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    War Diary: 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

    Month and year: March 1944

    The 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment March 1944 war diary covers the unit taking part in exercises Mothersill, Prank and Goidbraid.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1132

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    SOUTHAMPTON1Exercise "PRANK" Commences.
    2RHQ, 372, Two Tps 373 Bty Exercise "MOTHERSILL".
    2C.O. to Conference at Adv HQ.
    3/6Nothing to report.
    7C.O. to 3 Cdn Inf Div (Adv.HQ) for indefinite period.
    8/10Nothing to report.
    11Exercise "PRANK" ended.
    12Lt.-Col.Gilbert Key, U.S.A. att for 10 days.
    13/16Nothing to report.
    17/19Visited by Bde Comd 80 A.A. Bde.
    3 Cdn Inf Div discussion on Exercise "PRANK".
    Disposed of 12 x 40-mm Mk.I eqpts to 15 L.A.A. Reg., R.A.
    20Nothing to report.
    21Lt.-Col.Key, U.S.A. ceased to be attd.
    21Delivery was taken of 12 X 40-mm Mounted Crusader chassis.
    22/24Nothing to report.
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Southampton25RHQ, 373 BHQ, C, D, E Tps embarked on Exercise "GOIDBRAID".
    26/29Exercise "GOLDBRAID" which terminated for A.A. at 2359 hrs 29 Mar 44.
    Those taking part returned to normal locations.
    30/31Nothing to report.

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