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    War Diary: 3rd Bn Royal Tank Regiment

    Month and year: August 1944

    The 3rd Bn Royal Tank Regiment August 1944 war diary covers the units advance from Le Beny Bocage towards Gace and on to Amiens.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/866

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    Page 1 of 14
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    0445Net. Take over from 23H leading the Bde. A Sqn leading the Regt SOUTH over
    River SOULEOUVRE and then EAST to LE BENY BOCAGE - 6742.
    1030A Sqn leading sends troop on either side of village and one troop through
    centre of village. Village captured.
    1130C Sqn then follow on through LE BENY BOCAGE to high ground at Pt 243 and
    Pt 266 (675428 and 695425). They report the area clear of enemy and proceed
    to the NORTH of this position. A Sqn follow to Pt 243.
    1500B Sqn with 2 Coys of KSLI then attacks from Pt 266 towards river crossing
    699439 and capture it. They then move to T junction 706443 and up road
    leading NW to LE TOURNEUR - 683455.
    One tk KO SE of LE TOURNEUR and another bogged on road leading further to
    the SE.
    6814242200RHQ rvs for night at 681424. A Sqn remains to the EAST on the side of the
    road. B Sqn remains area 705443. C Sqn with one coy of inf remain in area
    0600Move fwd. Route - CL 695715 - 707364 - 712345 - 712343 - 727332. - Order of
    March - A Sqn, RHQ, KSLI, C Sqn, B Sqn.
    0900Halted area 685403.
    1100C Sqn sent EAST of CL to guard flank.
    1730C Sqn having trouble area 718372.
    2000Attack on LE GD BONFAIT with KSLI, which was successful.
    C Sqn pulled back to area 718363.
    0500Stand to. At first light B Sqn took up position in area NW of LE GD BONFAIT
    719372. A Sqn from first light area LE GD BONFAIT with coy of KSLI.
    1000Following reports of enemy tks moving NORTH to this area B Sqn moved patrols
    towards it but found little. C Sqn area 709363.
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    71836331300Enemy counter-attack with inf and some tks. A Sqn report 7 in their area.
    Attack is held although GERMAN tks remain very close to ours. Observation
    is very difficult and country very close. The situation remained static
    until nightfall.
    Intermittent mortar and shell fire in RHQ area during morning and afternoon.
    706366At last light A and B Sqns rally in area 710370. C Sqn rally in area 706366
    with RHQ.
    40445Reveille. At first light Sqn S move to areas:- A - 718374: B - 712381:
    C - 709363. Sqns remain in observation all day. Throughout day there was
    intermittent fighting but no change in disposition.
    1200COs conference.
    70636650430Reveille. Sqns take up same positions as yesterday before first light.
    Throughout day no serious incident to report.
    2340COs conference.
    70636660430Reveille. As for yesterday - Sqns out in positions of observation in
    anticipation of a counter-attack. Throughout day minor changes counter-
    attacks appeared but were successfully beaten off. Tks reported in similar
    places to yesterday. It would appear that they pull out at last light and
    return to the same position of observation in the morning.
    Capt S. Farningham, M.M., rejoins unit and is posted, as 2IC, to C Sqn.
    0700A Sqn move forward to WARWICKS area - 720345 - to take up position of
    observation SOUTH and to both flanks. They relieve 23H. Major W. H. Close, M.C.
    contacts CO of WARWICKS and 23H to consider best positions. WARWICKS
    depleted in strength can only send small patrols forward.
    1 Tp 77 Ass Sqn under command.
    C Sqn area 712365. Another day of reports concerning infiltration with
    infantry and tks. On the whole quiet.
    1000Mortar bursting in tress in RHQ area wounds Adjt - Capt T.L. Kinton - and
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    70636672100A Sqn report 2 Tigers at 720345 and endeavour to engage them from 100x.
    Tigers open up and sub-sub-unit has to withdraw.
