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    War Diary: 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment

    Month and year: March 1944

    The 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment March 1944 War Diary covers the units time in the UK taking part in exercise Leapyear and Woodfoot.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1334

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Stobs CampGeneral
    HAWICKAll trg during the month has been on a PI and Coy basis with the
    emphasis on those aspects which affect the Bn's role. All this culminated in Exercise
    "LEAPYEAR" which, with the necessary movement of personnel and vehicles
    occupied the Bn from the 21st to the 31st. In this Exercise the Bn carried
    out its role as the res Bn of the res Bde in an assault landing on a Div
    The Bn received a visit on the 3rd from the Army Commander, Lt Gen M.C.
    Dempsey CB DSO MC, who saw A Coy and 3 Secs of Carriers on Exercise
    It is pleasing to be able to report that an Officer of the Regt, Lt-col CE Welby-Everard assumed
    Detail command of the Bn on the 11th.
    3Exercise "WOODFOOT" was carried out by A Coy and 3 secs of Carriers. The
    Army Commander, Lt Gen Dempsey visited the Bn and watched the exercise.
    8A Court of Enquiry assembled in A Coy office to investigate the
    circumstances in which LCpl Avory sustained injuries on 26 Jan 44.
    President : Capt JN Ebbutt
    Members : Lt GL Dart
    CSM Watson
    9Two teams from the Bn., one of Offrs and one of ORs took part in the
    Bde Exercise "CONROD" - an MC cross-country trial.
    Page 2 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    11Sports Result, Association Football.
    2 Lincolns 1 Polish Army XI 6. Played at Kelso
    Lt Col CE Welby-Everard assumed command of the Bn vice Lt Col P Adams TD
    13A Court of Enquiry assembled in the Bde Hut to investigate he circumstances
    in which (A) an accident occurred at Hawick on 21 Feb 44 whereby fatal
    injuries were sustained by Ptes Deakin and Standerline, and (B) an accident
    occurred at Hawick on 19 Feb 44 whereby injuries were sustained by LCpl
    President : Maj AJ Rennie 1 KOSB
    Members : Capt RS Hall 2 RUR
    LT DT Brown 2 Lincolns
    The IOO was in attendance
    16AN FGCM assembled for the trial of No 4868336 Pte R Doherty
    President : Maj LHB Colvin 2 Lincolns
    Members : Capt RS Hall 2 RUR
    LT WW Munson 2 Mx
    The Prosecuting Offr was Capt JR Bush and the Defending Offr Lt J Harrod,
    both of 2 Lincolns
    18The Bn paraded on the football ground and was inspected by the new
    Commanding Officer
    An FGCM assembled for the trial of No4799514 Pte CE Gough and No 4547594
    Pte RH Stanford.
    President : Maj JRSTL Aldworth 2RUR
    Members : Capt GE Barker 1KOSB
    Lt JR Pawlett 2Lincolns
    The Prosecuting Offr was Lt HAN Mander and the Defending Offr Lt J Harrod
    both of 2 Lincolns
    Page 3 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    20A mine clearing demonstration by the Pioneer Pl was attended by all
    Offrs and NCOs.
    23All Offrs who had recentily joined the Bn attended a one day Study Period on
    the German Army under the IO
    21-31Exercise "LEAPYEAR"
    The Bn was finally concentrated in the Blackisle Area of northern Scotland
    by the morning of Mar 26th. Embarkation took place on the afternoon of the
    28th and D Day was to be the 29th with H Hour at 1300 hrs. However the
    landing was postponed for 24 hrs and it was about 1715 hrs on the 30th that
    the Bn made a successful landing and proceeded to the Assembly Area. The night was spent
    in a Concentration Area and soon after first light the Bn moved fwd to a fwd
    assembly area to take part in a Bde attack on a strongly held hill. The
    Successful termination of the attack brought about the end of the Exercise.
    The main body of the Bn entrained the same evening and returned to Hawick.
    Courses and Attachments
    See Field Return of OfficersWD/MAR/9

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