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War Diary: 102nd Anti Tank Regiment

Month and year: May 1944

The 102nd Anti Tank Regiment May 1944 war diary covers the unit's movements to marshalling areas and preparation for embarkation for DDay.

National Archive Reference: WO 171/929

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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
HURSLEY 1 1000 C02 (Major D.J. Cowen) departs for BABRAHAM CAMBS, (9670) : to put 107 Bty and
289 Bty into the picture regarding Regimental affairs and the present operational
1100 Cancellations to parts of the posting order received on 27 Apr 44 begin to arrive.
We now get minus 3 Driver +Ops and Clerk. It P.W.L. Ward, E.M.E. leaves
for BABRAHAM with new WO II for L.A.D.. A second L.A.D. WO. II arrives out of the blue.
2 0930 CO proceeds to LARKHILL to fix up details of shooting on 11 and 12 May 44. The
position is complicated by the fact that we are undertain of the amount of ammunition
we are to be given.
1130 Warning order received that 288 Bty will move from present location at PENNERLEY CAMP
BEAULIEU (806238) to CADLANDS CAMP (8724). Adv Party to move on 10 May. Main body
to be moved by 1200 hrs 12 May 44.
1200 RHQ receive orders from the Camp Staff to remove all the traffic signs showing
the way in. This is done under protest. During the day vehicles and personnel
of 234 A/Tk Bty, attached from 73 A/Tk Regt R. A. and 288 Bty return from exercise FABIUS.
These vehicles have not been waterproofed. The BC's concerned remain on the exercise
with waterproofed carriers. M.10's of 99 Bty move to LULWORTH for training.
Information is received from HQ. ,RA. that 8 X M 10 are being delivered to the Regiment
new and that therefore only 8 will be taken over from 73 A/Tk Regiment.
3 Exercise FABIUS is due to commence.
0730 CO leaves for HAYLING ISLAND to watch the disembarkation of troops engaged on FABIUS.
On arrival he finds that the exercise was postponed for 24 hrs at 1100 hrs yesterday.
1300 LO returns from HQ. RA., 50 (N) Div with news that 8 new M 10s are due to be delivered
at RHQ (LOWER HURSLEY CAMP 8245) on 4 May 44.
4 0815 CO leaves for FABIUS and this time finds it.
1100 Orders received for signal exercise "GRAB" which is taking place between 1400 hrs
10 May 44 and 0900 hrs 11 May 44. A skeleton RHQ with BCs (or reps) from 99,
107, 288, 289 Btys and the two attached Btys - 198 and 234, are to take part. Only
wireless will be used.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
HURSLEY 4 During the day the LO returns from HQ. ,RA., with the news that the 8 x M.10s will not
now be delivered until 9, 10, or 11 May 44. They are being delivered to 107
and 289 Btys at BABRAHAM CAMBS (9670). Arrangements are to be made to zero these
guns in Eastern Command and at LARKHILL on 11/12 May as originally thought.
5 A quiet day.
1000 CO goes to HQ. ,RA. During the day BRETTENHAM MANOR, THETFORD (Ref sheet
76 1" to 1 mile 384019) is given up. This has served as a base for the M 10 trg
of 107 and 288 Btys since 29 Feb 44. During the night vehicles are despatched
to BICESTER to collect waterproofing equipment and return empty.
6 1000 GO visits HQ. ,RA.
1100 288 Bty take over 4 x M 10 from 234/73 A/Tk Regt RA. These are all fairly new
vehicles which have only done on an average of 300 miles running.
7 99 A/Tk Bty shoot at LULWORTH RAC ranges. They claim excellent results.
8 During the morning 99 Bty take over 3 x M 10 from 73rd A/Tk Regt. The fourth is
to be taken over tomorrow.
1100 Capt J.C. GAYE (acting BC 288 A/Tk Bty RA) visits RHQ to discuss loading tables
with the CO.
