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    War Diary: 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment - D Squadron

    Month and year: September 1944

    The 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment D Squadron September 1944 war diary covers the unit taking part in operation "Market"

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1234

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    KEEVIL.1st.3. Crews 13. Flight injured in Traffic Accident. Detained in Hospital.
    5. Crews from IX T.C.C. Airfields. (Previously Posted 15th. August 1944).
    No.952832. S/Sgt. White. R. awarded D.C.M. for conspicious gallantry on
    Operation 'NEPTUNE' on 'D' Day. Major Lyne O/C 'D'. Squadron & Officers & Men
    of the Squadron acknowledged their pleasure on a special squadron order.
    Loading commenced.
    2nd.10004. Crews from Depot under Capt. O'Malley attached pending posting. 1 Crew
    to Capt. Morrison Blakehill Farm. Main Briefing 16.00hrs - postponed 12 hours.
    3rd.0030Stand Down.
    17.00 Squadron Commander & I.O. to HARWELL.
    22.30Warning order for new operation,
    4th,00.30Operation cancelled. Normal Training
    5th.Normal Training.
    6th,Squadron Commander & I.O. to HARWELL. Orders for Operation 'COMET'
    7th.1100Squadron Briefed for Operation 'COMET' 90. Crews. Take off 04.05hrs
    8th September 1944. 5. Crews from BRIZE NORTON. 1. Remained. 4 sent to
    2300Take off postponed 24 hours.
    8th.21.15Take off postponed 24 hours
    9th18.00Take off postpone 48 hours.
    19.3Unloading Comenced
    10th.Stand Down.
    11th.Normal Training.
    12th.Normal Training.
    13th.1600Squadron I.O. to HARWELL. Lt/col. I. A. Murray & Padre visited Squadron.
    14th.1200Preliminary orders for Operation 'MARKET' 4. Crews from 5. Flight,
    BLAKEHILL FARM to form Composite Flight for 3rd. Lift. Loading commenced 1st. Lift.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    KEEVIL.15th.11008. Crews from 'A'. Squadron under Lieut. Taylor. Composite Flight of 15.
    Crews for 3rd. Lift. 2nd. Lift Loading commenced.
    16th.13.00Base Camp Sealed. All Crews Briefing 14.30hrs.
    17th.10.16.Capt. Ogilvie & Squadron H.Q. with 21 & 13 Flights under Capt. Barclay &
    Capt. Cairns took-off with 50 Crews on 1st. Lift L.Z. "Z". All landed on
    L.Z. except Chalk No.389. No.878764 S/Sgt. Gardner & No.953786 Sgt. Fraser. R.A.
    crashed near RADSTOCK - both killed.
    Chalk No.385. S/Sgt. Smith & Sgt. Morgan forced landed at SANDRIDGE took-off
    2nd. Lift.
    Chalk No.399. S/Sgt. Legge & Sgt. Pinnock forced landed at AMERSHAM,
    Chalk No.457. Lieut. Adams & Sgt. Waterman. Did not take-off.
    Chalk No.462. S/Sgt. Board & Sgt. Tapping 'Ditched' off HOLLAND Crew safe
    returned to U.K. same day.
    Chalk No.468. S/Sgt. Edwards & Sgt. Oram, Forced landed near ANTWERP.
    Chalk No.474. S/Sgt. Ramsbottom & Sgt. Harvey forced landed at GOSFIELD
    AERODROME. Took-off next day.
    Chalk. No.478. S/Sgt. Cram & Sgt. Whiteheed forced landed near ANTWERP.
    1600Sgt. D'Eath wounded on Operation 'NEPTUNE' returned to Squadron.
    18th.11.262nd. Lift 8 & 22 Flights under Capt. Murdoch & Capt. Muir with 40 Crews
    with 4 Crows residues from 1st. Lift took-off. All landed on L.Z. 'X'
    with the following exceptions:-
