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    War Diary: 102nd Anti Tank Regiment

    Month and year: August 1944

    The 102nd Anti Tank Regiment August 1944 war diary covers the units actions around Caumont advancing inland and then northwards towards the River Seine

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/929

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1Cold foggy day.
    195 and 196 Btys 73 A TK Regt under comd. 195 Bty in reserve at BERNIER Bocage
    MR 7970. 196 Bty in reserve CALAGNOLLES area MR 7466.
    Recce Regt on right, 11/60 KRR, 56 Bde, 69 Bde 231 Bde, 151 Bde (1 DLI between
    69 and 231 Bdes).
    Div front extends from CAUMONT 7059 to TILLY 8368.
    Major BALFOUR MC took over comd of 107 Bty from Maj RA BARNETT MC who goes
    to RHQ as 2 i/c, to replace Maj DJ COWEN who has returned to England on
    compassionate leave to attend to urgent business matters.
    107 Bty are in sp of 69 Bde and had two casualties - Gnr PIKE H and Bdr
    TAYLOR WC, both wounded.
    288 Bty deployed in area HOTTOT.
    2107 Bty still being mortared and shelled. They had the following casualties
    Gnr LOVE WC, Gnr MARTIN KW (who later died of wounds). Gnr WHITE GH (at present
    attached from 25 LAA Regt) was also wounded. 288 Bty relieved 107 Bty.
    288 Bty in sp 151 Bde deploy in area LE LION VERT cross-roads.
    3107 Bty still in sp 69 Bde in AUNAY-SUR-SEULLES feature.
    288 Bty remain LE LION VERT area.
    4Sgt DAVIES P of 107 Bty mis-read his map, found himself in what had been
    VILLERS BOCAGE and captured three prisoners.
    288 Bty remain LE LION VERT area.
    550 Div virtually out of line. All Btys out.
    Baths and Mobile Cinema shows.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    6All available officers and NCOs went to HQ Hants at MR 786614 to be addressed
    by Lieut-General HORROCKS, the new Comd of 30 Corps. The Corps Camd made
    three points about 50 Div being outstanding at (1) Anti-tank (2) Patrolling
    (3) Assault.
    New M.O. Capt H. DALLAS arrives.
    288 Bty concentrate in area LE LION VERT.
    7RHQ move to near BREUIL MR 7752.
    99 Bty with 69 Bde Gp to ONDEFONTAINE 7848.
    107 Bty with 151 Bde Gp to area AUNAY SUR ODON.
    288 Bty resting in area BERNIER Bocage.
    8107 Bty with 151 Bde to just short of Mt PINCON, prior to advance to CONDE.
    288 Bty revert back to in sp of 231 Bde.
    9Lieut BOTHERWAY killed at LE PLESSIS GRIMOULT MR 8444 during the attack down
    other side of Mt PINCON.
    107 Bty HQ ROUCAMPS.
    RHQ move forward through the remains of AUNAY SUR ODON 8251 to LE HAMIL
    (8249 just South of AUNAY)
    288 Bty move from rest area to area North of Mt PINCON
    10Lieut MOORE killed in traffic accident.
    Lieut BOTHERWAY buried in the cemetery at LE ROGERIE.
    107 Bty get nortared and shelled West of LE PLESSIS GRIMOULT. Two-casualties
    suffered, both wounded and evacuated - Bdr WRIGHT S and D/M BEASLEY.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    110300 hrs. 288 Bty move to assembly area 847442.
    231 Bde attacking down South side of Mt PINCON.
    ST PIERRE LA VIELLE strongly held by enemy and by-passed.
    288 Bty deploy in area LES FORGES.
    12107 Bty still in sp 151 Bde in area Pt 262 (907384),249 (894384).
    231 Bde with 288 Bty in sp resume attack.
    Transcription note: 907834 corrected to 907384
    13151 Bde with 107 Bty relieved and go into rest area South of LE PLESSIS
    ST PIERRE LA VIELLE occupied. 288 Bty deploy in area.
    14Capt J.K. BOAG becomes Adjto Capt C.S. SPENCE to Capt G of 99 Bty.
    Capt H.C. BRYANT to B.C. 99 Bty ante-dated 1st Aug.
    Rest, cinemas, baths.
    288 Bty shoot up enemy strongpoint with M.10s - 30 PW taken.
    15Resting, maintenance, baths.
    New officers posted to 107 Bty - Lieut C.H. McFARLANE and Lieut G.H. LUCAS.
    231 Bde with the 288 Bty in sp spend day mopping up.
    16107 Bty still resting.
    231 Bde advancing towards CONDE SUR NOTREAU - enemy withdrawing.
    17Pursuit of enemy by 30 Corps is now to take place.
    11 Armd Div leading followed by 50 (N) Div. Enemy to be driven into the
    FALAISE - ARGENTAN pocket.