1900 Major R.G. SWINBURNE (acting BC 289 Bty) and Major R.A. BARNETT (OC 107 Bty
arrive at RHQ. They are taking part in exercise "GRAB" - Divisional Wireless Exercise.
2000 Capt H.C. BRYANT (acting BC 99 Bty) calls at RHQ. He is concerned with details of
firing practice at LARKHILL on 10 and 11 May. There is a BC's Conference on
this subject tomorrow.
9 99 A/Tk Bty take over 1 x M 10 from 73 A/Tk Regt. We are now complete in 99
and 288 Btys with M 10 equipments which have not done more than 300 miles.
0930 Major KENYON, IG (A/Tk) arrives, He is accompanying the unit to LARKHILL,
1130 Conference at RHQ on administration details for shoot at LARKHILL. This is attended
by - CO - Lt. Col. A.K. MATTHEWS, R.A.
CO2 - Major D.J. COWEN R.A.
Adjt - Capt C.S. SPENCE, R.A.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
HURSLEY 9 OC 99 Bty - Capt H.C. BRYANT (Vice Major G.W. DUNKERLEY, MC)
OC 288 " - Capt. J.C. GAYE (Vice Major G.R. BALFOUR, MC)
OC 198 " - Major D.A.S. PINN. ) attached from 73 A/TK Regiment, R.A.
OC 234 " - Major ASQUITH )
1400 Conference on exercise GRAB at HQ 50 (N) Div, which is attended by I.O., OC 99 Bty,
OC 107 Bty and OC 289 Bty. Conference at HQ 231 Bde on GRAB attended by OC 288 Bty.
10 99 Bty, 288 Bty, 198 and 234 Btys of 73 A/Tk Regt move to LARKHILL during the
morning and afternoon. In order to avoid dealings with Movement Control Btys move
by various routes in bunches of 5 vehicles. They proceed to bivouac area at FARGO
1115 CO 73 A/Tk (Lt-Col. PAREY, R.A.) calls to see CO.
1300 Personnel leave for exercise GRAB. These consist of :- (a) RHQ - CO2, Adjt, LO and
3 W/T Sets. (b) Each Bty :- BC or rep and 2 W/T sets. The new Regtl layout is used
Each Bty has one No 19 Set on Regtl 'net' and one No. 19 Set on the 'net' of its
affiliated Bde. RHQ has 1 x 22 Set an CRA Link, 1 X 22 set on Forward Link,
1 X 22 set as the 'B' Echelon set. CO's set is missing on the exercise, not having
been issued.
1700 ) Btys zero at LARKHILL. 99 and 288 Btys zero 4 x M 10 each. 198 Bty zero 12 X M 10.
2200 ) 234 Bty zero 12 x M.10, i.e. M.10 fitted with 17 pdr gun instead of American 3".
11 Btys practice at LARKHILL all day.
0800 Exercise GRAB ends. Quite successful from a Regtl Signalling point of view
except that as usual our frequency was one on which there were all sorts of interference.
0900 8 x M.10 new from VRD arrive RHQ on transporter. They are for 107 and 289 Btys
at BABRAHAM, CAMBS, and we had been informed that they would be delivered there. Much
telephoning ensues before authority is obtained from War Office to the transporters
to deliver there.
1000 QM attends a conference at HQ. ,RA. 50 (N) Division at BROCKENHURST.
He returns at 1300 hrs with the following information :-
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HURSLEY 11 (a) Prewaterrproofed vehicles are to be drawn commencing at 0800 hrs tomorrow from
various VRD all over England. Vehicles rendered surplus will be handed in.
(b) A parade is to be hold on 13 May for Gen. EISENHOWER, Supreme C in C at 1055 hrs
at an unspecified place.
(c) Various marshalling moves are about to commence.
A busy afternoon ensues to get out orders for the handing in of vehicles.
