National Archive Reference: WO 171/929
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 1 | 1015 | Major J.K. BOAG (OC 99 A tk Bty RA) visits RHQ at Pt 112 (793712). Now that his Bty | |
is in reserve positions he is anxious that arrangements be made for bathing and entertainment in BAYEUX. Arrangements for this have been put in hand. | ||||
1030 | Major P.G. MURRY (OC 195/73 A tk Regt RA) visits RHQ. He has nothing to report but merely calls to find out the "form". | |||
1100 | CO and CO2 (Major D.J. Cowen) visit Regtl Echelon at 7972. There have been numerous complaints about the colour of the camouflage paint used on the 6-prs and M.10s, and very unfavourable | |||
comparison made with that used by the Germans. As a result the SO (Cam) 30 Corps has come to try out now paint. The object is to obtain a new colour which will render a gun at least | ||||
inconspicuous against foliage. The present colour stands out a mile. CO and CO2 express themselves satisfied with the experiment so far. | ||||
1500 | AA & QMG (50 NORTHUMBRIAN) Division (Lt-Col. J.J. Black) calls at RHQ on his way past to see if we have any worries. We produce our perennial grouses (a) that the standard of reinforcement | |||
offered is such that the offer is rejected (b) we have lost five NAAFI packs during the landing and none has been replaced yet. | ||||
1830 | RA 50 (N) Div Operation Order No 8 is received. 7 Armd Div is withdrawing from our right flank. The 2 U.S. ARmd Div is moving into their positions in the CAUMONT area, while 56 Inf Bde comes | |||
under Command 50 (N) Div and holds that area from LES OREILLES (7666) to North of PARFOURU L'ECLIN (7463). 259 A tk Bty RA (65 (NY) A tk Regt RA.) comes under comd this Regt in support | ||||
of 56 Bde. | ||||
2230 | RA Operation Order No 9 received. This is a continuation of O.O. No 8, giving tasks of the various Fd Regts and hardly concerns this unit. | |||
Today has been an active one on the Divisional front, but on our left 49 Inf Div has been heavily engaged with 2 (SS) Pz Div "DAS REICH" - which is not to be confused with 2 Pz Div who are in the | ||||
area SOUTH of CAUMONT. Locations:- RHQ 793712. 99 Bty 793695 deployed in area LA SENAUDIERE. 107 Bty 793690 in support 231 Inf Bde. 288 Bty 769689 in support 69 Inf Bde., 289 Bty 824704 | ||||
in support 151 Inf Bde. 195/73 A tk Regt RA. 810718 deployed area 8070.8171 259/65 (NY) A tk Regt RA. 751694 in support 56 Inf Bde. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
2 | 0130 | 5 East Yotks (69 Bde) carry out a Coy raid on LA POTERIE (785657). They are heavily mortared and machine gunned and fail to reach their objective. | ||
1015 | CO and IO visit 56 Infe Bde. and 151 Inf. Bde. on our right and left flanks resp. The visit to 56 Bde is to coordinate their A TK defense with that of 69 Bde. | |||
1030 | CO2 and Adjutant go on a visit to Rear HQ 50 (N) Div to thrash out once again the matter of | |||
NAAFI packs and reinforcements. They subsequently visit 205 CRC to see if there are any reinforcemnts to be had. If the Adjutant returns tomorrow there may be some. | ||||
1500 | Adjutant visits HQ RA 49 Inf Div and 71 A tk Regt RA (53 Inf Div) to try and find out what is happening in the battle of the "bulge". Whilst at 49 Div he is told that 2 Bns of that | |||
Division have just entered BRETTEVILLETTE (8864) with patrols down to NOYERS (8762). Everyone is in high spirits and wonders what has become of the Pz Div. They soon discover when their | ||||
troops are shot up from behind - the old story of not clearing up as you proceed. 53 Div are in process of relieving 15 (Scottush) Div and know very little. | ||||
During yesterdays battle some 55 enemy AFVs were KOd, though not all were destroyed and no doubt several have been recovered by him. | ||||
1600 | CO also visits HQ 49 Inf Div. | |||
2200 | Major J.K. BOAG visits RHQ but has nothing to report. | |||
Today has been another quiet day on the Divisional front, marred only by the usual shelling and mortaring. The weather continues wet and miserable and the forward troops are having an | ||||
unpleasant time. Locations - unchanged. | ||||
3 | Today is a day of even less activity than usual. It is very very wet all day, and except for | |||
occasional mortar and shell fire, all is quiet, while everyone sits around looking and feeling miserable. | ||||
1100 | Adjutant goes to 205 CRC to look for reinforcements and finds 4 who are worth anything. | |||
1900 | 99 Bty send a consignment of men to the cinema at BAYEUX, but on arrival find that it is | |||
full owing to a mistake by whoever allots seats to units. This causes considerable disappointment for relaxation is a great relief to those who have been mortared and shelled almost continuously | ||||
for a month without respite... |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 3 | 2000 | BM RA and SC RA 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Division call at RHQ but have nothing of any value to say. | |
Major J.K. BOAG also calls at this time to get some further bath and cinema allotment for 99 Bty. He also tells RHq that, failing to replace the lost NAAFI pack through the usual channels, he has | ||||
managed to gEt it replaced through unusual ones. Today brings no further news of fighting to the EAST, so it appears that rain has stopped play | ||||
everywhere. Locations unchanged. | ||||
4 | 1030 | The CO and IO go across to the 1st U.S. Division on our right to repay the visits that 635 TK Destroyer Bn have made to us. | ||
1130 | Major P.G. MURRY (OC 195/73 A Tk Regt RA) calls at RHQ to find out if anything is happening. - Nothing. | |||
1200 | SC RA phones up RHQ in a great rage. Evidently a Bty Capt - later discovered to be the Capt "Q" of 107 Bty | |||
- has been to DAQMG at Rear Div and demanded NAAFI packs. All the Powers that Be are evidently | ||||
very annoyed at such an attempted break in the Chain of Command. | ||||
1335 | RHQ take evasive action as 20 ME 109 and FW 190 fly overhead. | |||
1500 | Major J.K. Boag visits RHQ. | |||
1830 | CO2 97 A Tk Regt RA calls at RHQ and sees CO. We had 4 offrs posted to the Regt who were 1 st Reinforcement Offrs for 97 A TK Regt RA. (15 Division.) One has already been posted | |||
back to them and now they want another - Lt. C. Chicken. The CO agrees provided they will give us an officer in return and we can find a replacement ourselves. | ||||
1900 | CO visitis HQ RA. Today it is learned that a new division now faces us - 276 Inf Div. Already a few deserters | |||
have walked in - Poles pressganged into the "Wehrmacht". This Division seems to have come into the line on bicycles. Tonight it is intended to shell them heavily to see if any more give themselves | ||||
up. Again an inactive day. Locations unchanged. | ||||
5 | The day dawns with a promise of fine weather. | |||
1030 | Major W.A. BENSON calls at RHQ. | |||
1130 | It is decided by the CO that 99 Bty shall go back into "the line" tonight in support of 69 Bde | |||