    107 Bty with 151 Bde.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    18RHQ move forward to due East of ATHIS to LA BERNOTIERE 9427 having originally
    started to go to area ST DENIS DE MERE 9033 and having been diverted en route.
    107 Bty reach locn 935275 with 151 Bde.
    19RHQ move to CHENOUDOUT MR 0321.
    Crossed the "ORNE" and and at last became "East of the ORNE".
    107 Bty also crossed the ORNE with 151 Bde. Few hundred prisoners captured
    by 8 DLI in area PULANGES.
    288 Bty in sp of 231 Bde move from area PROUSSY and concentrate in area 911259
    20Recce parties moved off 2000 hrs.
    L/Bdr COULSBY was blown up, while bringing in a captured vehicle, and killed.
    21:00 hrs. L/Bdr COULSBY buried in the village churchyard.
    107 Bty move with 151 Bde to MR 121217.
    288 Bty remain in area 911259.
    21Pouring rain. RHQ move to North of MONTGROULT MR 1720.
    107 Bty move with 151 Bde to area 2023.
    288 Bty move with 231 Bde to area North of ECOUGHE 1816.
    22,C.O. goes off early to a Tac Conference at Rd Junc 4645 just East of EXMES
    on the main road to GACE. They move straight off to cross-roads 5145 and
    found no enemy in GACE, 73 A Tk Regt less one 151 Bde, which had been supporting
    151 Bde comes under CO's comd. Not knowning 73rd's locn and being out of
    all wireless comunication, the situation was difficult. Roads crowded.
    231 Bde moving up followed by 69 Bde. Both Brigadiers at the Conference.
    In absence of enemy 231 to hold GACE area, 69 Bde to push on to ST EVROULT-
    DU-BOIS. Country to left had not been cleared and contained Boche.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    22 contdRHQ moved to area 516472.
    Heavy rain at night. 73 A Tk Regrt HQ moved into area 5047.
    2200 hrs. C.O. sent for rep from 73 A TK Regt. Adjt arrived and C.O. told
    99 Bty with 69 Bde GP.
    288 Bty with 231 Bde Gp move to area 519462.
    107 Bty with 151 Bde Gp area CHAMBOIS or later called the "CHAMBOIS Shambles".
    289 Bty were sent back for by C.O. during the afternoon and came up and
    deployed covering left flank between 69, Bde and 231 Bde, from rd junc 5748
    to cross-roads 6148 both incl.
    23RHQ move West of L'AIGLE to MR 762446.
    Wet afternoon - very wet night.
    107 Bty with 151 Bde move through CHAMBOIS via GACE, L'AIGLE, to area of BOURTH.
    288 Bty with 231 Bde move to area 523463.
    231 Bde clear Forest de Evroult. 20 BY taken.
    1930 hrs. 231 Bde with 288 Bty move on again.
    24RHQ move to LA JARRIERE 9040.
    Conference re crossing of the SEINE.
    231 Bde with 288 Bty in sp arrive area 892410.
    25Warning order to move to take over MANTES Bridgehead but on CRA's return
    from Bridgehead it was all cancelled and we were told we were now going
    to VERNON Bridgehead, probably tomorrow.
    260700 hrs. RHQ move forward to AIGEVILLE area MR 3964 where we leaguered in
    a bit of American territory. We got away with it.
    107 Bty with 151 Bde in area 434657. 288 Bty with 231 Bde in area 892410.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    2799, 107 and 288 Btys caught up.
    288 Bty with 231 Bde area 390687. 99 Bty with 69 Bde.
    107 Bty with 151 Bde, arrived on their own, after 151 Bde who came themselves
    the previous-day.
    28107 Bty no move. 288 Bty no move.
    29Informed that 30 Corps consisting of Guards Armd, 11 Armd, 8 Armd Bde and
    50 Div with 1 US Army on right and 12 Corps on left would push on over the
    SEINE as fast as possible. After much order, counter-order and moisture
    the river SEINE was crossed by SAUL Bridge (other bridges DAVID and GOLIATH)
    and RHQ arrived at MR 476738. Starting at 2000 hrs arriving after midnight.
    288 Bty no move.
    30Four Btys 73 A TK Regt come under comd O.C. Northunberland Hussars and
    relieve 107 Bty with 151 Bde, taking over the protection of the left flank
    of the Corps.
    107 Bty come under direct control of C.O. and move in protective role to Div HQ.
    288 Bty crossed River SEINE and concentrated in area 6484.
    31RHQ moved to near CHAUTOISEAU MR 8398.
    231 Bde with 288 Bty in sp move to area 8195 and concentrate.

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