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    War Diary: 69th Infantry Brigade HQ

    Month and year: June 1944

    The 69th Infantry Brigade HQ June 1944 war diary covers the unit landing in Normandy and the actions of the 6 & 7 Green Howards and 5 East Yorks in detail with over 200 places referenced.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/651

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    Page 1 of 29
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Jun 1-2Bde HQ remains marshalled in various camps pending embarkation.
    Now Docks,SOUTHAMPTON31900Bde Comd's party embarked on HMS KINGSMILL a frigate which was the HQ ship
    of Force G 2 commanded by Capt R. H. Ballance, RN. Accommodation was
    limited but the Army came aboard first.
    2000HMS KINGSMILL was sailed to lie in WEST SOLENT.
    At Sea41030Dawn broke with a cloudy sky and a choppy sea.
    News came through that D Day scheduled for 5 Jun was postponed for 24 hrs.
    All tps were to remain aboard. Everyone was disappointed. Infm of the
    enemy from air sorties was still being received and the Bde Comd held a
    conference with unit comds on board LSI EMPIRE RAPIER during the morning.
    The day was spent by most playing cards and reading.
    5When dawn broke the sea was much the same to the landlubbers eye as the
    previous day, which caused grave apprehension to those aboard. News was,
    however, received that D Day would be the following day.
    1200Large numbers of LCT A were seen to weigh anchor and sail out towards the
    open sea. They appeared to be having rather a rough passage!
    1840The frigate weighed anchor and together with other craft of Force G 2
    sailed towards 'The Needles'. Lt Col G.D. FANSHAWE OBE, OC 86 Fd Regt RA
    addressed all army personnel on board and told them our destination.
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    At seaJun 5 (Cont'd)1840Personal messages from General Eisenhower, General Montgomery and General
    Graham were read to all tps. Sealed packets of maps were opened and marked
    up ready for the operation.
    When the convoy altered course to the SE round The Needles the ships began
    to roll and some of the smaller craft were seen to be having a severe
    tossing. The military personnal went to bed early to be ready for the early
    6D Day. H Hour 0725 hrs. The weather was cloudy with a choppy sea. Low
    cloud prevented the tps from seeing all of the enormous air sp provided by
    the RAF and USAAF. From the Frigate the landmarks picked out previously
    from air photographs could be clearly seen at first but as the supporting
    fire and aerial bombing increased in intensity the shore became blotted from
    view by great clouds of dust and smoke from the explosions. Owing to the
    choppy sea, DD tks could not be launched at sea as planned and had to be
    landed from their craft.
    Wireless comns were est as ordered and worked satisfactorily. The
    anticipated 'jamming' or interference did not occur. The bombardment
    increased in intensity towards H hour as the leading LCA approached the
    shore. In the meantime the Frigate had closed to about two miles off shore.
    The Bde Comd and the SOAG were on the bridge watching the progress of the
    LCA. At 0745 hrs the report came through that two coys of the 5 E YORKS
    were ashore and in the right place, and a quarter of an hour later the
    report was received that two coys of 6 GREEN HOWARDS, the other assaulting
    bn, were also ashore. At 0815 hrs the Bde Comd's party commenced the
    difficult and rather perilous business of embarking in an LCM from the HMS
    KINGSMILL. The LCM had a rough and wet passage. At this stage of the
    tide beach obstacles were almost covered and great difficulty was experienced
    in avoiding the beach obstacles which were mined.
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    At seaJun 6 (Cont'd)The craft was skillfully handled by the Major of the RM in charge and the
    RM crew, and brought in between the obstacles within ten or fifteen yds of
    the shore when the Major RM jumped out and found the depth of water to be
    about four feet. Whilst the crew of the LCM assisted in keeping the craft
    clear of obstacles the Bde Comd's party disembarked. On landing, it was
    found that the party was about 300 yds WEST of the centre of the beaches.
    The Bde Comd's jeep stuck in soft and rather "peaty" beach, was recovered
    by a nearby tk but suffered no ill-effects and once clear of the soft spot
    was driven off. Much of the grass of the sand dunes was burning and
    giving off clouds of smoke which obscured part of the shore.
    Foreshore0930Bde Comd's party arrived at the MBSS. By this time 7 GREEN HOWARDS (Res
    Bn) landed and were trying to find suitable route inland.
    In the meantime the BM's party with M14 control veh had failed to make the
    shore. The veh having been stranded in an underwater shell-hole. This
    was a minor tragedy as the carrier which disembarked from the LCM had shed
    a track on the beach when making for the MBSS. Thus both wireless vehs
    for Bde HQ were out of commission.
    10005 E YORKS reported that the MONT FLEURY Bty had been captured with 8 cas.
    The Bty Comd; committed suicide and 30 PW were taken. They also reported
    that enemy is still fighting in LA RIVIERE chiefly from the pillboxes and
    houses and that sniping in the town was particularly severe. Apparently
    the preliminary bombardment had not had as much effect as had been hoped
    and the gun casemate in the WEST end of the sea wall was still sheltering a
    group of enemy.
    1010The Bde Comd whose jeep had been left on the beach on landing now left
    the MBSS with an LO and the IO in his jeep which had now arrived close to
    the MBSS on the Axis.
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    Foreshore61030Report was received from the 6 GREEN HOWARDS that they were on the first
    objective having captured enemy locality at 908869, gun posn 918861 and the
    MEUVAINES ridge which showed very good progress in the time.
    1120Meanwhile 7 GREEN HOWARDS had advanced through 6 GREEN HOWARDS with the task
    of capturing gun posn 917844. On arrival the gun posn was found to be out
    of action, 40 - 50 PW were taken, and the advance continued.
