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    War Diary: Inns of Court Regiment

    Month and year: Febuary 1944

    The Inns of Court Regiment February 1944 war diary covers the units time in the UK including being addressed by Gen Sir Bernard Montgomery at Sand Hutton Hall, in York

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/854

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    By me a coffee

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Crawcrook8 FebThe Regiment was inspected and addressed by
    Gen Sir Bernard Montgomery in company with
    8 Corps Troops at Sand Hutton Hall, in York.
    12-17T/Major J. A. Greig attended Technical Exercise at
    Ashford Kent by 112 R.A.C. (Shewood Foresters)
    16-18A' Echelon Exercise
    22W/Lieut E. H. Luxton posted to this Regt from
    59 Training Regt RAC
    22-25B' Echelon Exercise
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Crawcrook242/Lieut B.L.B. Kaye granted commission : taken
    on strength from RAC OCTU. Sandhurst.
    29The past month has been mainly occupied with
    training in waterproofing all types of vehicles
    with which the Regiment is equipped. Regimental
    cadre have been seen??? and certain types of
    vehicles with their crews have been attached to
    the C.T.C. at Weymouth and Instow. Practice
    in loadings have been carried out on the
    mock-up L.C.T.

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