and that 288 Bty will come back into the reserve position at LA SENAUDIERE for 2 days and then relieve 107 Bty in support of 231 Bde. This will place both 99 Bty and 288 Bty in their normal affiliations. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 5 | 1130 | A subsequent relief will place 107 Bty in support of 151 Bde and leave 289 Bty in its normal | |
role as Divisional reserve. The CO visits 99 Bty and 288 Bty to arrange the initial relief. During the morning 50% personnel from RHQ and Regt Echelon have a bath in BAYEUX. | ||||
1400 | SCRA informs Adjutant that the 5 NAAFI packs to replace those lost by enemy action are now available at the Divisional Supply Point. These are collected during the evening by the RQMS, | |||
and the only real grouse now outstanding is the one about reinforcements. This, of course, is merely a continuation of the fight commenced in 1941 in MEF. | ||||
1800 | Major D.A. Komrower (OC 288 Bty) visits RHQ. | |||
1900 | Infm is received from HQ RA that 8 DLI (151 Bde) are to carry out a raid tonight of approx | |||
1 coy strength in order to catch a prisoner from 276 Div. 1 Essex (56 Bde) also intend to go raiding, but 8 DLI will have the backing of all the Div Arty to the tune of some 50 r.p.g. | ||||
A few deserters from 276 Div have come in but last nights "stonk" does not seem to have had much effect. | ||||
2130 | OC 195 A tk Bty RA comes to RHQ - 73 A tk Regt RA have had an operation order stating that 50 Div are to do an attack. We have heard nothing and the CO goes to HQ RA to find out. The CRA | |||
is annoyed as he has seen no order either, but on investigation it proves to be an order outlining what 50 Div might do sometime. 99 Bty relieves 288 Bty in support of 69 Bde during the | ||||
night. Locations:- RHQ, 107 Bty, 289 Bty 195/73 and 259/73 unchanged. 288 Bty 793695 in reserve; 99 Bty 769689 in sp 69 Bde. | ||||
6 | 0930 | CO2 and Adjt go out looking for reinforcements, and to see personnel of the Regt having baths in BAYEUX. These are in a bath house kindly provided with the fittings by the Germans. The water is | ||
hot and arrangements most satisfactory. The reinforcement situation, however, is no better than before and the RHU has nothing whatsover to offer. | ||||
During the course of the morning, the CO on a visit to HQ RA, obtains infm about an attack that the Division is going to make, probably on 8 JUL 44. The attack will be done by phases 56 Bde | ||||
and 231 Bde taking objectives at two days intervals. The ultimate line to be held is the high ground SOUTH of HOTTOT 8264 - BOIS de ST GERMAIN 7764. No operation order is yet to hand. As a | ||||
preliminary shuffle 49 Inf Div on our left will take over the 151 Bde sector SOUTH of TILLY on night 7/8 JUL , whilst the Inf Bdes reorganise among themselves. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 6 | 1600 | Major R.A. Barnett visits RHQ. | |
1630 | CO goes to tea at HQ RA to meet the Corps Comd (Lt-Gen H.C. Bucknall) who has bean visiting the Div Fd Arty. | |||
1700 | OC 259 A tk Bty calls, but brings no news from 56 Bde front. | |||
2230 | BMRA telephones and makes reference to an operation order that has not yet been received. | |||
During the course of the Bde reorganisation tomorrow, one bn of 151 Bde will take over from 1 bn (1 DORSETS) of 231 Bde. HQRA Want the tp of 107 Bty supporting 1 Dorset to be relieved | ||||
by Tp of 289 Bty who are in support of 151 Bde. This the CO does not agree to on the grounds that the Btys are covering portions of the front and are not rigidly bound by inter-bde | ||||
boundaries. At last light a propoganda broadcast is made in German and Polish to entice the enemy to desert | ||||
but despite the rosy future outlined for those who come over the total bag is nil. Locations unchanged. | ||||
7 | 0825 | Bde Major 231 Bde telephones RHQ. 231 Bde are concerned about which Bty will be in their sp. when they make their attack. Adjt informs BM that the CO is visiting HQ 231 Bde during the | ||
morning. No operation order has yet been received, and we therefore work in the dark. | ||||
0830 | RA Operation Order No 12 received. This refers to the first stage of Div attack which consists (a) of the relief of 151 Bde by 70 Bde of 49 Div; (b) of the relief of 1 Dorsets by 1 Bn 151 Bde; | |||
(c) the attack by 56 Bde with objective track and rd junction 764637 - LANDES 779640 | ||||
0855 | CO leaves to visit 231 Bde. The CO spends the remainder of the day travelling between Inf Bde HQs and HQ RA in order to get the A tk planning for the forthcoming attack on a firm basis. All Bdes | |||
demand more than it is possible to give them, while the CO makes every endevour to ensure that a firm base is maintained, and that guns are not going to be caught on the "wrong foot" when moving fwd. | ||||
the eventual plan agreed to is as follows:- (i) 56 Bde attack with 259 Bty (65 (NY) A tk Regt RA in support. During the initial stages of the | ||||
attack 2 X M.10 Tps 198/73 A tk Regt RA are under comd 56 Bde. These revert to comd 102 A tk Regt RA on completion of reorganisation and will be relieved by 259 Bty. | ||||
(ii) 288 Bty will move from present area LA SENAUDIERE (7868) on the day prior to 231 Bde attack on HOTTOT and will be in sp of 231 Bde. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 7 | 107 Bty will remain in their present area SOUTH of LONGREVES (7967 8067) and will form | ||
a firm base, probably until night 10 when 288 Bty will be etsablished with 231 Bde. (iv) 107 Bty will come into sp of 151 Bde night 10 JUL, relieving 289 Bty and will go | ||||
fwd with 151 Bde whose task will be to fill the gap between 231 Bde at HOTTOT and 56 Bde at BOIS de ST GERMAIN. This will probably be on 11 JUL. 289 Bty will come into Div reserve. | ||||
(v) 99 Bty remain in sp. 69 Bde in the present area around LONGRAYE (7866). 69 Bde make no move fwd and no operations are yet in hand to clear LONGRAYE village and the remainder | ||||
of the river valley to LION VERTE (7964) | ||||
2000 | H Hour for 56 Bde attack is 0800 hrs tomorrow. | |||
Little else happens during the day. It is learnt that 1 Corps will attack CAEN tomorrow and in aid of this 350 heavy RAF night bombers bomb targets on their front at 2200 hrs. The returning | ||||
bombers pass close to us. NAAFI, which is due to open for bulk issues, has'nt done so and a further free issue of NAAFI packs | ||||
is being made. Strength certificates are called for today and the issue of packs on the scale of 1 per 90 men will be made tomorrow. Locations unchanged. | ||||
8 | 0800 | 56 Bde launch their attack, under cover of heavy arty support. | ||
0900 | Major R.A. Barnett and Major D.A. Komrower visit RHO to confer with the CO about their future role. | |||
Major Komrower is told by the CO that he does not want 288 Bty to move up from its present posn around LA SENAUDIERE until the latest possible moment, and until that time contact with 231 Bde may | ||||
