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    War Diary: 99th HAA Regiment

    Month and year: September 1944

    The 99th Heavy Anti-Aircraft (London Welsh) Regiment September 1944 war diary covers the units move from Cherbourg to Sommervieu and through France to Ostend on the Belgium coast

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1149

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    CHERBOURG1 Sep0001Situation as shown on AF C2118A. Enemy activity continues to be NIL.
    Issued letter S/12 subject "Winning Stores and Materials".Appx G. 1
    2 SepReceived 101 AA Bde O.O.No.2.Appx.E.1
    3 Sep1600CO and Recce Party of 111 HAA Regt 5th RM AA Bde arrived ex UK to take over
    Dispatched 29 GTV's to ARROMANCHES to fetch 111 HAA Regt when disembarked.
    4 SepFurther contingents of 111 HAA Regt arrived ex UK with no eqpt whatever
    Received 101 AA Bde letter G/1005/1 dtd 3 SepAppx.H.1
    Came under comd 5th R.M. AA Bde.
    Received 101 AA Bde Standing Orders for OperationsNot included as required for use.
    5 SepAll packed up ready to go to unknown commitment awaiting arrival 111 Eqpt.
    6 SepContinued in state of suspended animation. Enemy air activity still NIL.
    7 SepStill awaiting instrs to move. 111 HAA Regt still awaiting eqpt so cannot
    yet relieve the Regt.
    8 SepReceived verbal orders from 101 Bde to prepare to move early on 9 Sep for
    Bde concentration area near ROUEN. Written orders to follow. Handed over
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    8to 111 Regt whose eqpt arrived in the afternoon.
    90200Received verbal orders to move Regt to SOMMERVIEU or BAYEUX (MR.Sq.8381).Movement Order not available.
    Order for movement received from Movement Control at 0900. C.O. left on
    recce at 0600 hrs. Regt crossed S.P. at 1230 and all in bivouac area
    without casualties at 22.00 hrs.
    C.O. on arrival at SOMMERVIEU received 101 AA Bde O.O.No.4.Appendix E.2.
    SOMMERVIEU10Regt moved to 101 Bde concentration area at BOSC-LE-HARD 10 miles NE ROUEN
    M.R. M.2732. 101 Bde AA/DEF/4/E/7 dtd 9 Sep refers.Appendix E.3
    Received 101 Bde O.O.No.5.Appendix E.4.
    BOSC LE HARD11Remained in bivouac area
    12Still awaiting orders in bivouac area.
    13Received orders to prepare to move. Adjt attended conference at GHQ AA TpsAppendix E.5
    AMIENS and received orders to move at 0800 hrs, to bivouac area nr ST. OMER
    THIEMBRONNE14Moved to bivouac area Nr FAUQUEMBERGUES to await fall of BOLOGNE or to be
    in gd role. C.O. apptd A.A.D.C. BOULOGNE.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    15Still awaiting orders. Preparing scheme for AA and CD def of BOULOGNE.
    16Still awaiting orders until receipt of 75 AA Bde 0820 of 162045 BAppx. E.6.
    Issued O1 of 162145 BAppx. D.1
    ST. PIERRE CAPPELLE.17Moved Regt to bivouac area at ST. PIERRE CAPPELLE, BELGIUM
    OSTEND18Moved Regt to sites around OSTEND in def of it in AA & CD role
    Wonderful reception from populace. Houses mined and booby-trapped,
    19Received 75 AA Bde Op Order No. 12 (Required for use) and issued Regtl
    20No change in circumstances. No AA Fire during day however allowed. Two
    enemy aircraft over the town. Proved to be Spitfires used by enemy.
    21Nothing of interest to report. Issued Amdt. No. 1. to Reg.O.O.No.2Appx D.3.
    22" " " " " 2. " "Appx.D.4.
    23" " " " " 3. " "Appx.D.5.
    24No interesting events.
    25" "
    Page 4 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    26Two a/c engaged during night 25/26 flying over LAZ not showing IFF or rec
    18157 Spitfires came into TAZ following Lancasters. Dropped bombs and were
    engaged. Alleged to have had invasion markings and RAF roundels.
    27Nothing eventful.
    28Fired at three targets during night.

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