    2300COs conference. Task tomorrow same as today. Observation SOUTH, SE, EAST in anticipation of counter-attack. A Sqn remain 720345. C Sqn harbour in RHQ area.
    80445Reveille. At first light C Sqn proceed to posn of observation as yesterday.
    A Sqn still in area 720345.
    1500Capt J.A. Kempton and Lt J.G.H. Moorhead arrive as reinforcements and are
    posted to B and A Sqns respectively.
    1505Bde now at 6 hrs notice to move, but no move likely for 72 hrs. Signal from
    Bde that A Sqn would withdraw from area on receipt of codeword SPARROW.
    In event of B Sqn having to support 1 HEREFORDS codeword ARCHIE is to be
    2200CO to Bde.
    2230COs conference - Orders for first light 9 Aug.
    90330Codeword SPARROW received. A Sqn return to RHQ area.
    0600Recce move forward in position of observation with one tp of B Sqn in support.
    1000COs conference. 11 Armd Div taking over dispositions of Gds Armd Div.
    A Sqn at 1/2 hrs notice to move to support 1 HEREFORDS area 724378 in event of
    infiltration or counter-attack.
    1100B Sqn move to LE GD BONFAIT.
    1130C Sqn move to area 724384 - position of observation.
    1200RHQ - 119 Bty - 1 Tp 77 Ass Sqn move to area 719378.
    143029 Armd Bde Op Instr No. 7 received.
    1500B Sqn have to take over LE BUQ from IG tonight in support of 4 KSLI taking
    over that area. Major N.H. Bourne, DSO, (2IC) and Major J.C. Balharrie, M.C.
    recce positions.
    1700CO to Bde. Conference on reorganisation.
    Throughout day no incident except odd shelling from area unidentified which
    did no damage. Weather: Warn, dry, sunny
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    719378100445B Sqn reveille - now under command 4 KSLI, 1 Tp area 736373 observing NE and
    0630Reveille for A and C Sqns and RHQ. (Area 719378)
    1130Brigadier and BM visit Unit.
    1800COs conference - Promotions - Awards.
    1830Tp of 77 Ass Sqn revert from our comd.
    1830159 Inf Bde Adm Order No. 6 received.
    1900BSO to 159 Bde for conference - 3 R Tks to be under comd 159 Bde for operations
    commencing tomorrow, 11 Aug.
    1930Lt J. Ormrod joint unit and is posted to RHQ. Lt H.P Brookshaw rejoins
    Unit and A Sqn.
    2230159 Inf Bde OO No. 6 received.
    224529 Armd Bde Op Instr No. 8 received.
    0700C Sqn move to join 159 Bde Gp at cross roads 707364. B Sqn remain in same
    area in support of 4 KSLI. No incidents apart from odd shelling reported
    throughout day.
    0745CO and BSO move to 159 Bde, area 707367.
    0900CO to Bde.
    1030CO visits C Sqn. Major W.H. Close, M.C., (OC A Sqn) recces positions area
    732380 for left flank protection in event of counter-attack from NE or EAST.
    2300C Sqn return to RHQ area.
    0800C of E Service.
    0845CO to 159 Bde.
    0930RC Service.
    1030CO's conference - attended by 2IC (Maj N.H. Bourne, DSO.) A, B,C, BTA, BSO,
    A1 Ech Comd.
    159 Bde taking over from 15 (S) Div. 3 R Tks to support 4 KSLI area ESTRY 7437
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    131115CO and 2IC recce new area.
    1500Bn move - Order of March RHQ, Recce, C, A, B, A1 Ech.
    2100CO to 159 Bde - conference.
    2230CO's conference - Order Gp. Infm - enemy pulling out. 11 Armd Div come
    under comd 30 Corps. Intention - advance in pursuit of enemy.
    29 Armd Bde to capture Pt 203. 159 Inf Bde to capture VASSY.
    0545CO moves fwd in scout car to contact CO 4 KSLI.
    0600Bn moves.
    7443810645RHQ at 744381.
    2100C Sqn pull back to RHQ area.
