National Archive Reference: WO 171/877
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
1 Aug 44. CRESSERONS. 7 Aug 44. CORMELLES. 057656. | For the first few days of August 'B' Squadron remained at CRESSERONS. On 6 Aug it came under Command of 2 Canadian Corps for Operation "TOTALISE" and was allotted under Command 33 TK Bde to 51 Highland Division, moving to CORMELLES057656 on 7 Aug. "TOTALISE" was a daring night attack astride the CAEN-FALAISE road with Armour leading in two colns either side of the road and inf in Priests behind. The object on the left was to secure a firm base from which to launch the Polish Armd Div. Thus 51 Div were to secure during the night 7-8 Aug LONGUICHON WOOD, GARCELLES, CRAMESNIL and ST AIGNAN-DE-CRAMESNIL - the whole area to be mopped up in the morning 8 Aug and made firm on the East by the capture of SECQUEVILLE LA CAMPAGNE. It was in this mopping up phase that 'B' Sqn were to be used, originally with 5 Seaforths with whom they had achieved such success West of Troarn. | ||
8 Aug 44. CORMELLES. LE BRAS. SECQUEVILLE. LA-CAMPAGNE. | The Sqn moved out at 1000 hrs from CORMELLES to a posn of readiness West of LE BRAS at 057633. Fortune favours the brave. Later in the day CORMELLES was to be well and truly "stonked" by the "precision bombing" American Fortresses giving close sp to our fwd tps "precisely" 10 miles away. As it was 'B' Sqn's Echelon lost one O,R Killed and three O.Rs wounded. | ||
The night attack had gone well and the inf were on their fwd objectives but TILLY-LA CAMPAGNE was still causing trouble in the rear and 5 Seaforths were called in to deal with this. During the delay the Crocodiles were very well represented at Div Tac HQ - present were Sqn Comd, Sqn 2IC, Recce Offr, C.O. and I.O, a somewhat typical Crocodile gathering on such occasions. It was finally decided to do the attack on SECQUEVILLE LA CAMPAGNE with the. Gordon High- Landers (153 Bde) but the plan remained basically unaltered. This was for the two fwd coys, with one Sqn of Shermans from 148 RAC, to go right through the village, leaving 'D'Coy with the Crocodiles to mop-up the forward patches of the wood. Flank protection was provided by 2 Sqns of 148 RAC and a very thorough arty programme was laid on to deal with the surrounding areas, LA HOGUE in particular. Although the plan was ready made the tie-up came very late. Major Ryle went fwd to tie-up with the Inf Comd at 1400 hrs, but owing to a procrastinated Inf 'O' Gp he himself was not able to hold one until 1610 hrs and with 'H' hr at 1630 hrs the Tps were not able to mate up properly with their opposite numbers. This may account for some of the subsequent confusion. | |||
Yet another element added to the general melee. The Poles, chafing at the leash, had been released over the Start Line a little earlier than originally planned and off they went gleefully rubbing their hands in anticipation (it was their first time in action here). So that the whole attack was a glorious pandemonium of Polish Tks, 148 RAC Tks, and Crocodiles milling around with the Inf "hither and thithering" with the greatest calm and gaiety. | |||
It was not altogether surprising then that 7 and 8 Tps (Lts Barrow and Ward) found themselves for a time supporting the fwd coys. Lieut Barrow succeeded in swinging left and doing his job but Lieut Ward was forced to Jettison his trailer (subsequently recovered) and 10 Tp were put in to carry out 8 Tps task. Not that it really mattered anyway. The morale of the enemy was so low (they had been subjected to everything that war can devise) that they were surrendering with nominal rolls already prepared. It was thus impossible to judge the effect of the flame - indeed it is doubtful if it was required in the process. | |||
The Sqn was released at 2100 hrs and returned to CORMELLES where Lieut Sander immediately got busy on the |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
usual 'B' Sqn perquisities - a comfortable house, an inviting Mess, and what have you. | |||
10 Aug 44. GRENTHEVILLE. 097648 | From here they were spirited away (the C.O. know nothing of their disappearance) under command 49 Div at 1000 hrs 10 Aug to 097648 in an association with our old Bde, 31 TK Bde. During the morning a shell fell in to the tk harbour slightly wounding 2 O.Rs, one of whom went to hospital Here an attack on BENOUVILLE was laid on with the HALLAMS with the object of maintaining contact with the enemy should he withdraw. The same attack was then tied-up with the | ||
11 Aug 44. 109607. | Leicesters for 11 Aug when the Sqn moved to 109607 (Sheet 7/F2, 1/50,000). It was during this planning that Major Ryle and the eternal Storrar(trouble personified) found themselves painfully exposed on a skyline in a Scout Car to 88mm direct fire. The attack however was never called for | ||
