National Archive Reference: WO 171/929
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
FIELD | 1 | 1100 | Adj attends a conference at HQ 50th (NORTHUMBRIAN) Division, with representatives of 151 and 231 Infantry Bdes. Administration details are discussed for their A/Tk shooting at HARLECH A/Tk Range on 10, 11, 12, 13, March. |
1200 | CO (Lt-Col A.K. MATTHEWS ,R.A. visits the M.10 training at BRETTENHAM (MR. 384019 sheet 76 1" to 1 mile) on his return from HOLME. During the day 20 Carriers, Loyd are collected from Ford Motor Works. | ||
FIELD | 2 | Rear Party 99 A/Tk. Bty RA move from DULLINGHAM R.766085) to PAMPISFORD HALL (MR 9567). | |
1400 | CO with CO2 hold a conference at RHQ with Major RG Browne-Swinburne (OC 289 Bty) and Major R.A. Barnett (OC 107 Bty) - Subject - "Assault Scales of Equipment and Vehicles". | ||
FIELD | 3 | 0800 | CO leaves to attend a conference at Adv HQ ,RA. 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Div which takes place in LONDON at 1100. During the day we collect 5 x 1 ton Trailers. These are not on the G.1098 but will probably be useful. |
FIELD | 4 | 1030 | CO and CO2 visit 99 Bty Rear Party at PAMPISFORD. As a result of orders received it is unlikely that Rear Party will stay there very long as 99 Bty will be moving to the BOURNEMOUTH area with 69 Bde Group on their return from INVERARY. |
1400 | We are ordered to collect 11 Carriers ,Universal, from BURY ST. EDMUND'S Railway Sta. Ten minutes after the party of Drivers leave, we are told that it is 15 and not 11. What these are for is unknown. On arrival, the drivers are told that the trucks are not yet in the station and a number of drivers return home empty handed. | ||
FIELD | 5 | 0100 | The official date of Mobilization of the four Btys. Our outstanding deficiencies are :- 12 Driver Operators, 44 Driver Mechanics. We also hold a number of No.22 Wireless sets instead of No. 19 Sets. |
1030 | BC's Conference at RHQ (The LinksNEWMARKET Ref 1" to 1 mile Sheet 85 081805) Conference is attended by :- CO. Lt-Col. A,K. MATTHEWS, R.A. CO.2. Major D.J. COWEN, R.A. | ||
OC 107 A/Tk. Bty Major R.A. BARNETT, R.A | |||
CO 288 A/Tk. Bty Major. G.R. BALFOUR, M.C. R.A. | |||
CO.289 A/Tk. Bty Major. R.G. BROWNE-SWINBURNE, R.A. | |||
OC. 99 A/Tk. Bty (Capt. G.W. DUNKERLEY, M.C., R.A.) is absent, | |||
being involved in Combined Ops at CTC INVERARY . Subjects discussed include :- (i) Security in connection with forthcoming events. | |||
(ii) Future role of the Regiment. (iii) Training. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
FIELD | 2 | 1700 | LAD from 55 (Suffolk Yeomanry) A/Tk. Regt. R.A. arrives and becomes LAD att 102 (NORTHUMBERLAND HUSSARS) A/Tk. Regt. R.A. |
FIELD | 3 | 0800 | Adv Party leaves for HARLECH Ranges. |
1000 | CO leaves to visit the M.10 Training Cadre at BRETTENHAM MANOR. | ||
1300 | CO returns. | ||
1700 | I.G. (A/Tk.) is attached to the Regiment. There is not much for him to do. | ||
FIELD | 7 | 1100 | CO and Adjutant visit LAD, It is discovered that the LAD have been working off a wrong War Establishment and their transport, especially, is wrong. |
1200 | CO and Adjt visit 107 A/Tk Bty at DULLINGHAM HOUSE (Ref 1" to 1 mile Sheet 85 079768) | ||
FIELD | 8 | 0800 | CO leaves to visit RA MT School RHYL, NORTH WALES and watch Practice Shooting at HARLECH, |
1759 | Main Body leave for HARIECH. This consists of Nos 1 and Gunners from the M.10 Troop. | ||
FIELD. | 9 | 1400 | Practice Camp Party arrive at HARLECH. Our own M.10s and all 50 (N) Div Inf Pns under our supervision. |
FIELD | 10 | M.10 Troop practice at HARLECH. | |
1000 | An A/Tk Trg Film is shown to the 6 pdr Troops at the DORIC Cinema, NEWMARKET. | ||
Trial by FGCM is ordered for 1070732 Gnr. ANDERSON, H. for a breach of censorship regulations in 1942, before he joined NORTHUMBERLAND HUSSARS. | |||
FIELD. | 11 | 1000 | The A/Tk Trg Film is shown to those who did not See it on 10 March. |
1400 | We are informed that Loyd Carriers may be exchanged for T 16's for towing of 6 pdrs. | ||
1900 | Orders are received from HQ.RA. 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN). Division that the Rear Party of 99 A/Tk Bty are to move from PAMPISFORD to WEYMOUTH. Where abouts they go from WEYMOUTH is not disclosed. They are to move on 12 Mar. | ||
FIELD | 12 | M.10 Troops practice at HARLECH, | |
