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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion The Cheshire Regiment

    Month and year: October 1944

    The 2nd Battalion Cheshire Regiments October 1944 war diary covers the units time in the Netherlands in the area around Slijk Ewijk

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1276

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    Page 1 of 20
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Original war Diary for the month of October 1944
    of 2nd Bn the Cheshire Regiment
    during the whole of this period the Bn was
    commanded by Lt Col. S.U Keeling D.S.O. and
    under operational command of 50th (Northumbrian)
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    M/R 5523581st1500Recce party left this afternoon to find new area for proposed move tomorrow
    morning. Recce party composed of the following personnel:
    2 i/c. Major.H.R. Moon - O.C. HQ Coy. Capt D.E. Peck - Technical Adjutant
    Capt Walkinshaw and the R.S.M and I.D.R.
    1730Recce party returns having found a suitable area just over Grave bridge
    in some fields. Mens cookhouse and the D.R's are, however, under cover.
    Some enemy shelling this afternoon in area Nijmegen. Enemy air activity
    slight. A.P. bombs dropped on a neighbouring Field Ambulance causing
    several casualties. Some counter-battery work by our guns. Strong fighter
    aircraft patrols up most of the day - seems to be a shuttle service over
    Nijmegen bridge and surrounding area. The Commanding Officer paid a short
    visit to Divisional HQ this morning.
    2nd0830Formed up in convoy ready to move off on tail of Main Div Hq column.
    0900Column moved off to new location passing through Boekel - Volkel - Uden
    and Grave. Bridge at Grave has been damaged by shelling but not to such
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    2nd (cont)an extent as to interfere with traffic. Tail of column cleared bridge by
    1030 hrs.
    1115Arrived at new locn in open fields surrounding a farmhouse, Some enemy
    shelling during afternoon and evening.
    1400Commanding Officer pays visits to "A" and "C" Coys.
    1630Returns to Main HQ.
    50(N) Division assumed command of EASTERN sector of the Nijmegen bridgehead
    at 1400 hrs this afternoon.
    Evening spent in digging in and settling down in the new location.
    3rd0900Commanding Officer to attend a conference re taking over the Eastern sector
    of the Nijmegen bridgehead,
    1000Returns to Main HQ and orders Tac HQ to be ready to move off and over Nijmegen
    bridge at 1130 hrs.
    1130Tac HQ plus one or two other essential vehicles of Main HQ leave for new
    location on the other side of Nijmegen Bridge
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    3rd (cont)slight enemy air attack whilst Tac HQ were crossing Nijmegen Bridge and
    I FW 190 was shot down by our ack ack. Some enemy shelling of the bridge and
    1445Arrived at new locn after a journey lasting nearly 3 hours - a distance
    of approx 10 miles.
    New locn in an orchard surrounding a farmhouse. Remainder of day spent
    in digging in. Some shelling of the bridge area during the night.
    A.P. bombs were dropped by enemy aircraft during the early morning.
    Slijk Ewijk4thAn attack is being launched this morning by 231 Bde and 151 Inf Bde.
    C.O. I.O and Adjt up most of the night working out Task Tables and Traces
    Coys in support as follows:-
    "A" Coy and 15 and 14 Plns of "D"Coy in sp of 151 Bde attack 1400 hrs.
    "C" Coy and 12 and 13 Plns "D"Coy in sp of 231 Inf Bde attack at 1200 hrs.
    1115C.O leaves to watch progress of attack from 151 Bde HQ.
    1330151 Inf Bde attack goes according to plan and although heavy enemy opposition
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    Slijk Ewijk4th (cont)was encountered all objectives were captured.
    1430231 Inf Bde attack goes according to plan and although they also encountered
    strong enemy opposition all their objectives were captured.
    1630Commanding Officer and the L.O. return to Main HQ.
    Enemy air activity slight. Fair amount of enemy shelling during the evening.
    " "5th0630C.O. leaves to contact Major Mellor O.C. "B" Coy who is at present restingSee Appendix "J"
    with his Company South of the Waal, and instructs him to place his Company2 Cheshire Fire Plan
    in a suitable position on the South side of the Waal, East of Nijmegen,in Support of 151 Inf
    so as to cover the factories on the north side of the river, in the HaalderenBde.
    area, with flanking fire. "A" Coy is also supporting this attack by 151 Inf
    Bde on to the factories in the Haalderen area.
    Attack is brought forward to 1200 hrs today.
    1200Attack launched with success - all objectives gained.
    1430C.O returns to Main HQ.
    Enemy air activity nil. The weather for the past two days has been bitterly cold.
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    Slijk Ewijk6th0730The Commanding Officer and the L.O. leave to contact 82 Airborne Division
    American Army who are holding the sector of the front across the River Waal
    SE of Nijmegen. Object to find a suitable OP for mortars.
