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War Diary: 102nd Anti Tank Regiment

Month and year: June 1944

The 102nd Anti Tank Regiment June 1944 war diary covers the units landing in Normandy and engaging enemy tanks advancing to area Bernieres Bocage.

National Archive Reference: WO 171/929

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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
FIELD. 1 CO and IO in Camp B 8. Nothing to report, not yet loading. Due to leave for
embarkation at 1500 hrs but postponed for 24 hrs at 0930.
2 1600 Loading commences, Vehicles of the Tac HQ Party line up. Do not move past S.P.
until 1730. Arrive at dock 1920 hrs and eventually commence loading at 0215
hrs 3rd Jun. CO watches local cricket match. Ship with Tac HQ on board moves
out to new docks assembly point.
3 A cold and dull day with promises of visits to NAAFI and baths ashore. Move off
1930 and arrive 2130 South of CALSHOT. Many craft of all sorts in all directions.
4 Sea very rough. Ships do not move. A Service is held in CO's ship by Ship's Captain,
and General EISENHOWER's message read out. Possible move at 1245 cancelled as 'D' Day has
been postponed 24 hrs.
5 1315 Ships sail from SOUTHAMPTON although sea still rough. ROME has been captured
by FIFTH and EIGHTH Armies. 50 percent of the troops are seasick.
6 'D' DAY.
0600 Land in sight. A mass of gunfire from our supporting craft. Very little from the
0800 Tac HQ ship hits a mine. The ship pulls out and it is decided to try again.
On the second attempt another mine blows out the engines. The OC Troops decide
to send off a Jeep which goes out of sight under the water. Many vehicles are drowned
through foolishness,
1130 CO's craft unloads at low tide. Almost dry landing.
1200 CO meets Brigadier R.H. SENIOR, D.S.O. T.D., (Commanding 151 Infantry Bde) and
GOC 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division (Major General D.A.H. GRAHAM, C.B.E.,
D.S.O., M.C.,) at 895859.
1230 CO goes to HQ 69 Bde (920859) to contact the Brigadier and Major G.W. DUNKERLEY, MC.,
(OC 99 A/TK Bty RA). I.O goes to Tac HQ 50 (Northumbrian) Division at MEUVAINES
1500 I.O. meets Major G.R. BALFOUR, M.C. (OC 288 A/Tk Bty RA) who gives information that
he has 4 x 15cwts, 1 X M.14, and 1 X Jeep drowned and 1 X M.10 with track blown off by a mine.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
FIELD, 6 1800 CO returns to Tac RHQ at MEUVAINES where RHQ M.14 and Signal Section Jeep and trailer
join up.
2200 Signal Section Humber netted on CRA's Link arrives. Lieutenants TONGUE and
VAM BERGEN are wounded.
7 0040 CO2 73 A/Tk Regiment R.A. (Major R. HEMEIRYKE, R.A.) reports to Tac RHQ to visit CO.
0045 Regiment informed by HQ. ,RA., that 'D' Day phases will be completed and exploited
during the day.
0900 All objectives taken but those of 231 Inf Bde.
1045 Lt. G.I.R. MILLIKEN reports to RHQ with Troop. M10 3". He has left 2 PORPOISE
with 120 rds 3" M 10 am at 878852.
1130 Mopping up in progress at BAYEUX.
1215 Infantry being pushed back at 7782.
1220 Enemy tanks reported on road ST LO - BAYEUX.
1225 Enemy attack developing on SULLY (7682)
1310 Fd Arty engage enemy tanks at SULLY.
1325 Infantry hold on at SULLY.
1400 "VOLGA". HQ RA move to 830813. Tac RHQ moves with them. CO 73rd A/TK Regiment RA
visits CO.
1700 Fighting in PORT EN BESSIN (7587).
1705 Tac RHQ arrives at new location.
1845 Major R. A. BARNETT, (OC 107 A/TK Bty RA) and Captain C.R. PAINE, R.A. report to
Tac RHQ with 4 X 6 pdrs.
