy sent out a Recce Patrol to houses SE of
    ISENBRUCH 7172 but did not locate any enemy mines or defences.
    Dec 13th.To-day we had a visit from the War Corespondent of the Express and
    Echo, a local Devon paper. He visited fwd Coys and interviewed a number
    of Devonians.
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    OVERHOVEN.Dec 13th.During the day-light hours our snipers Operated in front of 'D' Coy,
    but were unable to find any targets.
    Dec 14th.0400At 0400 hrs a Recce Patrol from 'B' Coy returned after searching the
    area of GUT ALFENS 7172. Considerable movement and noise was heard in this area
    On the journey back to our lines the guide wire from 'B' Coy fwd posn through
    the minefields was found to be cut. Evidently a Boche patrol had been in
    during our Patrols' absence. During the morning and afternoon our gunners
    were engaged in a 'Corps Shoot' on the enemy's rear areas and lines of
    Shortly after dark the Assault Pioneers sent out a Recce Patrol to
    locate enemy mines in front of 'B' Coy. The only discovery was a booby-
    trap left by our American Friends when they operated in this area prior to
    Second Army taking over the sector.
    Dec 15th.During the early hours a number of flying bombs were observed flying in
    a South Westerly direction. Otherwise the night passed quietly, the day
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    OVERHOVEN.Dec 15th.too was uneventful, and apart from extensive patrolling by 'A' and 'B' Coys
    at night we had nothing to report.
    Dec 16th.To-day was a red letter day. 'The Bn U.K. LEAVE' allotment had arrived and
    a ballot was to be held. The IO was instructed to find a charming lady
    in the town to draw the name slips from the ballot box. She duly arrived
    and her presence somewhat brightened the atmosphere of Bn HQ.,
    1030At 1030 hrs the lucky individuals names began to be taken out. The
    remainder of the day passed quietly. Soon after dark 'D' Coy sent out a
    Recce Patrol to the GUT ALFENS area. This area was an out post posh of
    the main German line and not always occupied. The Patrol consisted of
    2 Offrs and 2 ORs. When nearing their objective, the two Offrs moved on
    alone. Movement was heard about 10 yards away on their left. Capt Wood
    (Patrol Comd) opened up immediately with his sten, but as he fired and enemy
    reifleman fired and the second Offr, Lt Futter was hit in the chest and
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    OVERHOVEN.Dec 16th.seriously wounded. Capt Wood was not able to evacuate him and as he
    moved back he too was fired on but returned safely with the 2 ORs.
    It is presumed that Lieut Futter is a wounded P.O W.
    Dec 17th.1010At 1010 hrs an enemy jet propelled aircraft flew at zero feet over
    A' Coy HQ, and during the afternoon the SITTARD area was shelled.
    1730C' Coy relieved 'D' Coy without incident. At 1730 hrs we came
    under cond of 22 Armd Bde as the 9 D L I and 1/5 QUEENS were pulled out of
    1810the line for a rest. At 1810 hrs we received the unwelcome attention
    of the Luftwaffe. A number of enemy planes attacked the Bn HQ area and
    about 30 heavy bombs were dropped. Many houses just to our rear suffered
    direct hits, and many civilians were killed. Our casualties were light.
    1 man was killed, and 1 wounded. During the raid a number of phospherous
    incendiary bombs were dropped in front of our fwd Coy posns.
    2200Soon after 2200 hrs we received a warning from Bde HQ., to be on the
    alert for parachutists however nothing materialised in our area.
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    OVERHOVENDec.18Early this morning the house next to our RAP which had earlier
    been hit by a bomb burst into flame. The SITTARD civilian fire brigade
    was soon on the job and before long the fire was under control.
    As far as our sector was concerned the day passed quietly, but not
    for our American friends further south. We learned that a big German offensive
    had begun against the U.S. 1st Army and the enemy were breaking into the Ardennes.
    To-day we were informed that 3 enemy aircraft failed to return after
    last nights' raid as the A.A. boys had shot them down in the SITTARD area.
    Shortly before mid-night a warning came from Bde that an intercept had been
    received on 100 black objects believed to be gliders flying in our direction.
    Coys were 'Stood to' but an all clear was given 30 mins later.
    Dec 19thDuring the next few days considerable noise and movement including
    tracked vehs could be heard the whole way along our front. This was later
    discovered to be caused by gramaphones used by the enemy to induce us to
    think he was building up for an attack on our front.
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    OVERHOVEN.Dec 19th1115At 1115 hrs 'D' Coy was shelled by a 105 mm gun, otherwise we had
    yet another quiet day.
    Dec 20th.A quiet night, patrols returned with N.T.R.
    1650During the morning we received more leafelet shells. At 1650 hrs
    about 10 Germans were seen by 'B' Coy advancing towards their Coy lines.
    Arty was called for, they scattered, went to ground and were not seen again.
    1700At 1700 hrs we went back under Comd 131 Lorried Inf Bde as the 1/5 QUEENS
    had come back into the line on our right. The Durhams stayed in reserve
    in GELEEN. During the day, the enemy facing us played their gramaphone
    records frequently. Just prior to midnight our mediums carried out a
    harrassing shoot on SAEFFELEN 7571 and HONGEN 7370.
    Dec 21stAnother quiet right. Our Patrols again reported vehicle movement.
