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    War Diary: 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

    Month and year: July 1944

    The 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment July 1944 war diary covers the units time stationed near the Normandy coast at Graye-sur-Mer engaging enemy aircraft. This war diary was not written on the standard war diary form but as a typed document attached to the empty war diary as an Appendix, that appendix is displayed below as the main diary.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1132

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1/31As per attached Reports.16 July. - see Appendix "A".
    16/17 July. - see Appendix "B"
    17 July. - see Appendix "C",
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    30 Jun/1 July.Slight activity with apparently two E/A shot down. It was
    alleged that one E/A was in fact a Lancaster.
    1 July.At 2030 B hrs the B.C.s, Bty Capts and TP Comds assembled at
    RHQ for a post mortem on the alleged shooting at a Lancaster.
    Nothing useful was achieved as no two persons had the same story
    to tell. The plane shot at had been identified as at least
    seven different types when illuminated by S/Ls. The C.O. finally
    took a written report from each observer for submission to Bde
    Comd. The whole meeting served only to emphasise the difficulty
    of getting accurate INT.
    1/2 July.Little or no air activity.
    2 July.A quiet day. E Tp and C Tp returned under comd this Regt.
    3 July.No the activity during night. It is now certain that (a) no
    Lancaster was shot at or down, (b) a Dornier 217 was shot down
    which, in view of the fact that both were illuminated at the same
    time, indicates a fine discrimination in the shooting. Further
    information received today shows that a Lancaster was hit but no
    further complaints from RAF.
    4/5 July.A rather more active night, but no 'kills'.
    5 July.A normal quiet day. The guns have not now engaged in daytime
    for many days.
    5/6 July.A little activity but only two real engagements. One of these
    was most unsuccessful for two reasons,- (a) the plane glided in
    at right-angles to the coast N - S and only switched on its engines
    after crossing point (b) no E/W was showing on the plotting-board
    and AAOR knew nothing of the plane. The Navy, having fighter
    cover, had not engaged and so no early warning was received from
    that source.
    6 July.The day was quiet. The weather hot and sultry, turning to thunder.
    6/7 July.A quiet night.
    7 July.Three O.R.s of 321 LAA Bty, R.A./93 LAA Regt, R.A attd to this
    unit injured by placing a part of a bangalore torpedo on a fire
    to act as a support for utensils.
    7/8 July.Large force of British bombers flew in over beaches to "soften up"
    CAEN. - 450+ a most impressive sight. One Lancaster seen
    to crash West of area: crew appeared to bale out safely and the
    off-shore wind carried them away towards the sea.
    There was slightly more enemy air activity during the night.
    Smoke was ordered over the beaches, but due to lack of wind was
    ineffective until 0145 B hrs when the off-shore wind strengthened.
    8 July.Day was uneventful.
    8/9 July.Enemy air activity increased and there was some machine-gunning
    of the area from the air. The main target of E/A appears to be
    the anchorage.
    9 July.Day quiet.
    9/10 July.At about 0140 B hrs until 0202 B hrs an incident took place which
    resulted in post mortems lasting for three days. A friendly
    fighter-Mosquito was warned as being in distress at about 0140 B hrs .
    Nothing more was heard of it but at about 0200 B hrs a plane flew into
    the area from the direction in which the friendly had disappeared. T
    his plane was engaged. It is alleged that it was still the same
    friendly fighter, but as no information as to its whereabouts had
    been given for 20 minutes, the plane was naturally engaged by our guns.
    10 July.An uneventful day.
    10/11 July.A relatively quiet night with some activity between 0030 - 0200 B hrs.
    A mine was dropped in the shallow water off BERNIERES, but did no
    damage. The remains of the mine were handed over to Beach Master.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    11 July.A quiet day.
    11/12 July.A quiet night. The early-warning system was difficult.
    As both Btys were linked to the Regtl Control Post, 375 Bty
    was firing a Bty controlled barrage from information from
    HAA site. No satisfactory method of early warning has yet
    been evolved, due largely to the fact that electrical eqpt is
    always unreliable and LAA is not catered for. LAA needs
    something to (a) identify (b) track in, and (c) give height.
    HAA eqpt is fully occupied supplying infmn to HAA guns and has
    not the time to supply the needs of LAA fully.
    12 July.Day quiet.
    12/13 July.Enemy air activity at night chiefly directed at bombing
    and mining at sea.
    13 July.Nothing to report.
    13/14 July.Experiments continue to find the answer to LAA fire control.
    We now have a senior control at H.4 (Heavy AA site) to cover
    barrages over whole Regtl area with a sub-control, who only
