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    War Diary: 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ

    Month and year: April 1944

    The April 1944 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ covering their time in the UK based at Darsham and Toothill

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/670

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    0925151 (DURHAM) Inf. Bde Adm. Instru No 2 issuedAppr 'A'
    DARSHAM10930Advance party of 154 Inf Bde (51(H) Div) arrived at Bde to take over billets
    (SUFFOLK)from this Bde.
    20600Advance party from Bde HQ under Lieut B.S. COATES left DARSHAM for the new
    location at TOOTHILL in the area of SOUTHAMPTON (MR 820378).
    1400Bde Comd, Brig R.H. SENIOR accompanied by the Bde Major,Major The Viscount LONG
    and Staff Capt, Capt R.H.RANDOLEH visited the new Bde area at TOOTHILL,
    1830Bde Comd and party returned to Adv Bde HQ WEYMOUTH.
    3700Bde HQ left DARSHAM on the first stage of the journey to the new location.
    2030Bde HQ staged the night at YATTENDON (U 9994)
    TOOTHILL (SOUTHAMPTON41330Bde HQ arrived at TOOTHILL and was established at 820378. Locations of the
    three Bns were as follows : 6 DLI807375, 8 DLI818378, 9 DLI818382.
    1440Bde Intelligence Officer, Capt W.W. TEGGIN went on leave.
    1530Bde Comd visited units of the Bde in their new locations.
    1730Bde Comd returned to Adv Bde HQ at WEYMOUTH.
    5151 (DURHAM) Inf Bde Admin Instru no5 issuedAppx 'B'
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    61800Bde Comd arrived at Main Bde from Adv Bde HQ.
    71400Bde Major with remainder of Adv Bde HQ rejoined Main Bde HQ at TOOTHILL.
    8Nothing to report.
    9Nothing to report.
    101400Bde Major attended a conference at HQ 50(N) Div WEYMOUTH.
    11Nothing to report.
    121000Bde Comd accompanied by Bde Major attended a demonstration of rocket firing
    aircraft at STUDLAND Training Area.
    13Nothing to report.
    140930Bde Major left to attend a conference at HQ 30 Corps LONDON.
    1300Bde I.O. Capt W.W. TEGGIN returned from leave.
    2000Bde Major returned from LONDON.
    15Nothing to report.
    161000Capt R.H. RANDOLPH, Staff Capt admitted to hospital.
    17Bde HQ and the Bde Gp carrying out Exercise SMASH IIISee MOST SECRET War Diary compiled separately
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    18Bde HQ and the Bde Gp carrying out Exercise SMASH III
    191300Bde HQ and the Bde Gp returned from Exercise SMASH III.See MOST SECRET War Diary compiled separately
    20A conference was held by Bde Comd at Bde HQ attended by CO's of the three
    Bns and O'sC supporting arms and services when Exercise SMASH III was
    Bde Major and Bde Sigs offr, Capt J.R. ENGLISH left to go on leave.
    211415Bde Comd went on a reconnaissance of LEIGH PARK (1528) in connection with
    a forthcoming exercise.
    7730Bde Comd held a conference at Bde HQ attended by CO's of Bns, OC 2 CHESHIRE,
    DAAG 50 (N) Div and Assistant Staff Capt re reinforcements.
    Capt J.W. ARNOLD Bde Transport Offr returned from hospital.
    Capt R.S. JACK, Liaison offr returned from leave.
    22Bde Transport Offr, Capt J.W. ARNOLD went on convalescent leave.
    1130Capt R.S. JACK attended a demonstration at BRACKLESHAM BAY Q 2416 at
    which the surmounting of elements 'C' was carried out by LCTs of the Royal Navy.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    231015GSO III Capt J.W. THOMPSON and assistant Staff Capt. Lieut B.S. COATES
    attended a conference at HQ 50(N) Div on 'G' and 'Q' problems arising out of
    the setting for Exercise FAHIUS which was to take place in the near future.
    1800Comd 69 Inf Bde, Brig F.Y.C. KNOX, DSO and Bde Major 69 Inf Bde,
    Major C.P.N. PARKER visited the Bde Comd.
    240945Bde Comd attended a conference lasting all day at Main HQ 50(N) Div on
    planning for future operations.
    251000Bde Comd, GSO III, Intelligence offr, Capt W.W. TEGGIN, Assistant Staff Capt
    and Assistant Sigs offr, Lieut G. SIMPSON and CO's of the three Bns
    attended a conference on Exercise SMASH III at Regal Cinema RINGWOOD (5825).
    1500Bde Comd held a conference at Bde HQ at which CO's of Bns attended together
    with GSO III, Intelligence Offr and Assistant Staff Capt on the forthcomingSee MOST SECRET War Diary compiled separately.
    Exercise FABIUS.
    1730Bde Comd visted 151 Bde Workshops accompanied by Bde EME, Capt R.A. JACOBSMC.
    1900Bde Major returned from leave.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    260930Bde Comd held a conference at Bde HQ on Exercise FABIUS at which the following
    attended : CO's 6,8,9 DLI
    Rep 'A' Coy 2 Cheshire
    Rep 86 Fd Regt RA
    Comd 9 Beach Gp and rep 9 Beach Gp Provost Coy
    Rep 8 Armd Bde
    Intelligence offr 69 Bde
    Brigade HQ Staff.
    1400Bde Comd left Bde HQ to go on a short leave.
    Bde Major left for Main HQ 50(N) Div at BROCKENHURST (7322) to carry out
    further planning for future operations.
    1900Bde Sigs offr, Capt J.R. ENGLISH returned from leave
    270900Bde Intelligence offr visited GSO III(I) 50(N) Div and Assistant Staff Capt
    attended a conference at HQ 50(N) Div.
    1430Bde IO discussed Security matters re exercise with FSO 50(N) Div.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    1630Bde Major returned to Bde HQ to discuss certain points with GSO III.
    Capt P.R. GODDIN, Royal West Kent Regt, reported to Bde HQ to assume duties
    of Staff Capt.
    2100Bde Major returned to HQ 50(N) Div.
    28Nothing to report.
    2950 (N) Div Instruction for Signal Exercise GRAB received.
    30Bde TO, Bde EME and Liaison offr left Bde HQ for marshalling area for Exercise

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