    1100At 1100 hrs we were visited by the Div Comd. A civilian who had
    gone to MILLEN to collect his father who had returned to collect potatoes
    informed us that his father was missing. Evidently the old man had
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    OVERHOVEN.Dec 2stwondered into no mans land in the fog and the Germans had no doubt detained
    him. Throughout the day the familiar strains of the Boche gramaphone
    could be heard. Bde informed us to-night that we were to find a Guard for
    SITTARD Civilian Telephone Exchange commencing tomorrow. This was provided by
    the reserve Coy.
    Dec 22nd.Enemy patrols were active on our front during the night and it was
    found that mines laid across road in front of 'A' Coy had been removed.
    These were relaid by us on the following night.
    During the afternoon 'A' Coy was relieved by 'D' Coy. This after-
    noon we received Xmas greetings from the Hun in the form of pamphlets inviting
    us to desert or surrender. We returned his gift in the form of a sharp
    2200Arty stonk. At 2200 hrs we were shelled for about 20 mins in the
    Bn HQ area, but no casualties were sustained.
    Dec 23rdSoon after 0200 hrs 'A' Coy in reserve received the attention of guns
    0200from the Siegfried Line. The shelling continued for some hours and their HQ
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    OVERHOVEN.Dec 23rd.was hit but only a few minor casualties occured. Later in the morning
    A' Coy moved their HQ and at mid-day they had a few Christmas cards from
    the boche. During the afternoon our Arty engaged suspected enemy gun posns.
    Just after dark enemy aircraft dropped flares over the 'C' Coy area.
    Dec 24th.Enemy patrol, 6 strong reached the wire in front of centre Pl 'B' Coy
    0415at 0415 hrs. They were engaged by small arms and rapidly withdrew. Our
    1000own Patrol returned safely with N.T.R. At 1000 hrs the Comd Offr and a
    Recce Party of 9 D.L.I. arrived and spent remainder of morning looking over
    1200our posns. Enemy recce aircraft flew over our lines at mid-day and was
    immediately seen off by the L.A.A.
    Harrassing fire was carried out by our Arty, 3 R.H.A on Enemy F.D.Ls,
    also a troop of Bofors carried our a harrassing shoot on the road HAVERT -
    SCHALBURCH, 7173. Christmas Eve passed quietly. All was quiet on our
    Dec 25th.A very quiet day. The weather was cold but fine and enemy recce aircraft
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    OVERHOVEN.DEC 25.flew over twice before mid-day. No celebrations were held within the Bn.
    We were due to be relieved tomorrow and the Comd Offr decided to have our
    festivities during our rest period. A service was held by the Padre
    during the morning in a small damaged factory in the reserve area.
    1445The Bde Comd visited us at 1445 hrs to wish us the compliments of the
    season and he stayed with us to hear the broadcast of the Cpl of the 1/5
    QUEENS who were on our right flank and also the speech of 'His Majesty The
    An uneventful night except for the observation of V.2s being
    launched in the distance. Our Patrols returned safely with N.T.R.
    Dec 26thJust after day break, we learned that 11 Hussars who were holding
    GEBROEK 6575 has been attacked by a small enemy force and had been forced
    to give ground. Comd Offr and Coy Comds left for GELEEN 6665 to recce our
    new area and at mid-day our Durham friends began to exchange with our Coys.
    Relief was completed by 1600 hrs when Comd passed to Comd Offr 9 DLI.
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    OVERHOVENDec 26th.Bn were all in billets around the GELEEN area by 1830 hrs.
    GELEEN1830In this area we had a dual role. (A) The defence of GELEEN
    (B) To take up posns on the high ground SE of SITTARD in the event of a
    German break through. Tonight we were pleased to hear that 11 Hussars had
    counter attacked the enemy at GEBROEK and installed themselves once more in
    that village.
    Dec 27thA fine morning with a very sharp frost. Coys went for a rd walk
    and run to their defensive posns on the high ground SE of SITTARD.
    Christmas dinners were held by all Coys and the Cond Offr visited
    each Coy in turn. During the next few days all Coys ran dances which
    were very successful.
    Dec 28thA sharp fall of snow during the night. All Offrs attended a lecture
    given by the Comd Offr of 1 R. Tks on Tank Co-operations. Maj J P.Rowe MBE
    Comd 'A' Coy left for Staff College in England. Capt P.F Anderson our Adjt
    took over Comd of 'A' Coy and was promoted A/Maj. Capt D.J.Wiltsher became Adjt.
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    GELEEN.Dec 29thMore snow - All Offrs attended T.W.E.T controlled by Div Comd .-
    Subject 'Tank Co-operation'.
    Dec 30thAnother quiet day. Snowed hard and then froze. Comd Offr and
    IO attended Conference at 22nd Armd Bde HQ.
    Dec 31stYet another uneventful day with more snow.
    After dark enemy aircraft became active but no incidents were reported
    in our area.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    GELEEN31 Dec1955Consolidated list of 'Casualties sustained in Battle'
    for month of DECEMBER.
    16 Dec 44. 261666 WS/Lieut H.L.Futter - Missing Believed P.O.W.
    (Known to have been wounded prior to capture)
    Dec 7th 44. 2 ORs Wounded in Action.
    Dec 17th 44. 1 OR Wounded in Action. 1. OR. Killed in Action.
    Dec 22nd 44. 2 ORs Wounded in Action.

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