2015 Lieutenants P.G. O'NEILL and C. PACKHAM report to Tac HQ with 2 X 6 pdr Troops.
They are moving to CREPON (9083) to join 107 Bty.
2115 107 Bty move up to relieve 288 Bty in 151 Bde area.
2330 Capt. J. LESLIE (Technical Adjutant) reports to Tac HQ.
8 0710 288 move off with 8 Armoured Bde.
1050 Tank threat from NORTH WEST. 289 Bty move into position WEST of BAYEUX to meet it.
1100 Lt. P.G. O'NELLI posted from 289 Bty to 99 Bty.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
FIELD, 8 1300 A further attack on SULLY.
1500 Lieut. C.E.G. WRIDE reports to Tac HQ with one Troop M 10s.
1530 CO2 (Major D.J. COWEN, R.A ) and RMO join Tac HQ.
1630 Capt. W.A. BENSON R.A. reports to RHQ.
2200 Confusion at SULLY. CO carries out recce of that area.
2300 8th Armoured Bde reach railway at LOUCELLES (8773) and are held up.
9 0810 CO2 returns to the beach.
1000 8th Armoured Bde are making good progress. Information received that enemy tanks
are being engaged and news is awaited of 288 Bty.
1400 CO visits 107 Bty in BUSSY area(8077)
1500 Capt. J.K. BOAG, R.A. lands and reports.
1600 Pockets of tanks are reported all over the front.
1700 Batteries of 73 A/TK Regiment R.A. (198 and 234 A/Tk Btys RA) are released from
command of this Regiment and revert to their own.
1800 Further reports of tanks.
2000 Enemy tanks infiltrate into positions of 6 D.L.I. M.10 Troop of 289 Bty and also
234 Bty (73 A/Tk Regt RA) move to meet the threat. CO recce's the threatened
2300 Situation in hand, 3 x Mk IV Special are out. One by 6 DLI 6 Pdr the
remainder by 107 Bty. 107 Bty have 2 X M 10s out of action, one having hit a mine.
10 0800 8th Armoured Bde reached ST. PIERRE (8568)
0815 7th Armd Div move forward and reach BUCEELS. (8570)
0900 CO visits 107 Bty (8077) and 289 Bty (BAYEUX).
1500 288 Bty report that they are still in the hunt with 8th Armoured Bde.
1600 Many fighter-bombers attack FONTENAY-LE-PESNEL (8767) in front of 8th Armd Bde.
1800 Lt. J. MILLER reports to RHQ (930813) from 288 Bty. They claim 2 tanks and one SP
gun K.O'd. Capt. J.C. GAYE wounded evacuated. 2 ORs killed and 8 wounded.
2 X 6pdr guns and 2 X 3" mortar carriers lost.
1800 Major R.A. BARNETT visits Tac HQ. 2 x M10s previously off the road are now in action.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field. 10 2200 Major Barnett informs CO that 234/73 A/Tk Regt RA wish to remove the Troop that
is in support of 107 Bty, which cannot be spared. CO visits HQ 231 Bde and on return
tells 107 Bty that the Troop of 234 Bty can go in the morning.
11 0600 Major R.G. BROWNE-SWINBURNE, (B.C. 289 A/Tk Bty RA) visits Tac HQ and states that 231
Bde will be moving forward in the morning.
1000 CO visits HQ 151 Bde (795786).
1200 Capt. C.R. PAINE, from 107 Bty informs CO that 2 X 6 pdr Troops are being moved away
and no one knows where.
1500 CO attends conference at HQ. ,RA., (830813) Guns of 107 Bty are to take part in a party
with Westminister Dragoons who are supposed to clear up ST ANDRE area. This
information is given to Capt PAINE.
1630 CO visits HQ 69 Bde (ST LEGER 860755).
1640 1 x M 10 is delivered new and sent to 288 Bty.
1645 A Major from 55th A/Tk Regt RA (49 Division) visits Tac HQ.
1800 5 reinforcements arrive.
2000 231 Bde are afraid of being over run by tanks. M 10 Tps of 107 and 289 Btys are
moved back to BAYEUX SO that they may be sent in any direction.
2200 289 Bty have one 6 pdr and carrier over run.
