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    War Diary: 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

    Month and year: October 1944

    The 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment October 1944 war diary covers the units move to Beveren via Lille notable events include a lone German plane with a group of Lancasters dropping a parachute containers.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1132

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1/3Nothing to report. Expected visit by Brig. RA GHQ AA Tps did not materialize.
    4Expected visit by Brig RA GHQ AA Tps again did not materialize.
    A football match was played against the sister HAA Regt (86 HAC) on the
    DIEPPE Stadium. Result: Win 3 -1.
    5Brigadier CALVERT-JONES visited RHQ.
    Night 5/6German parachute containers were dropped on 'B' Tp HQ, MR M249682.
    They contained small arms & amn, & letters in German addressed to Germans
    in DUNKIRK. The plane which dropped them came in on the tail of a large
    raid of LANCASTERS, and was undetected. It committed no hostile act.
    Copy of air sentries' and int rep attached
    Appx 'A's
    7/8Nothing to report.
    9Received warning order (verbal) that the Regt would be leaving 80 AA Bde,
    10/11Nothing to report.
    12C.O. away to ANTWERP to report 5 RM AA Bde, under whose comd it is thought
    the Regt might come. A day of changing orders.
    13Preparation to move continues,
    14139 LAA Regt - two Bties - took over from 372 & 375 Btys.
    Regt, complete with Wksps & 1587 RASC Arty Pl(Lt.),moved into
    concentration for night 14/15 Oct in Barracks at EU.
    15Regt moved off at 0715A hrs in blocks of 30 vehs at 10-min intervals en route
    to LILLE, arriving in good order. One tractor broke a towing-hook, but luckily
    the run-away gun caused no damage and was undamaged.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    16Left LILLE 0900A hrs en route for BEVEREN WAES in NE BELGIUM, arriving
    at 1500A hrs. One gun lost a wheel, otherwise all arrived in good order.
    Good, though busy, roads made going easy. Road-hogging by the larger
    RASC supply vehs in convoy constituted the greatest danger.
    R.H.Q. established at J568961, BEVEREN.
    17Regt deployed on South bank of SCHELDT between eastings 55 and 62 in an
    anti-mine laying role. Country extremely difficult for deployment due to
    water, low-lying ground, bad roads. Living conditions for gun detachments
    are bad, there being no cover other than one 160-lb. tent. The guns are
    deployed mainly on top of dykes, and are at the mercy of the elements.
    Suggested that guns should be placed on RHINE barges, if available.
    This would improve living conditions and positioning of guns,
    18Apart from the suspected arrival of long-distance projectiles in the area,
    nothing to report.
    Great difficulty continues to be experienced in the occupation of gun posns
    due to water, mud, lack of good roads, and dykes. Extensive line comms are
    necessary for night barrage purposes.
    19/21The guns gradually reach their final positions, and line comns within the Regt
    completed. Line to AAOR not yet complete.
    22Nothing to report.
    23/24Flying-bombs and rocket projectiles believed to have landed in area.
    Rocket bomb at CALLOO, NW of ANTWERP, made crater 22-yds diameter and
    20-ft deep.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    25/27Rocket and flying-bombs continue to fall over a large area around ANTWERP.
    No damage to men or equipment of the Unit.
    28F' Tp detached to 105 AA BDE in a C.D. role, at TERNEUZEN, MR D. 2711.
    29Long-distance projectiles continue to arrive.
    30F' Tp rejoined Regt.
    31F' Tp detached to 105 AA BDE. Direct lines to AAOR still uncompleted.
    Long-distance projectiles have landed daily since 24 Oct, but done no
    damage to men or eqpt of the Regt.
    The deployment of guns on RHINE barges has not materialized as, at the
    moment, it is not possible to move craft on the River due to mines.
    F TP were returned to the Regt, these being
    no task for it.

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