1015 | Adjutant visits HQ RA. He is informed that T.16's are a new towing vehicle made in USA and there are none in this country. No one appears to know exactly what they are. | ||
1100 | Rear Party of 99 A/Tk Bty RA leave for WEYMOUTH. | ||
1400 | 6 pdr personnel leave for HOLME A/TK. Range. The best layer per gun is taken and some of the best Nos.1. During the day the CO travels from HARLECH to HOLME. | ||
FIELD | 13 | M.10 Troops practice at HARLECH. 6 pdr Troops practice at HOLME. | |
1000 | A S.D.R. reports from HQ RA 50 (N) Div with orders for the move of the remainder of the baggage of 99 A/Tk Bty by rail on 14 Mar. On telephoning Movement Control, Cambridge, the timings etc., are obtained. It is, however, impossible to find out when the baggage is to be loaded because Movements say it is the duty of RTO Cambridge, to deal with that and RTO Cambridge has not been given any orders at all. Eventually, it is discovered that it is all a mistake and RTO COLCHESTER is the officer to contact. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
FIELD | 13 | 1900 | Telephone message from Adv HQ RA in LONDON, CO or CO2 is to report there on 14 Mar for a Conference. Also informed that Loyd Carriers are unlikely to be replaced by T 16's as there are none in the U.K. at the moment, but the unit may be equipped with Carriers, Mortar. As CO is away at Practice Camp, CO2 will go to LONDON. Capt G.W. DUNKERLEY, MC is regranted Temporary Rank of Major (wef 25 Feb) vice Major J.N. BARDSLEY who has gone on I.G's Course. |
FIELD | 14 | M.10 troops entrain at HARLECH to return to NEWMARKET. | |
0930 | CO2 leaves to attend a conference at Adv HQ. ,RA., | ||
1030 | CO (Lt-Col. A.K. MATTHEWS, RA. visits the M.10 Training Detail at THETFORD on his way back from HOLME Ranges. | ||
2000 | CO2 returns from LONDON and a late session ensues with the CO. Newloading tables for the Regiment have to be produced and forwarded to Adv HQ RA first thing tomorrow morning. | ||
2330 | The baggage of 99 A/Tk Bty RA leaves for WEYMOUTH. | ||
FIELD | 15 | 1000 | PAMPISFORD HALL (9567) is handed back to S.A.Q.C.. Capt. R.L. Masters R.A of 99 A/Tk Bty calls into RHQ at 'The Links' on his way from INVERARY, and gives an account of the Btys activities at the C.T.C. He informs Regt that the new location of 99 Bty is CHICKERELL CAMP, WEYMOUTH, DORSET. |
1600 | Col. HOWARD (A/CRA 50 (N) Div) visits the C.O. | ||
FIELD | 16 | 0830 | CO. (Lt-Col. A.K. MATTHEWS proceeds on leave. |
1400 | Trial by FGCM of 1070732 Gnr. NDERSON, H. for offences under the Censorship Regulations. A plea of Guilty is given. | ||
FIELD | 17 | 0800 | The Regiment uses the Divisional Watersplash at CLARE (MR 233737),in order to train drivers in the method of driving through water and also to test out the practise waterproofing that has been done. The result is not good. We have another allotment on 19 Mar and it is hoped that the results will be better. Reason - lack of trg facilities. |
18 | Orders are received that 288 A/Tk. Bty are to move South to the area of LYMINGTON (U.7010) with 231 Inf Bde to which they are affiliated. Except that the move will take place on or about 24 Mar no details are known. | ||
2100 | Verbal orders are received by telephone that CO2 (Major D.J. COWEN) is to report to Adv HQ.RA. at 1400 hrs tomorrow. | ||
FIELD | 19 | 1030 | CO2 leaves for Adv HQ.RA. 2 Inf A/Tk Pls of 56 Inf Bde shoot at HOLME A/Tk Ranges and are watched by Major R.G. BROWNE-SWINBURNE (OC 289 A/Tk.Bty) to whom they affiliated. During the day, further vehicles are put through a Watersplash at FOWLMERE (MR 334079). The results are an improvement on 17 Mar but eventually all vehicles are 'drowned'. Obviously little trg could be done between 17 and 19 |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
FIELD | 19 | 2000 | CO2 returns from LONDON. |
FIELD | 20 | 1000 | TheRegiment is informed by HQ.RA. that the dates for Practice Camp at HARLECH are now 26. 27. 28. 29 Mar and NOT 25. 26. 27. 28 Mar as previously ordered. Efforts are made during the day to find who is responsible for moving 288 Bty. |
FIELD | 21 | 1430 | The Regiment is inspected by General Sir ROBERT GORDON-FINLAYSON, Representative Colonel Commandant of Royal Regiment of Artillery. This is not a formal inspection and normal work continues while the Colonel Commandant walks round the billeting area. At the end of the inspection Troops are paraded and addressed by General GORDON-FINLAYSON on the subject of R.A. Benevelent Funds. |
