National Archive Reference: WO 171/877
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
3 Nov | The Sqn moved to area TILBURG279367 and were placed u/c 51 Highland Div for Op 'Guy Fawkes'. | ||
General Outline. The Sqn was split into two halvs, one half under comd 152 Bde and the other under comd 153 Bde and was to be used in the aslt crossing of the Aftwaterings Canal. The first half of the Sqn was asked to flame across the Canal at pts 180452 and 197444 from H + 5 to H + 10 when the Inf were to cross, 'H' hour being 1635 hrs 4th Nov. The second half of the Sqn was asked to flame pts 248443 and 228443 'H' hr being at 1645 hrs. One tp to fire from H - 5 to H + 5 the second tp to fire from H - 10 to H. The Canal is approx 30 yds wide with steep banks either side to a height of about 12 ft. Angle of slope about 45° and total width approx 60 yds. | |||
The approach to the fire posns was therefore under cover from anything except indirect fire. Recce and liaison, lying up areas, routes and fire posns were made on the morning of the 4th Nov. | |||
The first half Sqn was independent of sp Inf and tks but liaison was made between ERY and 5 Cams. The second half Sqn liaised with 144 RAC and 5/7 Gordons. | |||
Description of Op. First Half Sqn. The first tp moved to area 180452 and moved behind ERY prior to 'H' hr. A rd block was encountered and the ERY attempted a detour to the rd. The leading tk was blown up on a mine and blocked the approach to the fire posn. The Crocodile tp therefore had to take a much wider detour and reached the Canal with three minutes of flaming time left. The CO of 5th Cams decided against allowing the tp to become mixed with the aslting Inf and therefore no flame was used. The second tp moved into area 197444. One tk only went into action. This was due to :- (a) Delay caused by tks of the ERY and (b) By second Croc becoming bogged down 80 yds short of the posn and thus not allowing third Croc to get clear in time to flame. | |||
Second Half Sqn. The first tp went into action in sp of 1 Gordons, both Inf and Crocs being sp by 'A' Sqn 144 RAC. The second tp went into action in sp of 5th Black Watch, both Arms being sp by 'C' Sqn 144 RAC. Both tps flamed, the first from H - 5 to H + 5 and the second from H - 10 to H. The only tk of the first half Sqn which got into action flamed across the canal setting fire to a pumping station and to a wide area of the far bank. Further sp was given by firing 75mm HE and 2" bombs HE. The enemy surrendered when the Inf appeared and from PW reports flame had a considerable moral effect. The enemy on the front opposing second half Sqn were dug in on the reverse slope of the far canal bank. Flame was therefore fired across the canal onto the top of the far bank rolling down onto the enemy posns. By using the slope of the near canal bank high angle shots were fired which broke up and fell into the enemy posns. Best results were not obtained as a strong cross wind was blowing. Flaming provided a good screen of both smoke and flame. | |||
General Comments. It is considered that the Op was a success in so far as the Crocs provided an effective screen for the Inf who crossed the canal almost without cas in these particular areas. Factors which contributed largely to the success of the Op were as follows :- |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
1. There Was sufficient time to plan. 2. Liaison and recce were thorough and satisfactory. 3. The Crocs were in sufficient strength for the op. Replenishment and comn were satisfactory. 4. Tks which took part in the action used all their flame. | |||
HEESCH | 8 Nov 44 | On completion of this Op the Sqn remained in the same locn until 8th Nov and then moved into the RHQ area at HEESCH 478514, where they carried out maintenance until 18 Nov. | |
12 Nov | On 12 Nov they moved on tpters to SITTARD MR 6868 u/c 30 Corps and were operating with DREWFORCE, working in conjunction with 333 and 334 Regt US Inf. | ||
16 Nov | On the 16th Nov, for ops, the Sqn was split into two halves, the first half being at PALEMBURG MR 857597 and the other half at NIEWENHAGEN MR 795578. 'A' Ech remained at MR 682683. | ||