    1130Bde HQ moves fwd. As no wireless vehs were available it became necessary
    to use two handcart stations belonging to the MBSS which were taken fwd to
    the next posn of Bde HQ at VER-SUR-MER914852. The party-marched fwd up
    the dusty rd from the beach wheeling the handcarts, linking up with the
    BM's bedraggled party and attempting to follow the course of the battle which
    the Bde Comd was directing.
    12005 E YORKS report one coy in VER-SUR-MER and the bn ready to continue advance.
    Bde Comd ordered them to advance in accordance with the Op Order to ST LEGER:
    VER-SUR-MER1300Bde HQ est in farm buildings off the main rd. News was received that
    7 GREEN HOWARDS were in CREPON where NOT much resistance was met but a
    certain amount of sniping and an a tk gun firing into CREPON caused some cas
    but did NOT stop the advance.
    15007 GREEN HOWARDS report that they have captured the bridge at 906805 but that
    they were meeting opposition on bridge at 888797.
    15256 GREEN HOWARDS report two coys on report line YUKON (874833 - 921830).
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    VER-SUR-MERJun 61545News received that fwd tps of 6 GREEN HOWARDS were 300 yds short of report
    line HUMBER (865805 - 915808).
    1645Orders received from Bde Comd to move Bde HQ to VILLIERS-LE-SEC. The odd
    collection of handcarts, airborne MCs, bicycles and one staff car moved
    slowly fwd along the congested rd.
    8938151800BM saw Lt Col R.H.W.S.Hastings MC, at his HQ est at 893815 and in order to
    keep clear of 6 GREEN HOWARDS est Bde HQ just behind Bn HQ. At this time
    the posn of the three Bns was:
    5 E YORKS passing through 6 GREEN HOWARDS who were forming
    a firm base at VILLIERS-LE-SEC.
    Tps of 151 Bde were passing along our axis swinging right at VILLIERS-LE-SEC
    and moving in direction of LE MANIOR.
    1820Tac/R reports 40 AFV moving NE from RUCQUEVILLE,
    18305 E YORKS had reached ST GABRIEL where they were meeting some opposition.
    Bde Comd was with the CO Lt Col ..W.White, MBE, who shortly afterwards was
    wounded and evacuated.
    7 GREEN HOWARDS report that they had overcome the resistance in CREULLY and
    leading tps are now. 700 yds SOUTH of it. The Bde Comd directed 7 GREEN
    HOWARDS on COULAMBS (8876) 5 E YORKS on BRECY (8877).
    19305 E YORKS were held up 300 yds SW of ST GABRIEL by heavy automatic fire from
    the woods NOTH of BRECY. The Bn by this time was very tired and the Bde
    Comd decided to attack with the 6 GREEN HOWARDS on the right of 5 E YORKS.
    Objective - houses NW of Church. SL. rd ST GABRIEL - VAUSSIEUX, Time 2130 hrs.
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    893815Jun 6 (Cont'd)1930The Bn formed up quickly and the attack went in on time supported by 86 Fd
    and one pl B Coy 2 CHESHIRE, and was successful. 5 E YORKS were then able
    to work their way fwd into BRECY itself and both Bns consolidated for the
    1950Capt W.E. Needler (Senior LO) arrived at Bde HQ with orders from the Bde Comd
    for Bde HQ to move fwd to 889796 where it would be est for the night.
    8897962025Bde HQ arrived at new location 889796 which was a large field beside a
    farmhouse possibly used by a German signal unit. Civs were already looting
    the German stores and it was impossible to tell which were German Army horses
    and which were farm horses. Bde Sigs however found a brand new four-wheeled
    trailer which could be towed by a jeep which had by this time arrived with
    Bde HQ.
    2230Bns were all est in their allotted posns:
    7In accordance with Bde Comd's instrs issued during the night 7 GREEN HOWARDS
    moved fwd via COULOMBS to the farm and RDF station on the STLEGER feature
    at 876752 supported by 4/7 DG less one sqn. 6 GREEN HOWARDS moved fwd via
    RUCQUEVILLE 8777 to ST LEGER 8675 with 5 E YORKS in res moving behind
    6 GREEN HOWARDS were on the Bde axis.
    10156 GREEN HOWARDS reported approaching RUCQUEVILLE and 7 GREEN HOWARDS held up
    1000 yds SOUTH of COULOMBS by outpost posns of the garrison of the fortified
    farm in 8775. A plan was quickly prepared for the capture of the farm and
    the attack was launched.
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    889796Jun 71030Bde HQ ordered to move fwd to ST LEGER.
    8647581150Bde HQ arrived at ST LEGER and was est in an orchard behind 5 E YORKS. This
    Bn together with the 6 GREEN HOWARDS had had an unopposed advance. It was
    known that the farmhouse 8775 was protected by minefields and this imposed
    considerable caution on the 4/7 DG and considerable delay until gaps were
    cleared by the Bn under cover of smoke. Eventually the locality was rushed
    from the NORTH and the EAST and resulted in the capture of 45 prisoners.
    5 E YORKS Bn HQ 864756, A Coy 864753, B Coy 856756, C & D Coys 859755.
    6 GREEN HOWARDS Bn HQ 857746, A Coy 858743, B Coy 856744, C Coy 856747,
    D Coy 858747.
    7 GREEN HOWARDS Bn HQ 868754, A Coy 869753, B Coy 862750, C Coy 866755,
    D Coy 866750.
    14006 GREEN HOWARDS report enemy MG and mortar fire from DUCY STE MARGUERITE 8573.
    1645PW captured by 6 GREEN HOWARDS says that he came from CAEN and is from
    12 SS Pz Div.
    1900Tac/R reports tks moving NORTH on rd at 853735 but these must have almost
    immediately altered direction as no contact was made by 6 GREEN HOWARDS.
