National Archive Reference: WO 171/1279
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1/2 | Bn (less A Coy) stationed marshalling camps at GRAYS (personnel | |||
party) and PURFLEET (vehicle party) awaiting move to theatre of operation OVERLORD' | ||||
3 | 0900 | Bn (less A Coy) left marshalling camps. | ||
1200 | " " " " embarked at TILBURY | |||
1430 | Ships at anchor off SOUTHEND | |||
4 | 1100 | L.C.Is (carrying Personnel party) sailed to SHEERNESS | ||
1630 | Troops allowed ashore to visit camp. | |||
1940 | Troops reembarked | |||
2020 | L.C.Is returned to SOUTHEND | |||
5 | Ships at anchor inside Thames Estuary Boom | |||
6 | 0445 | Ships sailed in convoy. | ||
Convoy shelled in STRAITS OF DOVER A Coy under comd Major J.Rogers emplaned in gliders at FARRINGDON | "A" | |||
aerodrome and flew to area of operation. One glider crashed in sea 8 miles off French coast. 6 O.Rs missing | ||||
Gliders landed in FRANCE in area F/7 1273 assembled and | ||||
moved to Herouvillette Village held until arrival of Bn on 7 June. No casualties. | ||||
7 | Day | L.C.Is and Transport ships landed on coast of FRANCE off | ||
OUISTRENEM. All personnel landed safely. Some equipment drowned | ||||
1600 | Bn regrouped in unit assembly area 'HOMER' | |||
Le Bas de RANVILLE | 1700 | Moved to Concentration Area Le Bas de RANVILLE and took up |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
7 | defensive posns from 12 Para Bn at 1800hrs | |||
2200 | A Coy joined up with Bn | |||
2230 | Bn 'Stood To'. 2315 Bn 'Stood Down'. | |||
3 P.Ws taken. TWO identified 125 Pz Gren Regt one 100 Pz Gren Regt. (one P.W a sniper captured by B Coy) | ||||
2200 | Bn positions subjected to enemy mortar fire. 16 O.Rs wounded | |||
2300 | Bn positions MACHINE gunned and bombed by enemy aircraft. New | |||
type of anti personnel bombs dropped. / 3 O.Rs killed. | ||||
7/8 | Intermittent bombing and shelling by enemy on our positions | |||
during night. No casualties. | ||||
8 | 1000 | Bn positions subjected to heavy enemy mortar fire. 1 O.R killed and shelling | ||
1400 | " " " " " " " " | |||
by sp guns. No casualties. | ||||
Infm received of enemy forming for an attack. Enemy dispersed by Arty | ||||
1630) -1830) | Increased shelling and enemy air bombardment on bridges. Arty replied with heavy barrage on enemy positions. | |||
2359 | Bn sent a patrol to ring contour above STE HONORINE de CHARDONNERETTE. | |||
Patrol reported enemy lorried inf moving up from STE HONORINE. 6 Airldg Bde informed. Arty fire brought to bear on enemy convoy. | ||||
9 | 0800 | Int O.P. est in fwd posn on NORTH side of ring contour above STE. HONORINE de CHARDONNERETTE. | ||
1000 | Bde informed Bn that enemy were reported to have left STE. HONORINE | |||
de CHARDONNERETTE and ring contour. 1 R.U.R. to send strong occupying force. | ||||
Le Bas de RANVILLE | 1010 | Bn mortar P1 blew enemy ammunition dump on SOUTH side of ring contour. Effects observed from O.P. Bde informed. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
9 | 1100 | Comd 6 Airborne Div visited Bn. H.Q. and gave infm and orders to C.O. (1 R.U.R. moving fwd to STE HONORINE de CHARDONNERETTE and | ||
12 Para Bn moving to LONGUEVAILE | ||||
1105 | C.O. left Bn H.Q. to accompany 'C' Coy patrol (str 1 Pl under comd Lt Vickery) to Orchard S.W. of ring contour. Posn under fire from | |||
enemy mgs and mortars. Pl withdrew under cover of smoke laid by 'A' Coy. No cas. Enemy appeared to still be in STE HONORINE de CHARDONNERETTE. | ||||
It was later learned that occupying force of coy of 1 R.U.R. had been forced to withdraw. | ||||
1140 | Two female civilians reported spreading "alarm and despondancy" in Le BAS de RANVILLE. Matter investigated by Bn Int Sec and F.S.P. | |||