be kept by an LO with a wireless set. Major Barnett is not too happy about his post and it is explained to him that he is responsible for a bit of front i.e. that portion SOUTH of LINGREVES. Owing to the | ||||
Bde re-shuffle it so happens that 107 Bty is largely in 151 Bde area and not the 231 Bde area but this makes no difference at all to the deployment of the guns. | ||||
During the day the battle continues and 56 Bde reach their objectives fairly easily. The enemy withdraws in the face of our shell fire and flame throwing tanks. Unfortunately he has | ||||
considerable determination and commences to infiltrate back into the BOIS de ST GERMAIN which has, in fact, never been properly cleaned up. A Bn has passed down either side of it. Confusion ensues | ||||
and both bns draw back some 500 -1000 yds. The enemy forms up for a counter attack during the afternoon is stonked" by AGRA which evidently upsets him because when he does counter attack | ||||
much later on, it is an uncoordinated affair which is repulsed with the loss to him of 11 tanks KOd. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 8 | During this action 198 Bty (73 A tk Regt RA),equipped with 17-pr M. 10s, is in support. 195 (65 A tk Regt R.A) is to try and relieve the M.10s with their towed 17-prs during | ||
the night. On the rest of the Div front - NTR. | ||||
Infm comes to hand that 8 members of the Regt have turned up at 31 RHU and were, in fact, there when CO2 and Adjt called at the RHU on 6 JUL 44. HQ 50 (N) Div asked to take immediate | ||||
action. | ||||
At last light all is quiet except that 56 Bde are expecting to be heavily conter attacked, and are very worried about it. During the 56 Bde attack the btys in support lose 4 Offrs. | ||||
198/73 A tk Regt RA lose 1 Offr missing. 259/65 A tk Regt RA lose 1 offr killed and i offr missing, 1 offr wounded. All these 3 offrs are ex-members of this Regiment | ||||
Locations unchanged. | ||||
9 | 0130 | BMRA telephones. 288 Bty may be required to move from LA SENAUDIERS behind 56 Bde who are very frightened about tanks - this despite 2 a/tk Btys, 2 Coys US Armour and 3 Sqns British Armour. | ||
0930 | RA Operation Order No 13 received. This deals with the second phase of the Div attack i.e. the capture of HOTTOT by 231 Bde. Arty sp is evidently going to be on the grand scale i.e. RA 49 Div. | |||
RA 50 Div., Arty 2 US Armd Div. 288 A tk Bty and 198/73 A Tk Regt RA will be in support. | ||||
0930 | CO leaves to visit 56 Bde to find out exactly what happened yesterday, where they have got to and | |||
what the a/tk situation is. No counter attack has taken place although everyone is very worried about one. Even 56 Bde HQ is standing by to repel borders. | ||||
A further reshuffle among inf bdes will take place. Bn of 151 Bde will relieve the Left Hand Bn of 69 Bde (7 GH) This Bn will fill the gap which exists between the right of 69 Bde at 775671 and | ||||
the left of 56 Bde at 779659. In consequence of this 107 Bty will alter its dispositions to cover further WEST than at present to areas 795679 - 790670. 289 Bty will be ready to deploy on the left | ||||
of 107 Bty to cover the rear of 231 Bde. | ||||
1800 | 231 Bde attack is not now to take place tomorrow 10 JUL but is postponed until 11 JUL. This is | |||
due to the fact that 56 Bde is still employed in cleaning up and generally resorting after its attack, and supporting arms are not therefore free to sp 231 Bde. This, as it affects the Regt, means that | ||||
198/73 A tk Regt RA is not yet free to leave 56 Bde and come across to the support of 231 Bde. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 9 | 2230 | 17-pr guns of 259/65 A Tk Regt RA have still not completelt relieved the M.10s of 198 A tk Bty RA. It is unlikely that this will be completed tonight. | |
2300 | CO speaks to BMRA on the telephone and explains to him the moves that are being made by | |||
107 Bty to conform to the Inf Bde shuffling. Most of CAEN is captured by 1 Corps during the day. Locations unchanged. | ||||
10 | 0010 | HQ 231 Bde telephone RHQ. Patrols that have been out state the the enemy is not occupying positions that have always been occupied in the past. There is a strong feeling in 231 Bde - | ||
not shared by this unit - that the enemy may have withdrawn. It is intended to push fwd strong fighting patrols at first light to try and gain all tomorrows objectives without a | ||||
fight. 231 Bde have warned 288 Bty to be prepared to move at first light. This optimism is quickly and effectively quashed at first light. | ||||
0930 | 198 Bty and 259 Bty have still not changed over. The IO is despatched to find out why. Today is going to be most unpleasant. The rain is practically unceasing. | |||
1000 | CO visits HQ RA. He takes with him a letter on the subject of reinforcements (See Appx.) In particular, it is complained that the 8 ORs originally discovered in 31 RHU on 8 Jul | |||
have been, or are about to be, posted to other units. 2 Sgts have already gone. The CRA takes the matter up personally with the CCRA 30 Corps - perhaps something drastic will now be done. | ||||
The fact appears to be that men are not being returned to their units despite all statements to the contrary even where deficiencies exist. | ||||
1100 | 3 BCs call at RHQ. Major RA Barnett (107 Bty) and Major WA Benson (289 Bty) call to discover the "form" about the reshuffle of btys. Major D.A. Komrower (288 Bty) calls to make any final | |||
arrangements about the 231 Bde attack tomorrow. Bty HQ of 288 Bty will move beside 231 Bde HQ this afternoon while the guns will move into conc areas at last light. | ||||
Today is a day of changes and eventually there are 5 Btys under comd of the Regt in addition to our own 4. As 198 Bty is unlikely to be released from the 56 Bde front in time, 234 Bty (73 A tk | ||||
Regt) comes under comd for the support of 231 Bde. 256 Bty relieves 259 Bty (both of 65 A tk Regt) on the Bde front. | ||||
1600 | RA OO. No 14 recieved, dealing with 231 Bde attack. H Hour is at 0700 hrs. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 10 | 1600 | Major W.A. Benson reports that 107 Bty and 289 Bty have completed their movements on the left hand of the Div | |
front and that 107 Bty are how in process of taking over a Tp post from 99 Bty. The Tp of 99 Bty will move round with Bn 69 Bde to plug the gap in the 69 - 56 Bde Boundary | ||||
HQ 288 Bty moves to HQ 231 Bde 819592. HQ 107 Bty moves to HQ 151 Bde 823694. | ||||
2030 | BM RA informs regt that it may be necessary for 256 Bty to rejoin Regt at very short notice. | |||
In this event 196 Bty (73 A tk Regt) will take its place in sp of 56 Bde. | ||||
2130 | Major Kenyon (OC 196 Bty) visits RHQ and is put into the picture by the CO. | |||
2230 | CO telephones HQ RA and informs the Bde Major that OC 196 Bty has made contact and enquires who | |||
