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    War Diary: 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment - 1 Wing

    Month and year: April 1944

    The 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment April 1944 war diary mentions exercises Dreme, Bogg, Skylark 2, Mush

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1234

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1News of the World Road Relay Race. No.1 Wing, G.P.R. A & B Teams finished
    6th & 23rd respectively. Teams composed as follows :-
    A Team - S/Sgt. Lawton, S/Sgt. Bradshaw, S/Sgt. Jenkins & Sgt.Dawson
    B Team - Sgt. Driver, Sgt. Udall, Sgt. Marfleet & Cpl. Wetherall.
    4Major J.P. Royle assumes command of the Wing w.e.f. 3/Apr/44 in the absence of
    Lt. Col. I.A. Murray on leave.
    5Exercise 'DREME'.
    14A/Major Scott R.S. relinquishes the Acting Rank and reverts to the S/Rank of Capt. w.e.f. 29/Dec/44.
    (Capt) T/Clark P.B., relinquishes the T/Rank of Capt. and reverts to the Rank of W/S Lieut.
    Strength Increase - T/Capt. Priest M.W.D., A/Capt. Appleyard J.E.G., A/Capt. Barry W.N., D.F.C.
    T/Capt. Walchli R.O., Lt. Clark P.B., Lt. Telfer R.D. Posted to this
    unit and S.O.S. of No.2 Wing, w.e.f. 11/Mar/44.
    T/Capt. Langley J.M. and the U/M Officers are posted to 'G' Sqn.
    w.e.f 11/Mar/44
    T/Capt. Bottomley J.B. attached to 21 E.F.T.S. Booker, w.e.f. 22/Mar/44
    Page 2 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    4Exercise 'BOGG'.
    6Exercise 'SKYLARK 2'.
    14A/Capt. Walchli R.O. to be T/Capt. w.e.f. 29/Mar/44.
    Lt. Priest W.D. re-granted T/Rank of Capt. w.e.f 29/Mar/43.
    2/Lt. Markwick E.J. to be War Sub. Lt. w.e.f. 25/Mar/44.
    18Cap.t.J.B. Bottomley re-assume the appointment of Course vice Capt. S.A.M. Johnson
    w.e.f. 18/Apr/44.
    Rev. Bowers R.F. ceases to be permanently attached to this Unit w.e.f. 19/Apr/44.
    Rev. Pare G.A. permanently attached to this Unit on ceasing to be permanently Attached to
    No.2 Wing, The Glider Pilot Regt.
    T/Capt. Bottomly J.B. C.T.B.A. No.21 E.F.T.S. Booker, w.e.f. 18/Apr/44.
    21Squadron Organization - Flights.
    1, 2, 17 & 18 Flights - 'A' Squadron.
    3, 4, 19 & 20 do. - 'B' Squadron.
    5, 8, 21 & 22 do. - 'D' Squadron.
    9,10, 23 & 24 do. - 'G' Squadron.
    Page 3 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    21Exercise 'MUSH'.
    22Lt. Tallentyre W.L. and Lt. Low A.F.W. are granted Acting Rank of Captain. w.e.f. 22/Apr/44.
    24Lt. D.A. Simpson & Lt. J.M. Walker are granted the Acting Rank of Captain w.e.f. 22/Apr/44.
    Capt. W.L. Tallentyre relinquishes the appointment of I.O. w.e.f. 21/Apr/44.
    Capt. J.C. Hyson to Command No. 17 Flight.
    Capt. W.L. Tallentyre to Command No. 18 Flight.
    Capt. D.A. Simpson to Command No.19 Flight.
    Capt. A.P.W. Low to Command No.20 Flight.
    Capt. W.N. Barrie D.F.C, 2nd in Command 'G' Squadrons
    Lt. M.D.K. Dauncey Adjutant 'G' Squadron.
    Capt. J.E.G. Appleyard to Command No.9 Flight vice Capt. J.M. Langley.
    Capt. M.W.D. Priest to Command No. 10 Flight.
    Capt. J.M. Langley to Command No.23 Flight.
    Capt. R.O. Walchli to Comand No.24 Flight.
    25Postal address of Wing H.Q. now No.1 Wing, The Glider Pilot Regt,
    Army Post Office.
    Unit Censorship now effective.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    25Lt. C.H.D. Michell appointed Adjutant 'A' Sqn. vice 2/Lt. P.N. Fletcher w.e.f. 24/Apr/44.
    Arms. - w.e.f. the date of this order revolvers will be carried by Officers at all times,
    25Commanding Officer's Conference at Wing Headquarters.
    26Captain S.A.M. Johnson Wing Headquarters appointed Acting Adjutant vice Captain J.B.Bottomley
    absent on a Course.
    27Captain P.B. Clark appointed Squadron Intelligence Officer of 'G' Squadron w.e.f. 24/4/44
    Commander Glider Pilots Conference.
    292/Lieut P.N. Fletcher 'A' Squadron promoted Local Lieutenant w.e.f. 28/4/44.

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