    2200Area receives heavy shelling.
    2230CO returns from 159 Bde. RHQ moves back 200 yds from 744381.
    2245CO's conference. At first light 4 KSLI moving to take Pt 212 (7634). A Sqn
    will support them. Lt J. Ormrod and 1 OR wounded by shelling,
    Day quiet except for shelling at 2200 hrs. Fwd elements 2NY held up area
    758345 - 771348. LE THIEL (7635) occupied and consolidated by 1 HEREFORDS.
    150400Message from 159 Bde cancelling 4 KSLI party.
    0630Lt C.T.W. Lindguist takes over RHQ Tp.
    0830CO's conference attended by 2IC, Sqn Comds, BTA, and RHQ Tp Leader.
    0900CO to 159 Bde.
    1120Brig Churcher holds conference with CO in RHQ area.
    1145RHQ moves fwd to 776346.
    1430Maj Gen G.P.B. Roberts, DSO, MC, (Div Comd ) visits above location and
    discusses situation with CO and CO. A KSLI.
    17004 KSLI hold Order Gp attended by CO and Maj Close.
    1945CO to 159 Bde.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    152230CO's conference. 159 Inf Bde Op Instr No. 7 received.
    0600Move fwd to position 1000 yds SOUTH OF VASSY (790323)
    0745Cross first report line on RIGHT route. C Sqn on LEFT route finds going very
    difficult and there is a pause until they draw level.
    1430By this time Recce were fwd of RHQ location 823262. Progress delayed by mines
    and felled trees blocking roads. Bridges at 822271 and 823271 on LEFT route
    cratered - considered impassable for several hours.
    1500159 Brig holds conference - decided to change CL and push on to capture
    crossings at 868751, and consolidate ground.
    1900RHQ 848272, B Sqn at bridgehead 868251, with two sub-sub-units across bridge,
    Minor battle waging.
    20004 KSLI and ourselves ordered to push on before last light to ST GEORGE-DE-
    GROSEILLES (8622). 8 RB to take over from 4 KSLI on feature. Eventually
    cancelled as sub-sub-unit of KSLI being held up in AUBUSSON by MGs and 2 tks,
    and failing light making it impossible to change over or for 8 RB to see
    ground in daylight. Further the prospect of a night march to ST GEORGE
    carrying infantry through a reported enemy position did not justify the move.
    2230B Sqn have tk brewed up by A tk gun at 869251.
    2300RHQ, A and C Sqns area 864253.
    2330Wireless commn with Bde useless. No orders received.
    0600Lt Lindguist arrives with orders from 159 Bde.
    0700March to ST GEORGE-DE-GROSEILLES (8622),C Sqn leading. RHQ location 865233.
    1030Fwd elements 2NY rpt mines on CL at 916203.
    1100C Sqn in FLERS (8620).
    1200A1 Ech located at 887211.
    1400RHQ moves to 908207. 2NY held up by mines at 908201.
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    1714302NY rpt 1 88mm gun at 975180.
    1500At least 15 enemy rpt area 965185.
    16104 KSLI and 3 R Tks ordered to proceed to BRIOUZE (0014) and capture bridges
    at 022150 and 035155.
    1700RHQ at 931196.
    1730Rpt from Bde that at least 200 inf - SS - area ST OPPORTUNE (9719)
    1740Order to proceed to BRIOUZE cancelled. New order to clear up enemy in last
    area - 9719. As 2NY information not full enough CO moves to position
    1800CO 1 HEREFORDS and CO 4 KSLI with CO 3 R Tks recce fwd from 953187.
    1900Brig 159 Bde arrives and plan is made.
    1915Maj Gan G.P.B. Roberts arrives to see Brig 159 Bde.
    1930C Sqn moves fwd to X rds 956185.
    2000RHQ to 958188 - slight shelling which ceased as attack went in. A and B Sqn
    location 953187. Progress again held up by mines and one strong point.
    Enemy were giving themselves up all morning in FLERS and to the NORTH of FLERS.