1630 The location of all the places from which vehicles are to be drawn is changed.
1900 Orders received to commance waterproofing on 12 May 44. Orders received to complete
A' Stage waterproofing and be ready for movement on 21 May 44.
2200 All drawings of prewaterproofed vehicles postponed one day.
12 0930 288 Bty report that they have been told by 231 Inf Bde that the parade for
Gen EISENHOWER is a Bde Gp affair. LO told to ask HQ RA.
1130 CO returns from LARKHILL and immediately sets to work on the final leading tables which have arrived.
1430 CO visits HQ., RA., to attend a breifing Conference and to bring up various points
from the Loading Tables.
1700 CO attends a Conference at HQ 231 Inf Bde, and returns at 1930 hrs
2300 Message from HQ. RA - The Regt is to provide men for Gen ESSENHOWERS parade.
We are to contact 231 Bde for details.
2359 Adjt gets 231 Bde on the telephone. They don't want a lot of people from the
Regiment, and are quite content with representatives from 288, their affiliated Bty.
Therefore we will send no one from the other Btys.
13 0930 A/CRA 50 (N) Div (Col HOWARD) telephones. He wishes to know how many guns there are left
to zero after the last shoot at LARKHILL. There are 8 X M.10 at BABRAHAM for whom
5 A.G.R.A. are meant to be fixing a range. 2 X M.10 belonging to 73 A/Tk Btys attached
1055 Detachment of 288 Bty inspected by General EISENHOWER.
1100 Movement Control tell RHQ that all personnel landing D + 2 to D + 6 are to move to
another camp tomorrow. We tell them it cannot be done, largely because we have
not yet got all our vehicles, i.e. prewaterproofed 3 tonners. They don't seem to mind much.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
HURSLEY 13 2000 D.R. arrives from BABRAHAM, CAMBS, 107 and 289 Btys have been instructed by
Movement Control to move the greater part of their Btys to various conoentration
areas in Eastern Command - STOWMARKET and EPPING, Wake Arms. The move is to
take place at 0600 hrs tomarrow. The split of the vehicles is not understood
and they require enlightenment. These vehicles are to be loaded by 7 Armd Div.
We have not got loading tables although many efforts have been made to
obtain these. An LO is despatched to HQ. RA. to try and obtain the required information
2030 Adjt telephones BABRAHAM and tells them not to de anything until they hear from RHQ.
During the day prewaterproofed vehicles are drawn from various VRD and surplus non-
waterproofed vehicles are handed in to others. Things are becom-ing a little difficult
as ADOS is making numerous demands upon us to draw stores and the 3 ton lorries
just are/not there. Waterproofing is proceeding as well as possible in the face of
these demands on vehicles. "C" Bty shoot their 6 pdrs at the RAC Range LULWORTH COVE.
Inf A/Tk guns of 69 Inf Bde shoot. Capt. H.C. BRYANT (acting OC 99 Bty) attends.
14 0130 LO returns from HQ. ,RA., with the necessary information. This is despatched
to BABRAHAM at 0630 hrs. The fighting part of the Btys move to STOWMARKET area
and the echelons to EPPING area.
1000 OC 288 Bty (Major G.R. BALFOUR ,MC) visits RHQ and goes into details of loading with CO.
1100 Capt. R.L. MASTERS (99Bty) talks to CO about details of loading.
1400 99 and 288 Btys shot small arms and Browning MGs at HORDLE HO range (MR U702125)
During the day the remaining prewaterproofed vehicles are collected.
69 Inf Bde /Tk guns again shoot.
15 0930 CO leaves camp.
1100 RHQ Imprest a/c is closed, and instructions given by the Field Cashier for the
changing of money when the time comes.
1800 OC 99 Bty (Major G.W. DUNKERLEY, MC) visits RH2 and sees the CO.2.
1900 CO returns. During the day 107 and 289 Btys move most of their vehicles and
personnel from BABRAHAM,
16 1100 The CO is summonsed to HQ. ,RA., where the CRA wishes to talk to him about sound powered telephones.