Both civilians arrested by F.S.P. at 1345 hrs. | ||||
1235 | Bn posns subjected to enemy mortar fire. Snipers reported in area | |||
LE BAS de RANVILLE. Attempts made to eliminate them. | ||||
1240 | Deputy Comd 6 Airldg Bde visited Bn. H.Q. | |||
1645 | Mortar pl instructed to fire two minutes rapid fire on enemy 104716 7/F. | |||
1655 | Enemy mortars retaliated on Bn posns. | |||
1700 | Recce patrol sent out in direction LONGUEVAL to check on enemy infiltration by River ORNE. | |||
1710/1735 | Bn posns straffed by enemy fighter planes. O.P. reported sounds of heavy fighting in 1 R.U.R. area at LONGUEVAL. This had been | |||
in progress since approx midday. | ||||
1745 | BRIT arty shelled enemy area WEST of STE HONORINE de CHARDONNERETTE | |||
and SOUTH of LONGUEVILLE Enemy replied with mortar fire. | ||||
1840 | O.P. reported further shelling of enemy posns at STE HONORINE. | |||
Le Bas de RANVILLE | Enemy mortars fired on BRIT arty posns. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
9 | 1930 | Enemy commenced hy barrage from SOUTH on to Bn posns, incl mortar, arty, and rocket projectiles. | ||
1940 | Barrage continued. Int O.P. wiped out. 2 O.Rs killed. 1 injured. | |||
2000 | Barrage continued. Coys ordered to 'Stand-to' | |||
2030 | H.E. barrage terminated. Enemy laid smoke screen and launched attacked on 'A' & 'C' Coy fronts. Attack met by rapid small arms | |||
fire by Pls of 'A' Coy under comd Lts. Whiteway and Hobbs and by mortar fire from Bn & Coy mortars. 'C' Coy met that attack in | ||||
similar manner. Enemy halted and eventually withdrew. Some shelling intermittently by both sides until dark. Enemy's cas for day thought | ||||
to be very hy. Bn suffered total of 3 killed and 11 wounded. 1 missing | ||||
10 | Intermittent shellfire and a/c attacks on Bn posns during early | |||
hours. This continued throughout the day except that the air attacks ceased as R.A F. air cover was provided. | ||||
10/11 | Patrols sent out during night to obtain identifications, without success. Generally a quiet night. Total cas for day were 1 Officer | |||
killed, 2 O.Rs killed and 17 O.Rs wounded. | ||||
11 | 0800 | Bn area shelled from BREVILLE. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
11 | 2015 | Enemy movement seen on ring contour. Area engaged by our mortars. Total cas for day 6. O.Rs wounded. | ||
12 | 0815 | Barge seen floating down River ORNE towards bridges. D Coy warned. | ||
Dealt with by 1 R.U.R. | ||||
2200 | D Coy received orders to move area LONGUEVILLE to come under comd | |||
12 Para Bn to counter attack BREVILLE. Hy arty conc on BREVILLE preceeded attack. D Coy caught in conc on start line. Major J.A.F.W. | ||||
Banfylde killed, Capt J.H.W. Pengelly and Lt. P. Taylor wounded. 5 O.Rs killed and 18 wounded. Attack successful and composite | ||||
force consolidated in village. 5 ORs missing | ||||
13 | 0400 | A Coy attacked ring contour "30" SOUTH of Le BAS de RANVILLE. | ||
Little opposition. Posn taken and held. This to secure flank of Camerons attacking STE. HONORINE, from LONGUEVAL. Hy arty conc | ||||
preceeded these attacks. No cas. During the day slight shelling and enemy aircraft activity. | ||||
Bn area handed over to 5 SEAFORTHS midnight. Total cas for day 1 O.R. killed 1 O.R. wounded. | ||||
14 | 0130 | Bn moved to "harbour area" Map ref F/7 134726. One Pl sent | ||
to Map ref F/7 141734 to hold posn between 52 L.I and 9 Para | ||||
15 | Normal patrolling. Quiet day. | |||
16 | 0430 | Bn. stood to. | ||
0435 | A very heavy conc of shell & rocket projector fire fell on bn area, very concentrated and lasted for approx 30 mins. | |||
