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    War Diary: 75th Anti Tank Regiment

    Month and year: October 1944

    The 75th Anti Tank Regiment (Royal Artillery) October 1944 war diary covers the units actions in The Netherlands

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/925

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    Page 1 of 7
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Gemert1-6All Btys resting and maintenance. 117 Bty at MORTEL.
    5C.O. inspected all Tps.
    St Anthonis 423391711 Armd Div relieved 7 U.S. Armd Div in area SOUTH of ST ANTHONIS facing
    OVERLOON. 117 Bty u/c HQRA and placed in Div Reserve still at MORTEL.
    De Rips118 and 338 Btys u/c 159 Inf Bde. 119 Bty u/c 29 Armd Bde.
    One Tp 338 Bty u/c of each Inf Bn of 159 Bde. Tps of 118 Bty deployed in
    ST ANTHONIS area covering approaches to village from EAST. E.Tp NORTH of
    village. D Tp covering BOXMETR road. F.TP supplied forward listening post at
    HALFWEG (on road to BOXMEER) 118 & 338 Bty H.QS and RHQ on EASTERN outskirts
    of ST ANTHONIS. 119 Bty in DE RIPS area.
    8No change in positions. Nothing to report.
    9SPs of 119 Bty engaged pill boxes on canal EAST of MILHEEZE, range 2300 yds
    several hits obtained bad visibility made observation difficult.
    10A quiet day. 119 Bty reported shooting impossible owing to pouring rain and
    bad visibility.
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    11Regiment less the two SP Btys reverted to comd CRA wef 1200 hrs.
    117 Bty placed u/c 159 Inf Bde and moved to ST ANTHONIS,
    Gun detachment of L.Tp had amazing escape when salvo of "moaning minnies"
    landed in Tp area. One shell landed at side of weapon slit, but, due to
    soft nature of ground dug itself in and exploded harmlessly blowing in end
    of weapon slit. Another landed directly on weapon slit of supporting infantry.
    The shell penetrated the chest of one infanteer killing him immediately.
    Another man occupying the same trench merely suffered from concussion.
    119 Bty engaged pill boxes again - range 2400 yds - many hits and
    considerable damage.
    12Op "CONSTILLATION" commenced. 3 Brit Div passed through 11 Armd Div toR.A.11 Armd Div O.O.No.1
    attack OVERLOON. Btys deployed as before. Capt Smalley posted to 117 Bty
    as Capt "G" Lieut Swiney took over command of (119 Bty)
    13Some shelling in 119 Bty area - no casualties, otherwise nothing to report.
    14D & E Tps (118 Bty) came u/c 3 Div. Recce Regt. F.Tp u/c Inns of Court
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    D.Tp area 7634 E.Tp 7636. F.To 7638 each with one Sqn Recce Regt. Role -
    flank protection.HQRA Addendum to O.O.No.13
    338 Bty positions slightly modified to meet changing conditions due to 3
    Brit Div advance. 119 Bty resting at De Rips.
    15159 Bde responsible for the protection of the left flank of 3 Brit Div,
    clearing the area to the EAST of 3 Brit Div. A.Tp u/c 4 KSLI B.&.C.Tps with Tac BHQ
    employed in follow-up role. Country most unsuitable for guns,159 Inf Bde O.O.No.9.
    OVERLOON area16Sgt Taylor's S.P. (117. Bty) K.O'd at MR 794313. Believed hit by enemy tank
    or SP gun from SW direction. Nothing seen of enemy gun. Three killed,
    Sgt Taylor, Bde Franklin and Gnr McLachlan G.S. Two wounded D/Mech Hoare and
    D/Op Day. Gun was well camouflaged and position may have been given away
    when the gun went in at 1730hrs the previous evening, or by tanks of F.&.F.
    Yeo which were firing nearby at the time and may have attracted close study
    and return fire. Sgt Brettle attempted to get Sgt Taylor out of the K.O'd
    SP while ammunition was still exploding, succeeded but Sgt Taylor was almost dead.
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    Sgt Brettle badly burned on hands but did not report fact. Targets engaged
    by the Tp at SMAKT and MARSHEES one a very high factory and two church towers
    at SHAKT, almost certainly enemy O.Ps, destroyed by 17pdr AP and HE at 3800
    yds and 1600yds respectively. Huge explosion heard at MARSHEES at same time