2300 L/Sgt. HOWARD, B.E.M., has died of wounds.
2330 107 Bty report that there is much activity in front. Major G.R. BALFOUR MC (OC
288 A/TK Bty RA) wounded and evacuated.
12 0900 Major G.W. DUNKERLEY, MC (OC 99 A/Tk Bty RA) wounded and evacuated. One OR
killed, one WO and one OR wounded. Capt. H.C. BRYANT assumes command of 99 Bty and
Captain A.W. TRIPPIER MC assumes command of 288 Bty.
1000 Major R.G. BROWNE-SWINBURNE visits RHQ.
1600 Orders received that the Division will take up defensive positions on line
BUCEELS - TRUNGAY. CO is ordered to recce minefield areas.
1800 CO visits all fronts and sites mines.
2300 Div will not take up defensive positions but will continue to advance.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
FIELD. 13 0200 Major R.A. Barnett to attend 151 Bde conference at 0700 hrs.
0800 151 Bde conference cancelled.
0900 7 Armoured Div reach VILLIERS BOCAGE (8157)
1000 107 Bty send for CO. They are in trouble.
1200 Capt. BOAG reports that 107 Bty has destroyed Mk IV Special, and think they have KO'd
1400 Tac RHQ move with HQ 50 (Northumbrian) Division to 809755. Main RHQ REMAINS IN
present location.
1700 The expected attack has not taken place. It will be held tomorrow.
1900 49 Inf Div to relieve 50th (Northurbrian) Division EAST of River SEULLES. As
49 Div arty is not shore, 99 and 288 Btys are to come under their command.
2000 CO visits HQ RA reference change over.
2100 99 and 288 Btys to be relieved tonight. Quiet night.
0700 D + 4 vehicles landed and join Main RHQ at SOMMERVIEU (830812). Main RHQ
joins Tac RHQ at 809755.
1000 A full scale attack by 151 Bde and 56 Bde is laid on objectives TILLY-SUR-SEULLES
(8468) - LANGREVES (8068). 107 Bty is in support 151 Bde on right and 289 Bty
will support 56 Bde on left. The attack is opened by 40 minutes bombing and
one hour's barrage and concentrations.
1100 The zero hour for the attack.
1100 99 Bty and 288 Bty are to move into a rest area in area DUOY ST MARQUERITE (8573)
1100 Capt. H.C. BRYANT and Capt. A.W. TRIPPIER, M.C., visit RHQ reference move into rest area.
1300 99 Bty move into rest area less two troops which cannot be relieved until tonight.
1200 Mk IV reported knocked out by 107 Bty.
1600 Major R.G. BROWNE-SWINBURNE (OC 289 A/Tk Bty RA) wounded and evacuated. Capt,
W.A. BENSON assumes command.
1600 288 Bty report all back in rest area. During the day the attack continues but makes
little progress. 9 Bn DLI reached LINGREVES but are heavily counter-attacked by
Mk.VI tanks. They lose 4 X 6 pdrs and 107 Bty lose one.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 14 1600 The situation looks bad for some time but is eventually relieved by 4/7 Dragoons
(8 Armoured Bde) who attack the German tanks, destroy six, and force the remainder
to withdraw.
15 0900 CO visits HQ. ,RA.,
1200 Capt. A.W. TRIPPIER, MC visits RHQ.
1500 CO visits HQ,R.A.. 69 Bde are to attack tomorrow from LA BELLE EPINE. (7769) to
LES ORAILLES (7666) - cross roads LE LION VERTE (795848), to try and work around
the flank of German opposition. During the day 7 Armoured Div at VILLERS BOCAGE
is attacked by 2 Pz Div and moves back to the high ground NORTH WEST of CAUMONT .
CAUMONT itself is held by 1st U.S. Division. During the fighting considerable damage is
inflicted on the enemy.
16 0430 99 Bty leave the rest area to move up behind 69 Bde at LA BELLE EPINE (7769) in
readiness for the attack.
0500 Operational signal from HQ. ,RA., 69 Bde 'H' Hour is 0900 hrs. They advance with one
Bn up.