F/7 134726 | 0500 | An enemy attack developed from ESCOVILLE area which was fairly |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Contd from sheet 5) | ||||
16 | determined and lasted over three hours before they were finally driven back with losses by a Bn of 51st. Highland Div. | |||
Bn took up posns during the attack. | ||||
2010 | Short burst of shelling around Bn H.Q. | |||
Total cas for day 4 O.Rs killed 13 O.RS wounded. | ||||
17 | A quiet night. Slight intermittent enemy shell and mortar fire otherwise & quiet day. No casualties. | |||
18 | 0600 | Patrols returned without having contacted enemy | ||
1030 | Bn left concentration area which was taken over by 154 Bde H.Q. of 51 Highland Div. | |||
1100 | Bn in reserve in new concentration area map ref 40/16 NW 132742 S.W. of BREVILLE. Day spent digging in. Nothing to report. | |||
No casualties. | ||||
19 | A quiet day, nothing to report. | |||
20 | 0345 | Slight enemy shelling of Bn area 1 O.R. wounded | ||
1800 | Bn moved out of Reserve position and took over front line posns of 2 OxfBucks. This change over was carried out by one | |||
coy at a time. All coys in position by midnight. | ||||
21 | 0230 | One shell dropped in B Coy area apparently from area 40/16 NW 144736 -147736. | ||
0900 | B Coy O.P reported having seen no enemy in this area. | |||
0915 | A patrol of one officer and three O.Rs were sent out to see | |||
40/16 NW 136736 | if the area was occupied by the enemy. Patrol were fired upon and it withdrew after locating 2 M.G. posts. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
21 | (contd) | from Sheet 6 | ||
0840 | One Officer and 3 O.Rs of Recce Pl went on patrol to see if wood 500x E.N.E of C Coy occupied by enemy. Patrol reported | |||
that when on West side of wood they were sniped at from east side. No M.G. fire. Patrol withdrew after patrolling South side | ||||
of wood without further infm, and reported back ay 1040 hrs. | ||||
1510 | Mortar barrage laid on area 2 M.G. posts facing B Coy. | |||
During the day enemy fired a small number of shells and mortar bombs on B and D Coy posns. Casualties 2 O.Rs wounded. | ||||
22 | SP Gun reported firing on B Coy posns. Location of this enemy gun worked out and 6 Airldg Bde informed. | |||
1220 | 120 mortar bombs dropped on enemy M.G. posts facing B Coy. | |||
Bombs reported on target. Standing patrols made no contact with enemy during the day. | ||||
23 | 0001 | C.Coy sent out recce patrol to find if wood 500x E.N.E of | ||
Coy occupied by enemy. Patrol contacted enemy strength estimated one sec and withdrew. Listened for 1 hr but no further infm obtained. | ||||
0430 | B Coy patrol driven off Coy O.P. by enemy. One man missing. | |||
0640 | B Coy standing patrol reoccupied Coy O.P. and found missing man wounded. | |||
1015 | C.Coy reported enemy mortar fire from 143742. The F.O.O. was informed. | |||
During the morning a strong German counter attack with tanks | ||||
F/7 136736 | could be seen approaching from CULVERVILLE in the direction of STE HONORINE which was occupied by bns of 51 Highland Div |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
23 (cont'd) | Counter Attack was beaten off by our artillery and fighter aircraft. | |||
1820 | Enemy laid mortar fire on B Coy O.P. and posns. Also some | |||
eneny M.G fire Coy Comd requested arty fire on enemy mortar posns and this was carried out by R.A. Enemy firing lasted | ||||
about 40 mins but no enemy attack developed. | ||||
2005 | A Coy reported enemy firing 5 c.m. mortar and sp guns. Arty replied | |||
Total casualties for the day :- 3 O.Rs wounded. | ||||
24 | 0001 | C. Coy sent out recce patrol of 1 Officer and 6 O.Rs to ascertain whether any enemy in Northorn half of wood 144744 (40/16 NW). | ||
