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    War Diary: 75th Anti Tank Regiment

    Month and year: September 1944

    The 75th Anti Tank Regiment (Royal Artillery) September 1944 war diary covers the units actions advancing from Amiens, through Belgium to Gemert in The Netherlands

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/925

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    Page 1 of 8
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    AMIENS - LENS1Advance continues with probable axis LENS - ANTWERP.
    119 Bty with 29 Armd Bde reached area NW of ARRAS. H Tp having captured 60
    prisoners en route. 338 Bty with 4 KSLI reached TILLOY and 118 Bty AUBIGNY
    both without incident. RHQ harboured at TILLY-LES-HERMAVILLE with 159 Bde
    WINGLES, VIMY RIDGE211 Armd Div advance directed on ANTWERP with Gds Armd Div advancing onRA. 11 Armd Div O.O. No.9.
    - ANTWERPBRUSSELS. 119 Bty reached WINGLES without encountering opposition. 159 Bde
    AxisGp reached VIMY RIDGE. Harboured in area of SOUCHEZ. 117 Bty now in front of
    159 Bde Gp reached LENS leagering to NORTH of MAIN DIV HQ on the outskirts of
    3A memorable day. By nightfall the Div had covered over 90 miles despite a
    certain amount of opposition by the armour. 119 Bty crossed the BELGIAN
    frontier at 1200 hrs and finished up by nightfall about 12 miles SW of ANTWERP.
    During the day G.Tp shot up some horse drawn transport near SELLIN and H Tp
    captured a further 60 prisoners at FRETIN.
    Regiment less 119 and 117 Btys, advancing from VIMY RIDGE on RIGHT route passed
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    through LENS and crossed the BELGIAN frontier near BILIEUX. Reached area about 30
    miles, SOUTH of ANTWERP and due WEST of BRUSSELS during night. Since crossing
    the frontier we have passed through TOURNAI, RENAIX and numerous villages and
    have encountered scenes of extraordinary enthusiasm everywhere.
    ANTWERP4Leading tps of DIV entered ANTWERP. 119 Bty advanced to ANTWERP area. SW
    of Town, still.u/c 8 RB. 338 Bty entered outskirts of town with 4 KSLI.
    118 Btys Tps deployed SOUTH of Town.
    RHQ harboured about 7 miles SOUTH of ANTWERP with 159 Bde HQ
    RUSY BROECK117 Bty having left LENS at 1900hrs yesterday and crossed the frontier at
    0010hrs reached RUSY BROECK 10 miles SOUTH of ANTWERP having continued their
    march throughout the night.
    ANTWERP5338 Bty moved into the centre of ANTWERP after a skirmish over R. SKELDE,
    during which one 88 mm gun was KOd and over 100 prisoners taken by the Bty.
    The latter were handed over to the White Brigade. 2 ORs were severely
    wounded. 118 Bty moved to EAST of city. Tps deployed. 117 and 119 Btys
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    ANTWERP5resting and maintenance.
    64 KSLI advanced to ALBERT CANAL. Only two guns of 338 deployed covering
    ground towards far side (MERXHAM) side of canal.
    RHQ moved to Central Park in centre of city with 159 Bde HQ.
    7118 Bty moved to Fort £ WEST of City. G Tp (119 Bty) who have been covering
    bridge approaches from MERXHAM into ANTWERP brewed up a barge on canal.
    4 KSLI relieved by bn of 50 Div at night.
    8119 Bty u/c 8 RB left ANTWERP area at 1400hrs for DIEST. The intention of
    the Div is to cross the ALBERT CANAL at BERRINGEN - the original plan (see
    RA 11 Armd Div OO. No.10. dtd 6 Sep 44) having been altered on account of
    the strong opposition around MERXHAM.
    BERRINGEN -9119 Bty crossed ALBERT CANAL at BERRINGEN encountering increasing opposition
    HELCHTEREN118 Bty u/c 1 HEREFORDS with 29 Armd Bde (less F Tp with 3 Mons) crossed
    Canal and moved fwd to HELCHTEREN area. Remainder of Regiment left ANTWERP and
    LUMMENharboured for night in area of LUMMEN (about 5 miles from BERRINGEN) - 338 Bty
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    u/c 4 KSLI. 117 Bty with Rear Div HQ. RHQ Harboured in Chateau at LUMMEN with
    159 Bde HQ.
    HELCHTEREN10119 Bty encountered considerable infantry opposition in HELCHTEREN area
    WYCHMAEL118 Bty in contact with enemy at WTCHMAEL. RHQ and 338 Bty crossed ALBERT
    CANAL, the Bty deploying at X rds 2773 and Rd jnc 3978. RHQ harboured night
    CHYat colliery in Village of CHY. 117 Bty moved into Chateau at LUMMEN.
    PEER11Advance continued to PEER where 119 Bty protecting HQ 29 Armd Bde and 118 Bty