will give the orders for 256 Bty to go out and 196 Bty to move in. The answer is HQ 30 Corps. At the end of an extremely wet and miserable day the allocation of Btys is as follows:- | ||||
99 A tk Bty RA. in sp 69 Bde. 107 A tk Bty RA deployed 151 Bde and ready to accompany them when they move fwd in between 56 Bde and 231 Bde. 288 A tk Bty RA. in readiness to move | ||||
fwd in support of 231 Bde. 289 A tk Bty RA in Divisional reserve and partly deployed behind 231 Bde. 195/73 A tk Regt RA in Divisional reserve area BERNIERS BOCAGE - BUCEELS. | ||||
196/73 A tk Regt RA. in readiness to support 56 Bde. 198/73 A tk Regt RA. in support 56 Bde. 234/73 A tk Regt RA. in support of 231 Bde. 256/65 A tk Regt RA. in support of 56 Bde | ||||
and in readiness to revert to comd 65 (NY) A tk Regt RA. Location:- RHQ 792712; 99 Bty 769689; 107 Bty 823693; 288 Bty 819691, 289 Bty 823693 | ||||
11 | 0100 | 56 Bde attack opens. The attack commences well but 1 Hamps on the right get pinned down by fire from wood 8166 and suffer rather heavy casualties. 2 Devons on the left are forced to slow down | ||
in order to keep contact with Hamps but succeed in closing to within 200 yds of the village of HOTTOT. Here they stop. In the evening both Bns withdraw to a line 815667 - 825667 | ||||
No tanks are KOd by anti-tank guns but 6 are claimed by Sherwood Rangers (8 Armd Bde ) and one by Infantry. In this sector dug in tanks are being used as pill boxes and are a considerable nuisance. | ||||
1330 | About 50 shells, probably 75 mm, land in the Echelon area about 797723. 1 OR is killed and 2 ORs are wounded. | |||
1700 | One of the personnel whom we are trying to retrieve has turned up at the 65 A tk Regt RA. They play fair and telephone us to come and take him. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 11 | 1700 | A posting order arrived today from O2E posting all 8 missing men back to us but as usual quotes the fatal words "if available". However it does seem as if the authorities at 31 RHU are taking | |
no notice at all of complaints from whatever level they may originate. It is known that CCRA 30 Corps is taking a personal interest in this case, and the same thing is happening to other | ||||
Arty Regts in the Division. | ||||
2000 | A reinforcement arrives - typical. He is 37, has been 7 months in the Army and is blind in one eye. | |||
The CO visited 69 and 56 Bdes during the morning and 151 and 231 Bdes during the afternoon but | ||||
manages to gleen very little infm from any of them. In the evening CO visits HQ RA to find out (a) what operations, if any, will take place tomorrow. (b) whether 196 Bty is still going to | ||||
relieve 356 Bty at some time. The answers are (a) that it is hoped to take the wood with the aid of AFV's (b) that the change-over is still likely to take place, probably tomorrow night | ||||
11/12. Locations unchanged. | ||||
12 | During the night Hamps, now reputed to be reduced to 5 Pls, are relieved by 2 Devons. | |||
0900 | It now appears that no operations of any sort will take place today, and vengance will be taken in the form of CB work by Fd Arty. | |||
0115 | Major ASQUITH (OC 234 Bty) visits RHQ and sees the CO. | |||
1120 | Major KENYON (OC 196 Bty) arrives at RHQ and informs the CO that he has come to take over posns of | |||
256 Bty in sp. of 56 Bde. This causes some surprise as no infm has been received at this HQ. It is verified by a telephone message to HQ RA who state that it will be done in our own time. It is | ||||
arranged that the Btys concerned will move this afternoon. | ||||
1220 | CO visits HQ RA to try and discover what is likely to happen on the Divisional front. It appears that | |||
since 231 Bde failed to take their objective that everyone has stopped to think again. | ||||
1500 | Major W.A. Benson visits CO. | |||
Major J.K. Boag visits CO. The main problem is the question of reinforcements, 99 Bty is very short of Drivers who can drive tracked vehs. Reinforcements received have not been capable of this and there is | ||||
no opportunity here for training. | ||||
1700 | CO goes out to visit Btys and HQRA. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 12 | 1700 | 234 Bty (73 A/TK. Regt RA) will be leaving our command. During the day the M 10s. of 234 Bty are replaced by 6. pr guns. The most notable | |
occurances during the day is an issue of bread, the first since landing, and the issue of 2 X carriers mortar, (prime movers of 6 prs) Our only vehicle deficiencies now outstanding are 1 Jeep and 4 M/C. | ||||
Locations unchanged. | ||||
13 | During the night 12/13 is little activity. 151 Bde and 231 Bde complete their change over. An M 10 of 288 Bty alleges that it was shelled by our own Fd Arty 20 - 30 shells landing round it. | |||
1200 | CO visits HQ R.A and is informed (a) that 151 Bde is to take ever portion of 231 Bde front leaving 231 Bde with only one Bn 'up' and, (b) that in order to cover this 234 Bty is to remain under our command | |||
until 1200 hrs 14 Jul. The CO brings up the question of reinforcements, especially the 8 ORS at 31 RHU, who, although now posted back to us, have not yet arrived. | ||||
1215 | Adjt and SCRA go to 31 RHU to find the missing persons. of the 8 only 3 are left, the remainder having been posted to other units. There is however another draft in for the unit of 4 signallers and 3 D/Ms. | |||
This will be collected this evening. | ||||
1500 | The CO goes over to HQ 2nd Army this afternoon. | |||
1800 | Major R.A. Barnett sees the CO. As a result of the various change overs and handovers that have taken place, btys now cover a portion of the front and are not particularly bound by Bde bdys which are not | |||
themselves very clear. 151 Bde are worried because their M 10s are outside their Bde bdys. The CO replies that so far as he is aware 151 Bde possesses no M 10s. | ||||
1900 | Major. Murry visits RHQ. | |||
1900 | SCRA informs Adjutant that HQ 2 Army have informed him that the men posted away to other Regts are to be reposted to us. | |||
2000 | Major. Asquith (OC 234 Bty) visits CO to find out when he reverts to comd own regt. | |||
2130 | 4 X sigs and 3 X D/Ms report and are posted to Btys. With them comes the information that 2 more old members of the Regiment have appeared at 31 RHU. Adjutant immediately informs SCRA who signals Reinforcements | |||
Sec. 2 Army for posting authority. During the night 289 Bty move into reserve posns area LA SENAUDIERE. | ||||
14 | 0830 | R.A. O.O. No. 15 received. 50 Div is to reorganize in its present posns with a view to bringing bns | ||
into reserve and to be prepared to hold the ground which we have .The keynote of the order is don't disturb the enemy unnecessarily unless he disturbs you |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 14 | 1100 | CO leaves RHQ to visit Btys and Bde HQs. On his way back to RHQ he visits HQ. ,RA., All Infantry | |