    180230Orders received from Bde. Pursuit to continue to BRIOUZE (0014).
    0545CO's conference. C Sqn to continue on LEFT route joining CL 120149. A Sqn
    with Recce sub-unit in front to lead on CL.
    0600Move from harbour on to CL. Very heavy mist - visibility about 50 yds.
    0800Enter BRIOUZE (0014). Fwd elements report being fired on by mortars at
    0830Personal contact made with AMERICANS in BRIOUZE - confirmed that shelling at
    021150 is that of AMERICANS. Fire ceases.
    0900Brig Churcher (159 Bde) and Brig Channon (9 Amer Div) meet in BRIOUZE.
    0930Maj Gen G.P.B. Roberts DSO, MC, has conference with AMERICANS.
    1400Bn moves to area 041165 and are under 6 hrs notice.
    1430Notice to move reduced to 2 hrs.
    1500Notice to move now reduced to 1 hrs
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    181515Orders received for Bde move to area ECOUCHE (1916). Order of March - 3 R Tks
    1520CO's conference. Order of March - A Sqn, RHQ, B & C Sqns, A1 Ech.
    1615Cross start line.
    1830Arrive area 178157. A Sqn ordered to take up position of observation along
    road 177156 to 162156 - facing NORTH and NW with slight interest in
    observation NE and EAST. Tk hits mine at 174154.
    18352 Mk IVs rpt at 177175. RHQ area shelled.
    2245CO to Bde.
    2345CO's conference - no orders received for tomorrow - will be received later.
    0730CO and CO of 1 HEREFORDS recce area 1715 for suitable rv for Brig and other
    0815Adjt to Bde re returns.
    0845CO to Bde for conference.
    1145CO's Order Gp. Adv to continue in NE, NORTH and NW. Division to link up
    with 29 Armd Bde SENTILLY (1921). Order of March A Sqn , CO's tk, B Sqn,
    RHQ less CO's tk, Recce, C Sqn. A1 Ech to stay in present area.
    1300Pass through ECOUCHE (1518) and push on slowly EAST of MONT CAROULT (1819).
    1315One tk runs on mine at 188168.
    1330Fwd elements going well - no contact made with enemy.
    1830Contact with adv elements of 29 Armd Bde made in SENTILLY.
    1900RHQ - 197191 - Bn in close leaguer - raining and misty.
    200130Signal from Bde - no major movement before 1130 hrs.
    1530Warning Order - Harbour Parties 30 mins notice, main bodies to be at 60 mins
    1600Harbour Party under 2IC moves off.
    1645CO to Bde.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    201715CO's conference. Bde moving to area 4 miles EAST of ARGENTAN (2618).
    Order of March - 4 KSLI, 1 HEREFORDS, 159 Bde, 3 R Tks. 3 R Tks Order of
    March - RHQ, A, B, C, A1 Ech.
    1945Pass SP 259191.
    2045Arrive new location 329199.
    2315CO to conference Bde.
    210200CO's conference. Pursuit to continue to GACE (5448).
    0600Order of March - A, CO's tk & Sc car (BSO),B,C,. A1 remain in present
    0900Adv held up by mines and felled trees on CL. Bridge at 454509 blown.
    0930Recce for new route over bridge found at 458508.
    0945New bridge will not take further tks. By this time scissors bridge at first
    crossing (454509) rpt in position.
    140015/19 H pass through.
    16003 R Tks move fwd again towards GACE.
    1700Leading tp come under AP and mortar fire at railway - 543488.
    1730LIt J. F. Langdon leading his tp pushes on through GACE destroying MT and
    1830eventually reaches outskirts of GACE (553491)
    19004 KSLI come through to consolidate.
    1930No. of PW from garrison approx 190.
    1945Tp observing NORTH approach at 545503.
    2200Bn area GACE (5449). RHQ 546487.
    1130Bn moves to LA TRINITE-DES-LARTIERS (6048). Order of march - Recce, C, RHQ,
    B, A.
