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    War Diary: 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

    Month and year: September 1944

    The 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment September 1944 war diary covers the unit moving to Rouen at the start of the month then later to Dieppe and the capture of German prisoners.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1132

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1Regt moved to ROUEN u/c 74 AA Bde.
    2RHQ established at MR M202164. VP covered.
    3/48 Officers & O.R.S 126 LAA attached.
    53 USA Air Force officers, making their way back to our lines, spent the
    night 5/6 at RHQ. They had baled out on 17 June and been hidden by the
    French people.
    6/8No AA engagements since taking over defence ROUEN. Numerous rumours of
    small numbers of the enemy raiding local farms for food. The information
    from the local people, however, proved too sparse to justify picquetting
    the farms and no further incidents reported. 80 AA Bde recced HQ in
    Rouen preparatory to 80 Bde taking over from 74 Bde.
    9Regt returned u/c 80 AA Bde at 1600B hrs. Officers and ORs 126 LAA Regt
    became attd 60 HAA Regt on this Regt leaving 74 AA Bde.
    10Received orders at 2115B hrs to prepare to move to DIEPPE on 11 Sep.
    11Regt moved to DIEPPE commencing at 1500B hrs, moving in blocks of
    20 vehs along rd Maronne-Malaunay-Totes-St Aubin sur Seie.
    373 Bty took over operational sites from a Bty of 120 Regt.
    372 Bty harboured and 375 Bty did a practice deployment.
    RHQ harboured in Dieppe night 11/12 Sep.
    12RHQ established at MR 225674.
    13372 Bty ordered to take over operational sites by 1200B hrs 14 Sep, from
    62 Bty of 20 Regt. Practice Barrage fired
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    14372 Bty in action 1130B hrs.
    15/16Nothing to report.
    17375 Bty deployed H Tp to thicken up defences,
    18H Tp reported capture of a German at about 0100B hrs and a further one
    during the day. They were turned into the local POW cage.
    19/22Nothing to report.
    23H Tp captured a third German.
    A practice barrage was fired on new system by all deployed guns.
    Details attached at Appendix "A",
    Appx "A".
    24Nothing to report.
    25H Tp captured a fourth German.
    26Nothing to report.
    27/28Prisoners continue to be taken by H Tp by ones and twos daily. It would
    be of great assistance to have an interpreter as once the prisoners are
    handed into the POW cage - which is already overcrowded - no interrogation
    appears possible.
    29Received orders that 80 AA Bde, in the event of a suspected break-out
    from POW cage will throw a cordon round the area and act in infantry role.
    30Trial 'Take Post' at 1100A hrs to ensure that personnel know where to go
    in the event of a break-out from POW cage.

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