0800 W/T message from 99 Bty "they are on the way to their party with 69 Bde".
0945 CO visits HQ. RA.,
1420 CO visits HQ RA, The advance continues slowly with usual MG, mortar and sniping
holding things up. The enemy continues to hold LONGRAYE (7866) on our left flank.
1500 The last troop of 234/73 A/Tk Regt RA revert to 73 A/Tk Regiment. We have, however,
a call upon it, and an LO joins Main RHQ for the purpose of contact.
1600 Major R.A. Barnett visits the CO. During the day 4 officers and 12 ORs joined as
reinforcements. Final dispositions of 69 Bde at the end of the day are 5 E Yorks
770660. 7 Green Howard 765685. 6 Green Howards 686669. Bty HQ 99 Bty 771695.
107 Bty 818725. 288 Bty 856741. 289 Bty 780690. Nothing to report during the night.
17 Today a further effort is to be made to capture TILLY SUR SEULLES. 1st Essex
(56 Bde,attd 151 Bde are to attack from the North).
1000 CO visits HQ 231 Bde (771713) and HQ 151 Bde (819725).
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
17 1245 CO visits 104 107 BTY at 818725.
1500 CO visits HQRA. 288 Bty move forward to area LA SENAUDIERE (7769) and
relieve 289 Bty which will return to the Echelon Area (808753) for maintenance -
especially of M.10s.
1700 A "flap" develops about the position of the Divs left flank where the attack
on TILLY is proceeding. As a result 289 Bty is turned round on its way back to the
Echelon and goes into "semi-action" at STE BAZIRE (828710).
During the day the Infantry do not get into TILLY, but close to within 1000 yds,
6 DLI having moved EAST from area 8168. 10 DLI of 70 Bde, 49 Div capture STE
PIERRE 8568.
During the night 6 GREEN HOWARDS (69 Bde) move round the NORTH of LONGRAYE
and establish themselves in area 795688.
18 The following promotions are authorised to fill vacancies created by casualties:-
W/CAPT T.A. BENSON (29971) to be MAJOR. T/CAPT J.K. BOAG (87914) to be Major
and is interposited to 99 BTY, W/LIEUT. G.I.R. MILLIKEN (177374) to be CAPT
W/LIEUT. W.S. BRAMELD (256922) to be CAPT. W/LIEUT E.J. BONSALL (MM) (204840)
to be CAPT and is interposted to 289 BTY.
1200 Orders received that 198/73 A tk Regt RA which has been supporting 151 Bde with
107 BTY, is to be replaced by 195/73 A tk Regt RA. i.e. the M.10 Bty goes and a
17-pr Bty moves in.
1400 Information received that 7 Armd Div will attack from WEST - EAST tomorrow morning
or tonight, from general area PARFOURE L'ECLINE (7563) to sweep behind the main
enemy defences, believed to be along the road LE LION VERTE (7965) - HOTTOT (8265)
1500 Information received that 6 DLI are astride the road South of TILLY. One 6-pr Tp
107 BTY is with them, 8 DLI move to area 818672 to guard their rear.
1900 7 Armd Div will not now attack. 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Div will continue to push on towards HOTTOT and
LE LION VERTE. The Infantry got more tired and the rate of progress decreased in proportion.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field. 18 2230 Major D.A.S. PINN (OC 198/73 A tk Regt RA.) calls to see CO. 9 DLI has sent a Coy
to Cross Rds 832682 and are now afraid it will be chased by tanks. He has been asked
to supply a section of guns, but this is no job for M.10s. CO directs that Major Pinn
contacts Major Barnett (107 Bty) most of whose guns are with 1 ESSEX NORTH of TILLY,
and that 107 BTY will supply the guns if possible. Otherwise - no guns. Major PINN also
informs us that 107 BTY have knocked out a number of (unspecified) tanks.
During the day 7 GREEN HOWARDS push on to LE LION VERTE.
2300 Another flap at DIV, It is discovered that there is nothing left at LA SENAUDIERE and 289 BTY
is required to move from 825718 to stop the gap. Some REs are promised as protection. No action
is taken.