    1200LA TRINITE-DES-LARTIERS rpt clear. Recce adv SOUTH to 617454.
    1230RHQ pull off rd 611484.
    1245Recce having rpt being fired on by MGs CO sends C Sqn fwd in support.
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    221245C Squadron dispositions. 1 Tp observing NORTH area 618486, 1 Tp observing
    EAST 619488. CO goes fwd to 611484 - No further incident rtp.
    1300CL confirmed - rd running S & N - La Trinite des Lartiers-St Andre d'Echauffour
    1315Ordered to move NORTH of T Junction 607423.
    1600Move to 607423 completed.
    1630Contact made with 2FF (29 Bde) area 606422.
    1700Harbour Party under 2IC moves to recce new location.
    1900Bn move to area of 267 - 643410.
    2100Bn in close leaguer.
    230630Reveille - Harbour Party under 210 moves off. 159 Bde Gp leaving present
    location and moving to conc area. Route - Direct to main rd to area 7341.
    S.P. 638387 D.P. 700403. On arrival at D.P. 3 R Tks revert to command
    29 Armd Bde.
    09002IC arranges for D.P. to be 760413.
    10003 R Tks move - Order of March - RHQ & Recce, A, C , B
    1245Arrive new location area 763412.
    1430CO's conference; Likely to be in this area for 3 -,5 days.
    General Maintenance - Guns - Wireless Check. Personal cleanliness & rest.
    1500Line to Bde - Rear Link closes down.
    0730Check net, changing frequency.
    1000CO's conference:
    1130CO to Bde. Raining heavily throughout afternoon and evening.
    1730Cinema show - 100 from Bn. Factory canteen.
    2000Same show repeated 100 from Bn.
    0900RC Service.
    1000CO' conference; - "Disposal of Unsuitable personnel"
    1130CO to Bde.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    251330) Parties to Mobile Bath Unit, Factory Canteen.
    1430) " " " " " " "
    1430Squadron lorry takes party to MORDAINT-SUR-PECHE.
    1830ENSA SHOW - Factory Canteen.
    1900Party of 25 to dance in LAIGLE.
    1900Radio Diffusion Van tours Squadron areas - Gramophone recital.
    0900Mobile Bath & Laundry
    1000CO's conference "Disposal of Unsuitable Personnel" and "Reinforcements"
    1430CO to Bde.
    1630Mobile Bath and Laundry.
    1650Maj/Gen G.P.B. Roberts, DSO,MC accompanied by Brig. C.B. Harvey, DSO.
    visits the Bn and walks around Squadron area talking to the men.
    1830ENSA show at Main Bde.
    1900Adv parties to be ready to move from 0800 hrs tomorrow 27.8.44.
    Adv. Party;- Major N.H. Bourne, DSO, Major F.I.C. Wetherall & 1 D.R.
    1930Visit from Col. O'Rourke and Col. Timmins. discussing Sherman Tank.
    27013029 Armd Bde Mov. Inst. No. 1. arrives. Bde will be prepared to move to a
    cone area WEST of R.SEINE today.
    0830Adv Party at 1/2hrs notice. Considered no move likely for main bdy today.
    0900CO's conference. Interviewing 11 reinforcements. Warning order re move given.
    Order of March;- RHQ, B,C,A, A1, A. S.P. 785428 - LAIGLE.
    1000RC Service.
    1030C of E Service.
    1530Cinema Show Factory Canteen-50 seats. Cinema Show LAIGLE Theatre 25 seats
    183029 Armd Bde Mov. Inst. No. 2. received.
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    271930CO's Conference;- present, "2IC, OsC,A,B,C, A & A1 Echs Recce, RHQ ,RBs (G
    Coy) and RAs (H Bty).
    Rev. 0445, Net 0500, Move 0530 Cross S.P. 784428 at 0555. Order of March as
    before. G Coy to follow A Sqn.
    2130"H" hour Midnight. Adv party to rpt to Col. R.P. de Winton, Bde location
    0500hrs tomorrow 28 Aug. 44.