Brigadiers are clamouring for more anti-tank guns and want them up in the FDL's. Our anti-tank layout is not based up on Bde boundaries but each Bty is responsible for a section of the front, conforming as far | ||||
as is possible to the bde bdys This is not popular with bdes who are always under the impression that one bty's guns are their own personal property. Further it is very difficult to get them to view "depth" | ||||
from a divisional standpoint. | ||||
1345 | Major J.K. Boag visits RHQ followed at | |||
1430 | by Major R.A. Barnett and at | |||
1500 | by Major D.A. Komrower. All these BC's call to confer with the CO over alterations in layout. | |||
1630 | CO again leaves RHQ to visit Bde HQ's. | |||
1645 | CO2 goes down to beaches to see if he can find any trace of the unit residue. It is now D + 38 and there | |||
have been many rumours of their impending arrival but nothing has happened. The CO2 finds nothing. | ||||
2000 | Brig. D.S GORDON (Comd 151 Bde) telephones the CO. He is concerned about A/Tk guns which are | |||
likely to be moved from his Bde front. The CO assures him that he will not be left undefended. Further vehicle deficiencies have been made good today by the drawing of 3 x motor-cycles This leaves the Regt | ||||
1 X Jeep deficient only. Locations RHQ 792712 : 99 A/Tk.Bty 768688 : 107 A/Tk.Bty 801680 : 288 A/Tk Bty 818691 : 289 A/Tk.Bty 785694 : 195/73 A/Tk.Regt. 810718 : 196 /73 A/Tk.Regt. 740655. | ||||
15 | Little happens during the morning until | |||
1100 | when the CO visits HQ RA. He then learns that a complete reshuffle is to take place The division on our | |||
right (2 (US) Armd Div) is coming out of the line and the boundary of 50 (N) Div is to be extended to CAUMONT. This operation will take place on 17 Jul. The Divisional Front will be held by 8 Armd Bde, 61 | ||||
Recce Regt, 56 Bde, 69 Bde, 151 Bde, 231 Bde in that order from right to left. The following alterations will be made in the anti-tank layout (a) M 10 Tps of 99 Bty, 107 Bty and 288 Bty come under command 289 | ||||
Bty for ops. 6 pr troops 289 Bty are placed under comd 107 Bty and 288 Bty respectively.This means in effect that all 6 prs are committed on the ground and that OC 289 Bty (Major W.A. BENSON) commands the | ||||
mobile reserve of 4 x M 10 Troops. (b) 195/73 A/Tk. moves from the reserve posns in area BERNIERE- BOCAGE - BUCEELS to occupy posns in depth behind 61 Recce Regt and 8 Armd Bde about 7162. (c) 198 or | ||||
234 Bty of 73 A/Tk. Regt will come under command and occupy the posns vacated by 195 Bty. These are M 10 Btys. (d) 196/73 A/Tk.Regt remains in sp 56 Bde. (e) The 61 Recce Regt will be deployed on | ||||
their front between 56 Bde and 8 Armd Bde while guns of the mortor Bn will be deployed on 8 Armd Bde front. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 15 | 1700 | CO2 again leaves RHQ to search for the missing Rear Party and again finds no trace. | |
1800 | CO visits HQ. RA.. | |||
1945 | Major R.A. Barnett and Major. D.A. Komrower visit CO to discuss the problems of the extended front. | |||
2000 | SCRA and Adjutant visit 31 RHU to see if any reinforcements are available for the Regiment The visit is successful and 7 X D /Mechs and 9 Gnrs are ready for collection. | |||
2200 | 15 (S) Div and 59 Div commence an attack on our left. A great deal of noise is heard. | |||
2230 | Major J.K. Boag visits RHQ. A gun towing carrier has hit a Teller mine and although the gun is not damaged the crew is and reinforcements are urgently required. Location unchanged. | |||
16 | 0030 | Decorations for the first week of the campaign are to be presented by General Montgomery at 1600 hrs 17 Jul. The Regiment receives :- DSO. Lt-Col. A.K. MATTHEWS, R.A. | ||
A/Capt. W.S. BRAMELD, R.A. M.C. T/Major. R. A. BARNETT, R.A. | ||||
W/LIEUT. R.N. BAYLISS, R.A. DCM. 322041 W/Sgt. DOWN, A. | ||||
MM. 998309 W/SGT. BAILEY, F. 1123226 A/SGT. SEATON, G.H. | ||||
323180 W/SGT. THOMPSON, R.W.D. (since killed in action) 1091144 L/SGT. HINDER, E.C. | ||||
999884 L/Bdr. GILMOUR, G.H. 1514789 Gnr. BERRESFORD,C.F | ||||
0100 | The Regimental Rear Party arrive at Main RHQ in ablaze of light and an air raid. After some confusion a good deal of noise it is despatched to Echelon. | |||
/that | 1000 | HQ. RA. inform RHQ about 20 enemy tanks are meant to be trying to break into our lines at LA POTERIE | ||
(7865). This scare continues off and on all day but nothing happens and it is never established what was there. At all events, nothing tried to break in and our guns didn't fire. | ||||
1005 | CO leaves RMQ to visit 231 Bde,151 Bde and 107 and 288 Btys. | |||
1200 | Further telephone message from HQ. ,RA., to see if the enemy tanks have done anything. | |||
1430 | Major R. A, Barnett visits CO. | |||
1500 | CO leaves RHQ to visit 69 and 56 Bdes with 99 and 196 Btys. | |||
1800 | C of E Service held in the Echelon. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 16 | 2245 | R.A. O.O. No. 17 recd. This deals with the taking over of 2 (US) Armd Div posns and contains nothing that the CO didn't know on 15 Jul 44. Locations unchanged. | |
17 | 0830 | RA O.I. No.1 received. This outlines the operation which the Division will undertake if the enemy shows | ||
signs of withdrawing on the front as a result of attacks by 12 Corps on the left. In general this takes the form of a move fwd by bounds of mobile fwd bodies followed at an interval by Main bodies The guns of the | ||||
Regiment remain in present locations until the second phase. | ||||
1000 | Major J.K. Boag visits CO. During the day 8 Armd Bde and 61 Recce Regt relieve 2 (US) Armd Div, with | |||
195 Bty moving from BERNIERE BOCAGE area into depth behind them. The reorganisation concerning M 10 Tps and 6 pr Tps 289 Bty is also effected. | ||||
1600 | Officers and men who are to be presented with decorations report to Main HQ 50 (N) Div,where the C-in-C will present them. | |||
1800 | After the presentations Major R.A. Barnett MC returns with the CO to RHQ. | |||
1930 | Major. KENYON (OC 196 A/Tk Bty ) visits RHQ. He has encountered various difficulties operating with 56 | |||
Bdr, not the least being that some of his detachments are now outside infantry localities and without infantry protection., | ||||
2000 | Major J.K. BOAG visits RHQ. He comes to glean any information that may be going. This is practically NIL. 234 Bty are to come under command in reserve but have not yet put in an appearance and are unlikely to do | |||
so until midday 19 Jul instead of midday 18 Jul as previously arranged. Locations unchanged. | ||||
18 | Today is another quiet day on the Divisional front. | |||
0830 | News is received that three armoured divs are breaking through the enemy defences EAST of CAEN across the River ORNE with a view to deploying in the open flat country SE of the town. The assault has been opened | |||
with an unprecidented air attack, 8,000 tons being dropped by bombers of RAF Bomber Command and 8 USAAF The news of the progress of the attack provides the main topic throughout the day. | ||||