19 0800 CO is called to visit CRA. During the night 7 GREEN HOWARDS are counter attacked and forced
back to area 775660.
0925 RA 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Div OO No 6 is received.
1000 There is no report yet of yesterdays battle in which 107 A tk Bty RA are thought to have killed
three tanks. IO arrives at RHQ from 288 BTY.
1300 One Troop (M.10) 289 BTY moves to area LA SENAUDIERE (780690) and find that the REs have NOT
arrived to protect them.
1500 Captain G.I.R. MILLIKEN is killed in action.
1820. Major W.A. BENSON (OC 289 BTY) visits RHQ and receives orders from the CO that he will relieve
107 BTY tomorrow, all being well.
1945 Major D.A.S. PINN (OC 198/73 A tk Regt RA) visits RHQ. This Bty is still under Command and has not
been relieved by 195/73 A tk Regt RA.
2230 Major R.A. BARNETT sees CO reference tomorrows change over.
During the day 151 BDE with 107 A tk Bty RA in support captured TILLY. The town is completely
wrecked after the constant attack and counter attack that has taken place through it.
231 BDE advance and 1 DEVONS reach the outskirts of HOTTOT (8266). They are, however, pushed back
about 500 yds, while the DORSETS on the right are held up in front of wood (809662) 288 BTY support
this attack and lose one M.10 which "brews up" after being hit by an SP gun, 4 ORs are killed. 1 x
is also hit and 1 X M 10 overturns in a ditch. One OR killed in this accident
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field. 19 Final Locations :- RHQ - 807754: 99 Bty - 779691: 107 Bty - 822709 288 Bty - 797700: 289 Bty-825718:
20 0830 I.O. (Lt. J.D. MARRIOTT) leaves RHQ to visit 107 Bty, 289 Bty, and 198 Bty. The relief of 107 Bty
by 289 Bty will take place today. 107 Bty will go into action at rest at LA SENAUDIERE
and the M 10 Troop of 289 Bty which is there will be withdrawn.
0900 CO visits CRA.
0915 LO is sent to 107 Bty.
1500 Capt. C.R. PAINE visits RHQ and informs the CO2. that the relief of their Btys will
not be complete until after dark and that the 6 pdr troops will not be out until about 1800 hrs.
1600 Capt. W. TRIPPIER, MC. (Acting OC 288 Bty) visits RHQ.
1800 107 Bty report the 6pdr Troop had be relieved and are LA SENAUDIERE.
1815 CO visits CRA.
2005 Major R.A. BARNETT (OC 107 Bty) visits RHQ.
2030 Major. D.A.S. PINN visits RHQ.
During the day very little activity takes place in the Divisional Font. An attack by
69 Bde which has been planned for tomorrow in the area of LONGRAYE (7866) in now
postponed. 2 x 6 pdrs collected from Corps Vehicle Park, 1 issued to 288 Bty and 1 to 289 Bty).
Final locations RHQ 807754 : 99 Bty 779691 : 107 Bty 798702 : 288 Bty 797700 : 289 Bty 822709.
21 0900 CO visits HQ., RA. Main HQ 50 (Northumbrian) Division will move new location at
BUTTE DE GROS ORME (795718) at 1430 hrs today.
1030 Div Recce Party (including Adjutant (Capt C.S. SPENCE) as Regtl Rep,) move off
to look at new area. Main Div and services get under cover, everyone else is left to
fend for themselves out in the open.
1430 HQ. ,RA., move to new location. LO moves with them.
1500 CO leaves RHQ to visit Btys. 1530
1530 Tac RHQ moves to new location at 792712.
1740 Main RHQ moves to join Tac RHQ.
1900 CO visits HQ. ,RA.
1915 Capt A.W. TRIPPIER, MC, visits RHQ.
2000 Capt. R.I. MASTERS, Commanding Regimental Echelon, visits RHQ and sees CO2.
The Echelon will move into new area at 795725 tomorrow morning.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field. 21 2000 During the day there is little activity in the front. 5th EAST YORKS advance into wood
777860 during the day without opposition. 107 BTY send 50 percent of their personnel to
get baths in BAYEUX, and in the evening send 20 men to an ENSA show at CINEMA MUNICIPALE ,BAYEUX.