    1000Commanding Officer returns.
    1200Message received that the Division is being relieved by 101 Airborne Div.
    1430Recce party leaves to find a suitable concentration area South of Nijmegen
    1630Bn HQ is moving the day after tomorrow.
    231 Inf Bde is being relieved on the morning of the 7th.
    151 Inf Bde is being relieved on the night of the 7th.
    "A" and "C" Coys are to leave with their respective Bdes and once over Nijmegen
    Bridge to proceed under their own steam to the Battalion concentration area
    South of Nijmegen. Length of stay approx 4 days.
    Visits today from the Commanding Officer of the Middlesex Bn - the MG Bn
    of 43 Div and the Commanding Officer of the Mancheter Bn - the MG Bn of 53
    (W) Div re handing over of Coy and Pln posns to them. Some enemy shelling
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    Slijk Ewijk6th (cont)this evening. Enemy air activity slight.
    " "7th1030"C" Coy leaves for concentration with 231 Inf Bde.
    1430Large armada of "heavies" over this afternoon presumably on their way to
    the Ruhr - two were shot down in flames by enemy ack ack.
    1830"A" Coy leaves for concentration area with 151 Bde.
    Bn HQ is moving tomorrow morning to Bn concentration area South of Nijmegen.
    Heavy smoke screen over Nijmegen bridge this evening. Bridge is illuminated
    by a searchlight at night possibly as an anti-sabotage measure.
    Some enemy counter battery work during the day. Enemy air activity nil.
    " "8th0700Commanding Officer is called to Divisional HQ to attend a conference.
    1000Message received from the C.O. that the move is cancelled and Divisional
    HQ is returning to its old area North of the Waal and Bn HQ is remaining
    where it is.
    Coys and Bdes are also returning to the North of the River Waal.
    1100Recce party contacts Div HQ re Bn HQ area - permission is given for us to
    remain in same locn.
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    Slijk Ewijk8th (cont)Capt. Rowlands is posted to "D" Coy ex Divisional Counter Mortar Officer.
    Coys are now in sp of Bdes and under Regimental command of Bn HQ.
    "A" Coy and 15 Pln are in sp of 69 Bde.
    "C" Coy and 14 Pln are in sp of 231 Bde.
    "B" Coy and 13 Pln are in reserve in Nijmegen to be used in a counter attack
    role with 151 Inf Bde. 12 Hvy Mortar Pln is also in reserve at "D" Coy HQ
    at Slijk Ewijk. Defensive Fire Plan to cover the Divisional front is
    prepared by the Commanding Officer,See Appendix "J"
    Enemy air activity slight.2 Cheshire Defensive Fire
    " "9thOrganisation put into effect for the control of the D.F. Tasks on the DivPlan for MMG's & 4.2
    front (2 Bde). It is necessary for an officer to be in constant line andMortars.
    wireless communications with the Coys concerned.
    0900C.O. visits Coys and Bdes re D.F. Tasks.
    1300Returns to Main HQ.
    1430Leaves to see Maj-Gen Graham G.O.C. 50 (N) Div re D.F. Tasks.
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    Slijk Ewijk9th (cont)Returns to Main HQ.
    Some enemy shelling and counter battery work. Enemy air activity slight
    during the early hours of the morning.
    " "10th0900C.O. visits Coys and Bdes thence on to Divisional HQ.
    1530Returns to Main HQ.
    Amendments to D.F. Tasks necessary. "B" Echelon arrives at this locn.
    having received orders from Div HQ that they should be on the North side
    of the Waal. Vehicles and personnel distributed in orchards and fields
    on either side of Tac HQ. Ground is rapidly turning into a quagmire.
    Enemy air activity nil. Some enemy shelling of the Elst area.
    "B" Coy recce a new area in Nijmegen they may have to move from their
    present area to allow other units to move in.
    11th0900C.O. to "C" Coy to visit Pln Posns also visits Bde HQ and Div HQ returning
    to Main HQ at 1300 hrs.
    1600C.O. contacts Major Martin O.C. "A" Coy and visits Pln Posns returns to Main HQ
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    Slijk Ewijk11th (cont)at 1930 hrs.
    Activity on the Div front much less today signs of the enemy withdrawing.
    Some enemy shelling and mortaring. Visit by Lt. Col. Harrington (Cheshire Regt)
    who is now G.I of 53(W) Div.
    " "12th231 Inf Bde is being relieved by 151 Bde this evening. Coys will now be
    in sp as under.
    "A" Coy in reserve. "B" Coy in sp of 69 Bde. "C" Coy in sp of 151 Bde.
    231 Bde is moving South of the River and taking over 151 Bde's responsibility
    of guarding Nijmegen bridge against possible enemy counter attacks.
    "A" Coy is being relieved by "B" Coy tomorrow evening between 1800 - 2100 hrs.
