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    War Diary: 141st Royal Armoured Corps - C Squadron

    Month and year: October 1944

    The 141st Royal Armoured Corps October 1944 C Squadron war diary covers the Squadrons advance from Ferques, France to HEESCH near s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/877

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FERQUES MR 7966461 OctC' Sqn regrouped in area FERQUES MR 796646 at the completion
    of Op 'UNDERGO'. On 10th Oct they moved to MR 647646REUMINGEN.
    and were placed under comd of 30 Corps. They then moved to
    MR 572670 and were placed u/c 8th Armd Bde. On 13th they
    were visited by the G.O.C. 43rd Div. On 14th to 16th 12 and
    13 tps were employed in moonlight rehearsals in area of Grave
    br MR 620545. These rehearsals were found to be impracticable
    from the point of view of Crocs and were abandoned. Approx 18th
    the Sqn were split and half were placed u/c 53rd (W) Div, Major
    Duffy and 2 tps. The other half were u/c 7th Armd Div - Capt
    Barber and 12 and 14 tps.
    21 OctReport on actions of 12 and 14 tps in sp 53 (w) Div :-
    On Saturday 1 Oct the whole day was spent in planning the
    attack which was due to start at 0630 hrs 22nd: Planning was
    satisfactory in every way, the tp Idrs being able to make a recce
    and see the gd. 2 Coys of the 4th Welch up sp by 12 and 14 tps
    Crocs were given definite objectives and 3 tps of gun tks
    5th DgnGds were in sp.
    22 OctThe attack went in as planned at 0630 hrs - 12 tp on the right,
    14 tp on the left. The gd was extremely boggy on the right and
    12 tp failed to reach their objective, all tks being bogged. 14 tp
    reached their objectives. Their targets were a small wood
    and some bldgs and slit trenches. These were all flamed
    and also a 37mm A Tk gun was destroyed. The Inf followed the
    tks very closely and were able to move onto their objectives before
    the flame died down.
    23 Only 4 Crocs were fit for this action and formed 12 tp. 2 Mons
    sp by 'A' Sqn 5th Dgns and half 'C' Sqn 141 RAC were to attack
    ROS MALEN MR 3549. SL was to be the rd running north and south
    through KRAUSSTRAAT. This was to be done in the form of an
    appraoch march the Crocs moving behind the leading Coy.
    At approx 1030 hrs the Inf were held up in the area of BRUGEN
    and took a fair number of casualties. An attack was planned
    whereby the Crocs should flame the enemy out of their slit trenches.
    The enemy were caught in their trenches and burnt. At least 40 PW
    were taken. The action was a complete success. The Inf followed
    well and the planning left nothing to be desired. Alltrlrs
    were emptied.
    24 Oct12 and 14 tps were put in sp of 7 R.W. Fusiliers for the attack
    on S'HERTOGENBOSCH. There was little opposition and they were
    not required during the morning. In the early afternoon
    a plan was formed to assault the Lock Gates at MR 329461. The
    plan was for 14 tp sp by one tp of gun tks to flame the bldgs
    on the far side of the Canal while the Inf crossed the Lock.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    This action was a success. Trlrs were emptied and Inf crossed
    with only one casualty. The Sqn were given as much time in
    planning as required.
    25 Oct12 and 14 tps rejoined the remainder of the Sgn.
    22 OctReport on actions of Half Sqn (14 and 15 tps) under Major Duffy :-
    This half Sqn was in sp of 1 Queens of 131 Bde 7th Armd Div.
    2 tps in sp of 'B' Coy 1/5 Queens attacked DOORNHOEK MR 3945.
    This action was successful and completed by 1730 hrs. Casualties :-
    One tk knocked out by one shot AP - crew unhurt. All flame was
    used, less one tk with electrical trouble.
    23 Oct14 and 15 tps in sp of 'A' Coy 1/5 Queens attacks Bredendaal
    3745. The action was successfull and completed by 1400 hrs.
    There were no casualties and all flame was used. In both above
    actions recces and tieing up with Inf were O.K. There was no
    misuse of equpt. Method was to brass up the places fwd and to
    move along the back gardens flaming gardens and houses. The Inf
    moved through the houses having a pl in sp of Crocs to beat off
    24 OctBoth half Sqns joined and were placed u/c of 53 (W) Div.
    25 OctIn sp of E. Lancs of 158 Bde 53 (W) Div for clearing up
    HERTOGENBOSCH. The Sqn were in sp of 'B' Coy moving along
    southerly route to attack br to South. No flame was used
    and the br was not crossed. Further to this on the 26th Oct
    two tps were placed in sp of E. Lancs and flamed either side of
    the br. The first tp flamed the wrong br but the second tp flamed
    the correct one and the Inf got over it, with casualties.
    The rest of the day was spent in mopping up the area.
    27 Oct1 Tp in sp of E. Lancs. 2 Tps in sp Royal Welch Fusiliers.
    Objectives gained without the use of flame. By 1600 hrs R.W. Fusilis
    attack rly to north sp by 13 tp and E. Lancs moved south to
    attack Inf Bks with 14 tp. 14 tp successfully set the Barracks
    on fire and Inf gained their objective. 12 tp with 7 R.W.F.
    did not use flame.
    29 OctThe entire Sqn concentrated with the remainder of the Regt
    in area HEESCH MR 480570.

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