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War Diary: 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment - D Squadron

Month and year: August 1944

The 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment D Squadron August 1944 war diary mentions exercise Hoover and operation Neptune crews returning.

National Archive Reference: WO 171/1234

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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
1st. Notification of Missing Personnel now P.O.W. S/Sgt's Helme, Dow & Mackenzie
Sgts. Hornsby & Argyle.
2nd. Preliminary instructions received for Exercise 'Hoover'.
3rd. Exercise 'HOOVER' cancelled.
4th. Normal Training.
5th. Cept. Morrison's Composite Flight moved from Shrewton to Hampstead Norris.
Capt. Murdoch's Composite Flight moved to Watchet Camp. 9. Pilots
converted from 2nd to 1st Pilots returned from North Luffenham with 9 new
Second Pilots.
6th. 6. New Second Pilots from Depot Squadron re-organized into 5 Flights
each of 22 Crews.
7th. Normal Training. Sgt. Perry. S. notified as being killed in action.
8th. Normal Training. Major. Lyne attended conference at C.G.P. H.Q.
9th. Major. Lyne held conference of Flight Commanders.
10th. 1. Crew returned from O.T.U. Ashbourne.
11th. All Crews ordered back to Base Station from Watchet Camp - Hampstead Norris -
Sleap. To be standing-by from 18.00hrs 13th. August 1944.
12th. Lt-Col. Murray Squadron. Exercise 'HOOVER11' to take place 14th. August 1944
13th. 110. Crews required for stand-by - Capt. Ogilvie attended conference at
C.G.P. Exercise 'HOOVER 11' cancelled. Preliminary order for 'SEATAIL & TRANSFIGURE'.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
KEEVIL, 14th. Major. Lyne attended conference at C.G.P.. Squadron I.O. to C.G.P.
15th. SEA-TAIL' Party to C.G.P. by 12.00hrs. 22.Flight to RAMSBURY 22 Crews (Capt. Muir).
8. Flight + 4 Crews (A.S.O. Duties) to ALDERMASTON 25. Crews (Capt. Murdoch).
5. Flight to BRIZE NORTON 23. Crews (Capt. Morrison).
13. Flight 22.Crews (Capt. Cairns), 21. Flight 22. Crews (Capt. Barclay)
remain on Base. Capt. Ogilvie attended conference at +Wing H.Q. I.O. to
C.G.P. 4. Crews arrived from EASTCOTE attached to Capt. Murdoch 8. Flight.
16th. 10000 Base Camp Sealed.
0930 Loading Commenced.
14.00 Capt. Ogilvie to conference at Wing H.O.
14.30 7625958 S/Sgt. Musitano. P.W.B. rang up stating he had returned to U.K.
from Operation 'Neptune', and that Capt. Walker was a P.O.W.
17th. 1100 Station Commanders preliminary Briefing.
1400 Transfigure' postponed 24 hours.
1800 Base unsealed.
18th. 10.00 Crews on out stations recalled after unloading.
12.00 Crews on out stations ordered to remain Standing-by.
11.00 Briefing for lift of 44 Loaded Gliders.
14.00 Operation cancelled.
19th. 4. Crews attached to 8. Flight posted to Squadron.
20th. Leave re-commenced.
21st. Normal Routine.
22nd. Normal Routine.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
KEEVIL 23rd. Normal Routine
24th. Normal Routine.
25th. 7 Days Leave for Admin Staff commenced.
26th. 13 & 22 Flights to Recreational Camp, Watchet.
27th. Normal Routine.
28th. All Personnel ordered to return from Leave and Detachment by 23.59hrs
31st. August 1944.
29th. Preliminary orders for 'LINNET',
30th. Seatail party of 'LINNET despatched to H.Q. C.G.P.
31st. Squadron Comander and I.O. to H.Q. No. 1. Wing for conference.
Orders for No.5. Flight under Capt. Morrison detached to R.A.F. BLAKEHILL

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