We have been issued with these at the scale of one per gun. To date the earphones and telephone wire
have arrived but there are no mouthpieces.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
HURSLEY 16 During the day Captain A.W. TRIPPIER, MC establishes a Camp at TOOTHILL at which
all personnel due to take part in the forthcoming operation on D + 4 will concentrate.
17 0800 Lt(QM) goes to the BUSTARD, LARKHILL to establish the camp at which the Regimental
residues are to concentrate. He returns in the evening.
1000 RMO, Capt E.J. YOUNG-THOMPSON, R.A.M.C., attends a Briefing Conference with A.D.M.S.
at HQ 50 (Northumbrian) Division.
1600 Major. G.R. BALFOUR, MC (OC 288 Bty) calls at RHQ to See CO.
1900 Major R.G. BROWNE-SWINBURNE (OC 289 Bty) and Major R.A. BARNETT (OC 107 Bty)
join RHQ at HURSLEY CAMP. Their Btys have now dispersed to the various
concentration areas in East Anglia. During the day the Camp at BABRAHAM HO is handed back
18 0900 R.A. Briefing Conference. This is attended by :-
C02 Major. D.J. COWEN, R.A.
OC 99 Bty Major . G.W. DUNKERLEY, MC. R.A.
OC 107 Bty Major. R.A. BARNETT, R.A.
OC 288 Bty Major. G.R. BALFOUR, M.C. R.A.
OC 289 Bty Major. R.G. BROWNE-SWINBURNE, R. A.
OC 198/73A/Tk.Regt. Major. D.A.S. PINN.
OC 234/73A/Tk.Regt. Major. ASQUITH, R.A.
The Briefing Conference continues throughout the day with breaks for meals and comes to a close
at 1800 hrs.
1000 Wireless Sets on the Regimental Link net onto Operational Frequency and are locked
on that net. During the day D + 4 personnel move to TOOTHELL Camp and residues
concentrate at LARKHILL.
19 1000 OC 99 A/TK Bty and OC 288 A/TK Bty attend Briofing Conferences at HQ 69 Inf Bde
and HQ 231 Inf Bde respectively. Here the infantry picture of the assault
is given but BCs report that it is not such a good one as the ones painted at HQ. RA, on 18 May.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
HURSLEY 19 1100 CO departs on 72 hrs leave.
1500 Major G.R. BALFOUR, M.C. calls to discuss what has been said at the Inf Bde
Conference during the morning.
2200 21 Dvr Mechanics arrive a.s reinforcements. The se are urgently required and are
a welcome addition indeed.
20 0900 Major R.G. BROWNE-SWINBURNE leaves HURSLEY CAMP to visit the scattered parties
of his Battery
1030 Major. G.W. DUNKERLEY visits CO2.
1100 Major G.R. BALFOUR, MC visits C02.
1500 CO2 leaves to visit the residue party at LARKHILL. He returns with the information
that they are quite comfortable and the RSM has things organised.
1600 Informed by HQ. RA., that battle tracks for M.10 guns (SP) are being collected at CARDIFF
and will be delivered to us by transporter on 21 or 22 May.
2000 Tank tracks arrive - on 3 tonners. They have been wrongly consigned and 32 have to
be retrieved from HQ 73 A/Tk Regt.
21 0900 Major R.A. BARNETT leaves HURSLEY CAMP to visit scattered parties of 107 A/Tk Bty
1400 Major PINN (OC 198/73 A/Tk Regt) visits RHQ and sees Operation Orders and maps.
1800 IO. ,RA., (Capt. N. HARRISON, R.A. ) calls with Operation Orders.
22 1030 Major ASQUITH (OC 234/73 A/TK Regt) visits RHQ and sees Operational Orders and maps.
1400 We are issued with 6 folding bicycles. These are likely to be useful.
1900 CO returns from leave.
2100 Adjt (Capt. C.S. SPENCE) and I.O. (Lt. J.D. MARRIOTT) are briefed by the C.O.
Bogus maps are used so that although they know how, they either know when or where.