1600 | Orders are received for the move of 288 Bty. Adv Party leaves 23 Mar. Road Party leaves 24 Mar. Tracked vehicles move by rail on 24 Mar. The majority of officers and gunners will proceed to HARLECH with the rest of the Regiment and proceed to LYMINGTON after Practice Camp. | ||
FIELD | 22 | 1800 | CO returns from leave and reassumes Command. |
FIELD | 23 | 0800 | 288 Bty Adv Party leaves. |
0900 | Adv Party leaves for HARIECH. | ||
1700 | CO (Lt-Col. A.K. MATTHEWS ,R.A.) and Adjutant visit the LAD at DULLINGHAM (0876) Contact with RTO, Cambridge discloses the fact that 288 Bty carriers will not be leaving NEWMARKET until 26 Mar owing to a shortage of flat waggons. M.10's are to travel by transporter. | ||
FIELD | 24 | 0830 | 288 Bty Vehicle Party leaves. |
1100 | Orders received for Exercises "SMASH" in which 99 and 288 Btys will be involved. | ||
1600 | Orders received that Major D.J. COWEN, (CO2) is to be attached to U.S. Army for a fortnight commencing 27 Mar. This is most inconvenient. CO speaks to Colonel HOWARD, A/CRA 50th NORTHUMBRIAN) Div who suggests that direct contact is made with the CRA at Adv HQ in LONDON. Attempts to do this are fruitless as no reply can be obtained from Adv.HQ RA on the telephone. | ||
FIELD | 25 | 0600 | Party leaves for HARIECH Practice Camp by rail. Each Bty sends Nos. 1 and 4 gunners per gun per 6pdr and Nos 1 and 3 gunners per M.10. In addition 50 fatigue men are necessary for Camp fatigues. |
0945 | CO (Lt-Col. A.K. MATTHEWS RA.) leaves for HARLECH by road. | ||
1030 | Informed by RTO Cambridge that the train for tr vehs of 288 Bty will leave 0900 hrs 26 Mar. During the day Rr Party of 107 Bty move into the accommodation vacated by 288 Bty at 'THE LINKS' NEWMARKET (Ref sheet 85 1" - 1 mile 081805),evacuating DULLINGHAM HO (Ref Sheet 85 1" - 1 mile 079769) |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
FIELD | 26 | Firing at HARLECH. | |
1700 | Adjutant telephones 635 Tank Destroyer Bn, US ARMY to which Major. D.J. COWEN (CO2) is to be attached and is informed by Americans that attachment is postponed until Apr 3. | ||
2000 | Signal from Adv HQ. RA.50 (N) Div in reply to query sent on 25 Mar - Major D.J. COWEN is to proceed on attachment to 635 Tank Destroyer Bn. | ||
FIELD. | 27 | Firing at HARLECH, | |
1030 | Message direct from RA 30 Corps. Major D.J. COWEN not to join US Army until 3 April. | ||
1100 | Four officers of 61st A/Tk. Regt RA arrive and announce that they are going to take over our accomodation. Adjutant expresses surprise and they go away again. | ||
1400 | Lt(QM) visits SC.RA 50 (N) Div to receive instructions for disposal of Loyd Carriers held as Div Arty Reserve Pool. Whilst at HQ RA he mentions the visit of Officers of 61st A/Tk Regt and is told that there is a move afoot to move 107 Bty, 289 Bty and RHQ to THETFORD - a move of eight miles - to allow 61st A/Tk Regt in here. | ||
FIELD | 28 | Firing at HARLECH. | |
1000 | DULLINGHAM HOUSE is handed back to SA,QC, | ||
FIELD | 29 | Firing at HARLECH. | |
0800 | 10 Carden Loyd Carriers are despatched to RETFORD. | ||
1000 | M.10 Trg Party return from BRETTENHAM MANOR in the THETFORD Trg Area - a small holding party is left. | ||
1100 | CO 61st A/Tk. Regiment calls at RHQ, to inspect accommodation. He is certain that he is | ||
moving into the billets of this regiment although we have been told nothing about it. | |||
1400 | CO 61st A/Tk. Regt RA returns and states that he is moving into 'The Links' NEWMARKET on Saturday 1 Apr. | ||
1600 | Adjutant informs HQ RA 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) DIV that 61 A/Tk Regiment intend to move in on 1 Apr. HQ.RA. state that the fight is still on as there is nowhere for us to go to. | ||
FIELD | 30 | 1000 | Personnel from Practice Camp return to 'The Links' after an extremely uncomfortable journey from HARLECH, |
FIELD | 31 | 0800 | 22 Carriers ,Loyd are despatched to RETFORD. |
1700 | Orders received from HQ.RA. 50 (N) Div. Two Btys and RHQ at present at 'The Links' Newmarket are to move to PAMPISFORD HALL (960673). Regiment reply that this is already occupied by 2 Btys of 61st A/Tk.Regt RA. As the object of this move is to allow in RHQ and 1 Bty 61st A/Tk Regt to 'The Links', the move seems pointless. Further it is not possible to move by tomorrow night as ordered. |