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    War Diary: Inns of Court Regiment - C Squadron

    Month and year: September 1944

    The Inns of Court Regiment C Squadron September 1944 war diary covers the units actions during the month, moving from France through Belgium into the Netherlands.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/854

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    Page 1 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    C Sqn.
    1st Sept.Sqn moved at 0500 hrs to recce area N. of AMIENS incl ARRAS
    on right flank. Some opposition encountered and 153 prisoners
    captured, including two officers.
    2nd Sept.Sqn moved to area DOURGES and orders were received at
    midnight to move to ANTWERP.
    3rd Sept.Sqn moved to CARVIN on left Div route and crossed Belgian
    Border at 2100 hrs reaching JOTTENGEN E. of OUDENARDE at 0500
    hrs 4th Sept.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    12th Sept.Standing patrols employed on crossings over ESCAUT Canal
    from first light. Sqn HQ at PEER. Enemy patrol movement by
    day reported.
    13th Sept.Task as on 12th Sept, but assisted by 151 Med. Regt.
    14th Sept.Sqn in reserve.
    16th Sept.Sqn moved to ASSCHE S. of BREE to liaise with U.S. 82nd
    Recce Regt., 2 Armd Div.
    17/19th Sep.Same task. Contact made with 4 Armd Bue.
    20th Sep.Relieved by 4 Armd Bde and moved S.E. of PEER.
    21st Sept.Sqn ordered to move on right flank and lead 159 Inf Bde GP
    on advance into HOLLAND. Advance held up by enemy in area
    BUDEL until evening. Sqn harboured in that area.
    22/23rd SepIn reserve at BUDEL.
    24th Sept.Sqn moved at 0500 hrs to cross WILLESS VAART Canal with
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    4th Sept.Patrols sent to GHENT and TERMONDE, OUDENARDE and KIRKOVE
    GHENT reported lightly held with pockets of resistance in
    villages on outskirts. TERMONDE reported clear. Two troops
    were employed in holding bridges at OUDENARDE and KIRKOVE.
    Sqn withdrew to ASSCHE at night.
    5th Sept.Sqn moved to harbour 5 miles S. of ANTWERP.
    6th Sept.In reserve.
    7th / 8th Sept.Sqn under cmd of 29 Armd Bde ordered to recce route LOUVAIN
    - DIEST. Standing patrols employed on right flank as far as
    ST TROND - HASSELT. Night reccce of bridge at GENEBOSCH which
    was reported blown. Sqn harbour at DIEST.
    9th Sept.Sqn moved at first light to recce TONGNES, BILSEN, GENCK.
    TONGNES and BILSEN reported clear: GENCK held by enemy.
    10/11th Sep.Sqn in reserve.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    ASTEN bridgehead. 15/19 Hussars contacted at LIESEL where
    heavy fighting occurred. Enemy movements reported on main
    HELMOND - DEURNE rd. Four troops entered DEURNE in evening,
    but further advance impossible owing to heavy enerry resistance
    Sqn withdrew to area VLIERDEN.
    25th Sept.Sqn in reserve at VLIERDEN.
    26th Sept.Sqn moved to HANDEL, N. of GEMERT.
    27th Sept.In Reserve.
    28th Sept.Sqn patrolled area of R. MEUSE from CUYL to SAMBEEK. Enemy
    contacted in OEFFELT where fighting occurred. Two troops
    entered BOXMEER and enemy movements were observed in area
    SAMBEEK. Information passed to 9 Bde 3 Brit Div.
    29th Sept.In reserve at HANDEL.
    30th Sept.San relieved 3 Recce Coy and patrolled area DEURNE -
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    MEIGEL. Enemy movement reported during day! Sqn harboured
    at VLIERDEN.

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