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    War Diary: 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment - D Squadron

    Month and year: December 1944

    The 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment D Squadron December 1944 war diary covers the units time in the UK while based at Wethersfield.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1234

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    WETHERSFIELD.1st.Capt. K. F. Strathern and 40 N.C.O's to GRANTHAM for Investiture Rehearsal. (Div Det).
    2nd.Normal Training.
    3rd,Normal Training - G. P. Regt Assoc: Meeting, MARKS HALL. Capt. Strathern.
    4th.Italian Draft to Transit Camp.
    5th,Normal Training.
    6th.Capt. Strathern & 4. N.C.O'S to Investure at BUCKINGHAM PALACE - Marched
    from WELLINGTON BARRACKS. Sgt. Haig invested with the M.M. by H.M. The King.
    7th.7. Crews provided for India Draft.
    8th.Normal Training. 10. Officers & 10. R.A.F. Sgts joined Squadron.
    D'. Squadron won Inter-Squadron Cross Country Race.
    9th,Lieut. Percival & 3 N.C.O's to CRANTHAM for Memorial Service.
    10th.Normal Training.
    11th.Draft to Millbank Hospital for Yellow Fever Inocculations.
    12th.Draft sent on 14 days Embarkation Leave. G.P. Regt. Assoc: Meeting -
    Exercise 'RECURRENT' ii 20. Crews. Postponed Bad weather.
    13th.Major. Lyne to Wing Conference at MARKS HALL.
    14th.Normal Training. Sgt. Temple-Murray rejoined from Hospital.
    15th.Normal Training. Preliminary Orders for Exercise 'ROUNDABOUT' December 20th.
    84. Crews from No.1. Wing.
    16th.8. Crews warned to proceeed to ASHBOURNE on December 26th. 1944.
    17th.Normal Training.
    18th.Capt. Strathern & Sgt. Seabrooke to R.A.F. Station, CULMHEAD for 1st Pilot
    Conversion Course.
    19th.Field Firing at MIDDLEWICK RANGES. Squadron returned mid-day owing to fog.
    20th.Exercise 'ROUNDABOUT." postponed 24hrs. Inter-Squadron Road Relay Race
    won by 'A'. Squadron.
    21st.S/Sgt. Ryans 'ARNHEM' Casualty rejoined Squadron from wounded in Hospital
    Wing Adjutant & R.S.M. visited Squadron.
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    WETHERSFIELD.22nd.Normal Training.
    23rd.Exercised 'ROUNDABOUT' cancelled. Lt-Col. I. A. Murray visited Squadron.
    24th.Xmas Eve. more Stand-down 12.00hrs 24th. Dec/44 to Reveille 27th. Dec/44.
    25th.Xmas Day - Lt-Col. I. A. Murray visited Squadron, with R.S.M.
    26th.8. Crews under Lt. De Mey attached R.A.F. ASHBOURNE O.R.T.U.
    Draft returned from leave.
    27th.6. Crews R.A.F. Glider Pilots joined the Squadron.
    28th.5. Crews INDIA Draft left Squadron.
    29th.8. Crews - R.A.F - parcipitated in a short Exercise - 1 collided on
    runway with a stationary Glider - no injuries - 1. R.A.F. Crew sent to
    O.R.T.U. ASHBOURNE. Lieut. Wright joined Squadron. Lt. White posted to 'A'. Squadron.
    30th.Normal Training.
    31st.Station Exercise - 14 Crews - 6 to land at GOSFIELD - 8 to land at

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