    Leave to Brussels has commenced 48 hrs. 1 Officer and 16 men are in the first
    party to leave on the 16th October. 1 Officer and 10 O.R's have been
    detached to run a Divisional Soldiers Club situated in the Colonial Bks,
    Nijmegen. Lt. Wood "A" Coy is Officer i/c.
    Enemy activity on front slight. Enemy air activity - nil.
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    Slijk Ewijk13th1630C.O. with Major Langrishe O.C. "D" Coy pays a visit to 14 and 15 Hvy Mortar
    1830C.O. Returns to Main HQ.
    Inter Coy relief between "A" and "B" Coy takes place.See Appendix "D"
    Day quiet very little enemy activity.2 Ches Op Order No.13.
    " "14th0900C.O. visits "C" Coy Pln Posns.
    1130C.O. returns and visits Div HQ.
    "A" Coy still in reserve in Nijmegen. Nothing of interest to report today.
    Slight enemy activity on our front possibility he is withdrawing from our front.
    " "15th1130C.O. to Div HQ to see G.O.C. Maj Gen Graham re D.F. Tasks and Harrassing Fire.
    1230C.O. returns.
    Little of interest today. Conference of Coy Comdrs will be called each morning
    at 1100 hrs to carry out and adjust any alterations in the D.F. Tasks and F.D.L's.See Appendix J.
    A Coy in reserve in Nijmegen. Enemy activity - slight.2 Ches Defensive Fire Plan
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    Slijk Ewijk16th50(N) Div has assumed the command of the Eastern sector of the "Island"
    53(W) Div being relieved to proceed to the s'HERTOGENBOSCH area.
    61st Recce Regt are holding the Northern tip of our sector, with on their
    left 101 US Airborne Div. The Divisional sector is now held - running
    from North to South - 61st Recce Regt - 151 Bde - 508 Para Regt - 231 Bde.
    69 Bde is to come into reserve in the Nijmegen area. Relief to be carried
    out on the night 17/18 Oct.
    All coys are under regimental control. Enemy activity slight. Some
    shelling during the early hours of the evening.
    A Coy are still in reserve in Nijmegen but will be in sp of 231 Bde
    as from night 17/18th Oct.
    " "17th0945The Commanding Officer visits "B" and "C" Coy posns returning to Main HQ
    at 1245 hrs.
    1400C.O. visits Divisional HQ.
    1430Returns to Main HQ.
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    Slijk Ewijk17th (cont)"A" Coy ordered to proceed to positions on 231 Bde front this evening.
    All Coys and Plns will now be in the line. Weather extremely cold.
    Enemy activity - some shelling and mortaring. Enemy air activity -
    2 - 3 planes over this evening - bombs dropped - no apparent damage caused.
    18thRelief of 53(W) Div completed 50(N) Div is now in comd of Eastern sector of
    the Nijmegen bridgehead. Coys are now in sp as follows:-
    "A" Coy plus 2 Hvy Mortar Plns in sp of 231 Bde.
    "B" Coy in sp of 61st Recce Regt.
    "C" Coy plus remaining 2 Hvy Mortar Plns in sp of 151 Bde.
    Enemy air activity - slight. Weather bitterly cold.
    " "19th1400Main HQ moves into a house across the road. An Operations room being
    established inside the house. Rest of HQ in orchards. Some of the men
    are in houses and every effort is being made to billet all the men, now
    that the weather is so cold and wet.
    Nothing of interest to report today. Some enemy air activity and shelling.
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    Slijk Ewijk20th1000The Commanding Officer leaves for 231 and 151 Inf Bdes and also to pay a
    visit to "B" and "C" Coy HQ's.
    1245Returns to Main HQ.
    Some enemy air activity and counter battery work this afternoon.
    " "21st1100Coy Comdrs conference re changes in F.D.L's and D.F. Tasks.
    1235Conference ends.
    The Commanding Officer obtained permission from the Divisional Commander
    for the Bn to relieve 1 Pln from each Coy for a period of 5 days.
    Accomodation has been found for the Plns in the Colonial Barracks, Nijmegen,
    where they will be adjacent to the Theatre, Cinema, Club and Baths.
    The total allotment for the Bn at these functions has been allotted to these
    Plns so that they can make the most of their rest period. First relief
    took place today.
    Some enemy shelling during the early hours of this morning.
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    Slijk Ewijk22nd1400Commanding Officer to Divisional HQ to attend a conference with Maj-Gen
    Lyne G.O.C. 50(N)Div who has relieved Maj-GenGraham for a period.
    1430Returns to Main HQ.
    1445C.O. visits "A" Coy posns with the O.C. "A" Coy Major. P.L de C Martin.
    G.P.1 on South side of the river visited.
    1630Returns to Main HQ.
