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    War Diary: 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment - 1 Wing

    Month and year: March 1944

    The 1 Wing Glider Pilot Regiment March 1944 war diary mentions exercises Sailor, Sailor2, Bizz1 and Bizz2.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1234

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1Div. Cross Country Race. No.1 Wing G.P.R., finished 4th. Sgt. Udall, Sgt. Dawson,
    S/Sgt. Jenkins, Sgt. Lawton & S/Sgt. Bradshaw.
    2Exercise 'Sailor' (2nd & 3rd Mar).
    Lt. S.R. Smith appointed Wing Security Officer,
    9Exercise 'Sailor 2' (9th & 10th Mar).
    13WIng H.Q. moved from R.A.F. Station Brize Norton to R.A F. Station Harwell
    14Squadrons completed moves as under :-
    A Sqn. from Hurn to Harwell.
    B Sqn. from Stony Cross to Brize Norton.
    D Sqn. from Tarrant Rushton to Keevil,
    18G Sqn. No.1 Wing G.P.R. formed at R.A.F. Stn. Fairford under Command of
    Major Crott R.S.
    Flights of the Wing are allotted to Sqns as follows.
    Sqdn. | Flight. | R.A.F. Sqn.
    A | 1 | 570
    A | 2 | 295
    B | 3 | 296
    B | 4 | 297
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    18Sqdn. | Flight. | R.A.F. Sqdn.
    D | 5 | 299
    D | 8 | 196
    G | 9 | 620
    G | 10 | 190
    18Capt. Langley J.M. appointed command of 9 Flight 'G' Sqn. vice Capt. Kershaw J.H.
    22Conference at Commander Glider Pilots.
    23Squadron Meeting was held at Wing H.Q.
    23Lt. S.A.M. Johnson appointed A/Adjutant and L/Rank of Capt. Capt. J.B.Bottonley absent on
    Flying Course. Major J.P. Royle assumed command in absence of Lt.Col. Murray I.A. absent on a course.
    25Commanding Officers Conference held.
    28Lt. Taitt A.R. regranted temporary rank of Capt. w.e.f. 29/Feb/43
    Lt. Downing M.W., Lt. Corrie M.T., Lt. Bewley J.M., Lt. Dauncey M.D.K, posted to 'G'
    Sqn. from 'D' Sqdn. w.e.f. 18/Mar/44.
    T/Capt.Morrison J.A., Lt. Martin D., Lt. Scott P.T., Lt. Sykes H.R., Lt.Chittleburgh K.T.,
    posted to 'D' Sqdn. from 'B' Sqdn. w.e.f. 18/Mar/44.
    Capt. T/Miller T.G., Lt. Stilton G.E., Lt. Norton H.M.R., Lt. Simpson D.A., posted to 'B' Sqdn.
    from 'A' Sqdn. w.e.f. 18/Mar/41.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    28Lt. Cole H.C.L., posted to 'G' Sqdn. from 'A' Sqdn. w.e.f. 18/Mar/44,
    T/Major Andrews K.J.S., relinguishes the T/Rank of Major and reverts to Rank of W/S Capt.
    w.e.f 29/Dec/44.
    T/Capt. Kershaw J.H. posted to Glider Pilot Depot, w.e.f. 20/Mar/44.
    Lt/Barclay J.H. appointed Adjutant of 'B' Sqdn. w.e.f. 12/Feb/44.
    Lt. Strathern K.F. appointed Adjutant of 'D' Sqdn. w.e.f. 12/Feb/44.
    2/Lt. Fletcher P.N. appointed Adjutant of 'A' Sqdn. w.e.f. 12/Feb/44
    29TEWT "Glider"
    31Exercise 'BIZZ 2' (25th/26th Mar).
    2/Lt. Markwick E.J. promoted to the rank of Local Lieut. w.e.f. 24/Mar/44.
    Lieut. Col. I.A. Murray re-assumes command of the wing.
    20Exercise 'BIZZ 1' (20th and 21st Mar).

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