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    War Diary: 141st Royal Armoured Corps

    Month and year: December 1944

    The 141st Royal Armoured Corps December 1944 war diary covers the units actions and time in the Netherlands and Belgium assisting infantry and detailing the actions of each of the squadrons.

    This diary was handwritten with some sections being challenging to transcribe, a few words I've been unable to decipher have been marked with ???.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/877

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    Page 1 of 28
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    VALKENSWAARD 4150821 Dec 44The beginning of January saw the Regt rest,
    Regt Headquarters at VALKENSWAARD, A Sqn under
    Comd 30 Armd Bde at GELEEN665654 after
    their action in NOV at GEILENKIRCHEN, B
    Sqn in BELGIUM at BROECHEM 8293 under Comd
    1 assault Bde RE and C Sqn at OERLE
    3515 in 8 Corps res. The Sqns have
    been employed in maintenance and been
    given ample opportunities for relaxation
    in the shape of film shows, ENSA
    concerts, and the issue 41??? last??? leave
    allocations to Brussels, Antwerp etc.
    VALKENSWAARD3 Dec 44Pursuant to 30 Armd Bde OP instr no 50 the complete
    regt prepared to concentrate in 30 Corps
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    VALKENSWAARD3 Dec 44area
    WINTERSLAG.5 Dec 44Moves to concentration area were made, TAC HQ
    4166leaving by road in advance of the
    remainder of HQ Sqn. B and C Sqns arrived
    the same day by transporters. A Sqn
    who were already EAST of to R. MAAS
    remained in their original area.
    The CO. atended a conference at 30 Armd
    1100Bde HQ (GELEEN) and received poliminary
    instrs for 30 Corps OP "SHEARS". The infm
    was given there that the whole Regt
    would concentrate EAST of to MAAS in
    the NIEWEN HAGEN area and that a move
    would be made before 9 Dec 44.
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    GELEEN6 Dec 440830TAC HQ moved from WINTERSLAG area to GELEEN,
    the remainder of the unit staying in
    KAKERT9 Dec 44On orders from 30 Armd Bde, TAC HQ, A, B and
    773564C Sqns moved across the MAAS. TAC HQ by
    the BERG Bridge. The Sqns on their tracks by
    the MAASTRICHT bridge. TAC were then located
    at KAKERT and the Sqns on arrival
    in the WAUBACH - NIEWEN HAGEN area adjoining.
    The move did not go wholly to
    plan in the case of C Sqn, who
    lost the route in a snow storm and
    crossed the MAASTRICHT bridge 3 hours late.
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    KAKERT9/12/14The unit then entered the planning stageNOTE
    for OP SHEARS in earnest. The plan,all op orders and
    which was four fold was as follows:-instrs relating to
    A and C Sqns were placed under Comd ofthis operation were
    130 Inf Bde of 43 Div, and were to assaultdestroyed on instrs
    in conjunction with 147 RAC. They werereceived from 30
    to be committed on the Div left inArmd Bde
    a night attack, which was to follow
    the success of an attack on the right
    by day of 214 Inf Bde, with in sp
    B Sqn and 2 Sqns of 9 RTR
    The night attack on to left was to
    assault as follows:-
    On D D say in accordance with instrs
    issued by 34 Tk Bde movement instr No 1
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    KAKERTthe two Sqns were to move from NIEWENHAGEN
    to a SP at ROBROEK 763631. Order of
    move was C Sqn followed by A Sqn and
    they were to fit into the Div left
    column. From the SP they were to proceed
    to an assembly area at STAHE 8067 -
    8266. Prior to executing the attack
    guides from 147 RAC were to meet the
    col and allot specific areas. at
    1800 hours on D Day, dependant on the
    success of the right attack the two Sqns
    were to move fwd with the 5 DORSETS
    via WALDEN RATH835695 - PUTT829707 to the
    An armoured bulldozer was incl in this
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    KAKERTcol, in order to clear debris caused
    by arty fire plan prior to move. The
    route from the start line was SOUTH
    to SCHIER WALDEN RATH 8170 where half of C
    Sqn were to flame the NE end of the
    village in sp of B Coy 5 DORSETS. The
    second half Sqn with A Coy were to perform
    similarly on the NORTH side of to village,
    thus cleaning the road from BIRGAEN 8269
    following the success of this phase
    half of A Sqn with C Coy were to attack
    LANGBROICH 7970, and the second half
    Sqn were to assault the NE end of the
    same village with D Coy.