Locations. RHQ 792712 : 99 Bty 769692 : 107 Bty 798702 : 288 Bty 797700 :289 Bty 822709.
22 0900 CO 73rd A/Tk Regiment visits CO. 73rd /Tk Regt RA are going to replace 198 Bty by 195 Bty
(17 pdr Bty). As a result of this, a reshuffle of our guns will be necessary. 107 Bty
will send its M 10 Troop in support of 231 Bde in place of 1 Troop 198 Bty at present
in support. 195 Bty will deploy in the area 8071 8171 . 8271 .
0930 CO visits HQ. RA,
1030 IO visits all Btys to obtain traces of their gun positions.
1145 CO visits 107 Bty.
1500 CO visits HQ. RA.
1845 OC 198 Bty (Major P.G. MURRY RA) reports to RHQ to say that his Bty is in action. His
HQ is at 809715.
2115 CO visits HQ. ,RA. During the day little occurs. The infantry both of ourselves and
the enemy are quiet with only intermittent shelling and mortaring disturbing the peace.
The weather improves greatly and air activity is resumed after a lull of 3 days. It
is hoped that the fair weather will mean that unloading can again commence on the beaches.
and that our D + 10 party will at last put in an appearance after lying in the bay for
about a week. The gun situation is now that we are plus one 6 pdr and minus 2 x M 10s.
Final locations - no change.
23 1030 CO visits forward areas. He visits HQ 69 Bde and HQ 231 Bde. In the forthcoming battle
288 Bty, at present in support of 231 Bde, will be in support of 61 Recce Regt
who have not yet got their guns ashore. The CO acquaints commander 231 Bde of
this fact. CO also visits 2 SOUTH WALES BORDERERS who are taking up positions around
LA SENAUDIERE and thus closing that gap in the line. A reshuffle of guns takes place
The 2 S.W.B. guns occupy the forward positions and the 6 pdrs of 107 + Bty rear positions.,
with one troop astride the road LA SENAUDIERE - BERNIERS BOCAGE.
1130 CO2 and Adjt leave RHQ for tour of the RHU's to try and collect up some of our own sick.
The attempt produces nothing but promises.
Field 23rd 1200 The 2 S.W.B's area in position at LA SENAUDIERE.
1600 D + 10 vehicles and personnel arrive having been lying out in the bay for a
week. With them comes Capt D.A. KOMROWER and 2/Lieut C.W. DETMAUR, who
have joined the Residue at LARKHILL from X (ii) sick.
1500 69 Bde demand the presence of the C.O. They are unhappy about what is and
what is not under their command. The answer is nothing - 99 Bty is in
1845 Major R.A. BARNETT calls at RHQ to see the C.O.
During the day authority is obtained to effect the following promotions :-
T/Capt D.A. KOMROWER R.A. to be Major (vice Maj. R.G. Browne-Swinburne )
WS/Lieut E.R. ROBERTS, R.A. to be Capt (vice Capt G.I.R. MILLIKEN)
Major Komrower assumes command 288 Bty in place of Capt A.W. TRIPPIER, MC, RA
who remains as Capt "G".
The battle planned to commence at 0330 hrs tomorrow is postponed.
Location - No change except :-
HQ 107 Bty - 785692.
24th 1130 C.O. visits 107 Bty.
1300 C.O. 65th (N.Y.) A.Tk. Regiment, R.A. visits C.O.
1500 Major R.I.G. TAYLOR, D.S.O. visits the regiment. Major TAYLOR was O.C.
288 Bty until joining 76 A.Tk. Regiment as C.O.2 before the battle of MARETH.
He now commands a Bty in 21 A.TK. Regiment RA (Guards Armd Div) and has just
1600 5 reinforcements arrive at RHQ. They are so useless that they are returned
to the reinforcement camp.
