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    War Diary: 69th Infantry Brigade HQ

    Month and year: March 1944

    The 69th Infantry Brigade HQ March 1944 war diary covers the units time in the UK at including at the Combined Training Centre, Inveraray

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/651

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Penny Pot.1Brigade Major and Staff Captain leave for LONDON to join the Divisional
    180509 1"-1 milePlanning Staff. Rear details party remain at PENNY POT moving to the
    Sheet 97CHINE HOTEL, BOSCOMBE, Bournemouth on the 12th March.
    CTC Inveraray1 - 2Training carried out by battalions on landing craft and scrambling nets.
    3The Brigade Commander leaves for the Bde Planning Staff, London.
    4Training continues.
    569 Brigade Adm Order No 3 issued.Appendix 'A'
    6Lectures and instructional films throughout the Brigade.
    7Capt D.K. SOUTAR, Royal Corps of Signals, appointed Bde Signal Officer vice
    Capt N. Webber, Royal Corps of Signals.
    8Bde Signal Exercise carried out at ARDNO BEACH (LOCH FYNE)
    9Preparations and embarkation for exercise ARDNO.
    10Exercise ARDNO carried out by Bde Gp.Operation Order by CTC
    69 Inf Bde Movement Instruction No 1 issued.Appendix 'B'
    Page 2 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    CTC11Road party leaves for training concentration area, Bournemouth.
    Inveraray12Rail party leaves for training concentration area, Bournemouth.
    132000Bde HQ established CHINE HOTEL, BOSCOMBE, BOURNEMOUTH. Locations of
    sub units - 5 East Yorks - Queens Park, West Drive, Boscombe.
    6 Green Howards - Burlington Hotel, Owls Road, Boscombe.
    7 Green Howards - Linden Hall Hydro, Boscombe.
    Chine Hotel14 - 16Normal training throughout the Brigade.
    Boscombe17Brigade Commander returns from the Planning Staff and visits all Bns.
    18-23Normal training throughout the Brigade. Training areas allotted to each
    Bn in the New Forest Training Area.
    24Brigade Commander holds briefing conference in the model room for
    exercise SMASH 1 attended by unit commanders.
    25The Brigade Planning Staff leaves LONDON and is established at the
    27I.O. attends Air Support Play at 30 Corps HQ
    Page 3 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Chine Hotel28Exercise CONQUEROR'. Brigade Commander, BM, IO, and Signal Officer
    Boscombeattend. The exercise was held in the UNION, CAMBRIDGE and the officers
    lived in Trinity College. All aspects of the operation OVERLORD were
    30BM and Signal Officer return to Main Bde HQ.
    31Warning order received for 69 Bde Gp to move to new location on the 6th
    April. Advance party of US Force arriving Boscombe on the 1st April.

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