0900 | Major R.A. Barnett visits RHQ. | |||
0945 | Rumours that the enemy are withdrawing on this front. During the day rumour becomes fact and the infantry | |||
bdes begin to work their way fwd - cautiously. 151 Bde and 231 Bde are the first off the mark and by evening are across the road at HOTTOT and are making for the high ground behind the village. 69 Bde is | ||||
much slower and gets as far as LA POTERIE (7865) by last light.56 Bde does not move at all. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 18 | 0945 | During all these operations the Regiment's guns remain in their present position as a firm base - the infantry taking their own 6 prs fwd as their personal protection. The M 10s are not used as tanks this time, the 24th Lancers doing this job. | |
1420 | CO visits HQ 56 Bde and 196 Bty. | |||
2030 | Major. W.A. Benson calls. | |||
2130 | Major. R.A. Barnett M.C. visits RHQ and brings news of the advance of 151 Bde. 1 Bn is through HOTTOT and the rest are moving fwd. Locations - no change. | |||
19 | 0400 | 151 Bde are reported on their objective on the high ground about 1000 yards SOUTH of HOTTOT with 8 DLI on right and 9 DLI on left. | ||
0745 | Major R.A. Barnett MC sends word that 69 Bde, moving fwd on the right of 151 Bde are now established at LA POTERIE. | |||
1000 | CO visits 107 Bty and 151 Bde to see how the situation is developing. | |||
1200 | Major Murray (195 Bty) and Major Asquith (234 Bty) visit RHQ. Major Murray calls merely to report the situation on the 8 Armd Bde front, where there is little or nothing doing. Major Asquith reports to find out from the CO where his Bty is to be employed now that it is once again under our command. The Bty will take up Troop posts in the area BERNIERES BOCAGE - BUCEELS where 195 Bty were before. Major Asquith goes up to recce these areas having first obtained all the necessary information from Major. Murray. | |||
1350 | Major Barnett reports that 69 Bde have reached their objectives - the high ground SOUTH of LE LION VERT in 7863 , 7963 99 Bty HQ moves to 770688. 107 Bty HQ moves to 810665. | |||
1600 | CO 55 (SY) A/Tk.Regt.R.A. (49 Div) visits CO to tie up the flanking guns on the divisional bdy at 8465. At the same time a liaison officer reports from the Tk Destroyer Bn 5 (US) Inf Div which is now our right hand neighbour to tie up on that flank. | |||
1610 | Major W.A. Benson joins in the co-ordinating conference. | |||
1900 | CRA 50 (N) Div sends a message that he wishes the CO to see him. The CO goes to HQ. ,RA.. | |||
1950 | Major Kenyon (OC 196 Bty) telephones RHQ in some wrath - not directed at RHQ but at 56 Bde who are attempting to move various -s of his guns which he doesn't want to move. The reason for this is that 56 Bde have not moved fwd to conform with 69 Bde on their left. A gap between the Bdes is now left. CO telephones BMRA to ask him to take the necessary action that guns are moved on orders from this HQ when Btys are in support of Bdes and not under their command. | |||
2015 | Major Asquith reports to RHQ, having completed the recce of his area. | |||
2230 | BMRA telephones CO. 195 Bty are to revert to command 73 A/Tk.Regt.R.A. and as a result re-organisation will be necessary to give support to 8 Armd Bde. CO states that no Bty will be able to be spared until 1200 21 Jul. An uneventful night Locations :- RHQ 793712 99 A/Tk.Bty 770668 107 A/Tk.Bty -810665 288 A/Tk.Bty - 812691 289 Bty -785694. | |||
20 | 0855 | Major R.A. Barnett MC calls in at RHQ followed in quick succession by Major. W.A. Benson and Major. D.A. Komrower . The subject under discussion is 289 Bty's 6 prs. which are at present under command of 107 and 288 Btys. Those with 288 Bty will revert to 289 Bty forthwith having served their purpose. As 231 Bde has now been reduced to a one Bn front there is no difficulty in covering them with 2 X 6 pr Troops of 288 Bty. The M 10 Troop of 288 Bty continues under command 289 Bty in Regtl reserve. | ||
1030 | Major. Murray (195 Bty) visits CO on his way to contact 59 Div under whose command he is to come. | |||
1430 | CO visits 231 Bde. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 20 | 1600 | Lt-Col. Henderson (OC 97 A/Tk.Regt R.A.) of 15 Division calls. He is under the impression that this unit is equipped, with T 16 Towers for 6 prs and wishes to borrow one for trials in his unit. We have actually only got carriers. | |
1620 | Major Kenyon (196 Bty) calls in for help. Brig 56 Bde has placed one Troop 196 Bty under command of a Bn without even referece to Major Kenyon who objects - all the moreso as the Bn Commander has promptly ordered the troop to move fwd from its posn in the screen. As the CO is away at 231 Bde Major Kenyon goes off to his own RHQ, saying he will return. | |||
1730 | Major Kenyon returns. | |||
1930 | CO visits HQ RA and straightens out the troubles of 195 Battery. | |||
2045 | Major. W.A. Benson sees CO. 289 Bty are to take over support of Armd Bde from 195 Bty w.e.f. 1200 hrs 21 Jul. 289 Bty will be less 1 x 6 pr Troop which remains under comand 107 Bty on 151 Bde front but at CO's disposal. 289 Bty will have its M.10 Troop. | |||
2200 | Messages received from HQ RA about a demonstration - one states that 17 pr SABOT amn will be demonstrated at HQ 59 Div 1430 hrs 21 Jul and the other that a 17 SP on Valentine chassis will be on view at HQ 49 Div 1430 hrs 21. Investigations reveal that both are incorrect in fact 17 pr SP on Valentine chassis will be on view at 59 Div. Btys are instructed to send an offier rep. The day has passed quietly. 231 Bde on a narrowing front, has one Bn up in the area 830655 in contact with 49 Div across the valley. 151 Bde and 69 Bde patrol fwd. 56 Bde move with great caution about 1000 yards fwd. No one is in contact with anything except enemy patrols. Locations unchanged. | |||
21 | Today will long be remembered as the wettest day we have had. It rained incessantly all day and military activity was herefore about non existent. The one bright spot in the day was an announcement over the wireless from the BBC that trouble has broken out in Germany between some Army clique and the Nazis. Bty posns remained unaltered during the day. There was slight shelling of the fwd posns and during one of these spasms two OPs of 107 Bty were killed by a direct hit on a slit trench. | |||
1600 | Major W.A. Benson (OC 289 Bty) calls at RHQ. Tomorrow he is the President of a FGCM at 25 L.A.A. REGT. R.A. and then goes on to 30 Corps Rest Camp with Major R.A. Barnett (OC 107 Bty) for 72 hrs rest. 289 Bty have moved from area LA SENAUDIERE into support of 8 Armd Bde with Bty HQ at 726642 which is HQ for 4/7 Lancers. | |||
1900 | Major R.A. Barnett visits CO. He has been told that 151 Bde, whom he supports, are extending their bdy Eastwards to take over part of 231 Bde area. 59 Div, which is now on our left are extending Westwards over the remainder of 231 area. The Div left bdy would then run through the EAST end of HOTTOT. This HQ has received no information about this. | |||