    20207 GREEN HOWARDS est a junc pt with 7 CDN Bde at 888727.
    20507 GREEN HOWARDS report enemy inf in ST CROIX GRANDE TONNE 8874. Bde HQ was
    still working at a disadvantage as although the carrier was again roadworthy
    the M14 control veh was a total loss having been squashed by an LCT. A
    Humber 4 X 4 Staff Car fitted with a Cdn No. 9 R/T set had however
    successfully landed on the previous day and was being used as the rear R/T
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    864758Jun 7 (Cont'd)2050link to Div whereas the original intention was to use it for the CW link to
    Div. A 160 Ib tent had been landed strapped to 15 cwt water truck and this
    was draped over the back of the staff car to form a 'G' office. Unfortunately
    the set in the staff car and the 22 set in the carrier which was being used as the
    Bde control set, interefered with each other if placed close together,
    consequently It was necessary to run backwards and forwards between the two
    805207 GREEN HOWARDS joint post at 888726 report 50 enemy tks moving EAST on rd
    SOUTH of rly. Joint post in consequence withdrew to 888741.
    0600FOO who had est OP at COULOMBS returned to Bn HQ 7 GREEN HOWARDS and reported
    that approx 30 enemy inf had passed through COLOUMBS and were moving in a
    NE direction, 7 GREEN HOWARDS were ordered to send a party out and try to
    make contact.
    07006 GREEN HOWARDS patrol reports no sigh of enemy in CANCAGNY 8475:
    07207 GREEN HOWARDS report that joint post has now moved to 895736. A carrier
    patrol made contact with enemy SOUTH edge of wood 838726.
    07307 GREEN HOWARDS despatched a force consisting of carriers and one pl inf to
    contact enemy party NE of COULOMBS. The party later returned having failed
    to make contact.
    12186 GREEN HOWARDS report joint post has been est with 8 DLI who were on their
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    864758Jun 950 (N) Div OO No. 2 issued. 8 Armd Bde is to advance and secure div
    objective - high ground excl JUVIGNY in incl pt 111 (8666) with 69 Inf Bde
    protecting the left flank excl JP 891738 to incl rly at 870727. 69 Bde to
    send out mobile patrols by day and inf patrols by night.
    1700Comd 30 Corps arrived to congratulate Bde Comd on the work of the Bde since
    D Day. The Bde Comd was out but Corps Comd talked to the BM for some time
    and explained his future intentions.
    Occasional sniping of fwd posns reported during the day and enemy movement
    was seen in WOODS near AUDRIEU 8671. Joint post with 7 CDN Bde moved to
    area WOOD 890730.
    1005007 GREEN HOWARDS patrols from JP report area NORTH of rly embankment clear
    of enemy and spandaus on SOUTH of embankment. Enemy was not very active
    though sniping of fwd posns continued.
    1045Civilian driver, TODT organisation, found by 6 GREEN HOWARDS hiding in ST
    LEGER, his whereabouts having been disclosed by local inhabitants.
    13406 GREEN HOWARDS report that their joint post with 8 DLI is being shelled.
    16007 GREEN HOWARDS report that the JP with 7 CDN Bde is being shelled by
    airburst ranging, one shell bursting approx every 20 mins.
    1600Div Comd visited Bde HQ and later 7 GREEN HOWARDS.
    1700Civilians reported a party of four enemy in AUDRIEU965717 and an a tk gun
    at 870721.
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    864758JUN 10 (Cont'd)17007 GREEN HOWARDS sent out a carrier patrol and twelve men to deal with them
    but found that enemy had moved SOUTH. However, a night patrol to KO a/tk
    gun was unable to advance beyond AUDRIEU because of MG fire.
    Active patrolling continued during the night and contact was maintained with
    the JP with CDN Bde.
    50 Div OO No 4 issued which gives 69 Bde the task of remaining in present
    locations until further orders.
    0110Cdn report (unconfirmed) that paratps had been landed in front of the Cdns.
    01357 GREEN HOWARDS JP reports that at least two medium or heavy tracked vehs and
    3 MCs have entered BRONAY.
    02157 GREEN HOWARDS mortar BRONAY.
    02457 GREEN HOWARDS reports spandau fire overhead suggest covering fire for
    movement of enemy tks in BRONAY.
    0715GOC 50 (N) Div visited Bde HQ and gave orders for the Bde to move fwd mopping
    up as they went, and to occupy ST PIERRE 8568 CRISTOT 8770 and WOOD 8871.
    1000Bde 'O' Gp at Bde HQ 6 and 7 GREEN HOWARDS to move simultaneously at 1430 hrs,
    6 GREEN HOWARDS directed on CRISTOT via AUDRIEU 8671, 7 GREEN HOWARDS on
    WOOD 8871, 5 E YORKS to cross the SL which was the rly after 6 GREEN HOWARDS
    and to occupy ST PIERRE taking over from 8 DLI. The enemy was believed to
    be SW of TILLY-SUR-SEULLES 8368 and SE of AUDRIEU 8671.
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    864758Jun 1114306 GREEN HOWARDS crossed rly line.
    14505 E YORKS crossed rly line.
    6 GREEN HOWARDS patrol reports 40 inf in wood 867715 with small arms and
    a tk gun.
    7 GREEN HOWARDS experiencing considerable small arms fire from area rly
    which they had not yet crossed.
    1625Leading tps 5 E YORKS reached line 71 Northing.
    1705Leading tps 5 E YORKS reached line 70 Northing.
    17157 GREEN HOWARDS report right hand coy over rly but meeting considerable
    MG fire from their left. 6 GREEN HOWARDS fwd coy pinned down by MG fire
    from 863700.
    18456 & 7 GREEN HOWARDS meeting strong opposition and sustaining some casualties.
    1900Bde Comd gives the posns as follows:
    6 GREEN HOWARDS half way between own objective and 5 YORKS objective.
    7 GREEN HOWARDS over 72 Northing.
    1905Res Coy 6 GREEN HOWARDS pass through fwd coy and pushing on.
