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    War Diary: Inns of Court Regiment

    Month and year: June 1944

    The Inns of Court Regiment June 1944 war diary covers the units time in the UK and departing for France anchoring off Juno Beach.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/854

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1 - 10th JuneRegiment commanded by Major J.A. Greig (less C Sqn) in area
    East Grinstead - Dormans Park. Modifications to vehicles
    completed. On 6, 7, 8th June Major Greig listened to C Sqn
    Rear and forward net and intercepted many messages passed
    during the operation. Clear reception was obtained using a
    19 set with 234 feet directional ground aerial from high
    ground 10 miles South of E. Grinstead.
    11th JuneNo orders having been received, Major Greig ordered
    Waterproofing Stage A/1 to be carried out. Completed by
    19th June. Information received that the Regiment would be
    liable to sail on D + 21 (27th June) instead of D + 17 as
    originally ordered.
    19 - 26th JuneRegiment at 6 hours notice to move. Three movement orders
    were received but later cancelled.
    26th JuneOrders finally received to move to Marshalling Area T.
    Contd Sheet 2.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    27th JuneRegt moved 0430 hrs and going under Metropolitan Police
    supervision through centre of London arrived staging Camp T
    at approx 0730 hrs.
    Final stages of waterproofing completed once whole of Regt
    into the camp.
    Orders received at 2200 hrs to move all vehicles at first
    light to docks.
    28th JuneLoading proceeded all day. Remainder of Regt moved down to
    docks at 1730 hrs and all were aboard MT ships "Ocean Vengeance"
    and "Sampep" by 1900 hrs.
    Loading was done by derricks, and each ship held about 450
    men and 120 vehicles,
    There appeared to be a lack of liaison between Marshalling
    Area camp and Embarkation Staff. Orders as to which vehicles
    were to go to docks and in which order were continually
    Contd Sheet 3
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    changed all apparently to no purpose as vehicles were loaded
    in any order.
    Ships piloted down river from Queen Victoria Docks and stood
    off Southend during the night.
    29th JuneConvoy sailed 2000 hrs from Southend. Passed through
    Straights without incident.
    30th JuneAnchored off beachhead (JUNO BEACH) at 2000 hrs.

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