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    War Diary: 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment - B Squadron

    Month and year: August 1944

    The 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment B Squadron August 1944 war diary mentions exercise Hoover and operation Transfigure while based at Brize Norton.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1234

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brize Norton1st1000F.G.C.M. of Sgts. Moore and Holland took place at Fairford.
    S/Sgt. Johnson posted to Depot, Fargos.
    Brize Norton2nd1700Briefing for Exercise "Hoover". Lieut, Barclay Camp Commandant Shrewton.
    Brize Norton3rd0900Exercise "Hoover" posponed 24 hours.
    Brize Norton4th0715Exercise "Hoover" cancelled.
    Colonel G.S. Chatterton, D.S.O., (Commander Glider Pilots) visited
    Squadron. Gave talk to Squadron.
    Brize Norton5thPromulgation of Sgt. Moore received.
    SENTENCE: Reduced to Ranks and to serve 56 days Detention.
    Promulgation of Sgt. Holland received.
    SENTENCE: Reduced to Ranks.
    Brize Norton6thNos. 3 and 4 Flights returned from Leicester East to Brize Norton.
    Brize Norton7th0800Lieut. Stilton and Advance party moved off to Aberystwyth.
    01003 Prangs on Night Exercise:
    S/Sgt. Morgan, S/Sgt Thomson, Sgt. Page. Tpr. Le Brooq hurt.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brize Norton7th1600Lieut. Irvine moved off to Aberystwyth.
    Brize Norton8th13003 and 4 Flights in initiative scheme to Aberystwyth. Capt Smellie to
    Supply by air to Detachment at Aberystwyth.
    Brize Norton9thS/Sgts. Baker, Baacke, Winsper, Shorter, Lawrence and Howard posted
    to "C" Squadron.
    Supply by air to Detachment at Aberystwyth.
    Brize Norton10th1800Lieut. Barclay returned from Shrewton as Camp Commandant.
    Brize Norton11th07458 S/Sgts. and Sgts, Nos. 3 and 4 Flights proceeded to Aberystwyth to
    join their respective flights.
    Tpr. Hodge attached to Papal Close Pewsey (Q.M.) for 3 weeks to drive
    3 Tonner.
    Instructions received to recall all personnel from Leave and Detachment.
    Brize Norton12th11003 Sgts. attached to Sleap returned to Brize Norton.
    14304 Gliders fully loaded Cross Country 315 miles took 3 hrs. 10 mins.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brize Norton12th1430Pilots: 2/Lt. Meakin, S/Sgts. Norris, Thackeray, Birch and Thomson.
    Sgts, Horrobin, Dennis, Osborne Croft, Crone, Fisher and Cole.
    2230Lieut. Stilton and Capt. Miller with Admin Staff returned from
    Brize Norton13th0530Capt. Smellie. Lieut. Irvine and Main body returned from Aberystwyth.
    1200Lieut. Norton, recalled from Leave, arrived 1200 hours.
    1600Capt. Neale, recalled from Leave, arrived 1600 hours.
    Brize Norton14th0930Major Toler and Capt. Neale left Brize Norton for Conference with C.G.P.
    1425S/Sgt. Baldwin and Sgt. Michie Forced Landed. Released prematurely by
    Tug Pilot owing to engine cutting.
    1430Major Toler attended Conference C.G.P.
    Orders for Operation "Transfigure" received,
    Brize Norton15th0930Major Toler left for Greenham Common on Recce.
    1200) 1300)60 Crews under Major Leschallas arrived. (From Keevil - 23 Crews.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brize Norton15th1200) 1300)(From Down Ampney - 29 Crews. From Tarrant Rushton - 8 Crews.)
    180044 Crews i.e. Nos. 3 and 4 Flights taking part in operation "Transfigure"
    vacated Brize Norton and moved to Greenham Common.
    2 Flights from "B" Squadron ordered to fly behind American "C,47" from
    Greenham Common. Major Leschallas and composite Flights of 60 Crews
    who had not flown behind Albemarles ordered to fly from Brize Norton
    behind "B" Squadron Tug Crews. Reason given: "In order that Glider
    Pilots would be in correct "forces" on ground. " In actual fact the
    two "forces" on the Ground were completely mixed as far as "Wings" or
    "Forces" were concerned.
    2000Major Toler attended conference at Blakehill Farm
    "B" Squadron split into two Forces - "NEALE" and "TOLER" Force.
    Operation "Transfigure" postponed 24 hours.
    Brize Norton16th1900Operation "Transfigure" cancelled.
    Brize Norton.17th1800Exercise. 19 Gliders flew to Keevil. 18 landed. 1, S/Sgt. Birch
    Force Landed.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brize Norton18thNORMAL ROUTINE.
    Brize Norton19thMajor Toler returned to Squadron,
    Brize Norton20th1900Lieut. Col. Murray visited the Squadron.
    Brize Norton21st1900Lieut. Col. Murray left the Squadron to visit Fairford.
    Brize Norton22nd1000Lieut. Anderson and Major Toler witnesses at Court of Inquiry at Harwell.
    Brize Norton23rdNORMAL ROUTINE. Air Crew leave started.
    Brize Norton24thAdmin Leave commenced.
    Brize Norton25th1100Major Toler and Lieut. Futter attended conference at Wing H.Q.
    Brize Norton26thNORMAL ROUTINE.
    Brize Norton27th1400Major Toler attended conference at C.G.P. Netheravon.
    Brize Norton28th2000C.G.P. Signal Seatail stand by ready to move.
    Brize Norton29th1000No. 3 Flight returned to Base.
    2000Seatail moving orders received.
    Brize NortonMen detailed :- Sgt. Barter (C.Q.M.S.) L/Cpl. Mogg (Clerk) L/Cpl. Riley
    (R.A.M.C. Orderly) L/Cpl. Thorley and Pte. Keen (Cooks) Tpr. Fishwick (Driver)
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Brize Norton30th0930Seatail moved to C.G.P. Marshalling Area.
    Brize Norton31st1800Major Toler attended Conference at C.G.P. re- LINNET.

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