    1930Bde Comd reports fairly heavy cas and intends to halt 6 GREEN HOWARDS at
    19557 GREEN HOWARDS right coy pinned down 100 yds SOUTH of rly, left coy also
    pinned down. CO considers that he may have to withdraw for the hight to the
    area of BRONAY.
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    864758Jun 112000Bde HQ ordered to move up on 8 Armd Bde axis which was combination of
    existing tracks and tracks made by tks to pt 103.
    SC had followed up 5 E YORKS with line party and jeep but latter had
    suffered two cas from mortars, and as there was obviously no opportunity of
    doing a reasonable recce he returned to the ADS with the cas. Later the
    recce party again set out for Pt 103.account days fighting
    2042Counter attack developed on 5 E YORKS and 6 GREEN HOWARDS by inf and tks and the situation became rather confused.attached appx E2
    8577202045Bde HQ was est at 857720 and as darkness fell the Def Pl endeavoured to
    locate a sniper in the next field but without success.
    7 GREEN HOWARDS est themselves at BRONAY. During the night one coy which
    had been pinned down by MG fire were extricated to posn NORTH of rly line.
    An account of the day's fighting is attached at Appx
    1200257 Green Howards holding area of joint post and in contact with 7 CDN Bde
    0340Issued instrs for 6 GREEN HOWARDS to withdraw to area 864727.
    0700E YORKS to take ovor area of 1 DORSETS.
    8587280830Bde HQ move to 858728. Locations of Bns and Coys at this time are -
    5 E YORKS Bn HQ 851704 A Coy 855703 B Coy 854706 C Coy 850700 D Coy 853700
    6 GREEN HOWARDS Bn HQ 863734 A Coy 866728 B Coy 863727 C Coy 863732
    D Coy 866732.
    7 GREEN HOWARDS Bn HQ 891732 A Coy 889729 B Coy 891729 C Coy 888728
    D Coy 890728.
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    858728JUN 12 (Contd)083050 (N) Div Op Instr No. 6 was received giving 69 Bde the task of holding a
    firm base in the present bn areas from incl Pt 1038570 to WOOD 892731.
    15507 GREEN HOWARDS approx twelve enemy SW of posn NOTH of embankment.
    1520Comd 49 Div visits Bde Comd.
    16506 GREEN HOWARDS reports spandau firing from WOOD 863716.
    18007 GREEN HOWARDS report sixty enemy and three vehs at 885724.
    The relief by 5 E YORKS of 1 DORSETS is planned to take place during the
    evening and completed under cover of darkness. 5 E YORKS ordered to cover
    505 Fd Coy who are ordered to lay a minefd of Mk V mines from WOOD 847704
    to WOOD 842703. 1,000 mines, wire and stakes were quickly brought up
    during the evening.
    1301305 E YORKS report all guns of 288 A Tk Bty now in posn ready to fire.
    0530Minefd WEST of 5 E YORKS post now completed.
    5 E YORKS patrol report no sign of enemy.
    06407 GREEN HOWARDS report MG fire from 892718. Smoke dropped to left of A Coy.
    Two men patrol in BRONAY had to return as it could find no suitable place to
    lie up during day.
    0800Brig DUNLOP, Comd 146 Bde (49 Div) arrived to discuss the relief of 69 Bde
    by his Bde tonight.
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    858728Jun 131025Patrol from 7 GREEN HOWARDS reached 6 GREEN HOWARDS via NORTH of rly line
    having seen no enemy.
    11205 E YORKS patrol to ST PIERRE 8568 encountered no enemy and report NES in
    1600Main Bde HQ leaves for 833751 leaving Tac HQ consisting of Sig Office and
    CV and one LO with jeep in existing location.
    17106 GREEN HOWARDS patrol to wood at 876718 unable to locate enemy.
    1900Comd 69 Bde area passes to 146 Bde and 69 Bde go into Div res.
    83375120106 GREEN HOWARDS report that they have been relieved of their posns and are
    moving to new location at 838744.
    2010Relief of 7 GREEN HOWARDS has already been completed early in the day and
    they report they are in the new location at 830745.
    21456 GREEN HOWARDS report that they are complete in new location.
    23305 E YORKS report that three coys have been relieved.
    1405005 E YORKS report relief completed. Tac Bde HQ closes and moves to join
    Main Bde HQ.
    02005 E YORKS report all coys in new location 834736.
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    833751Jun 140900Bde resting. The morning is spent in maintenance and checking of weapons
    and kit. Parties are sent off to BAYEUX to the showers.
    1200Bde placed at three hours notice to move from this time. The men are to
    continue to got as much rest as possible. COs are ordered to stand by to
    go with Bde Comd to recce area LA BELLE EPINE 7769 - LA SENAUDIERE 7868
    preparatory to advancing SOUTH through 231 Inf Bde to area LE LION VERT 7964
    and high ground to SOUTH.
    2000Attack of 231 Inf Bde not yet successful and fighting is still going on in
    No move is likely before tomorrow so the bde settles down to another night's
    151000Div Comd visits Bde Comd and informs him of the course of the battle.
    1230Bde Comd summons Bde 'O' Gp and issues orders for the Bde to move in rear
    of 231 Inf Bde ready to pass through tomorrow with the original task of
    advancing SOUTH to LE LION VERT.
    14307 GREEN HOWARDS followed by 6 GREEN HOWARDS and 5 E YORKS march fwd to new
    conc areas.