    speaks when necessary to fill gaps in available infm, at H.3
    (HAA site).
    This brings into play a very extensive network of line comns
    with a resultant weakening in reception.
    Air activity almost nil.
    14 July.Several E/A observed to crash as a result of AA and fighter
    attack. The Regt's guns were not in range.
    French National flags were flown on vehs, and RHQ played a
    French eleven at football as part of the National Day
    14/15 July.Enemy air activity increased but AA completely manacled by
    orders of "Hold Fire". Extremely difficult to explain to
    gun dets why they cannot fire at a plane which is dropping
    Beach Area subjected to fire by presumably friendly LAA fire,
    firing at too low a Q.E., resulting in 40-mm shells falling
    and bursting on the shore and just inland.
    15 July.Nothing to report.
    15/16 July.Little or no air activity.
    16 July.Order received that LAA barrage would NOT be commenced, if
    comns fail,bet ween BCO and AAOR. Owing to uncertainty of
    wireless comns, C.O. laid it down that comns should mean
    16/17 July.A mist descended which restricted air activity of both sides.
    I.A.Z. was extended until mid-morning and we then received
    'HOLD FIRE until further notice'.
    17 July.The news was broken to Tp Comds that LAA would NOT fire during
    day - that great restrictions were put on our shooting.
    New state of readiness received.
    17/18 July.A quiet night.
    18 July.A quiet day - efforts still being made satisfactorily to complete line comns.
    18/19 July.One Junkers 88 shot down by 372 Bty of this Unit. There were
    three engagements between 2300 B hrs and 0030 B hrs, but no
    further incident.
    19 July.I.A.Z. again extended, due to ground mist. A quiet day.
    19/20 July.One engagement only. Quiet night with I.A.Z. again extended.
    20 July.A quiet day. At 2300 B hrs a message was received authorising
    the engagement of visually identified hostile targets during
    periods when I.A.Z. is NOT in operation.
    Copy attached.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    20/21 July.No enemy A/C over the area whatsoever.
    21 Jully.Periods of I.A.Z. established as between 2300 B hrs to 0500 B hrs
    21/22 July.A quiet night.
    22 July.A quiet day. The weather broke and there was much rain.
    22/23 July.Quiet until 0300 B hrs. Several engagements then took place.
    A JU 88 was seen to crash about a'mile to the West and another
    JU 88 or 188 was illuminated but 'Hold Fire had been ordered
    and hence recognition was necessary and engagement slowed down.
    Activity ceased about 0400 B hrs.
    23 July.A, quiet day. The weather improved rapidly.
    23/24 July.Relatively quiet night. what few engagements that were
    at all possible were interfered with by 'Hold Fire' and lack
    of Radar infmn.
    24 July.A quiet day. At about 1850 B hrs a terrific explosion shook
    the countryside. It was later found to have been caused by
    an ammunition lorry blowing up on the nearby amn dump -
    two men killed.
    24/25 July.Hold Fire' received at 2215 B hrs until 2307 B hrs. During
    this time a strange plane was illuminated and engaged. It
    dropped or discharged some missile, into the sea, which exploded
    and flared but did no damage. The plane was variously reported
    as (a) a JU88 or 188, carrying aerial torpedo or flying bomb.
    (b) a D0217 with ME109 on its back. (c) a hostile sea-plane.
    The general opinion seems to be that the higher plane,bomb,or
    missile was the one that was discharged.
    Question:- Was it some form of pick-a-back plane?
    During the night L. and HAA were once more put onto the no firing
    by day rule.
    25/26 July.A quiet night with only two engagements.
    Copy of Rules for Engagement attached.
    26 July.A quiet day. Restrictions put on our fire by night. - i.e.
    (a) on Radar controlled barrage and (b) on clear visual
    identification only.
    State of Readiness amended (copy attached).
    26/27 July.A quiet night with no engagements.
    27 July.Nothing to report.
    27/28 July.Nothing of note to report. Four engagements only.
    28 July.Quiet day.
    28/29 July.A rather more active night, but interfered with from a LAA
    point of view by many 'Hold Fire's. It is noted that surrounding
    Bdes and LAA appear to fire at will even though we are restricted.
    This does not make the gnrs any happier. Nevertheless morale
    remains high.
    29 July.A quiet day.
    29/30 July.A complete change of Hun tactics. No E/A over area but coastal
    strip from West of GRAYE-sur-MER to East of BERNIERES subjected
    to shelling by large calibre gun or guns between 2307 B hrs and
    0230 B hrs, and 0507 B hrs and 0559 B hrs. One shell at about
    0555 B hrs demolished 372 BHQ, killing one man who was on sentry.
    The BC had a lucky escape when he himself, sleeping on the first
    floor verandah, found himself on the ground amid a heap of tiles.
    One gunner was wounded by flying shrapnel during the night on a
    'C' Tp site.
    30/31 July.A very quiet night.
    31 July.Nothing to report. Shelling reported to be from 17-inch gun
    installed at LE HAVRE.

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