1600 R.A. 50 (N) Div O.O. No. 7 received. This contains the orders for the 49 Div
attack. This Div Arty is supporting 49 Div. 50 (N.) Div does little except
conform to the movement of 49 Div.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 24th 2000 The Bty Comd of a H.A.A. Bty calls on the C.O. We are evidently to recce
positions for him to put into action 4 x 3.7 H.A.A. guns in the area
FOLLIOT (8171) which he will occupy in the event of a 'flap'.
2035 Codeword 'BARRACUDA' received. The battle commences at 0415 hrs 25 JUNE 44
2130 Major J.K. BOAG and Major R.A. BARNETT visit C.O.44
Locations - unchanged.
25th 0415 Heavy gunfire marks the opening of 49 Inf Div attack.
1030 Adjutant does to 205 Corps Reinforcement Camp to try and obtain some
reinforcements. All that are finally collected are 3 Gnrs and 1 Sgt.
There is nothing else that is worth the trouble of collection. Mainly a
mixed bag of Sanitary Orderlies and Sgts Mess Waiters.
1200 News received that 49 Div have reached their first objective - the road
JUVIGNY - FONTENAY LE PESNEL (8767) although this latter village is not
completely cleared of the enemy.
1700 O.C. 195/73rd A.Tk. Regt RA visits RHQ.
1710 C.O. leaves to visit Btys.
2200 107 Bty commences to relieve 288 Bty. The 6-pr troops of 288 Bty go into
action at LA SENAUDIERE. The M 10 tp which consists of 1 X M 10 will
return to the Echelon where it will collect 3 X M 10s and reform and do
During the day, the 151 Inf Bde moves slightly forward and at last light
6 DLI are occupying positions just short of the road HOTTOT - JUVIGNY at
835669. 9 DLI have moved forward to MONTILLY 842676.
By last light 49 Div (KOYLI) are at the NORTHERN end of TESSEL wood (8666)
RHQ - 792712
99 Bty - 769692
107 Bty - 979700
288 Bty - 788702
289 Bty 822709
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 26th 0100 Reported by wireless that 107 Bty have relieved 288 Bty.
1000 Major D.A. KOMROWER, visits RHQ. He reports that 2 X 6-pr guns in fwd
positions have not yet been withdrawn.
1430 C.O. visits HQRA and gives them
(a) A protest about the reinforcement situation.
(b) Some comments on the war in France to date.
1500 C.O. visits Btys.
1730 Adjutant again goes out to find reinforcements at 31 R.H.U.; he finds a draft
of 59 gunners on their way to the regt. He promises to collect tomorrow
but finds that out of the 59 only about 10 are of any use.
99 A.TK. Btys M 10s are withdrawn to their Echelon area for maintenance.
The C.O. forwards a letter to HQRA on the subject of Divisional A. Tk.
During the day 288 Bty lose 1 X 6-pr hit by Mortar.
8 Corps attack to the EAST of 49 Div and by 1200 hrs have captured their
first objective - CHEUX (9267)
The weather is again bad - very wet.
Locations - unchanged.
27th 0830 Adjutant goes to 31 RHU to collect reinforcements. Out of 59 offered only
12 are accepted and of these 12, 5 are our own men back again. The
standard of reinforcement is extraordinarily low.
1400 C.O. visits HQRA
1500 C.O. visits Btys
1600 Major P.G. MURRAY RA (OC 195 A.TK. Bty) visits RHQ
1700 6 Green Howards attack, their objective is Chateau at 805664. Although
the infantry insist that they have taken this it is later discovered that
in fact they have never actually got there although an advance is made.
NORTHAMPTON YEOMANRY lose 11 tanks in the process, 8 on our own mines. A
sharp lesson in the need for passing on of information.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 27th During the day 288 Bty have come into reserve, and have baths in BAYEUX;
40 men attend an ENSA show there in the evening.
On our left flank 49 Div make slow progress. EAST of them, 8 CORPS open
an attack which commences well.
Locations - unchanged.
28th 0830 Signal received from HQRA that an infantry reshuffle is to take place during
the day. The boundary of the 7th Armd Div on our right flank is to move
further EAST. As a result of this, one Bn of 69 Bde will move back and take
up a position covering the LA SENAUDIERE Rd junc, being a gap in our lines
covered by the reserve Bty of the regt, until recently, when
S.W.B's of 56 Inf Bde (7 Armd Div) have been in position there.