    This phase was to be completed by
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    KAKERTfirst light of D+1 and A Sqn were to
    occupy def posns on the high ground
    in the area 8070. Meanwhile C Sqn
    were to concentrate EAST of rd junc 812703
    in SCHIER WALDEN RATH, refuel and then
    be at call of either 32 Gds Bde &
    5 Gds Armd Bde of Gds Armd Div. In
    the event of C Sqn leaving less than
    14 fit crocodiles a composite Sqn was
    to be formed from tks of A + C Sqn
    under Comd of C Sqn Comd, Maj HV Duffy
    The two Gds Bdes were to pass through a
    gap prepared in the minefield SOUTH of
    BIRGDEN and exploit NORTHWARDS, 32 Bde
    on the left with the intention of clearing
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    KAKERTof clearing all villages and enemy
    localities in the area NACH BAR HEIDE 7872
    to KONIGS BOSCH 7573. The Armd Bde on the
    right were to clear the rd from
    7775. LOs with either party were
    to be provided from C Sqn who were
    prepared to move fwd each??? either on
    both axis for any task at call.
    The attack on the Div right carried out
    by 214 Bde with B Sqn and two Sqns of
    9 RTRs, was in action as follows:-
    214 Bde were to capture HOVEN889687, KRAUDORF
    and NIRM and to clear triangle BLAVENSTEIN
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    KAKERT- KONIIGSHOF and ensure the start line of
    130 Bde's attack
    B Sqn were to be employed with 5 DCLI
    to secure HOVEN wood assisted by elts
    of 9 RTR.
    The Sqn were to move south to conc
    area to the SP at WAUBACH x-rds 816590
    and cross at 0715 hrs on D Day. The Fwd
    ass area was at 877606 and from there
    with 5 DCLI and 9 RTRs they were to assault
    the NORTH side of HOVEN wood and HOVEN
    village. The time of start was at
    H-3, or 1127 hrs D Day.
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    KAKERT.a considerable number of ground recces
    were made by the Sqn and other
    sqns operating in the area, but
    despite several fine days, the earthen
    main road made the going extremely
    hard for tks, and on the 15 Dec 44 the
    operation was cancelled.
    A Sqn
    NIEUWENHAGEN10 Dec 441000Sqn comd attended a planning conference
    with 5 DORSETS arrangements were made
    with inf whereby negative???? schillan???? tks
    and inf could easily be effected.
    It was arranged to paint the Sqn
    tactical sign and number on the
    side and rear of Tks and trailers, and
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    NIEUWENHAGEN11/12/14a luminus??? paint??? on the rear of the
    7-10 Dec 44Demonstrations were carried out with the inf,
    giving them ample opportunity to practice
    walking through the flame.
    The plan was laid up down to Tk-pln
    level and pinpoint objectives were pieced
    by careful study of air photos.
    14/12/440900Sqn leaders attended a co-ordinating
    conference at TAC HQ 141 RAC when points
    governing the op were detailed by Lt
    Col D.T.B O'Flynn MBE.
    B Sqn
    VOORSTRANT10/12/441000a cloth model rehearsal at 214 Bde HQ.
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    VOORSTRATwas attended by Lt Banks, Comd 7 troop. Reps
    from 1 WORCS and 9 RTR attended.
    " "10/2/441200a rehearsal with D Coy 5 DCLI was carried
    out by No.8 Tp (Lt Ward) giving the inf
    the opportunity of practicing movement with
    flame assistance.
    " "11/12/441200A similar rehearsal was carried out
    by No.8 Tp.
    The Sqn comd attended an O Gp at
    214 Inf Bde HQ.
    12/12/441000All offrs of B Sqn attended a cloth model
    rehearsal at HQ 5 DCLI.
    " "12/12/441500The Sqn Comd made a fwd recce
    of ground over which approach would
    be made, and made contact with
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    VOORSTRAAT12/12/441500inf holding the area, and discussed the
    ground with them.
    " "12/12/440900Sqn recce Offr (Lt Sander) made a further
    ground recce of route and FUP, and
    selected the most passable routes and area,
    with view to the poor going quality
    of the ground.
    " "14/12/440830Elts 8+9 Tps rehearsed with elts of 5
    DCLI (D Coy)
    " "14/12/440900The Sqn Comd attended COs Coordin-
    ating conference at TAC HQ 141 RAC
    " "15/12/44Whist making preparations to move to
    the FAA the op was cancelled.
    C Sqn
    NIEUWENHAGEN9/12/441700The Sqn comd attended a planning conf at
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    10/2/201000Daylight demonstration at 43 Div Battle School
    at BRUNSUM with 5 DORSETS.
    10/12/441400-Demonstrations continued, the main object
    2000being to practice the inf in moving through
    flame at night. The combination of
    flame and searchlight providing artificial
    moonlight brought the attention of one
    hostile aircraft which dropped two bombs
    with nill result. Every pl of 5 DORSETS
    was able to practise.
