A Sherman DD tank which belonged to the Canadian 6th Armoured Regiment located at Courseulles-sur-Mer near the harbour entrance.
At 0730 hours 6th June 1944, the 6th Canadian Armoured
Regiment (First Hussars) in support of the 7 Canadian
Infantry Brigade of the 3 Canadian Infantry Division, assaulted
and overpowered enemy defences between Courseulles-sur-Mer
and Bernieres-sur-Mer. This tank recovered from the sea
nearly 27 years after launching, is dedicated by the First
Hussars, to the memory of all who participated in this operation.
The Duplex Drive Sherman Tank had a waterproof chassis
fitted with a collapsible canvas screen and rubber tubes
inflated with air. It was moved through the water by two
propellors at the rear, and on reaching shore reverted to a
normal tank.
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Longitude: | -0.457933 |
Latitude: | 49.335626 |
A 50mm cannon located on the harbourside at Courseulles Sur Mer, it was originally located closer to the water as part of WN 29
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