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    War Diary: 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ

    Month and year: March 1944

    The March 1944 151 Durham Infantry Brigade HQ covering their time in the UK based at Clare (Suffolk) taking part in training and exercises

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/670

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    Page 1 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    CLARE1Nothing to report.
    (Suffolk)2Nothing to report.
    30700Bde Comd, Brig R.H. SENIOR visited SOUTHWOLD (NORTH SUFFOLK) to attend
    exercise "BULLOCK" which was being carried out by troops of 79 Armd Div.
    0700Staff Capt., Capt R.H. RANDOLPH and Sigs Offr Capt J.R. ENGLISH left to
    report to Adv 50 (N) Div H.Q. in LONDON to form an 'advanced H.Q.'
    1500G.S.O. III Capt J.W. THOMPSON held a conference at Bde H.Q. of
    representatives from Bns with regard to arrangements for Bn A/Tk Pls to
    fire on the range at HARLECH.
    1700Bde Comd returned to H.Q. and later left for H.Q. Adv 50 (N) Div.
    4Nothing to report.
    51200Personnel selection board arrived at Bde H.Q. and then went on to the
    61400G.S.O. III visited the three Bns
    71030Bde Comd and Bde Major, Major the Viscount LONG arrived at Main Bde HQ
    Page 2 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    9.D.L.I. - SOUTHWOLD (960942)
    DARSHAM131215Bde Comd arrived at DARSHAM from Adv Bde H.Q.
    (877875)1500Bde Comd held a "model" discussion at SOUTHWOLD for officers and umpires
    taking part in exercise "BULLSHEAD". Bde Comd, 30 Armd Bde and Bde Comd,
    1 Assault Bde R.E. lectured on their respective roles.
    141000Bde Comd and C.O. 9 D.L.I. Lieut-Col. H.R. WOODS (Chief Umpire for exercise
    BULLSHEAD) visited ORFORD Battle Area.
    1400A conference was held at Main Bde H.Q. for Bn Sigs Officers and Sigs Offrs
    30 Armd Bde and 1 Assault Bde R.E. taking part on exercise "BULLSHEAD".
    1600Bde Comd left for Adv Bde H.Q. LONDON.
    15Nothing to report.
    161300Bde Comd and Bde Sigs Offr arrived from Adv Bde H.Q.
    1500Bde Comd attended a Carrier Demonstration at BLYTHBOROUGH.
    171040Bde Comd and G.S.O. III attended the exercise "BULLSHEAD" carried out in
    skeleton by 8 DLI at ORFORD Battle Area.
    Page 3 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    1430Bde Comd and G.S.O. III visited 6 DLI
    181115Staff Captain arrived from Adv Bde H.Q to hold a conference with Adjutants
    and Q.Ms of the three Bns
    1400G.O.C. 50 (N) Div Major General D.A.H. GRAHAM C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. arrived
    at Main Bde H.Q. and was received by the Bde Comd.
    1430G.O.C. 50 (N) Div and Bde Comd left for "WASP" demonstration carried out
    by 9 D.L.I. on SOUTHWOLD Battle Area.
    1730G.O.C. 50 (N) Div left Main Bde having stayed for tea.
    1845Staff Capt returned to Adv Bda H.Q.
    191040Exercise "BULLSHEAD" carried out by 8 D.L.I. and directed by the Bde Comd.
    Major General R.A.C. 21 Army Group was present.
    201000Bde Comd and G.S.O. III attended exercise "BULLSHEAD" carried out in
    skeleton by 6 D.L.I.
    1300Bde Comd returned to Adv Bde H.Q. LONDON.
    211800Bde Comd arrived at Main Bde H.Q. from Adv Bde H.Q.
    Page 4 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    221040Exercise "BULLSHEAD" carried out by 6 D.L.I. was attended by Comd 30 Corps,
    Lieut-General G.C. BUCKNALL, C.B., M.C. and Bde Comd.
    1600Bde Comd returned to Adv Bde H.Q.
    23Nothing to report.
    24Nothing to report
    250800Adv Bde H.Q. closed its location in LONDON.
    1600Adv Bde H.Q. opened at ROYAL HOTEL, WEYMOUTH.
    261900Bde Comd arrived at Main Bde H.Q.
    271000Bde Comd and G.S.O. III attended exercise "BULLSHEAD" carried out in
    skeleton by 9 D.L.I.
    1530Comd 154 Bde, 51 (H) Div visited Bde H.Q. and Bn H.Qs
    280500Exorcise "BULLSHEAD" carried out by 9 D.L.I. was attended by Bde Comd and
    GSO III.
    1000Bde Comd left for exercise "CONQUEROR" at CAMBRIDGE.
    1115Recce Parties from 154 Bde (51 (H) Div) taking over from this Bde arrived
    Page 5 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    at Bde H.Q.
    29Nothing to report
    301015Staff Capt arrived at Main Bde H.Q.
    1315Staff Capt left for CAMBRIDGE
    31-Nothing to report

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