National Archive Reference: WO 171/877
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1 - 3 Oct | A' Sqn regrouped following Operation 'UNDERGO' against Cap Gris Nez. They were still under comd 3 Cdn Div and this period was used for maintenance, rest and general preparation for further Ops. | |||
3 Oct | The Sqn were placed at 4 hrs' notice by the Cdn Div and on 10 Oct they moved on tpters to MR 925348, the OPLOO area and were placed under comd of the 6 Gds Tk Bde and prepared for Ops towards VENRAIJ MR 779269. | |||
10 - 16 | On 10 - 16th Oct they remained under comd of Gds TK Bde in sp of 3 Brit Div without ever having been used. | |||
MR 581510 | 16 | They were released from the Gds Tk Bde and came into 2 Army res and on the 17th they moved to harbour area at 581510 and there awaited instrs. | ||
18 | They were placed under comd of 12 Corps and on 19th | |||
MR 596516 | 19 | moved to MR 596516 SW of GRAVE and were placed u/c 51st Highland Div. | ||
ST OEDENROIE MR 433314 | 20 | On 20th Oct they moved to St. Oedenrode433314 under comd 51st Highland Div for Op 'COLIN'. The Sqn were split into two pts - the first part under Capt Hall, Nos. 3, 4 and 5 tps and two comd tks in sp of 153 Inf Bde. The second part of the Sqn under Capt Bristow 1 and 2 tps and 3 comd tks were placed in sp of 152 Inf Bde. | ||
The attack commenced at 0001 hrs 23 Oct 44, aptly enough the second anniversary of El Alemain. 153 Bde's attack was in four phases. This was for 5/7 Gordons to attack Wijbosch MR 429379 and then for the 5th Black Watch to go through them and attack the South end of SCHIJNDEL413378. This attack was to be sp by Capt Hall's half Sqn. As soon as this was successfully done the 1st Gordons were to go through and attack the northern portion of SCHIJNDEL forming up at MR 412378 to MR 415379. Capt Hall's half Sqn were to assist them in this attack and first objectives were (a) Factory MR 409380 and (b) The Monastery MR 407382. Further to this the 1st Gordons were to go through and continue on up the Bde Axis, attack and hold SCHUTSBOOM MR 399390. Considerably less enemy resistance was encountered than was originally expected and in consequence Capt Hall's half Sqn was not employed. Simultaneous with this attack an attack was put in by 152 Inf Bde with in sp Capt Bristow's half Sqn. Their attack was from area MR 435365 north westwards to south of SCHIJNDEL linking up with the attack by 153 Bde. From there the 2nd phase was to turn south-west and attack the wooded area 3635 - 3836. Considerable resistance was encountered in this area and Capt Bristow's half Sqn was committed. The intention was to clear the OLLAND rd as far as the level crossing 378353 and to clear area north of River Dommel - PEGGIN HOEVE MR 393357, and north west along the line of the wood - rly MR 383357. No. 1 Tp under comd of Lt Griggs was in sp of 'C' Coy 5th Seafs on the rt flank and No. 3 Tp under Lt Saunders was in sp of 'B' Coy 5th Seafs along the Centre Line. 'B' Coy being sp along the main rd which formed a left axis by Wasps from the Inf Bn. No. 1 TP were advancing from the X-tracks 412313 to X-tracks 402434 when the leading tk struck three Teller mines, rendering it immobile but causing no cas to personnel. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
Lt Grigge sent his other two tks fwd under Sgt Burkhill and they flamed the wood at MR 402343. The operation was entirely successful and resulted in the capture of 12 PW, a considerable number having been killed or having evacuated the area. From then onwards there was no further flaming by either tp although a certain amount of gun sp was given, fire being directed into the wooded area. The Inf went fwd and by nightfall all objectives had been taken. Two fatal casualties were caused to Lt Grigg's crew by an exploding Teller Mine as 9 veh passed their stationary tk. They were outside the tk endeavouring to repair the damage caused by the mine and the (explosion of another veh - a half-track - resulted in their deaths. The personnel killed were L/C Waite and Tpr Herbert. | ||||
24 | The Sqn were switched to once again come under comd of 6 Gds Tk Bde in sp of 15 Scottish Div and were moved at 2030 hrs on the night of the 25th to an assembly area at St Oedenrode MR 431315. From there they were moved fwd by Gds Tk Bde on the 26th to area BEST MR 575264, on the 27th to OIRSCHOT MR 315255 and then to an area just South of TILBERG MR 187289. Tilberg was successfully taken by 15th Scottish Div and 6 Gds Tk Bde without action by the Crocodiles. | Transcription note: suspect 575264 should in fact be 375264 | ||
29 | The Sqn moved to area HEETSCH 4751 and concentrated with RHQ and 'C' Sqn and remained there until the end of the month. |