0900 Major D.A. KOMROWER visits RHQ
1100 Capt OWEN (635 Tank Destroyer Bn U.S.Army.) visits RHQ. Capt OWEN was attached
to us for a fortnight at NEWMARKET prior to the invasion and Major D.J. COWEN
went to 635 T.D. Bn.
1730 C.O. visits HQRA
1800 Major J.K. BOAG calls.
1930 Major W.A. BENSON visits RHQ
2000 Major R.A. BARNETT visits RHQ
2200 A 'scare' develops. The 49 Div on the left are forced back a few hundred
yards from their advanced positions, Stories vary from a squadron of enemy
tanks to two full panzer Divisions.
During the day there has been little activity on our Divisional front. The
infantry, having reshuffled, are now disposed in greater depth but no
difference is made to the A.Tk. layout, although 107 Bty are moving their
gun positions during the night. The gun area however, will remain unaltered.
8 Corps have successfully crossed the R. ODON at 931630. The enemy is
evidently concentrating to meet this threat. 2 SS Pz Div "DAS REICH" is moving
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 28th up from the SW under air and A.A. cover to the area BRETTEVILLETTE (8864).
Hence the 49 Div alarm.
Nothing occurs through the night.
Locations - unchanged.
29th 0930 C.O. visits Btys.
1100 C.O.2 55 (SY) A. Tk. Regiment RA visits RHQ to maintain contact. To date
they have had almost no shooting. All the German AFVs appear to be on 50
Div front. Evidently 49 Div have reorganised themselves again.
1200 C.O. visits 99 Bty and 288 Bty. A relief will take place tonight.
288 Bty will move from LA SENAUDIERE (7868) into support of 69 Bde
with 2 X 6-pr tps. Their M 10 tp is still reforming in the Echelon area.
99 Bty will move back to LA SENAUDIERE area, one tp being relieved tonight
and one tomorrow morning. Their M 10 tp moves up from the Echelon area
this afternoon, where it has been maintaining, and will occupy a tp posn
of 288 Bty. 1 X 6-pr tp will occupy a posn by the R AURE (775889) with the
remaining troop in the high ground EAST of this.
1215 OC 195/73 A. Tk. Regt visits RHQ. His Bty is in the same long-stop posn
1600 Again a quite day on the Divisional front. The 2 SS pz Div attack the flank
of 8 Corps in the area 8990, attacking in a NE direction, but after making an
initial penetration is driven back.
Locations unchanged.
30th 0030 Capt H.C. BRYANT reports to Adjutant that the relief goes according to plan,
and without interference.
1000 CO2 and I.O. visit 99 Bty at 785691 .
1030 Major SCOTT, (635 Tank Destroyer Bn U.S. Army) calls, bringing American 1 Div
locations and gifts of cigarettes.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 30th 1045 C.O. visits Regtl Echelon.
1130 Major J.K. BOAG and Major W.A. BENSON visit CO at RHQ
1700 CO visits Btys.
1800 Major R.A. BARNETT visits RHQ
2015 250 Heavy Bombers of RAF pass over to attack concentrations of enemy AFVs
2130 CO visits HQRA.
There is little activity on the Div front during the day. The remaining
6-pr tp of 99 Bty is relieved by 288 Bty during the morning and men from
the Bty have baths at BAYEUX while 40 attend a Cinema show there in the
Locations :-
R.H.Q. 793712
99 Bty 785692
107 Bty - 793690
288 Bty - 779691
289 Bty - 823705
Since D Day on 6 JUNE 44 the following casualties have been suffered by the
Regt :-
(a) Killed in action Lt G.I.R. MILLIKEN & 14 O.RS.
(b) Died of Wounds : NIL & 1 O.R.
(c) Missing : NIL & 1 O.R.
(d) Wounded in Action ; Maj G.W. DUNKERLEY MC, MAj G.R. BALFOUR MC
Estimated bag of A.F.Vs : Killed 17, Wounded 14. Infuriated 41.

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