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    War Diary: 12th Devonshire Regiment

    Month and year: April 1944

    During the 12th Bn Devonshire Regiment April 1944 war diary the unit left Woodhall Spa and relocated to Bulford.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1279

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    By me a coffee

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1Field return of Officers for w.e. 1 Apr 44 rendered to G.H.Q.App 'A'
    " " " O.Rs. " " " " " "
    2nd Ech.
    App 'B'
    2-3-4 & 5Bn. despatched on privilege leave. All leave cancelled w.e.f
    5 Apr 44
    7All letters of Officers & O.Rs. to be subject to unit and
    base censorship by order of 6 Airldg Bde
    8Field return of Officers for w.e 8th Apr 44 rendered to G.H.Q. 2nd Ech.App 'C'
    " " " O.Rs. " " " " " "App 'D'
    12-13Bn. returned from privilege leave
    15Field return of Officers for w.e. 15 Apr 44 rendered to G.H.Q. 2nd EchApp 'E'
    " " " O.Rs. " " " " " "App 'F'
    19Ex. "MUSH" Bn (less R coy) left WOODHALL SPA by road to bivouace
    on 19,20.21 at PAINSWICK, Glos. Moved to battle position at
    CERNEY WICK on 21st. Ex. ended 1930 hrs 22nd.
    Advance Party (R coy) left WOODHALL SPA to take over BULFORD
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    21 contdFIELDS CAMP from 7 K.O.S.B
    Address of Bn. changed to A.P.O. England.
    22Field return of Officers for w.e. 22 Apr 44 rendered to G.H.Q. 2nd Ech.App 'G'
    " " " O.Rs. " " " " " " "App 'H'
    23Bn. (less R Coy) returned to BULFORD.
    29Field return of Officers for w.e. 29 Apr 44 rendered to G.H.Q. 2nd EchApp 'I'
    " " " O.Rs. " " " " "App 'J'
    1-30Normal Coy & Pl training.

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    By me a coffee