Enemy were heard on other side of wood but no enemy were contacted in wood. Contact was made recce patrol 1 RUR. Patrol returned | ||||
at 0400hrs. | ||||
1800 | A. Coy took over B Coy area on Bn flank. B Coy moved over | |||
to left flank. Change over completed by 2300 hrs | ||||
2300 | Heavy firing started along the front of 5 Para Bde on our right. On the right of 5 Para Bde the enemy attacked 7 Black Watch | |||
with a lighter attack sup by mortars and arty on 7 & 13 Para Bns. | ||||
25 | 0130 | 6 Airldg Bde reported slight infiltration on 5 Para Bde front. | ||
Bn "Stood To". At 0140 tks were heard moving approx 2 miles S.E. of Bn HQ but Bde confirmed that these were British tks. | ||||
By 0230 position was restored and battle died down. Bn Stood Down" at 0245. | ||||
Fr 40/16NW 136736 | D.Coy ambush patrol timed for 0030hrs was postponed as element of surprise was lost. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
25 | (cont'd) | Total casualties for day : NIL | ||
26 | 0040 | A fighting patrol, Lt Strawbridge and 6 O.Rs, was sent out | ||
to obtain identification from M.G. post at 144756. At 0100 patrol heard small arms fire and shouting 7 saw verey lights | ||||
from area 144743. At 0120 more voices were heard, incl English in area 148743. At 0145 4 mortars opened fire from same area. | ||||
Coughing was heard in hegerow 50 yds North of M.G. At 0240 Lt Strawbridge decided to attack M.G. post to obtain an | ||||
identification . The patrol attacked from 15 yds with 36 grenades and sten guns. Immediately the enemy opened fire with | ||||
from areas 145740 and 144736. Sgt Trebell rushed a trench and killed three of the enemy at point blank range. | ||||
Efforts were made remove a body from the trench without success and 1 O.R was injured and LT Strawbridge and 1 O.R slightly | ||||
injured by grenades. Patrol retired carrying woundedman. They were subject to heavy mortar during return journey. | ||||
0340 | C Coy reported enemy shelling from 700x range. No casualties. | |||
The F.O.O. R.A was informed. | ||||
1500 | C.O. attended a conference of Commanding Officers at 6 Airldg Bde HQ | |||
A quiet day on the Bn front. | ||||
27 | 0001 | C.Coy sent out a patrol of one officer (LT Hartland) & 6.O.Rs to recce and ambush at South of wood 144741. Rain and wind made | ||
Fr 40/16 NW 136736 | it difficult for patrol to hear sounds of movement and no enemy |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
27 (cont'd) | was seen. At 0100 mortar was heard firing from NW corner of wood | |||
and flares seen fired from NE corner of wood throughout the night. Patrol returned at 0400hrs. | ||||
1700 | 9 Para Bn sent out recce patrol in front of the Bn area. All Coys were informed. Patrol returned at 2200hrs. | |||
1840 | Mortar PI fired 120 rds of HE at triangular wood known to be held by the enemy. The fall of bombs was not visible. | |||
2300 | B Coy sent out a patrol of one officer (Lt Nuttall) and 6 O.R.s to recce and ambush at SE corner of wood 144740. Patrol were | |||
unable to ambush enemy. Laid up SE corner of wood for one hour . It was fired at by M.M.G from the wood and two rifle shots were | ||||
heard. Enemy also fired verey lights. Patrol returned intact at 0400hrs. | ||||
28 | At "Stand To" (0415) and during the day A Coy O.P. observed | |||
enemy movement in area of enemy M.G. posns 144735. At 1355hrs 9 PARA Bn on our right flank mortared this area and during the | ||||
day and again at night they sent patrols out in the same area. | ||||
1700 | 30 tks were seen in the area 082649 occupied by the enmy about | |||
5 miles to S.W. of BN Hq. 6 Airldg Bde HQ were informed. | ||||
2330 | D Coy sent out a patrol of one officer (Lt Grange) and 6 O.Rs | |||