19 Nov | Following planning the Sqn went into action on the 19th Nov in area MR 883652. The Inf were held up by heavy MG, Mortar and small arms fire in this area. A plan using one tp of Crocs, one Section AVRE and one pl of US Inf was hatched. They were to attack bldgs at MR 884652 being sp by fire of two tps of gun tks from SRY, one tp from the east and one tp from the west. Smoke was to be laid down by the Sqn of gun tks, blanking off area 880645 to 884657. Liaison infm and time were adequate for the operation and the attack proved to be successful. The Crocs were released at approx 1740 hrs, about 50% of flame having been used. | ||
20 Nov | The Sqn was split into two halves and was sp by 333 Regt US Inf. One half Sqn was comd by the Sqn Comd and the other half by 2 IC of the Sqn. | ||
General outline for the Sqn Comd's half Sqn was as follows:- Assistance was required by 333 Regt US Inf to clear some pillboxes in the area MR 894657. Recce reports had previously stated that the gd was not fit for Crocs. It was finally decided to make an attack with one tp of AVRE sp by two gun tks from the Croc Sqn, one tp of gun tks of SRY and one pl of US Inf. One tp of Crocs was ordered to pressure up and stand by. The attack was successful and no flame was required. | |||
General Outline for the 2 IC's half Sqn:- Assistance was required by 33 Regt US Inf in the area MR 893631 to clear two pillboxes The plan was for one tp of Crocs, one tp of AVRES plus one pl of US Inf to make the attack. The attack went in and two of the three Crocs only flamed. The third was hit on the engine decks by a large calibre HE shell and had to be towed out. The action was successful. Liaison, infm, recce and time were sufficient for the op. The half Sqn was released at 1700 hrs, having used about 50% of their fuel. | |||
21 Nov. | The 2IC's half Sqn were committed against 2 pillboxes in area MR 906654. The party consisted of two flame tks and one gun tk. Little can be said of this op as all three tks were knocked out by A Tk gun fire, the 2 IC was wounded and the US L.O. travelling in his tk missing. No infm could therefore be obtained from these two offrs and to date no infm is available from the Tk Comds or crews of the tks employed. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
22 Nov | The remaining tks in the Sqn were comd by the Sqn comd and were used in sp of 333 US Inf Regt in clearing pillboxes in area MR 8966. Forces used in this attack consisted of two tps of Crocs, three Sqn gun tks, two tps of gun tks from SRY. One tp of gun tks and one tp of flails were held ready to be employed if required. Liaison was made with the sp Inf arty Engineers and also with the comd of 5 M-10 SP A Tk guns which were used as right flank protection against enemy armour reported in area 9166. It was decided to commit the Croc tps one at a time "leap-frogging" where necessary. The attack was timed to commence at 1100 hrs. Owing to the fact that the br at 888655 had not been cleared of rubble according to the plan, the attack was delayed until H + 110 and the arty programme adjusted accordingly. Owing to the state of the Crocs when pressured up only three were fit, to commence the action and half a tp of AVRE were called up in case they were required. The battle was joined and seven pillboxes were subsequently flamed, two being found where they could not previously be seen. Difficulty was experienced in getting the Inf into the pillboxes as a further one was giving MG fire. The half tp of AVRES assisted the Inf fwd by firing at enemy posns with Besa fire from the nearby ridge. Two Crocs became bogged and the tp comd called for protective smoke to enable him to jettison the two trlrs and pull out of the boggy gd. The attack was successful. Factors making for the success were as follows :- | ||
1. The Inf were assisted by Inf tks firing smoke at the pillbox slits and blinding the enemy. 2. Ample time for liaison recce and forming of plan. 3. It was noted that owing to the cold conditions prevailing the fuel appeared to hold together better than normally. 4. About 75% of the fuel was used. | |||
25 Nov | Following these actions the Sqn moved back to MR 720596 and on the 25th Nov moved again to MR 657645 where they remained until the end of the month, carrying out maintenance. |