    0530Move as detailed at conference 1930 27 Aug.
    Arrive at new area. Location 342763
    1445CO. to Bde.
    1630Warning Order at TWO HOURS notice.
    1700CO to Bde for orders.
    1715Warning Order - 30 mins Notice.
    1730Warning Order - IMMEDIATE Notice.
    1740CO's conference.
    1800Harbour Party 2IC & BSO leave for area 473780. Bn with under command H Bty
    13 RHA G Coy 8 RBs and 1 Tp 612 Fld Sqn to move to area as above.
    Order of March ;- Recce, RHQ, RMO's, B,C, G Coy, A and A1. A Ech remains
    present area.
    1830Bn. move to new area.
    1950Cross R. SEINE at VERNON
    2030Bn in open leaguer area 473780.
    2130CO's conference. 29 Armd Bde on two routes. R - 3 R Tks, L - 2 FFY.
    Obj. to push on to R.SOMME - to prevent enemy establishing def. posn there.
    Objective;- ETREPAGNY 5596
    Enemy Inf;- Nothing definite known. Appreciated enemy will fight strong
    rearguard actions;-
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    282130Own tps:- On right 8 Armd Bde, On left - not known.
    Method. 3 R Tks will adv 1 up. B Sqn leading, A left, C right.
    H Bty will bring guns fwd when line TOURNAI(4983) - GIVIERES (5281) is
    reached. G Coy will follow in rear. MO's travel rear of Motor Coy.
    B. Sqn will cross S.L. PANILLEUSE (4680) - TILLY (4879) at 0700hrs 29 Aug.44.
    292200Squadrons form close leaguer.
    0700Bn move - A Sqn leading.
    1200Good progress made throughout morning although weather is bad. Heavy rain
    continued throughout day.
    1500Reach HENDACOURT (5999). Continual rpts of enemy pulling out towards AMIENS.
    PsW caught from 49 Germ Div.
    1700Recce pass through SANCOURT (6002).
    1800B Sqn fired on by tk. C Sqn fired on by A tk gun - both area 618030.
    Decided to try crossing at ROUVILLE (6202) instead of one on CL at
    MAINNEVILLE (6103).
    1830Crossing OK but first sub-unit across meets a tk fire.
    1900Ordered to secure crossing and high ground Pt 151 (6303).
    1930A,B and RHQ across - but B turning NW to rejoin original CL is fired upon
    and loses three tks. C Sqn SOUTH of MAINNEVILLE push on and lose three tks.
    200023H ordered fwd to high ground overlooking MAINNEVILLE, Panther rpt wood
    2130Bn commence to form close leaguer area 616025.
    2330CO's conference. G Coy sending patrol to crossing ARNECOURT (648050).
    Today's advance represents a distance of 25 miles.
    300430Report received from G Coy patrol that crossing at ARNECOURT was OK - enemy
    movement heard throughout night on other side - mostly horse-drawn tpt.
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    0700Bn moves. Order of March B, RHQ, A, C, A1 Ech. 3 RTks follow 23H, Tac Bde
    on RIGHT route.
    074529 Armd Bde Op Instr No. 15 received whilst on the move.
    310615Arrive outskirts of AMIENS (1259) A and C Sqns move into town. Fired on by
    a tk guns. Transport engaged successfully. Prisoners rolling in throughout
    0700Both Sqns in AMIENS and endeavouring to secure crossings over R SOMME.
    0800 Main crossing blown - other crossing reported blown or mined and prepared
    for demolition.
    0900Crossing at 1058 reported OK with 1 Sqn of 29 H across.
    1000Orders received for Bn to follow 23H over this crossing.
    1200Bn moves over R SOME to area 161109.
    1400Sqns dispersed in positions of observation facing EAST and NORTH.
    2130CO's conference. Adv to continue tomorrow to AUBIGNY on three routes.
    3 R Tks centre following 23H. Order of March B, RHQ, C, A, G Coy, A1 Ech.

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