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    War Diary: 69th Infantry Brigade HQ

    Month and year: April 1944

    The 69th Infantry Brigade HQ April 1944 war diary covers the units time in the UK at Boscombe and Southholme Copse

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/651

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    Page 1 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Chine Hotel1Bde Planning Staff re-joins Bde HQ for the purpose of exercise
    BoscombeSMASH 1.
    21000Codeword "MATILDA" postpones the exercise for 24 hours.See table of Signals
    Instuctions issued for the move of advance parties to the newAppendix 'A'
    31000Wet-shod personnel move by road to WEYMOUTH and embark on
    allotted craft.
    40900Bde Comd and staff disembark. Bde HQ established at MBSS
    09307 GH moving to assembly area. CO forward on OP.
    10005 EY moving forward to their final objective.
    10455 EY and 7 GH almost on phase 1.Exercise 'SMASH'
    10505 EY signal DROP. Bde HQ established at 461045. 5 EY reportappendices B(i) & B(2)
    two carriers drowned.
    11007 GH commence attack on HOW BTY.
    1145Locations :- 5 EY I 467029. 6 GH - 458048. 7 GH - 443044.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Chine Hotel411507 GH report DOPE.
    Boscombe1205Two coys 7 GH advancing on phase 11.
    12307 GH report EVEN.
    13157 GH report CRAB.
    14157 GH headquarters at 401034.
    14306 GH report EVEN
    14407 GH report temporaray bridge constructed at 393032.
    1448AASC require position of forward troops and enquire if air
    support required.
    1455SMASH FINI.
    569 Bde Gp Adm Order No 3 issued.Appendix 'C'
    61000Bde HQ moves to SOUTHHOLME COPSE. Bns located as follows :-
    5 East Yorks, 6 Green Howards and 7 Green Howards in
    BUSHFIELD CAMP map ref 908463, 1" to 1 mile, OS sheet 122.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Southholme Copse.7Capt Shelto - Douglas, combined ops representative at Bde HQ,
    825427posted to the staff Force G as liason officer between army
    1" to 1mand navy.
    Sheet 12281000I.O. attends naval conference. All aspects of SMASH 1 & 11
    were discussed. Capt. J. Hymas appointed Bde. R.A.S.C. officer.
    91530Bde Comd attends conference on fire support convened by the CRA.
    101000Bde Comd, I.O. and S.O. attend conference on SMASH 1 & 11 atSee appendix 'E'
    the Regal cinema, Ringwood. Representatives of Force 'G' and
    the R.A.F. were present.
    1430Bde Comd held briefing conference for Bn Comds on exercise
    SMASH 111 in the model room at Bde HQ.
    13Preparations for SMASH 111. 69 Inf Bde Adm Instruction No 4Appendix 'D'
    14Preparations for SMASH 111.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Timsbury Manor.151000Bde HQ moves to TIMSBURY MANOR, 783446, Sheet 122, OS 1" -1 mile.
    783446 1" - 1 mile16Preparations for SMASH lll.
    Sheet 12217Loading for SMASH lll.
    18Exercise SMASH lll
    0700H Hour.
    07166 GH report HALF.
    07305 EY report HALF.
    0745Bde HQ established ashore at the junc of DOG GREEN and WHITE
    08106 GH report GASP
    08157 GH report DAMP; all coys ashore, passing through 6 GH.
    08176 GH report DAMP
    08205 EY report one coy attacking second objective.
    08256 GH report 4/7 Dgns passing through
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Timsbury Manor.1808305 EY at 464037
    09066 GH at 468048
    09455 EY report GASP. 7 GH commence attack on JAKE. Bde HQ
    established at 463042
    10207 GH report JAKE.
    10357 GH report HELL.
    11307 GH report LOVE.
    11456 GH report HELL.
    12057 GH report JAVA
    1340Bde HQ established at 412041.
    14205 EY report HIST
    1440Bde HQ established at 369023
    15506 GH and 7 G. approaching HIST. Locations as follows:-
    5 EY - 355025. 6 GH - 344015. 7 GH - 363026.
    16056 GH report contact with 3 CDN DIV at junc pt south of STEEPLE.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Timsbury Manor.1816106 GH report HIST
    16207 GH report HIST . ADS established at 385023.
    19055 EY coy posns :- 350024; 354030; 355025; 359028.
    6 GH coy posns :- 349020; 343018; 343014; 348015.
    7 GH coy posns :- 365028; 355027; 363025; 364031.
    2000Bns instructed to send sitreps at 2130 hrs and 0630 hrs.
    Preliminary patrolreports at 0630 hrs.
    19Patrols were sent by bns as follows :- 5 EY standing patrol
    and mobile patrol to contact 151 Bde. 6 GH standing patrol.
    7 GH as for 5 EY. (The Bde was in a position which amounted virtually
    to a reserve posn and, therefore, the patrolling was quite
    0830Conclusion of exercise. Embussing commences for return to
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Timsbury Manor211800Bde Comd holds conference at Bde HQ attended by Bn Comds. All
    aspects of exercise SMASH were discussed.
    220930The BM attends a demonstration convened by Force 'G' on
    methods of overcoming the obstacle 'Element C'. The demonstration
    was held in the area BRACKALSHAM BAY.
    0930The Bde Comd inspects the personnel and vehicles of Bde HQ.
    Personnel were dressed, and vehicles loaded, as for a D day
    assault. The purpose of the inspection was to ensure that
    personnel were correctly equipped and that the vehicles
    carried the necessary loads.
    23Briefing for the Bde Gp by Commander for FABIUS.
    240930Bde Comd attends a conference at Divisional HQ.
    251000The Bde Comd and Staff attend conference at the Regal Cinema
    Ringwood. All aspects of exercise SMASH were discussed.
    1430Conference held at Bde HQ, attended by assault R.E. and
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    W. Dgns. on the marking of gaps through a minefield.
    Tisbury Manor260900Bde Comd. attends Naval Briefing conference at WEYMOUTH, for Exercise FABIUS.
    1400Briefing of Bde. H.Q. for FABIUS by I.O. and offrs. i/c depts.
    27Marshalling commences for FABIUS. All camps are sealed after
    briefing and troops are not allowed out. In the case of Bde.
    H.Q. the sealing was impossible, situated as it is in the top
    floor and grounds of a house occupied by civilians.
    One public relations officer, his conducting officer and two
    Sgts. from A.F.P.U. were attached to Bde. for FABIUS.
    Bde. Major leaves for Division to resume planning for OVERLORD.
    28Marshalling for FABIUS continues.
    29Bde. Comd. attends conference with Force G2.
    Major V. Leadley, a combined operations staff officer, lent
    to Bde. for exercises, left on appointment as D.A.Q.M.G.
    in Movement Control.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    30Capt. P. Salmon, Royal Corps of Signals, appointed Bde. Signal
    Officer, vice Capt. D. Soutar.
    With the exception of the Brigadier, G.S.O.3 and I.O. and
    Signals for the Frigate party, the whole of Bde. H.Q. was
    marshalled by this time. Only the B.T.O. and E.M.E.
    did not go on the exercise.

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