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    War Diary: 12th Devonshire Regiment

    Month and year: Febuary 1944

    During the 12th Bn Devonshire Regiment February 1944 war diary the unit took part in exercises Bridging, Raier, Punch and Hag.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1279

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    By me a coffee

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1Mobilasation of Bn for service overseas under authority
    79/MOB/5774/597 (AG5) MOB completed.
    3Bn paraded and all ranks Warned by Adjutant of mobilisation order.
    4Bn (less Rear Part under comd Capt J.H.W.Pengelly) dispatched
    on privilege leave.
    5Field Return of Officers for w.e 5 Feb rendered to G.H.Q. 2nd EchA'
    " " " Other Ranks " " " " " " " " 'B'
    1/5A tk Pls (23 & 24 Pls) at A tk Range LYDD, Kent for tk practice
    6A tk Pls returned to Unit.
    9A tk Pls sent on privilege Leave.
    12Field Return of Officers for w.e. 12 Feb rendered to G.H. Q. 2nd Ech. 'C'
    " " " Other Ranks " " " " " " " " 'D'
    13Bn returned from privilege leave
    1420mm Hispanos to be withdrawn and substituted by .303 Vickers
    M.Gs. Both A.A Pls will remain on its present w.e. strength as
    BULFORD,Wiltsregards personnel. Selected personnel to be sent on M.G.course.
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    16Infm received from 6 Airldg Bde regarding organisation for the
    conversion of A.A Pls to M.G.Pls. Details of tpt and stores to
    be issued when loading trials are carried out.
    Bn took part in 6 Airborne Div Ex "Bridging".
    17A tk Pls returned from privilege leave.
    18/1912 Devon Ex "Rapier".
    19Field Return of officers for w.e. 19 Feb rendered to G.H.Q 2nd EchE'
    " " Other Ranks" " " " " " " " "
    24Bn took part in 6 Airldg Bde Ex "Punch"
    26Field Return of Officers for w.e. 26 Feb rendered to G.H.Q. 2nd EchG'
    " " " Other Ranks " " " " " " "H'
    Horsa Gliders loaded at HURN, STONEY CROSS and TARRANT RUSHTON
    aerodromes ready for 6 Airborne Div Glider Ex "HAG"
    26Lt. Gen F.A.M. Browning O.B., D.S.O. Corps Commander addressed
    Officers, W.Os, and Senior N.COs of the Bn
    27Ex "HAG" canceled. All gliders unloaded.
    1/29Normal coy and pl training.

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    By me a coffee