    69 Inf Bde is relieving 151 Inf Bde this evening who are proceeding to
    Nijmegen in Divisional reserve.
    Enemy air activity - nil. Some shelling and mortaring on the Div front.
    23rdNo conference this morning F.D.L's and dispositions remain unchanged.
    Capt J. Lees 2 i/c "C" Coy is now acting O.C. "C" Coy in the absence of
    Major. Abel on 48hrs leave to Antwerp. Leave allocation:-
    1 Officer and 5 men "B" Coy. 1 Officer and 5 men "C" Coy.
    Capt D.E.Peck O.C. HQ Coy leaves for "B" Coy to take over 2 i/c "B" Coy
    as Capt Handford has left for Antwerp on 48hrs leave.
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    Slijk Ewijk23rd (cont)Majority of Bn HQ are now in billets in Slijk Ewijk.
    Some enemy mortaring and shelling on the Div front.
    " "24thNo conference this morning F.D.L's and D.F. Tasks remain unchanged.
    1200Commanding Officer leaves with Major Langrishe O.C. "D" Coy to visit the
    Heavy Mortar Plns.
    1630C.O. returns to Main H.Q.
    Gun positions of companies on the "Island", chiefly "B" Coy who are just
    South of Arnhem, are absolutely waterlogged. Every possible way has been
    tried to find a successful drainage system, but to no avail,
    As a last resort, if guns have to be fired, Nos.1's and 2's stand in
    inverted barrels in the trench, so keeping reasonable dry.
    Leave parties for Brussels and Antwerp are now being despatched regularly.
    Inter-platoon relief to take place tomorrow.
    No enemmy air activity. Some enemy shelling and mortaring.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Slijk Ewijk25th1100Conference of all Coy Comdrs at Bn HQ re Harrassing Fire tasks - decidedSee Appendix "J"
    to work out a detailed programme each day to cover the period from 1600 hrsHarassing Fire Task Table
    the same day - 1600 hrs the next day. Coy Comdrs to call on the Bde Comdrs
    at 0900 hrs each day and obtain details of the D.F. Tasks required.
    Copies of D.F Task programme sent to all Bdes.
    1230Conference ends.
    Relief of Plns is taking place today. Plns being relieved are proceeding
    to the Colonial Barracks Nijmegen, for a well earned rest.
    Average time taken to bring D.F. Fire to bear - now that D.F. Tasks under
    regimental control is as follows:-
    4.2" Mortars approx 3 minutes. M.M.G's approx 4 minutes.
    Day quiet - very little enemy activity of any sort.
    " "26th1100Confernce this morning to arrange Harassing Fire tasks.See Appendix "J"
    Several other points discussed including the question of reinforcements -
    5 N.C.O's have been asked for for the last 5 or 6 weeks without avail.
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    Slijk Ewijk26th (cont)Remainder of day quiet. Slight enemy shelling and mortaring of the Div front.
    " "27th0930C.O. to Div HQ to attend a conference re Operation "NOAH". SeeAppendix "D".
    1045Commanding Officer returns to Main HQ.2 Ches Op Order No14.
    1100Usual morning conference to arrange harrassing fire tasks.See Appendix J
    1215Conference ends
    1700Commanding Officer leaves to visit "B" Coy Pln positions.
    1915Returns to Main HQ.
    Hertogenbosch and Tilburg were liberated today. Heavy shelling by our
    guns today. Little enemy activity.
    " "28th1100Morning conference re harrassing fire.See Appendix J
    1300Conference ends.
    Nothing of interest today. Day fairly quiet. Enemy shelling seems to
    have increased today. Enemy air activity - 1 plane over this afternoon -
    received a very warm reception.
    " "29th1100Usual morning conference re harassing fire tasks.See Appendix J
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    Slijk Ewijk29th1235Conference ends.
    1900Conference of all Coy Comdrs re new allocation of Pln Posns and D.F. Tasks.
    2230Conference ends.
    Adjt and I.O. up all night preparing new D.F. Task Traces and Pln Disposns
    and ares of fire traces to cover the whole of the Div front.
    New Pln Posns and D.F. Tasks come into operation at 1700 hrs tomorrow evening.
    Weather bitterly cold.
    " "30th1100Usual morning conference held at Bn HQ. No changes on the Div front.
    Harassing fire programme arranged.See Appendix "J"
    1200Conference ends.
    1700Change over of Pln Gun Posns took place - everything is now working on a
    three Bde front with all coys in the line.
    Relief of Plns in Nijmegen took place today,
    31st1100Coy Comdrs conference re proposed changes in D.F. Tasks and F.D.L's.
    1200Conference ends.
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    Slijk Ewijk31st (cont)Commanding Officer to see the Brigadier of 69 Bde.
    1600Returns to Main HQ.
    Some enemy shelling and mortaring on div front today.

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