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    War Diary: 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

    Month and year: November 1944

    The 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment November 1944 war diary mentions enemy flying bombs and rockets arriving in the area and 5 other ranks injured by long range enemy action.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1132

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    By me a coffee

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    Page 1 of 1
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1/4Nothing to report.
    5Practice barrage fired at 2115A hrs. Communications far from satisfactory.
    6Nothing to report.
    7/11Nothing to report. Flying-bombs and Rockets continue to arrive in area.
    12/18No AA activity to report. Work on converting the Unit's 40-mm to operate
    with No. 1 Pred was discontinued 13 Nov. The weather continues very wet,
    making life on the dykes very hard.
    19/26Nothing to report.
    27Five O.R. casualties, two of them moderately severe, due to long-range
    enemy action.
    28Nothing to report.
    29Posted 8 O.R.s - (3 Dvr.Ops, 2 Dvrs IC) 2 D.R.s, 1 Dvr.Batman) to form
    No. 2 Local Warning Troop.
    30Lt.G.B.N.Hoare posted to Depot RA on being released on compassionate
    business grounds.

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