    8067161600Bde HQ moved fwd to new conc area, locations of bns and Bde HQ are now;-
    Bde HQ 806716
    5 E YORKS798708
    6 GREEN HOWARDS811717
    7 GREEN HOWARDS792700
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    806716Jun 152130Bde Comd holds a conference attended by Bn Comds and COs of sp arms to go
    through the Bnde plan for tomorrow's attack. The plan for the attack is as
    follows -
    7 GREEN HOWARDS will advance along the rd from LES ORAILLES to line of the
    X rds in area 7765. 5 E YORKS to advance and clear the wooded area NE of
    the rd. 6 GREEN HOWARDS in res with a possible role of passing through to
    reach the rd LA CROIX (7763) to LE LION VERT (7964). Start line along
    track 761660 - 765666.
    1605307 GREEN HOWARDS move fwd from present area towards SL. Tac Bde HQ consisting
    of BM, G 3 and IO with a carrier and staff car containing the necessary
    wireless links, and LOs with jeeps move fwd to area LA BELLE EPINE769691.
    Bde Comd and one LO move off independently to visit the CO of the 7 GREEN
    76969109007 GREEN HOWARDS cross the SL and moved to 773659 without opposition;
    followed by 5 E YORKS.
    6 GREEN HOWARDS are moving down to area LES ORAILLES 7666.
    0930Bde IO moves fwd to join the Bde Comd. Shortly afterwards the IO collected
    a bunch of 7 GREEN HOWARDS stragglers belonging to a fwd coy. He led them
    back to their coy as their coy comd could not be found, put them in posns
    and told the CSM how to get the coy fwd. During the whole time Capt
    Isaac showed a complete disregard for his personal safety despite heavy and
    accurate MG fire.
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    769691Jun 161020A SP gun at 780652 sighted to cover the rd to the NORTH prevents any
    movement of vehs along the rd LES ORAILLES - X rds 776654 and delays the
    advance. Meanwhile 5 E YORKS moving in rear of 7 GREEN HOWARDS with the
    task of clearing the wooded area NE of the rd reports heavy opposition from
    MGs in the wood.
    1100Heavy opposition is now being encountered by 7 GREEN HOWARDS whose fwd tps
    are 400 yds SOUTH of the X rds 776654. The enemy is seen to be loading vehs
    in the area of these X rds and 90 Fd and 99 A TkBty engage this tgt.
    Mortar fire is being brought down on the leading coys of 7 GREEN HOWARDS and
    both coy comds are killed. A mortar bomb falls close to the Bde Comd's jeep
    wounding the Bde Comd slightly. Capt J M. B. Isaac the Bde IO was wounded and
    evacuated and the signaller was severely wounded and subsequently died of wounds.
    Mortaring of area about Tac Bde HQ and LA BELLE EPINE X rds also took place.
    1250Bde Comd orders 7 GREEN HOWARDS to consolidate in posns already gained and
    tells the 5 E YORKS to do likewise if meeting heavy opposition.
    1400Bns dig in in present posns which are as follows:-
    5 E YORKS HQ 772667 A Coy 776666 B Coy & Tac HQ 775663 C Coy 777660
    D Coy 777662.
    6 GREEN HOWARDS HQ & A Coy 766665 B Coy 769665 C Coy 767666 D Coy 765665
    7 GREEN HOWARDS HQ 770661 A Coy 773658 B Coy 768658 C Coy 771662
    D Coy 770660.
    Patrols are sent fwd and the enemy is found to be actively patrolling the
    front and flanks. One enemy patrol at 788663 was met and dispersed.
    1900During an air attack on the enemy bombs were dropped in area of 5 E YORKS
    causing cas.
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    769691Jun 162000During the afternoon and the evening intermittent mortaring of the Bde area
    170610Patrol report enemy approx str one coy in area X rds 776654.
    Plan for today's op is as follows:
    5 E YORKS to take over from 6 GREEN HOWARDS
    7 GREEN HOWARDS to take over from 5 E YORKS.
    6 GREEN HOWARDS are to conc in area 790687 preparatory to
    launching an attack on the high ground in area 7966.
    Start line 780678 - rd and tr june 7996
    7 GREEN HOWARDS are to be prepared to advance SOUTH of area of
    X rds 776654.
    151 Bde are going to attack TILLY-SUR-SEULLES 8368 and 70 Bde (49 Div) are
    to attack ST PIERRE 8568.
    1100Various moves and reliefs are now completed. Bde Comd visited CO of
    6 GREEN HOWARDS in area 790687 and issued orders for the attack. Comds
    sp arms were also present.
    13556 GREEN HOWARDS cross SL and advance to the WOOD at 776654 but are meeting
    hy opposition from three tks MGs and mortars from the area of the X rds.
    1630Attack of 6 GREEN HOWARDS has met hy opposition from enemy spandau and
    mortars and one tk and the bn is consolidating on high ground about pt 113
    7 GREEN HOWARDS have also been unable to advance SOUTH OF WOOD 7765 owing to
    hy MG and mortar fire from X rds 776654 and are consolidating.
    Final posns reached by 6 GREEN HOWARDS and 7 GREEN HOWARDS at the end of
    the day are as follows:-
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    769691JUN 17 (Cont'd)16306 GREEN HOWARDS HQ 797676 with coys at 796675798673799672801675
    7 GREEN HOWARDS HQ 774665 A Coy 776664 B Coy 772657 C Coy 769660
    D Coy 779659.
    181000Bde Comd orders 7 GREEN HOWARDS to advance across lateral rd LONGRAYE -
    GRANVILLE and secure high ground immediately to SOUTH also a limited attack
    by 5 E YORKS of one coy to secure the village of LONGRAYE 7866.
    1400H hr for attack by 7 GREEN HOWARDS. The attack was sp by concs and smoke
    fired by 90 Fd Regt RA. The advance went well and both leading coys
    reached thei objective with little opposition but enemy tks are reported
    in the area.
    1630The coy attack by 5 E YORKS commences sp by 4.2 mortars and MGs.