    still with 1 HEREFORDS D & E Tps deployed. 338 Bty advanced with 4 KSLI to
    give flank protection to Div C.L. and deployed at Rd junc 3978. RHQ harboured
    night at HELCHTEREN.
    12117 Bty crossed canal and leagered at 302742. RHQ moved with 159 Bde to
    village of WYCHMAEL.
    PEER-WYCHMAEL13Div static. Period of refitting, maintenance and protection of present areas.
    AreaTps u/c and deployed as hitherto. 117 Bty moved to area 3979 five miles
    SOUTH of PEER. One Tp deployed at a time.
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    16C.O. attended conference of Army and 30 Corps Comdrs. Coming operation outlined.
    11 Armd Div came under command 8 Corps at 1200 hrs.
    1730 Corps Op. "GARDEN" and Airborne Op. MARKET commenced. 8 Corps willSee 11 Armd Div Op. Instr
    provide Right Flank protection for 30 Corps.No.14 (Extract)
    18338 Bty with 4 KSLI occupied GERDINGEN near BREE J.Tp deployed with D.Coy
    at BOCHOZT 4988.
    19118 Bty less E Tp came u/c 3 MONS and moved to WYCHMAEL E Tp u/c 1 HEREFORDS
    with 29 Armd Bde Gp.
    BELGIAN-2011 Armd Div commenced advance on two routes - 29 Armd Bde Gp LEFT, 159 BdeR.A. 11 Armd Div O.O. No.
    DUTCH FrontierGp RIGHT.dtd 19 Sep.
    119 Bty with 1 Bull-dozer u/c crossed Dutch frontier at 1400hrs and spent
    night at LEENDE. 118 and 338 Btys crossed Dutch frontier in the evening and
    harboured at SOENERBONCK and BUDEL (4999) respectively. Tps of 338 deployed
    1 O.R. of 118 Bty wounded and evacuated. RHQ harboured night with 159 Inf
    Bde Gp about two miles WEST of HAMONT. 117 Bty crossed ESCAULT CANAL in
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    evening and harboured in area of COUVERT 4302 close to Dutch frontier near
    21119 Bty less I Tp u/c 3 RTR G. Tp u/c 29 Armd Bde HQ at MIERLO H. Tp had two
    guns brewed up by enemy AP in the evening. Sgt Roberts badly wounded four men
    missing. 118 Bty moved to MARHEEZE and came u/c 159 Bde less E T.p with
    1 Herefords at ZOMEREN. RHQ moved fwd to MR 5511 ( on main road between HEEZE and
    ZOMEREN. 338 Bty advanced and deployed at VAARSEL 5711
    ZOMEREN21/22 nightMajor R.L. Crouch MC. R.A. (2 i/c) i/c Bridge Control for crossing of the
    S.WILLEMS VAART Canal at ZOMEREN by the Div. Class 40 bridge constructed
    by Div R.Es after 1 HEREFORDS had made an assault crossing covered by arty
    sp. E Tp deployed on near side of canal in action in inf role during determined
    by unseccessful enemy attack on bridgehead. L/Sgt Marten wounded by S.A. in
    spine and evacuated.
    ASTEN22338 Bty with 4 KSLI crossed canal and captured ASTEN 1114 holding it against
    repeated enemy counter attacks.
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    HELMOND22HELMOND liberated by 29 Armd Bde Gp. 119 Bty spent night just outside town.
    118 Bty(less E Tp) and RHQ moved to outskirts of ZOMEREN. 117 Bty still at
    KLUISSCHEOF. One Tp deployed to NORTH to protect Div C.L.
    LIESEL23119 Bty advanced to LIESEL area u/c 29 Armd Bde. Three O.Rs of 338 Bty
    wounded by H.E. from enemy S.P. gun at ASTEN. L/Bdr Hattersley (118 Bty)
    wounded in neck and evacuated. 117 Bty moved to LEENDE 4808.
    DEURNE24119 Bty advanced to DEURNE. Heavy shelling but no casualties. 338 Bty
    advanced with 4 KSLI to two miles NW of DEURNE where Tps deployed. 118 Bty
    and RHQ crossed canal and harboured night at VLIERDEN.
    ST ANTHONIS25119 Bty advanced against very slight opposition and leagered night at St.
    ANTHONIS. 338 Bty advanced to BAKEL where two Tps deployed in sp of 4 KSLI
    before noon. Later they continued advance with 4 KSLI and a Sqn of 15/19 H.
    via GEMERT to ST ANTHONIS. Tps deployed there.
    26119 Bty in area OPLOO with 29 Armd Bde.
    338 Bty deployed around ST ANTHONIS. Responsible for anti-tank protection
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    of village u/c 4 KSLI. RHQ and 118 Bty in 4 KSLI area on outskirts of St.
    ANTHONIS. E.Tp. u/c 1 HEREFORDS at LAMPERSTRAAT about two miles NW of
    117 Bty moved to village of MORTEL 695289.
    2911 Armd Div relieved by 7. U.S. Armd Div RHQ moved to GEMERT. 118 Bty just
    outside town.
    30Regiment reverted to command CRA Btys concentrated in GEMERT less 117 Bty
    remaining in MORTEL. E Tp. rejoined 118 Bty.

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