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War Diary: 10th Battalion Durham Light Infantry

Month and year: March 1944

The 10th Battalion Durham Light Infantry March 1944 war diary covers their time at Thetford in the UK including taking part in exercise REMEDY 11, SPRIG and STAR.

National Archive Reference: WO 171/1292

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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
Summary. This month there have been several coy schemes. There has also been another inter pl competition.
There have also been two Bde schemes. The rest of the time has been devoted to pl training.
THETFORD Mar 1 Div Exercise REMEDY 11 started today. The object of the Exercise is to practise the Medical Staff in
dealing with battle casualties.
Mar 3 Bn skeleton Exercise SPRIG was held in area BUNGAY. The object of the Exercise was to test the working
and setting up of Bn H.Q. in the field.
Mar 4 "D" Coy and "B" Coy started a week's intensive training.
Mar 8 Bde Exercise STAR started today. The exercise was a battle between 11 D. L. I. and this Bn. The object of
the Exercise was to practise the Bn in taking up a defensive posn, and carrying out a night attack.
The Exercise was carried out in the area of THETFORD, and the Bn was first established at NEW BRETTENHAM
and later on BRETTENHAN HEATH.
Mar 9 The enemy advanced, and pushed on through THETFORD, forcing the Bn to eventually withdraw slightly.
Mar 10 0200 Exercise STAR ended.
Mar 14 Inter-pl competition started today in the area of THETFORD. "A" and "C" Coy pls carried out the competition
Mar 15 Inter-pl competition continued in the area of THETFORD. "B" and "D" Coy pls carried out the competition.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information
Mar 15 (contd) 9 pl, "A" Coy was top in the competition.
Mar 22 Bde Exercise STAG was carried out in the area of BRETTENHAM. The Exercise was carried out by 10 D.L
and 1 Tyne Scot. The object of the Exercise was to practise a bn taking up a rapid defensive posn
and then to practise a bn carrying out the relief of another bn by night. 1 Tyne Scot took up the
defensive posn and 10 D.L.I. carried out the relief.
Mar 23 0730 Exercise STAG ended. The Bn was back in billets by 1130 hrs.

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