1st Armored Polish Division Memorial, Graye-sur-Mer

A memorial to the 16000 men of the 1st Armored Polish Division who landed at Graye-sur-Mer with their 400 tanks at the end of July 1944.

Sur les plages d'Arromanches et
Graye/Courseulles, fin juillet 1944,
16000 soldats et 400 chars
de la 1ére Division Blindée Polonaise
ont débarqué avec á leur tête
le Général Stanistaw MACZEK.

"Pour notre et votre liberté"

Na plazach Arromanches i
Graye/Courseulles, pod koniec lipca 1944,
wyladowato 16000 zotnierzy i 400 czotgow,
Polskiej 1. Dywizji Pancernej na czele
z generatem Stanistawem MACZKIEM

"Za wolnosc nasza i wasza"

Which translates to:

On the beaches of Arromanches and
Graye / Courseulles end of July 1944,
16,000 soldiers and 400 tanks
of the 1st Armored Polish Division
landed with their
General Stanislaw Maczek.

"For our and your freedom"

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Listing: 1st Armored Polish Division Memorial, Graye-sur-Mer


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