    " "11/12/441430All pln at tp comds had a "get logics"
    and discussed the practicalities of the operation
    in all its aspects.
    12/12/441500Sqn Comd and 2 i/c attended a conf at 5 Gds
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    Armd Bde HQ, and following this went to
    32 Gds Bde HQ. They discussed the
    movement of supply echelon for refell
    of C Sqn tks for second phase of the
    NIEUWENHAGEN13/12/441100Sqn Comd and 2 i/c attended 5 DORSETS O Gp
    and during this period all tks in the
    Sqn fired their 75 mm guns and besas
    14/12/440900The Sqn Comd attended a co-ordinating conf
    at TAC HQ 141 RAC
    10302 i/c and LO and all Tp leaders attended an
    O Gp with A+B Coys 5 DORSETS, where final
    detail of plan was gone into.
    1430On return to the Sqn the Sqn Comd held
    his O Gp.
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    KAKERT10/12/44LO's from each Sqn stayed at TAC HQ awaiting
    movement instructions for leave back to
    WINTERSLAG - WATERSCHEIDE area. After receiving
    a message from The WDgns (admin HQ) to
    the effect that 141 RAC would move at
    0130 hrs on 17 Dec 44, it was decided that
    a LO should go to HQ 30 Armd Bde to
    collect details which in the message had
    been non evident.The order was brought
    back to Tac by 0030 hrs, and the Ret
    moved at 0830 the same morning, being
    moved back to WINTERSLAG via MAASTRICHT
    and MECHLIN.
    Another move was made the following
    EIKEREINDE17/12/44morning to EIKEREINDE 3405 and the Regt
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    EIKEREINDE17/12/44reverted to under Comd 31 Tk Bde. The move
    was made in different columns -
    The tks moving by transporters. The trailers
    being towed by RA Matador tractors, and
    the wheels moving independantly.
    EIKEREINDEThe unit remains in this area until
    the 24th and was mainly employed in
    " "23/12/44The ballot for leave to the UK was
    made, the allocation being 6 offrs and
    109 OR's. Details of their admin arrangementsAppx G1
    and movements are in appx G
    23/12/44Movement orders for the Regt were also
    issued and the unit came u/c 30 ArmdAppx G2
    Bde in to 30 Corps area, The tks of the
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    EIKEREINDE22/12/440900thus again loaded onto tptrs at WESTERHOVEN
    Xrds 374062 and moved SOUTH A Sqn
    under 53 Div moved to LA HULPE J7143, B Sqn
    under 43 Div to HASSELT, and C Sqn in
    30 Corps res to BLAURBERG K0475, RHQ at SICHEM K0772
    27/12/440900Regtl HQ remained in this area until 27th
    when it moved to HASSELT. The authority for
    this move was given as a result of conversations
    between the Co and Comds of 30 Armd and 34 Tk
    NOTEThe moves of the Sqns during period 24 Dec 44
    to 1 JAN 45 are dealt with separately.
    A Sqn
    During the above period the Sqn was attached
    to 53 Inf Div and was allotted to 71 Inf Bde
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    LA HULPE24/12/441000Maj mills attended a confluence at 71 Bde HQ
    where the roll of the Bde and SP
    arms was discussed.
    2000The tks arrived in LA HULPE area and
    off loaded at GENVAL 7140. The trailers
    were to follow
    2230An LO from 71 Bde reported to Sqn HQ with
    the infm that all units were to be prepared
    to move at 0800 hrs 25 Dec, destination, edulis???
    timings and task unknown.
    2245The Sqn comd reported to 71 Inf Bde and
    contacted 53 Div HQ on the telephone and
    it was confirmed that the Sqn were
    to move SOUTH with 71 Bde Gp. The Div
    were infm that as the trailers had not
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    LA HULPE24/12/44arrived the Sqn could not be regarded as
    operational as crocodiles. Div requested
    that the arrival of the trailers should
    be made known to them and in
    the meantime preparations were made for
    the move.
    24/12/442359O Gps took place at Div HQ and then
    25/12/440100At 71 Bde. Here the destination and task
    were explained but movement orders were
    not yet available.
    The trailers had arrived in the meantime
    and were connected to the tks, and the
    Sqn, now fully prepared awaited movement
    instrs from 53 Div.
    25/12/44Sqn 'O' Gp held.
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    LA HULPE25/12/440300Movement orders were received and the Sqn
    were due to cross the SP at GENAPPE 6729
    at 1515 hrs 25 Dec 44. The route was
    GENAPPE - Xrds 790185 - Xrds 867150 - rd junc
    823139 - FOSSE 8404 - ST. GERRARD 8898 - rd junc
    873864 - Sqn conc PHILLIPPEVILLE 7282
    25/12/441515Tks moved on their tracks and arrived at
    2300 hrs, and all completed the journey with
    one exception which had a broken
    track some 8 miles short of the destination
    the distance was 62 miles.