2200 | CO visits HQ RA reference above and is told that the movement is a possibility but it unconfirmed. Locations unchanged except 289 Bty now at 726642. | |||
22 | This is a finer day but there is little activity on the Div front. | |||
0930 | Major D.A. Komrower calls in at RHQ followed at | |||
1100 | by Major J.K. Boag. 288 Bty are now virtually reserve as 231 Bde has been squeezed on to a one Bn front between 151 Bde and 49 Div on the left. 1 x 6 pr Troop is withdrawn while the M 10 Troop is still forming part of the Div reserve. During the morning the Adjutant collects 4 X Dvr/Mech reinforcements. | |||
1430 | CO goes out to 231 Bde and 151 Bde. | |||
1600 | Major D.A. Komrower revisits RHQ having attended a Bde conference where it was announced that 231 Bde were withdrawing into a reserve posn. 49 Div on the left; who are being relieved by 59 Div- are extending their bdy to the EAST of HOTTOT830663 |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field | 22 | 1600 | EAST of HOTTOT - Church 834649 - Bridge 840635. 151 Bde extend their bdy Eastwards to meet this line. 107 Bty in sp of 151 Bde is now responsible for the front from LE LION VERT 7964 to HOTTOT. This Bty is less one - M 10 Troop in Div reserve and plus 1 x 6 pr Troop (288 Bty) and one 1 x 6 pr Troop (289 Bty) It is hoped to be able to complete re-organisation tomorrow to allow the remaining 6 pr troops 288 Bty to withdraw and obtain some rest. | |
1700 | Adjutant visits HQ RA and is told about the withdrawal of 231 Bde. | |||
1830 | BM RA telephones to find out what the CO intends to do about the re-organisation. Adjutant talked to him and remarked that it was all laid on an hour before RA told us about it. BM RA rather annoyed. | |||
2000 | 30 Gunners are lent from 25 L.A.A. Regt R.A. They are to be distributed one per 6 pr detachment in order that the 6 pr men may obtain some rest back in the Echelon. They will, of course, only be used as loading numbers, which should not take much learning for trained gunners. | |||
2200 | BM RA again telephones to verify the arrangements that we have made far covering 231 Bde front. Locations unchanged. | |||
23 | 0130 | RA O.O. No. 18 received. This order refers to all the alterations already noted down yesterday. | ||
1030 | CO visits 107 Bty at HQ 151 Bde to give the necessary orders to Major R.A. Barnett about extending his front and re-organising it in such a way that the 6 pr Troops of 288 Bty still in posn on the left may be relieved to rejoin the Bty in rest. | |||
1600 | BM RA telephones - the CO is required at HQ RA. The Division re-organises yet again. This time the object is to bring Bdes into reserve in succession. 231 Bde is, of course, already out. A defensive layout will be adopted. Anti-Tank defence is to be on a Divisional basis and at the same time 6 pr troops are to be relieved so that they may return to the Echelon for a rest. In the meantime 196 Bty will move to area BERNIERES BOCAGE, leaving 56 Bde and 289 Bty will support 56 Bde. 8 Armd Bde will have non of our guns. | |||
2130 | CO2 (Major D.J. COWEN) is granted 28 days compassionate leave in UK to attend to business matters. CO visits HQ RA to see whether there have been any alterations to plan. | |||
2145 | Major J.K. Boag visits RHQ. Locations unchanged. | |||
24 | A complete re-organisation of the defences is arranged today. The object of the whole thing is to provide relief for the 6 pr gund and enable batteries, less M 10 Troops to come back into the Regtl Echelon area to clean up and do some training. The M10 Troops are not being relieved as they have not been sitting under the noses of the enemy but, except during advances, have been occupying posns in the rear. | |||
24 | 0900 | The CO's suggestions for carrying out these reliefs are put before the CRA Briefly they are as follows (a) on 25 Jul disposition will be in support 8 Armd Bde - NIL; in support 56 Bde - 2 x 6 pr Troops 289 Bty ; in support 69 Bde 2 x 6 pr Troops 99 Bty; in support 151 Bde - 2 x 6 pr Troops 107 Bty; 1 X 17 pr Troop 198/73 A/Tk. egt. In Div reserve 1 x M 10 Troop 289 Bty in 56 Bde area; 1 x M 10 Troop (99 Bty) in 69 Bde area; 2 X M 10 Troops (107 and 288 Btys) in 151 Bde area and 2 x 17 pr troops (169 Bty) in 151 Bde area. Divisional longstop - 234/73 A/Tk.Regiment in area BERNIERES BOCAGE - BUCEEL area. At rest in Echelon area 288 Bty (less M 10 Troop) (b) reliefs will be carried out as follows - 288 Bty relieve 107 Bty between 1200 hrs 27 Jul and 1200 hrs 28 Jul; 107 Bty relieve 99 Bty between 1200 hrs 1 Aug and 1200 hrs 2 Aug 99 Bty relieve 289 Bty between 1200 hrs 6 Aug and 1200 hrs Aug; 289 Bty will be completed their rest by 1200 hrs 11 Aug. | ||
1000 | CO visits HQ RA to discuss the above proposals with the CRA who agrees with them and will put them before the GOC. | |||
1100 | BM RA telephones RHQ to say that the GOC has agreed to the proposed scheme. Major Kenyon (OC 196 Bty),Major J.K. Boag the (OC 99 Bty) and Capt E.J. Bonsall MM (representing OC 289 Bty) are ordered by the CO to get into the necessary posns to allow the plan to be put into effect. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 27 | 1430 | The changeover is proceeding rapidly and the first Troop of 107 Bty 6 prs has already passed RHQ. | |
1600 | All 107 Bty guns are back in their Echelon area at 793826. The M 10 Troop remains forward in area LINGREVES. (8068). | |||
1730 | Capt. J.C. Gaye reports to RHQ from 36 RHU but unfortunately Major G.R. Balfour MC has not landed in the country having last been heard of at LEWES, SUSSEX, It is thought that he has caught malaria in England. Little activity during the night. 231 Inf Bde relieves 69 Inf Bde. Locations RHQ 793712 ; 99 Bty - 770667 ; 107 Bty - 793826 288 Bty - 810666 289 Bty - 729650. | |||
28 | 1030 | CO 73 A/Tk. RA visits CO. | ||
1500 | CO visits 196/73 A/Tk.Regt. R.A. at LINGEVRES and the M 10 Troop 107 Bty in the same place. | |||
1830 | Major R.A. Barnett visits RHQ. Major W.A. Benson and Capt. J C. Gaye talk to the CO. Capt. Gaye will assume command of 289 Bty tomorrow 29 Jul and Major Benson is going into 81st General Hospital for X Ray and treatment on 30 Jul. | |||
2000 | RA 50 (N) Div Op Instr No. 2 received. Certain unspecified operations are taking place on the Second Army front as a result of which 50 (Northumbrian) Division will advance by bounds to a line NORTH of VILLERS BOCAGE (AMAYE SUR SEULLES 7657 - 7957). The advance will be done with two Bdes up. Each Bde will have one anti-tank Bty in support. It is not specified which Bde wil take part in this operation as the date is unknown and therefore it is not known who will be at rest. The two Bdes to advance are those on the right and in the centre. The left hand Bde will patrol fwd to maintain contact with 59 Div whose bdy swings across the front of this Div down the River SEULLES, It is not possible to specify at this stage which bty will be with which bde, again owing to reliefs which continue as per schedule. | |||