23 CO2 (Major D.J. COWEN) visits that portion of the Regiment which is at TOOTHILL (U8238).
This comprises personnel and vehicles which do not land on foreign soil until D + 4.
1500 BC's Conference at RHQ. This is attended by the assault Bty Comds :-
Major G.W. DUNKERLEY, M.C. 99 A/Tk Bty
Major G.R. BALFOUR, M.C. 288 A/Tk Bty
Major S. PINN 198/73 A/Tk Regt.
Major. ASQUITH 234/73 A/Tk Regt.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
HURSLEY 23 1500 The forthcoming operation is reviewed in the light of the Bde Operation Orders received.
1600 Adjt attends a Movement Control Conference. Little is learnt but sheets are
given out containing times of moves of vehicles in various camps to form Craft
Loads when marshalling begins at an unknown date.
1700 IO. ,RA., calls with more orders and amendments.
24 1000 Adjt attends 2 further Movement Control Conference at which he points out that all the
CO's Party have been forgotten on the Movement Tables issued yesterday. As these were
forgotten on Exercise FABIUS also it would appear he isn't required.
1100 CO visits HO. ,RA. 3rd Canadian Division and confers with the CO of their A/Tk Regt
(Lt-Col PHIM). The 3rd Cdn Div are on our left flank during the assault. Major G.W.
DUNKERLEY, MC accompanies the CO as 99 Bty will be neighbouring the Canadians.
1900 Major G.W. DUNKERLEY MC visits RHQ.
2000 HQ. ,RA., inform the Regiment that there will be a demonstration of SABOT amn
at School of Artillery on 26 May, given by us to us.
25 0900 CO attends Divisional Commanders Conference. This takes most of the day.
1200 IO attends a Camp Conference and discovers that the Camp is to be sealed tonight.
Things are beginning to move.
1600 CO returns from Div Comds Briefing Conference. The following orders are put into effect :-
Capt A.W. TRIPPIER, MC to 288 Bty from 1st Reinforcements (Vice
Captain D.A. KOMROWER sick in hospital)
Lt. J.W. MOORE,MM 107 Bty to 289 Bty (in place of Capt G.C.ROBERTS
(sick in hospital) )
Lt. J.H. GRUNDY ) Posted to 103 Reinforcement Group as 1st Reinforcements.
Captains ROBERTS & KOMROWER are ordered to report to the Rear Party, Bustard Camp, LARKHILL,
when they emerge from hospital.
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Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
HURSLEY 25 Order of Battle of Officers is now complete.Appendix "A"
1300 Major R.G. BROWNE-SWINBURNE goes to School of Artillery to make arrangements
for the demonstration of SABOT amn tomorrow.
26 0200 Adjt is informed that the Camp is sealed.
1000 OC 99 Bty and OC 288 Bty attend Briefing Conferences at 69 and 231 Bde respectively.
1100 Major D.A.S. PINN visits the C.O. and collects Operation Orders and maps from him.
Major ASQUITH is attending 231 Bde Briefing Conference.
1500 Demonstration of SABOT amm. Each 6 Pr gun detachment in the Regiment (32) fires
a round Inf Bde A/Tk Pls from 50 (N) Div and reps from 7 Armd Div and 49 Inf Div
also attend. Shots are fired into a Churchill tank and results are satisfactory.
As there is an extremely high MV Nos.1 have to learn to decrease both the lead
and range given.
27 ) Final preparations are made for the assault landing. Camps are sealed on 27 May 44.
28 ) D Day must now be very close.
29 D + 4 and last assault residues of RHQ move to their concentratuon areas.
FIELD 30 ) The Regiment wait, in sealed camps, for embarkation orders. It is split up
31 ) in various camps around SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON and FELIXSTOWE and is being marshalled
into craft loads.

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