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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment

    Month and year: April 1944

    The 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment April 1944 War Diary covers the units time in the UK taking part in exercise Hands up, Fabius and Leapyear

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1334

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    A P O EnglandTwo major events, bringing the Bn nearer to the action it has awaited so long,
    have to be recorded this month. The first was the move of the Bn to the
    Portsmouth area with the shedding of 1st Reinforcements and Home Details.
    This move took place between 2nd and 9th April, and is referred to as
    Exercise "HANDS UP" all details of which are to be found in Appx WD/APR/1.
    Our new location is in point of fact our Marshalling Area.
    The second was Exercise "FABIUS" in which the Bn carried out its invasion role
    from sub marshalling to the final advance inland. Details appear in Appx
    The interim period, between settling in under canvas, with a Static Staff
    to look after us, and Exercise "FABIUS" was spent largely in section and
    platoon trg, owing to the limited availability of field firing areas, and
    and in the further trg of reserve specialists. The trg directive appears at
    Appx WD/APR/2
    1The main body of the Bn returned from Exercise "LEAPYEAR"
    Capt J Boys relinquished the appointment of Adjt
    Lt WR Chambers was appointed Adjt
    2Officers were transferred within the Bn as under :-
    Capt J Boys from HQ to B as 2ic
    Capt JN Ebbutt from Bte C as 2io
    Lt (Adjt) WR Chambers from A to HQ
    A Court of Enquiry was held to investigate the absence of No 4799729
    Pte MPrice :-
    President :- Lt HRLegsdail
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Members :- Lt J Bucknall
    C/Sjt L Hazel
    The Advance Party proceeded on Exercise "HANDS UP'
    3The following relinquishments and appointments among Offrs were
    announced :-
    Lt JR Bush ) relinquished acting rank of Captain
    Lt P Smith )
    Lt (Adjt) WR Chambers ) granted acting rank of Captain
    Lt PG Cliffe )
    Transfers inter-coy, Offrs :-
    Capt PG Cliffe from B to S as OC No5 Pl.
    Lt JR Bush from S to B
    Lt P Smith from S to A
    7 )
    8 )Move of the Main Body on Exercise "HANDS UP"
    9 )
    14Cadres for Reserve Specialists began
    17Sports Result - Association Football
    2 Lincolns 1 1 KOSB 0
    20Sports Result - Rugby Football
    2 Lincolns 0 1 KOSB 24
    25After the Bde COMD's briefing for Exercise "FABIUS" the Bn was 'sealed'
    from 1500 hrs
    26 )Briefing within the Bn for Exercise "FABIUS"
    27 )
    28 )Exercise "FABIUS"
    5 May )Courses and Att See Field Return of Offrs

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