    1800Fwd pls are reported within 100 yds of their objective. A certain amount
    of mortar fire is directed on to them from SOUTH of LONGRAYE.
    1825Slow progress of fwd pls is reported. Hy mortar and spandau fire from the
    village is holding up the advance.
    1935An enemy counter attack developed in LONGRAYE and leading pls of 5 E YORKS
    are pinned down in the village. Action CO of 5 E YORKS Major A.M.N. Rice
    is with the coy comd and the res pl is being sent fwd to assist in
    extricating the leading pls. As a result the fwd pls were partially
    extricated but one offr and 29 ORs are missing. The remainder of the
    coy withdraws to its original posn.
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    769691Jun 1820007 GREEN HOWARDS report enemy tk brewed up at X rds 776654 by M10 of 99 A Tk
    Bty. Bn is digging in in present posns with two coys one on each side of rd
    LES ORAILLES - rd junc 785643 about 300 - 400 yds past the X rds 776654
    one coy at LA CARDERIE 7765 and one coy in area X rds. CO Lt Col P.H.
    Richardson moved fwd to the left fwd coy taking with him the Bde LO Lt R.D.
    Warner who has been reporting back to Bde HQ on the course of the battle.
    2100CO 7 GREEN HOWARDS reported that he was pinned down by MG fire in area of
    left fwd coy. Subsequently a strong enemy counter attack developed and this
    coy was overrun. The CO, Coy Comd, Bn IO and Bde LO together with the rest
    of the coy are missing, most of them are believed PW.
    2200The situation on 7 GREEN HOWARDS front is extremely confused. Bde Comd is
    fwd in area of X rds 776654. The bn withdraws to the area of the 5 E YORKS
    and commences regroup area. Major H.R.D.Oldman, MC, assumes
    comd of the bn.
    1904307 GREEN HOWARDS regrouped into three coys owing to the cas caused by the
    overrunning of B Coy in last night's counter attack. The bn moved fwd and
    occupied posns:-
    A Coy 769658
    C Coy 770658
    D Coy 772662
    06006 GREEN HOWARDS commences an attack with LA TAILLE794663 as its objective
    Hy mortar and MG fire makes the advance very difficult and cas are suffered.
    The Bde Comd instructs 6 GREEN HOWARDS to consolidate on posns a little fwd.
    The bn digs in in the following locations:-
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    769691Jun 19 (Cont'd)0600Bn HQ 797676 with coys at 795676796675799675 and 798673.
    Continuous rain throughout the day made conditions most unpleasant.
    Lt Col R. B. James, DSO, arrived and assumed comd of 5 E Yorks.
    20There was very little enemy activity during the night.
    A quiet day with little contact with the enemy. 5 E YORKS est a standing
    patrol at LA BUTTE 7767. 30 Corps plan IMPLACABLE in which 50 Div is to
    secure and hold a firm base on the general line ST GERMAIN D'ECTOT 7762 -
    ST VAAST SUR SEULLES 8364 is postponed for three or four days.
    On 21 Jun as part of this plan 69 Inf Bde was to seize and hold X rds
    776654 and LA TAILLE795664 but instrs were received this afternoon that the
    op had been postponed.
    211800Active patrolling continued during the night. Today patrolling continued
    and 5 E YORKS commenced to infiltrate fwd to posns covering the fwd edge of
    the WOOD 7765 and 7766 and relieving 7 GREEN HOWARDS in their present posns.
    By 1400 hrs the move was completed, the only opposition being several
    bursts of SA fire. Later enemy mortaring of the fwd coy posns occurred
    but no cas were suffered. Spasmodic mortaring and shelling of 6 and 7
    GREEN HOWARDS areas continued during the day. Final locations of 5 E YORK
    and 7 GREEN HOWARDS were:-
    5 E YORKS HQ 771663 A Coy 775658 B Coy 770659 C Coy 775665 D-Coy 778663
    7 GREEN HOWARDS HQ 763667 A Coy 765664 C Coy 758666 D Coy 764664
    On pl 7 GREEN HOWARDS take over the standing patrol from 5 E YORKS at
    LA BUTTE 7767.
    There was no change in the location of 6 GREEN HOWARDS. Bathing facilities
    at BAYEUX are now in full swing and a proportion of each bn is able to go
    there for showers every day or so.
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    769691JUN 22A warm and sunny day, one of the warmest days since landing. It was very
    much appreciated by everyone and enabled the 'drying-out' process necessary
    by the intermittent rain of the previous days, to be completed
    1000Div Comd visited the Bde Comd and later went to visit 5 E YORKS.
    1530Enemy patrol strength approx ten infiltrated close to the fwd coy posns of
    5 E YORKS and inflicted cas of one killed and three wounded, The enemy
    was engaged as he withdrew.
    Lt Col W. R. Cox assumed command of 7 GREEN HOWARDS.
    Active patrolling continued during the day. Movement of enemy at LA
    VARDERIE 7765 and along rd running NE from X rd's 776654 was engaged by arty
    and mortars during the day. B Coy 2 CHESHIRE also had several sudcessful
    shoots during the afternoon. After one shoot on area of rd at 778652 one
    enemy 3-tonner was seen to crash into the ditch and a tk, staff car and
    two DRs following it beat a hasty retreat, A German propaganda leaflet
    picked up by 5 E YORKS referred to the Americans fighting in CHERBOURG
    Pensinsular and inferred that our Allies were short of doctors, As
    propaganda value the leaflet was considered of a very poor standard.
    23Another clear and sunny day. On front of 5 E YORKS there was increased
    enemy shelling and mortaring throughout the day, and small patrols of enemy
    were active in the LA VARDERIE area 7865 and this tgt was engaged by bn
    3 in mortars during the day.