    Chalk No.956. S/Sgt. Black & Sgt. Hudson Cast off over Dutch Islands -
    Slipstream trouble.
    Chalk No. 964. S/Sgt. Coombs & Sgt. Knowles - landed on U.S.A.A.F. L.Z. Tug.Hit.
    Chalk No. 1011. S/Sgt. Stevenson & Lieut. Moorwood - Rope broke 10 miles from
    L.Z. - Glider seen to land O.K.
    Chalk No.1026. S/Sgt. Stocker & Sgt. Allen was forced landed MARTLESHAM HEATH
    crew took-off on 3rd. Lift.
    5. Flight took-off from BLAKEHILL FARM under Capt. Morrison - 22 Crews
    all landed on L.Z with the following exception:-
    Chalk No. 773. S/Sgt. Browne & Sgt. Auty - took-off 2nd lift reached L.Z. O.K.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    KEEVIL.18th.Residues landed on L.Z. 'X' excepting:-
    Chalk No.457. Lieut, Adams & Sgt. Waterman - landed in sea - all saved
    excepting Lieut. Adams that Missing - presumed drowned.
    19th.12.10.3rd. Lift, Corposite Flight under Lieut. Taylor 'A' Squadron - 15 Crews
    & 1. Crew residue from 2nd. Lift. All reached L.Z. 'L' excepting:-
    Chalk No. 144 S/Sgt. Blake & Sgt. Lee 'A'. Squadron - cast off near OSTEND
    - rope broke
    Chalk No.149 S/Sgt. Blake & Sgt Garratt ('B' Squadron & 'E'. Squadron)
    down in sea - returned to U. K. next day.
    Chalk No.152 S/Sgt. Aldridge & Sgt. Wright - forced landed at LITTLE MARLOW.
    S/Sgt. Aldridge in TAPLOW HOSPITAL with broken leg and ankle.
    Chalk No.154 S/Sgt. Howard ('B' Squadron) & Sgt. Davy ('D' Squadron)
    returned to Base - Tug U/S.
    Chalk No. 1026. S/Sgt. Stocker & Sgt. Allen - forced landed at MANSTON -
    crew O.K.
    20th.Normal Routine.
    21st.1000Camp Unsealed. S/Sgt. Coombs & Sgt. Knowles returned to U.K. from HOLLAND
    de-briefed at MOOR PARK.
    22nd.Leave for Admin started. S/Sgt. Baake & Sgt. Davy returned to Squadron.
    1. Crew returned to 'B' Squadron. 1. Crew to 'A'. Squadron - residues from
    MARKET'. Warning order for move to WETHERSFIELD.
    23rd.Normal Routine. Funeral of S/Sgt. Gardner & Sgt. Fraser at WESTON-super-MARE.
    Regiment Represented.
    24thLieut. Moorwood & S/Sgt. Stepenson returned from BRUSSELS.
    25th.Normal Routine.
    26thNormal Routine. 4. Stand-by Crews to TARRANT RUSHTON
    27th.Advance Party to WETHERSFIELD under Lieut. Moorwood.
    21Capt. Murdoch S/Sgt's. Bridgewater - Robertson - Neilson returned from
    Operation 'MARKET' as advance party.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    KENVIL.28th.Reception prepared for Crews from Operation 'MARKET'
    29th,1800Capt's Barclay - Cairns - Lieuts. Strathern - Smith. E. J.A - Steedman
    2130D'. Squadron Crews returned from 'MARKET' Fed - Housed - Bathed by 23.30hrs
    30th.Operational Crews de-briefed - clothed - paid & sent on leave (14 days) by
    Total returned safe - 115 Officer - S/Sgt's - Sgt's - & Tprs.
    Evacuated wounded - 2. Sgts (believed in BRUSSELS).
    Wounded - believed P.O.W. in R.A.P. ARNHEM - 31 (including Lieut. Scott. P.T.).
    Missing - 75. (including Capt. Ogilvie Squadron Commander, - Capt. Mair. -
    Capt. Morrison - Capt. O'Malley - Lieut. Kershaw - Lieut. Mills -
    Lieut. Taylor ('A' Squadron)
    Killed - 9. (including Lieut, Adams - Lieut. Chittleburgh and Lieut. Smith S. R.).
    Hospital - 1 S/Sgt.

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