    PHILIPPEVILLEArrangements were made to have RASC
    replenishments incl 2nd line FTF and
    amn moved to new locn. It arrives at
    2100 hrs. Owing to a shortages of 3 ton
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    PHILIPPEVILLE25/12/44trucks (3 in w/shops) the 2nd line replenishments
    was considered essential should OPS lake place
    in the immediate future.
    25/12/441800Sqn Comd contacted 53 Div HQ, and was infrm
    that the OP requirements had undergone a
    change and 71 Bde Gp was to move back
    on 28 Dec 44.
    53 Div were asked if the Sqn could move
    back by the shortest route on 27 Dec
    if trprts were not available. This was
    agreed to and 71 Inf Bde infm.
    26/12/44The Sqn Comd contacted Lt Col Walker
    of 1st Fife and Forfar Yeo at 53 Div and
    explained the posn Lt Col Walker agreed
    to contact 30 Armd Bde on topic and trailer
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    PHILIPPEVILLE26/12/44situation and if the Sqn received no notification
    by 1900 hrs on 30 Dec they were to carry
    out preparations already made, and move
    by tracks in troop packets AM 27/Dec.
    Most of the soft vehs were dispatched
    PM on 27 Dec in order to have billets
    prepared for the tks on return.
    27/12/440830The tks moved off by troops between 0830-
    1030 hrs. Route through CHARLERO, a distance
    LA HULPE27/12/441500of 41 miles and arrived at 1500 hrs
    28/12/44arrangements were made for the Sqn to
    move to NAMUR area and post??? to 30
    Corps res, and concentrate with the
    remainder of the Regt. This situation
    changed again though, and the Sqn moved
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    LA HULPE28/12/44by tpts back to the 79 Armd Div "Div Heap"
    EIKEREIND31/12/44Difficulties in moving was encountered due
    to ice on to roads and the wheeled
    vehs completed the move but the
    tks were held up; coming in one day
    The Sqn now joined the regt in the
    Regt area and remains in 2 army
    B Sqn
    EIKEREIND.23/12/44The Sqn was prepared to move South
    to HASSELT K3162 and for OPs with 43 Inf
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    EIKEREIND24/12/440900Sqn loaded on tptrs and moved to HASSELT
    and occupied a Belgian Barracks in the
    town W/T watch was sent to 43 Div, and
    HASSELT.25/12/44Sqn came under comd 34 Tk Bde, and was
    ordered to move to area BILSEN 4354
    Prior to the move a tk of 8 Tp fired
    a wet shot which ignited on hitting
    fuel near an 8 Tp tk the trailer and
    tk catching fire. The fire was dealt
    with, the tk being undamaged but the
    trailer damaged.
    BILSEN27/12/44Sqn completed move, and at MR
    459545 and was places at 3 hrs notice
    having reverted to 30 Corps res.
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    BILSEN26-29 /12/44Sqn was engaged in moving with inf for
    an OP in the future.
    BILSEN30/12/44Orders were received for the Sqn to concentrate
    in 30 Corps reserve area, near NAMUR but
    were almost immediately alloted??? and on
    31/12/4431 Dec the tks moved on tsptrs and the
    remainder on wheels to "Div Heap" area at
    C Sqn
    EIKEREIND24/11/44The Sqn moved to BLAUWBERG and were
    placed in 30 corps res, and remained
    BLAUWBERG.24/31 12/44in the locn until the 31 Dec when
    they moved back to "Div Heap" area. During
    the stay at BLAUWBERG the Sqn were
    able to take advantage of their posn and
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    BLAUWBERGin Xmas activities during 24-26 Dec. The remainder
    of the time was employed in training
    and testing of crocodile??? equipment.
    BLAUWBERG27/12/440900following a converation between the Comd
    Offr and the Bde Comds of 30 Corps
    and 34 Tk Bde the HQ moved to HASSELT
    and took over the accommodation vacated
    by B Sqn & remained in the locn
    EIKEREIND31/12/44until the 31st when order was received
    to move back to the EINDHOVEN area.
    Originally an order was received to
    move to NAMUR in 30 Corps reserve
    area but on the Commanding Offr
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    controlling the HQ of the tspts column
    which was to move the Tks, it
    was discovered that they had orders
    to move the unit not SOUTH to
    NAMUR but NORTH to EINDHOVEN area.
    The CO immediately contacted 30 Armd
    Bde and at 2330 locns an LO
    arrived and the infmn was given
    that the unit would in fact
    be moving NORTH.

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