    2 SWB came under op comd of the bde at 1130 hrs and are located as under:-
    Bn HQ 779685 A Coy 778678 B Coy 784675 C Coy 777687 D Coy 784685
    Our patrols went to LONGRAYE and LA VARDERIE where opposition was met and
    fire was exchanged, The patrol located enemy posns at 784661, LA VARDERIE
    and FARM 785657.
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    769691Jun 24Intermittent shelling and mortaring of fwd posms occurred during the day.
    In the afternoon 3 in mortar Fd and Med concs were fired on area X rds 776654
    and LA POTERIE and mortar posn suspected at 778652. A patrol to LONGRAYE the
    village which is patrolled by both sides and occupied by neither, reported it
    clear at 1700 hrs.
    2145Six Me 109s flew WEST over Bde area at about 50 feet. These were engaged
    by Brens from the fwd coys and a hit was claimed on one by 6 GREEN HOWARDS.
    Lt Gen G. C. BUCKNELL Comd 30 Corps visited the Bde Comd and spoke about
    future intentions. Lt G.R. EARLE-WELBY, E YORKS, joined Bde HQ as LO.
    The first edition of HQ 69 Inf Bde Infm Bulletin was issued and is copy
    att at Appx B1. It is intended that this shall be a daily circular to the Div front and
    Appx B1.
    bns and att units giving infm of the day's fighting on neighbouring fronts.
    220013 Hy Mortar P1 D Coy 2 CHESHIRE report Germanstn coming up on their R/T net
    in English asking for "Password" Control stn told the German to get off the
    air to which the latter replied "OK Tommy Out". German stn later came up
    canceling a fire order which was ignored, to which the German replied by
    jamming the net with Morse.
    25There was continuous patrolling throughout the day. The general situation
    was quiet though enemy mortaring increased in the afternoon particularly in
    the area NORTH of LA TAILLE occupied by 6 GREEN HOWARDS where 20 mortar bombs
    fell at 1720 hrs. A NEBELWERFER was active at 1345 hrs and fired 18 rds
    which fell area 797677. Various enemy posns were engaged by arty, 4.2 and
    3" mortars during the day incl gun posn at 767648. The occasional spandau
    firing from LONGRAYE was heard during the morning.
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    769691Jun 26HQ 69 Inf Bde Infm Bulletin No. 2 is att at Appx B2
    Throughout the night the enemy remained unusually quiet except for slight MG
    and rifle fire from area 797664 and 796665. It was thought that the advance
    SOUTH of 49 Div attacking on the left of the Div had forced the enemy to
    withdraw. The Bde Comd therefore ordered strong patrols to go out and see
    if the enemy had in fact withdrawn.
    1300One pl of 5 E YORKS now est at X rds 776654, a further pl was pushed through
    and met MG fire from 782648. The enemy was engaged and at least 12 cas
    inflicted. Both patrols then withdrew having est the fact that the enemy
    was still in his original posns. Further to the left a pl advanced to a
    pt SE of LA VARDERIE when it was unable to adv further owing to by MG fire.
    During the operations of these strong patrols two wounded men of 7 GREEN
    HOWARDS were recovered. The men had been living in ditches near the X rds
    776654 since 18 Jun when they were involved in the enemy counter attack on
    1310Patrols to the front of 6 GREEN HOWARDS verified the fact that no enemy
    withdrawal had taken place on this sector.
    Enemy mortar and shelling continued during the day and was heaviest on area
    of 6 GREEN HOWARDS where more than 100 shells or bombs fell during the day.
    Bn mortars engaged tgts at ONCHY 7965 LONGRAYE 7866 LA TAILLE794663 and
    B Coy 2 CHESHIRE fired a harassing shoot on to WOOD at 818652 and 807650 and
    area of quarry 815654.
    27HQ 69 Inf Bde Infm Bulletin No. 3 att at Appx B3.
    08002 SWB report that three large craters appeared at 779684 during the night.
    There were no explosions and at the moment there is no explanation.
    233 Fd Coy are however making investigations.
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    769691Jun 2710302 FM 190s flew over the Bde area in a westerly direction at 500 feet and
    attacked and shot down an Air OP. Two American offrs were wounded.
    Subsequently an air battle developed between Spitfires and the FW 190s
    and bullets fired from the aircraft landed in area 7 GREEN HOWARDS injuring
    one man,
    1200Patrols during the morning report LA POTERIE783656LA VARDERIE and WOOD
    787670 clear of enemy. Little enemy activity was apparent during the
    1645Zero for attack by 6 GREEN HOWARDS on LA TAILLE feature 7966. A barrage was
    laid on by 74 and 90 Fd Regts behind which the two leading coys were to
    advance the barrage creeping fwd at the rate of 100 yds in 5 mins.
    Some houses on the right flank escaped the barrage and the right hand coy
    was soon meeting opposition from enemy spandaus positioned in these
    houses and they began to lose the barrage. Enemy DF was then brought to
    bear along the line of the rd running approx NORTH and SOUTH between the
    two coys and this further hampered their advance. C Sqn N Yeo were in sp
    of the bn and assisted C Coy, a res coy, to mop up enemy resistance in the
    houses. In the meantime the left fwd coy was making slow but steady
    progress towards LA TAILLE despite considerable mortar fire from LONGRAYE,
    ONCHY 7965 and Chau de CORDILLON 8066. One of these mortar bombs wounded
    It Col Hastings, MC, and he had to be evacuated. Major R. Lofthouse
    the senior coy comd took over comd of the bn as Major C.M.Hull MC, 2 i/c
    of the on was sick with malaria. It was extremely difficult to make full
    use of the tke to improve the situation on the right flank owing to the
    close nature of the country and the scattered Tellermines on the track. To
    add to the difficulties comns were not good and it was extremely difficult
    for the acting CO to ascertain the exact posns which coys had reached.