    suspect HE fell in ammunition dump. Area in which Tp was deployed was
    very sandy country, making going very difficult, sometimes through 2 and 3
    ft of sand. Heavy shelling and mortaring of area. C.Tp (117 Bty) u/c 1
    HEREFORD - not deployed.
    119 Bty in 29 Armd Bde ops - u/c 23 Hussars. No action. I Tp carrier blownR.A.11 Armd Div O.O.No.15
    up by mine. Gnr Childs killed D/Op Barnes slightly wounded. At 1700hrs Bty
    reverted to comd 29 Armd Bde. 118 Bty. Readjustment of positions D.Tp
    moved during evening to MERLINGSBEEK 7934. E.TP to MULLEM 7736. F.Tp unchanged.
    1729 Armd Bde advance continues. 119 Bty spend a very wet night at HEERSELO
    117 Bty moved back to OPLOO area.
    Bakel area118 & 338 Btys pulled out of action and together with RHQ moved to BAKEL (6124)
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    area ( BAKEL - MILHEEZE road),98 Regt R.A. took over area from 118 Bty
    During the morning 2 Jeeps of 118 Bty hit mines. Major A.G. D. Durnford, Lieut R.
    A.E. Hine and two ORs were all slightly injured. One OR badly wounded and
    evacuated. Two further casualties of 118 Bty, injured by falling masonry
    and evacuated.
    IJSSELSTEIJN18117 Bty with 159 Inf Bde having moved over to RIGHT flank of 29 Armd Bde Gp
    advanced to IJSSELSTEIJN area. B.Tp (117 Bty) engaged in their first tank
    action. On going into village of VEULEN 7622 in support of 4 KSLI O.C. Tp
    was informed that there were some enemy tanks to the SOUTH. The SP commanded
    by Sgt James J. deployed from the road into an orchard from where the cupola
    of a Panther was seen moving behind a haystack. The Panther was then engaged
    at approx 800 yds and was set on fire by the first round. A second stationery
    Panther was engaged and hit but this tank was claimed by an Armd Regt.
    119 Bty at MEERSELO, 118 and 338 Btys resting and maintenance in BAKEL area.
    48 hrs leave to BRUSSELS and ANTWERP started.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    19117 Bty Guns in static positions consolidating ground gained.
    HEIDE119 Bty advanced to HEIDE
    20No change. Nothing to report
    MILHEEZE21119 Bty out of line. Moved to concentration area at MILHEEZEBAKEL-MILHEEZE
    Rd). 117 Bty as before - B.Tp with 4 KSLI. C.Tp with 1 HEREFORDS.
    22119 Bty reverted under command CRA. Resting.
    117 Bty C.Tp came u/c 3 MONS who took over from 1 HEREFORD. A.Tp u/c
    1 HEREFORDS at VEULEN, having relieved B.Tp now back with BHQ as Bde Reserve
    23117 Bty as before. Other Btys resting and maintenance.
    24/25No change
    26A.Tp with 8 RB at 736218 B.Tp with 4 KSLI at VEULEN 735220 C.Tp as Bde Reserve
    back at DEURNE 656207 with 117 Bty A. Ech.
    "TOD FORCE" formed - 1 Subaltern and 30 ORs. to guard Bailey Bridge at 699332
    because enemy patrols had become aggressive in area.
    119 Bty report :-"2300hrs "SAMMY" our famous feathered friend passed away and
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    was buried with full military honours."
    DEURNE27Germans attack on right flank of Div. MEIJEL taken by enemy. LEISEL threatened
    338 Bty deployed by CRA to meet the threat. J.Tp across road DEURNE-ASTEN
    K.Tp across road DEURNE-LEISEL. L.Tp u/c 1 HEREFORD area GRIENDTSVEIN. F.Tp
    (118 Bty) deployed as local protection to 159 Inf Bde HQ in an infantry role
    722226. D.Tp takes over Bridge Guard with two Guns.
    28No change. Enemy halted just short of SLOT 6713. Son and heir born to Lieut Watkins.
    ZIJLBERG29E.Tp (118 Bty) u/c EAST YORKS (3 Div) deployed in ZIJLBERG area 679186. G.Tp
    area(119 Bty) u/c 15/19 Hussars in ZIJLBERG area south of railway. H.&.I.Tps
    ordered to ASTEN area by HQRA, escort duty. Returned to MILHEEZE at dusk.
    30E.&.D Tps (118 Bty) relieved by K.&.J Tps (338 Bty) respectively. F.Tp
    relieved at defence of 159 Inf Bde H.Q. G.Tp (119 Bty) still u/c 15/19 Hussars
    insame area.
    31C.Tp (117 Bty) took over local protection of 159 Inf Bde HQ at IJSSELSTEIJN.

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