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    War Diary: 10th Battalion Durham Light Infantry

    Month and year: Febuary 1944

    The 10th Battalion Durham Light Infantry February 1944 war diary covers their time at Thetford carrying out training.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1292

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Summary. Nearly the whole of this month has been devoted mainly to pl and individual trg. Coys have
    carried out night exercises once a week. A Bn Cadre for young offrs, junior NCOs, and selected ptes has
    also been held.
    Feb 1Bn moved by rd to RIDDLESWORTH CAMP, nr THETFORD. The Bn left at 1000 hrs and arrived at RIDDLESWORTH at
    1600 hrs.
    THETFORD,Feb 2The day was spent in settling down in the new camp.
    Feb 3Individual and pl trg continues among all coys.
    Feb 7A Bn Cadre run by lt. J. G. Dent commenced for young offrs, junior NCOs and selected ptes. They were
    instructed in the following duties - Light inf drill, duties of an NCO, discipline, principles, of battle
    drill, mine trg, and crossing of obstacles.
    Feb 15C-in-C 21 Army Gp, Gen Sir Bernard Montgomery, K.C.B., D.S.O. visited the 70 Inf Ede and addressed the
    whole Bde. The object of his visit was for him to see as many offrs and men of the 70 Inf Bde as
    Feb 17Each rifle coy carried out a field firing exercise in the STANFORD BATTLE AREA. Each coy had two
    detachments of 3" mortars and one sec carriers. Instrs are att Appendix "A"
    Feb 18Div skeleton exercise PONTOON started today. This Bn was represented by the C.O. and the I.O. The object
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    THEtFORD.Feb 18 (cont).of the exercise was to practise the higher staffs in the execution of orders for a river
    crossing attack.
    Feb 211130Exercise PONTOON finished.
    Feb 22The Bm carried out an M.T. drive by night. The distance covered was about 20 miles. The object of
    the drive was to practise the dvrs in night driving, the police in route marking, and the dvrs
    in cross country driving without lights.

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