2010 | BM RA telephones to state that CO is required at CRA's conference at 2130 hrs. | |||
2130 | CRA's conference starts. Conference concerns action to be taken should the enemy on our front decide not to withdraw voluntary. We are not affected. | |||
2200 | Major J.K. Boad visits RHQ to see CO and find out what is known about the forthcoming operatons. Locations unchanged. | |||
29 | During the night there is considerable movement of AFV's and MT across the Divisional area and it seems as if Guards Armd Div, 7th Armd Div and 11th Armd Div with 43rd Inf Div are all concentrating in that area. | |||
0230 | Several shells land in area of RHQ. | |||
0430 | Information received from HQ RA that 196 (17 pr towed) Bty and 234 (M 10 17 pr) Bty are to revert to command OC 73 A/Tk.Regt RA. 196 will be replaced by 198 (M 10 3") Bty of that Regiment. 234 Bty reverts at 1200 hrs and is not replaced. | |||
0830 | Major D.A.J. Pimm (OC 198 Bty) reports to the CO. He then leaves RHQ to liaise with OC 196 Bty. | |||
0915 | Capt. J.C. Gaye reports to CO on his way to take over 289 Bty from Major W.A. Benson. | |||
1530 | Major D.A.J. Pimm reports all 198 Bty in action and all 196 Bty out. | |||
1700 | Instructions received from HQ RA that CO will attend conference at HQ RA 2200 hrs tonight. Major R.A. Barnett visits RHQ and is instructed to return at 2230 hrs. His rest may be curtailed. | |||
2030 | Major D.A. Komrower (OC 288 Bty) and Major J.K. Boag (OC 99 Bty) report to RHQ to receive orders from the CO. Comd 231 Bde is under the impression that 99 Bty is under command 231 Bde and it is verified at HQ RA that this is not the case. Major Boag is instructed accordingly. Major D.A. Komrower is ordered to send recce parties with 151 Bde when they edge fwd. | |||
2100 | Major W.A. Benson visits RHQ to say goodbye to the CO. | |||
2200 | CO attends conference at HQ RA. H hour is 0600 hrs tomorrow 30 Jul. | |||
2240 | Major R.A Barnett MC is ordered by CO to be ready to move by 1300 hrs tomorrow but to go ahead with baths in BAYEUX which his Bty have from 0800 to 0900 hrs tomorrow, |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field. | 29 | 2240 | Capt. 'G' of 198 Bty reports to CO and is told the general picture. 198 Bty will not move initially but will be prepared to meet any threat developing on the left flank which is considered the weakest. Locations unchanged. | |
30 | 0410 | BM RA telephones to ask which Btys are supporting Inf Bdes. Adjt informs BM RA that the allocation is as follow - 99 Bty in sp of 231 Bde. 107 Bty resting, at 794727 and ready to move if necessary. 288 Bty in sp of 151 Bde. 289 Bty in sp of 56 Bde. | ||
0600 | Heavy arty fire heralds the opening of the attack followed at 0730 by bombing by heavy bombers. At least 500 Lancasters and Halifaxes cross over RHQ. Despite low cloud and bad visibility bombing is reported as accurate. | |||
0730 | First reports come in from Btys indicating that the attack is going ahead. | |||
0830 | CO goes round the Btys. On his return it is learnt that progress is slow on 231 Bde front. between ST GERMAIN D'ECTOT (7762) and ORBOIS (8063),while on 56 Bde front round ST GERMAINE there is almost no progress at all. 151 Bde patrol fwd as intended towards ORBOIS and LES DOUESNOTS (8163.) No guns have yet been moved. | |||
1000 | Major J.C. Gaye is killed in action whilst carrying out a recce on 56 Bde front. | |||
1100 | C of E Service for Regtl Echelon and 107 Bty. | |||
1230 | Major R.A Barnett MC reports to CO. He is informed that there is little liklihood of any move on his part today. Progress is now negligible and no guns have yet moved. There is not likely to be any call on 107 Bty. The CO also intends to relieve 99 Bty on 1 Aug if possible. | |||
1700 | CO visits HQ RA and Echelon. | |||
1830 | IO goes round 56, 151 and 231 Bdes. He reports on his return that nothing is happening. | |||
2100 | Major D.A. Komrower comes back from 151 Bde to see the CO. He is informed that Capt. A.W. Trippier, M.C., Capt. 'Q' of 288 By, will go up to 289 Bty to assume command vice Major JC. Gaye. | |||
2100 | A reconnaissance is made for a fresh area for Divisional HQ and RHQ - further forward in the area 7967. This is universally unpopular but orders are given that Main H.Q. 50 (N) Div will move tomorrow at 1000 hours. Today has been a. disappointing day, with little results and the loss of a Battery Commander. There has been, however, good news on the right flank where 8 Corps appear to have acheived a breakthrough in the CAUMONT area and armour has passed through. A search was made today of the R.H.U.S to try and find Major G.R. Balfour, M.C. but without success. Locations - unchanged. | |||
31 | 0800 | L.O. goes on a recce with HQRA to find a location for R.H.Q. in the new Div H.Q. area at 7967. | ||
1000 | CO leaves RHQ to visit Btys and to find out what is happening. Very little fwd movement has taken place and all guns remain in present posns. The chief obstacles are mines and small parties of Germans with Spandaus and mortars. The area along River SEULLES is heavily mined and booby trapped. | |||
1045 | Tac RHQ moves from 793712 to new location, followed at 1130 by Main RHQ. The move is without indicent. | |||
1500 | A recce is made for a new area for the Regtl Echelons. One being found in area 777698. A holding party is left to keep out interlopers and the Echelon itself will move up by Btys tomorrow commencing at 0600. CO goes out visiting the Ech and HQ 2nd Army. | |||
1530 | Major G.R. Balfour MC reports to RHQ. He has hitch hiked up from 36 RHU which is back at RHYS near the beach . Major Balfour has been in this RHU for three days during which time no effort was made to inform the Regiment of his arrival from UK and the Lt.QM, who called on 39 Jul was told by the Transit Camp authorities that he was not there when in fact be was. | |||
1800 | 56 Bde move fwd to clear ST GERMAIN D'ECTOT (7762) which opn is successfully carried out, 56 Bde then being directed on LAUNAY (7661) to clear the high ground on which the village stands. Again opposition comes from mines more than anything else. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Field | 31 | 1800 | With the return of Major Balfour certain alterations take place in command and appointments. The list now reada as follows:- | |
CO2..... Major R.A. BARNETT, M.C. R.A. (Vice Major D.J. COWEN, R.A. - returned to UK | ||||
OC 99 A/Tk. Bty..... Capt. H.C. BRYANT, R.A. (Vice Major. J.K. BOAG who is evacuated sick) | ||||
OC 107 A/Tk Bty...... Major. G.R. BALFOUR, M.C. R.A. (Vice Major R.A. BARNETT, M.C., R.A.) | ||||
OC 288 A/Tk Bty..... Major D.A. KOMROWER, R.A. | ||||
OC 289 A/Tk Bty..... Capt. A.W. TRIPPIER, M.C., R.A. | ||||
Locations - RHQ 792676 |