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    769691Jun 272000Bde Comd therefore gave the order to reorganise and dig in whilst there was
    still sufficient light to enable this to be done. Final posns were as
    Bn HQ 795669 A Coy 793666 B Coy 798668 C Coy 794664 D Coy 796666.
    Eight tks from C Sqn N Yeo became cas but most of them were recovered having
    been cas damaged by mines. C Sqn claims one Panther and one Armd C KO.
    2300Lt Col Webster, Essex Regt, GSO 1 50 (N) Div was sent by GOC 50 (N) Div
    to 6 GREEN HOWARDS to take over comd pending the arrival of the new CO.
    Warning Order received from 50 Div that following reliefs would take place
    7 GREEN HOWARDS to relieve 2 SWB who revert to comd 56 Bde.
    2 ESSEX to relieve 7 GREEN HOWARDS.
    An account of 6GH action is attached at appx E1
    HQ 69 Inf Bde Infm Bulletin No 4 att at Appx B4.
    280600Patrols report enemy laying mines 50 yds SE of X rds 776654 and more booby
    traps in hedges running NORTH and EAST of LA VARDERIE779657. No movement
    was seen in LA POTERIE 7865.
    0700One Coy 7 GREEN HOWARDS relieved one coy 2 SWB at 784674 and 2 SWB moved out
    of Bde area at 0730 hrs,
    1400Relief 7 GREEN HOWARDS2 ESSEX completed and 7 GREEN HOWARDS move to
    occupy posns as follows:-
    Bn HQ 779686 A Coy 786671 B Coy 778682 C Coy 778677 D Coy 785673.
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    769691Jun 281600Lt Col R. K. Exham, MC, assumed comd 6 GREEN HOWARDS. B Coy 6 GREEN HOWARDS
    moved to 795679.
    Enemy activity on front of 5 E YORKS during the day was generally slight but
    mortaring and shelling of 6 GREEN HOWARDS was particularly severe; 248
    bombs or shells landed in the area during the day. Cas - 3 killed and
    18 wounded. 6 GREEN HOWARDS posns have been reorganised as under: -
    Bn HQ 796669 A Coy 792665 B Coy 796674 C Coy 794664 D Coy 797666.
    29HQ 69 Inf Bde Infm Bulletin No. 5 is attached at Appx B5 .
    0600Patrols during the night report unoccupied enemy weapon pits area 787665 and
    783668 with expended cartridge cases in and around the pits. Two tks in
    hull down posn and well camouflaged are reported in LA TAILLE.
    1030Ten enemy were seen in front of C Coy 6 GREEN HOWARDS in the area of LA
    TAILLE and were dispersed with SA fire.
    1200Small party of the enemy was seen crossing a gap in the hedge under cover
    of smoke at 792658 and was engaged by arty and 3 in mortars.
    1800Approx 10 enemy were seen in area LA TAILLE 7966 and were engaged by 3 in
    mortars. There was a slight increase in shelling and mortaring on bde
    front and 230 bombs or shells fell in the area of the 6 GREEN HOWARDS
    during the day inflicting cas amounting to 8 wounded.
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    769691Jun 300500A Coy 6 GREEN HOWARDS moved to area 793668 at first light today. Reports of
    patrols night 29/30 June revealed unoccupied enemy slit trenches and
    dugouts in area 783659. One patrol directed on to building at 783652
    reached 780654 and observed party of enemy inf approaching from SE. The
    enemy settled down in the hedgerow approx 15 yds from own patrol. Sounds
    of more enemy moving towards the hedge at 783654 were heard and our patrol
    05305 E YORKS despatched standing patrols to 782653 and 782657 to ambush any
    enemy approaching. Subsequently they reported NES.
    11506 GREEN HOWARDS report enemy movement in field 791661.
    1230Enemy were seen in LA TAILLE 7966 and 2 vehs were reported moving SOUTH
    from village.
    1425Further movement was observed SW of LA TAILLE and three vehs were seen
    moving into LA TAILLE from the EAST.
    A plan was prepared for 7 GREEN HOWARDS to push fwd at least a pl into the
    orchard at 787662. The first stage was the move a one pl fwd to buildings
    at 783667 and was completed without incident.
    1445The next stage was the passing through of another pl to reach LONGRAYE and
    finally establishing a posn on the SOUTH EDGE of the orchard. The buildings
    were searched and no enemy was found.
    1700The pl moves fwd to the orchard and were fired on by a schmeiser from the
    SOUTH end of the orchard. One OR was wounded.
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    769691Jun 30 (Cont'd)1700Enemy MGs then opened up from WOOD 786657 and 791656 and mortars commenced
    firing from 786657. The pl withdrew and the final dispositions of the
    Bn were arranged as follows:-
    Bn HQ, B & D Coys unchanged.
    A Coy one pl astride rd at 785669
    one pl area tr junc 788678
    one pl area 784674.
    C Coy pls at FM 783667 WOOD 780672 and tr area 779676.
    1940250 Lancaster bombers passed over the Bde area flying at varying hts to
    bomb VILLERS BOCAGE through which the enemy was believed to be passing
    fmns to attack 8 Corps SW of CAEN. 1,000 tons of bombs were dropped and
    towards the end of the attack great colns of black smoke could be seen
    rising from the direction of the tgt. The enemy AA fire was hy but
    apparently found the tactics of bombers flying in to bomb at different
    altitudes rather difficult to cope with. 3 Bombers were seen to be hit,
    Hy mortaring of 6 GREEN HOWARDS posn continued and approx 100 shells or
    bombs fell in the bn area during the day, 4 ORs were wounded. Our own
    mortars and arty were active throughout the day and engaged, inter alia,
    suspected enemy mortar posns.
    HQ 69 Inf Bde Infm Bulletin No. 6 is att at Appx B6.

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