to recce and ambush for identification area hedgerow junction 145738 - 145740 and if unsuccessful to obtain infm for future | ||||
patrols. At 0300hrs at pt 143739 patrol saw an enemy sec (10 to 12 men) moving slowly down same hedgerow. Patrol laid up | ||||
Fr 40/16 NW 136736 | for 1 1/2 hrs while enemy passed but was unable to ambush. Infm |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
28 (cont'd) | 2330 | for future patrols. Patrol returned before 0390 hrs owing to a raid by 45 Commando due to start at that time. | ||
29 | 0300 | "A" Tp of 45 R.M. Commando (on left flank of 6 Airldg Bde) raided | ||
area 147750 with intention to destroy all enemy within that area. Our Bn Mortar Pl gave sp fire for five mins from 0309 to 0314hrs | ||||
on target at 154753. Raid was successful and 16 enemy posns and two strong points were dealt with. | ||||
1410 | D Coy sent out a patrol of one officer and 2 O.RS to patrol same area as that during the night to ascertain if enemy along hedgerow | |||
north of A Coy O.P and if any enemy booby traps had been laid in the same area. Lt Grange left one man at O.P. to give covering | ||||
fire whilst he went to South edge of wood (144741) where he threw a grenade. He also threw two more grenades in thick | ||||
hedgerow on his return journey but no enemy seen or heard. No enemy booby traps were located. Patrol returned at 1430 hrs. | ||||
2300 | 9 Para Bn sent another patrol in front of Bn area. | |||
2358 | Cries were heard of wounded man in front of D Coy posns. Lt | |||
Ogden and one O.R. went fwd to investigate and found Cpl Simpson of 9 Para Bn wounded The assistance of another O.R | ||||
had to be obtained before the N.C.O. was brought back to our R.A.P. 6 Airldg Bde and 5 Para Bde were informed. | ||||
2305 | B Coy sent out a patrol of one sgt and 4 O.Rs to cover a det of Pioneer Pl who were to lay booby traps at hedgerow 100yds | |||
N. of O.P. (143738). and to ambush any enemy patrol moving South along hedger towards O.P Patrol contacted A Coy Standing | ||||
Fr 49/16 NW 136736 | Patrol at O.P. but had no encounter with the enemy. Booby Traps |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
29 (cont'd) | 2305 | were successfully laid and patrol returned at 0140 hrs. | ||
30 | 1700 | Mortar Pl (Lt D.D.Bowman) mortared two enemy posns. | ||
1925 | Bn mortar posns mortared by enemy. Casualties 1 O.R slightly wounded. | |||
2300 | A Coy sent out patrol of one officer (Lt Hobbs) one sgt and | |||
six O.Rs to capture an identification by forming an ambush in area of tracks and orchard junc 144741 and to recce | ||||
approaches from ambush North to NE corner of hedgerow with a view to guiding raid in this locality the next night. | ||||
Also if time permitted to recce alternative route round East flank through field where enemy horsedrawn vehicles had been | ||||
reported. If identification available without forming an ambush patrol to return at once. | ||||
At 0100hrs patrol contacted enemy MG post frontally. Patrol then withrew 25yds to get through hedge and saw an enemy patrol of | ||||
eleven strong moving down east side of hedgerow towards O.P Lt Hobbs sent a runner back to warn Standing Patrol at O.P | ||||
but the enemy patrol returned within 3 mins. At 0150 hrs a 2nd MG post was contacted 50 yds East 144741 and at 0320 hrs | ||||
a 3rd MG post at orchard and hedge junc 145741. Patrol unable to ambush enemy but successfully withdrew with fire sp from | ||||
- | Mortar Pl laid on area 145741. Lt R.A. Vickery att 3 Para Bde was wounded by enemy shell fire | |||
on 29 Jun. Field Returns of Officers and O.Rs were submitted to GHQ 2nd Ech | "B", "C", "D". , | |||
Fr 40/16 Nw136736 | on 10th, 17th and 24th. |