13 Aug 44. CORMELLES. | and on 13 Aug 'B' Sqn were put under command 2 Canadian Corps for Operation "TALLULAH" and moved back to CORMELLES. "TALLULAH" was to be a repitition of "TOTALISE" methods in order to seize the controlling ground North and North East of FALAISE - the famous FALAISE Pocket was in the making. 2 Canadian Corps was to attack on a two Div front with Right 3 Canadian Inf Div and Left 2 Canadian Inf Div Again two armoured columns were to lead - Right 2 Canadian Armd Bde, left 4 Canadian Armd Bde; these in turn followed by Priest borne bns of 9 and 8 Canadian Inf Bdes respectively to clear the River Laison after the armour had crossed ???? This time however the operation was to be done in day ????? with extensive smoke on the flanks and heavy bomber s????? Sqn were in support 8 Canadian Inf Bde and allotted p????? to the Regt de Chaudieu to assist if necessary ???? clear ROUVRES 165482 and its neighbouring Chateau. ???? hour was 1200 B hrs 14 Aug. | ||
14 Aug 44. ROUVRES. 165482 | On the appointed day 'B' Sqn formed up at ST AIGHAN DE CRAMESNIL and after crossing the Start Line proceeded to high ground North of ROUVRES, there to wait until required. Here the Sqn came in for a good deal of direct A/Tk fire from the other side of the river and extensive use of smoke was made in order to get in to reasonable positions. Lieut Sander claimed one A/Tk gun. First news from the Inf was that their objective was already taken. The Bde Comd was consequently asked for release by the Sqn his HQ. He himself was pleasantly surprised, having no communication with his Bn, and asked if the Crocodiles would give orders to his other two bns to advance now as he was not in touch with them either. Late that evening the Sqn pulled out to GARCELLES SECQUEVILLES to refuel, and harbour at LE BRAS 037633. It was the firm intention of one Peter Sander to move lock stock and barrel back to CORMELLES ( the Sqn now being in Army Res) in order that the sweets of life might be taken up once more without undue labour. It was gently but firmly pointed out by the C.O. that the axis of advance in fact lay in another direction. There could | ||
20 Aug 44. 159411. | only be one outcome and on 20 Aug the Sqn moved to 159411 (S.W. of EPANCY) behind Main HQ. Arrangements went ahead for a "roarer" (C.Os terminology not mine) which was very fortunately cancelled. | ||
21 Aug 44. 296510. | At 0230 hrs on a very dark and wet morning Lieut Saunders made his very unwelcome appearance with orders for 'B' Sqn to move at first light to the area LES AUTHIEUX PAPILLON 4080 (Sheet 7F/4). and the Sqn Comd to report with an L.O. to 7 Arma Div HQ under whose comd the Sqn now came. Major Ryle and Capt Moss accordingly set off and by good fortune hit on the correct location of 7 Armd Div after the very ambiguous map reference given. A wet and miserable column of tanks set out under an even more wet, grim and miserable |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
STORRAR. Not before Lieut Sander had armed himself however for the journey with an empty 75mm shell case for he was suffering more than somewhat from diarrhea, and showing more than ever that 19th century "mal du siecle" expression of his. Beyond St. Pierre the tk column was stopped by a very irate Highland Division DAAQMG who informed Capt Storrar that he knew nothing of the Crocodiles, wanted nothing of the Crocodiles, and would the Crocodiles damnwell get off his axis. With pleasure, and Capt Storrar pulled into an orchard at 296510, NE of St.Pierre Sur Dives. With Major Ryle's return from 7 Armd Div it transpired that the Sqn had been sent on their wrong axis. All the 7 Armd Div knew was a vague recollection of a passing mention some few days ago that the Crocodiles would be useful on a certain strong- point which they had finally dealt with from their own resources. We draw the proverbial veil over Capt Storrar's sentiments - that night he left 'B' Sqn to take over 'A' Sqn and Capt Moss became 'B' Sqn 2IC. | |||
21 Aug 44. | 7th Armd Div and 51st Highland Div were making a concerted drive east this time through LISIEUX and 'B' Sqn were held in res to deal with any stubborn pockets that might be left behind. | ||
23 Aug 44. | Still under 7th Armd Div 'B' Sqn on 23rd Aug moved first to 442786 arriving at 1200 hrs, thence to 506860 (7F/4) south-west of LISIEUX 484878 in anticipation of being used to mop up in LISIEUX. Owing to the difficulties of manoeuvre in LISIEUX especially with the presence of rubble this did not materialise. In any case the advance along the whole front was now proceeding at a pace which made it almost impossible for the Crocodiles to catch up to be put into operation against any strongpoint before that strongpoint was reduced by normal arms. | ||
24 Aug 44 165406. 27 Aug 44. | At 0800 hrs on 24th August 'B' Sqn came u/c 51 Inf Div but reverted to 1 Corps on the same day at 1800 hrs. On 27th August at 0800 hrs 'B' Sqn came u/c 33rd Armd Bde and moved to 795967 (8/F1) just west of ST. GEORGES DE PIERRE with a possible view to mopping-up operations east of the River RISLE. Again, however, this was not necessary and still u/c 33rd Armd Bde on 28th August the Sqn moved up to 965032 with a view to possible jobs on the River SEINE. On 29th August the Sqn moved up to 985077 (8E/6) just north of BOURG ACHARD with a view to crossing the River SEINE where they remained until the end of the month. |